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Disclosure of childhood sexual abuse (CSA) is a difficult decision, because CSA is a traumatic experience. Because of the sensitive nature of CSA in Taiwan, reactions to disclosure of CSA in treatment contexts can be challenging for practitioners. Little is known about Taiwanese practitioners' reactions to disclosure that occurs while they are working with CSA survivors. In-depth, phenomenological interviews were used to fully explore three practitioners' clinical reactions to disclosure of CSA. The significant categories and themes that emerged from the study are discussed. Limitations and implications of the present study and recommendations for future research are addressed.  相似文献   

This paper aims to develop an integrated policy index system using a Surface Measure of Overall Performance (SMOP) approach to comprehensively evaluate and compare the policy input and social output of the retirement payment system in urban and rural China, Hong Kong, Singapore and Taiwan. With this, a tool may be developed to help insightfully examine the old‐age income policies and appropriately, and perhaps theoretically in the future, categorize the types of retirement provisions or social security policies as a whole in the East and West. The results indicate that, particularly in urban China, Hong Kong, Singapore and Taiwan, a low level of de‐familization and medium and high levels of gender equality are the common features of these five pensions in China, Hong Kong, Singapore and Taiwan. Furthermore, it is found that the retirement provisions in China, Hong Kong, Singapore and Taiwan can well be divided into two groups based on the level of pension right protection and illustrate different characteristics between them accordingly. In addition, policy implications and suggestions for further reforms of these retirement payment schemes are elaborated in the light of the findings of this policy index system.  相似文献   

Attitudes and beliefs about sexual assault in general influence judgments about the veracity of specific sexual assault reports and disclosures ( Taylor, 2007 ). The present study investigated the impact of gender, personal trauma history, and beliefs about gender and child sexual abuse (CSA) on judgments of the veracity of CSA disclosures. The study also examined judgments about other kinds of trauma disclosures using a variety of different types of trauma vignettes. Men were found to be more skeptical than women, and those who reported no trauma history were less likely than those who reported a trauma history to believe disclosures. Overall, all participants were more skeptical about CSA disclosures than disclosures about other kinds of trauma. Sexism and belief in CSA myths (CSAMs) were negatively related to believing adults' retrospective CSA disclosures. In a series of regression analyses, we observed that belief in CSAMs moderated the negative association between sexist attitudes and believing disclosures. Implications for educating professionals are discussed .  相似文献   

This paper presents the findings of an exploratory study on parenting in the midst of suspicion of child sexual abuse (CSA). Data were drawn from in‐depth interviews with 19 parents. Five of these had been accused of CSA. Study methods followed guidelines of grounded theory approaches. Specific parenting conditions during CSA suspicion were identified. Six analytic categories were developed: uncertainty concerning abuse, dilemmas on protection, changes in parent–child relationships, changes in the natural support network, dependency upon professional competence and severe emotional strain. The results are suggested as a tool for identifying themes in order to support and strengthen parenting in ensuring the safety and well‐being of children in these kinds of situations. The current paper contributes to the field by exploring the perspectives of both suspected and non‐suspected parents.  相似文献   

社会志愿者在现代社会所扮演的角色不可取代。在我国台湾地区,志愿者服务制度起步早、发展快,其中,高校的志愿者培训体系发展尤为突出。而在大陆地区,志愿者培训制度尚处于起步阶段,制度的进一步发展与改进势在必行。本文以台湾地区高校为例,提出台湾模式的概念,在阐述其基本原则、特点及成效的基础上对两岸志愿服务及志愿者培训制度进行差异性比较,从立法、财政支持、增强自主性以及加强两岸交流等四个方面对我国大陆志愿者培训制度发展予以启示。  相似文献   

社会志愿者在现代社会所扮演的角色不可取代。在我国台湾地区,志愿者服务制度起步早、发展快,其中,高校的志愿者培训体系发展尤为突出。而在大陆地区,志愿者培训制度尚处于起步阶段,制度的进一步发展与改进势在必行。本文以台湾地区高校为例,提出台湾模式的概念,在阐述其基本原则、特点及成效的基础上对两岸志愿服务及志愿者培训制度进行差异性比较,从立法、财政支持、增强自主性以及加强两岸交流等四个方面对我国大陆志愿者培训制度发展予以启示。  相似文献   

作为地理特征上的典型海洋国家,海洋安全战略是日本国家战略的重要组成部分,也是其对台政策的主要内在动力与依据.新世纪日本的海洋安全战略发生了不同于以往的显著变化,为实现最大限度拓展海洋安全空间的战略目标,遏制主要战略对手中国走向海洋,日本的对台战略表现为阻挠两岸以任何方式统一,同时力图控制台湾.反映在对台政策上就是积极谋求武力介入台海问题、加强日台安全关系、强化对台经济控制和社会文化渗透.对此,我们要从战略高度做好应对.  相似文献   

陈永芳 《创新》2011,5(6):121-125,128
社会保障制度是现代社会不可或缺的一种社会经济制度,是现代政府管理社会经济生活的重要工具。本文选取具有代表性的21个与社会保障水平相关的具体评价指标作为我国30省区市(未含西藏、香港、澳门、台湾)2009年社会保障水平综合评价的原始指标,运用因子分析方法对这21个指标数据进行因子分析处理,然后对各个省区市的社会保障水平进行客观的分析、比较和评价,最后针对社会保障水平区域差异提出了相关政策建议。  相似文献   

This article first reviews how the concept of privatisation has been referred to in the current restructuring of the social housing system, especially in the case of the UK. The term 'privatisation' is then examined in greater detail and its wider meaning is discussed. By using the network approach, privatisation in relation to housing can be understood in terms of the changing combinations of agents involved in providing social housing, which gives rise to the commodified impact on the distribution of social housing. By using the privatisation process of social housing in Taiwan as an example, three distinct combinations in terms of providing social housing are identified. With an increasing number of social housing units being provided by the marketised social housing model where private agents control the process of providing social housing, along with more market rules being involved in the provision and the partial removal of means tests in relation to the distribution of social housing, the privatisation of social housing development in Taiwan is having a major impact on equity.  相似文献   

许正文 《唐都学刊》2007,23(5):54-57
台湾自古以来就是中国领土神圣不可分割的组成部分,早在宋代之时台澎就属今天福建省晋江市管辖;元代时在此设立澎湖巡检司;明代时设立了一府、二县;清朝初年设立了一府三县,归福建省管辖,公元1885年正式设立台湾省,成为中国第20个行省。台湾建省后,作为第一任巡抚的刘铭传对台湾从政治、经济、政区、交通、教育、海防等各个方面进行了新的适应省制发展的建制与改革,使台湾省面貌焕然一新。  相似文献   

Due to recent policy changes in the USA and Taiwan, Taiwanese immigrants residing in the USA face a choice of continuing to receive health care in the USA or returning to Taiwan for treatment care. This study uses a quantitative survey to explore the association between recent health policy changes and the health care choice of Taiwanese immigrants residing in the USA. These findings indicate that there are statistically significant associations between a variety of factors and the Taiwanese immigrants' desire to return to Taiwan for health care under the new national health insurance plan (2nd NHIA). The variables positively associated with a desire to return to Taiwan for health care include the length of domicile and residence required to receive benefits, a nostalgic desire to return to Taiwan, the lower cost of health care in Taiwan, and if the respondents had come to the USA before 1996. The negatively associated variables include having a job in the USA, having a desire to return to Taiwan to live after retirement, the language preference in communications with a doctor, and a preference about the best place to receive dental treatment. The study reveals the dynamics behind the health care decision‐making of Taiwanese immigrants and particularly their choice of whether to seek care in the USA or in Taiwan.  相似文献   

Beginning in October 2009, supported by a non-government foundation, the Taiwan Rural Front launched the project, ‘Peasant Farming and Green Consumption,’ in two remote mountainous villages in Southern Taiwan. The project aims to promote land-friendly farming, assist villagers in establishing a simple agricultural process system, create a self-owned brand for their agricultural products, and connect outer consumers with the local economy. This article will describe the implementation and impact of the ‘Peasant Farming and Green Consumption’ project.  相似文献   

日本帝国主义对台湾的殖民政策导向及活动形态,最终目的是把台湾彻底同化,并为此不断强化各项具体的殖民政策措施。在第二次世界大战期间日本策划制定的“国土计划”案中,包含:了对殖民地台湾产业及人口的分配计划等重要内容,成为针对包括本土及海外殖民地综合性开发计划的重要组成部分。1943年10月,由企画院策划制定了《中央计划草案》,其中针对台湾的计划案,继承了此前日本政府和台湾总督府制定的相关计划案。与其他殖民地地区相比,台湾的工业化构想并未受到重视,但该计划中有关工业生产目标远远高于实际状况,所以呈现了完成可能性极低的特征。虽然该计划加速了台湾对日本本土的经济性从属,但与朝鲜和中国华北地区相比,其在补充日本本土经济上的作用非常有限。  相似文献   

封润 《社会工作》2011,(14):32-34
儿童青少年遭遇诱拐及逃家是中国大陆和台湾热议的社会现象和社会问题之一。笔者通过在台湾实习经历以及对大陆与台湾失踪儿童青少年协寻工作开展状况的深入了解,就两岸失踪儿童青少年协寻工作进行比较研究,提出借鉴台湾经验、提高大陆失踪儿童青少年协寻工作水平的建议。  相似文献   


The Children Future Education and the Development Accounts (CFEDAs) are the first anti-poverty policy in Taiwan developed to provide incentives for the poor to accumulate assets for their future. Using CFEDAs as an example, this article analyses the process of developing and implementing an asset-based policy. It begins with an introduction to the policy structure. It then reviews the history of how the innovative idea of building assets for the poor became a policy proposal before presenting the convergence of three policy streams driving the prioritisation of CFEDAs in Taiwan’s policy agenda. It concludes with challenges facing the policy implementation.  相似文献   

This article examines policy responses to the rising costs of healthcare in the Republic of Korea and Taiwan from a governance perspective. It tries to answer why the two countries responded differently to a similar set of challenges facing their National Health Insurance (NHI). While Taiwan – in an attempt to contain costs – introduced a global budgeting system, Korea failed to do so. Governments in both countries attempted to establish a new mode of governance, bringing multiple stakeholders to health policy making in order to build social consensus. But the Korean government, as this article shows, could not resolve its policy deadlock because of a loss of trust between the government and the medical profession, caused by the separation reform of 2001. Even though Taiwan was better able than Korea to address the financial challenges of its NHI, the new mode of health governance is still on shaky ground. This article argues that because neither government now enjoys the exclusive power over health policy that they once did under the developmental state, it is essential to find a way in which different stakeholders can make the necessary compromises that will enable the NHI to run on a sustainable path for the future.  相似文献   

For most advanced industrialized countries, an aging society has been a national issue since the 1970s. However, Taiwan was not aware of this issue until 1993, the year when the old‐age population reached 7.0%. As an aging nation under the definition of the United Nations, the Taiwanese government began to pay more attention to the aging population, and executed several policies in response to this demographic transition. First, this article examines Taiwan’s demographic transition from an aging society to an aged society, and its impacts. Second, it demonstrates the responses of Taiwan to the coming of an aged society and explores crucial issues that Taiwanese society is facing.  相似文献   

日据台湾时期,大批台湾学生竞相赴日留学,至抗战胜利之际,其总数达六七万人之多,形成一个人数不菲的留日学生群体。台湾光复后,国民政府接管台湾留日学生,并召回大批台湾学生,将其分送至台湾或大陆相应学校续学;对于尚未返台者,给予一定补助,然此补助直至国民党败退台湾后才实施,且附有强烈的政治色彩。新中国成立伊始,党和政府感召包括台籍学生在内的留日学生回国,并无条件发放救济金资助其完成学业。部分台湾留日学生在民族大义和统一大业面前做出理性选择,成为抗日运动先锋或祖国统一的拥护者。  相似文献   

台湾诗歌在 80年代对西方后现代主义文学的选择和接受具有一种历史必然性 ,这使得台湾诗歌典范发生了三种变动 ,即 :反纯粹性的本文混杂 ;反深度的事物本原化 ;反确定性的语符游戏。由于受时代的、民族精神的和文化心理的影响 ,台湾诗歌理论与创作又呈现了在特殊接受语境中发生的变异 ,即 :台湾诗人对“本体”的怀疑是一种方法论意义上的怀疑 ;他们将语义的不确定性往往归结于语言本身的局限性  相似文献   

两岸新闻交流的深入开展是落实“寄希望于台湾人民”对台政策的应有之义,也是两岸关系和平发展的重要保障。“寄希望于台湾人民”的新闻交流政策,体现了当局对台湾人民的“尊重、信赖、依靠”,也彰显了台湾人民在两岸新闻交流中的重要地位,更为两岸新闻交流提供了良好的契机。历史与现实表明,两岸媒体能够在促进两岸人民间的理解与沟通,消除误解与隔阂,增进诚意与善意,不断凝聚共识,夯实互信基础,以期为两岸最终实现统一发挥良好的舆论环境作用。当前,两岸已实现在经贸、文化、体育、学术、政治等宽领域、多层次的交流合作,同时,两岸媒体的报道也从过去的特殊化“宣传”逐渐发展到以“新闻专业”为原则的常态化交往。这正是两岸人民交往与新闻交流实现互动的显现。  相似文献   

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