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A design d is called D-optimal if it maximizes det(M d ), and is called MS-optimal if it maximizes tr(M d ) and minimizes tr[(M d )2] among those which maximize tr(M d ), where M d stands for the information matrix produced from d under a given model. In this article, we establish a lower bound for tr[(M d )2] with respect to a main effects model, where d is an s-level symmetric orthogonal array of strength at least one. Non isomorphic two level MS-optimal orthogonal arrays of strength one with N = 10, 14, and 18 runs, non isomorphic three level MS-optimal orthogonal arrays of strength one with N = 6, 12, and 15 runs and non isomorphic four level MS-optimal orthogonal arrays of strength one with N = 12 runs are also presented.  相似文献   

Let μ(ds, dx) denote Poisson random measure with intensity dsG(dx) on (0, ∞) × (0, ∞), for a measure G(dx) with tails varying regularly at ∞. We deal with estimation of index of regular variation α and weight parameter ξ if the point process is observed in certain windows Kn = [0, Tn] × [Yn, ∞), where Yn → ∞ as n → ∞. In particular, we look at asymptotic behaviour of the Hill estimator for α. In certain submodels, better estimators are available; they converge at higher speed and have a strong optimality property. This is deduced from the parametric case G(dx) = ξαxα−1 dx via a neighbourhood argument in terms of Hellinger distances.  相似文献   

We study the behavior of bivariate empirical copula process 𝔾 n (·, ·) on pavements [0, k n /n]2 of [0, 1]2, where k n is a sequence of positive constants fulfilling some conditions. We provide a upper bound for the strong approximation of 𝔾 n (·, ·) by a Gaussian process when k n /n↘γ as n → ∞, where 0 ≤ γ ≤1.  相似文献   


Consider k(≥ 2) independent exponential populations Π1, Π2, …, Π k , having the common unknown location parameter μ ∈ (?∞, ∞) (also called the guarantee time) and unknown scale parameters σ1, σ2, …σ k , respectively (also called the remaining mean lifetimes after the completion of guarantee times), σ i  > 0, i = 1, 2, …, k. Assume that the correct ordering between σ1, σ2, …, σ k is not known apriori and let σ[i], i = 1, 2, …, k, denote the ith smallest of σ j s, so that σ[1] ≤ σ[2] ··· ≤ σ[k]. Then Θ i  = μ + σ i is the mean lifetime of Π i , i = 1, 2, …, k. Let Θ[1] ≤ Θ[2] ··· ≤ Θ[k] denote the ranked values of the Θ j s, so that Θ[i] = μ + σ[i], i = 1, 2, …, k, and let Π(i) denote the unknown population associated with the ith smallest mean lifetime Θ[i] = μ + σ[i], i = 1, 2, …, k. Based on independent random samples from the k populations, we propose a selection procedure for the goal of selecting the population having the longest mean lifetime Θ[k] (called the “best” population), under the subset selection formulation. Tables for the implementation of the proposed selection procedure are provided. It is established that the proposed subset selection procedure is monotone for a general k (≥ 2). For k = 2, we consider the loss measured by the size of the selected subset and establish that the proposed subset selection procedure is minimax among selection procedures that satisfy a certain probability requirement (called the P*-condition) for the inclusion of the best population in the selected subset.  相似文献   

Consider the canonical-form MANOVA setup with X: n × p = (+ E, Xi ni × p, i = 1, 2, 3, Mi: ni × p, i = 1, 2, n1 + n2 + n3) p, where E is a normally distributed error matrix with mean zero and dispersion In (> 0 (positive definite). Assume (in contrast with the usual case) that M1i is normal with mean zero and dispersion In1) and M22 is either fixed or random normal with mean zero and different dispersion matrix In2 (being unknown. It is also assumed that M1 E, and M2 (if random) are all independent. For testing H0) = 0 versus H1: (> 0, it is shown that when either n2 = 0 or M2 is fixed if n2 > 0, the trace test of Pillai (1955) is uniformly most powerful invariant (UMPI) if min(n1, p)= 1 and locally best invariant (LBI) if min(n1 p) > 1 underthe action of the full linear group Gl (p). When p > 1, the LBI test is also derived under a somewhat smaller group GT(p) of p × p lower triangular matrices with positive diagonal elements. However, such results do not hold if n2 > 0 and M2 is random. The null, nonnull, and optimality robustness of Pillai's trace test under Gl(p) for suitable deviations from normality is pointed out.  相似文献   

In this paper, by considering a (3n+1) -dimensional random vector (X0, XT, YT, ZT)T having a multivariate elliptical distribution, we derive the exact joint distribution of (X0, aTX(n), bTY[n], cTZ[n])T, where a, b, c∈?n, X(n)=(X(1), …, X(n))T, X(1)<···<X(n), is the vector of order statistics arising from X, and Y[n]=(Y[1], …, Y[n])T and Z[n]=(Z[1], …, Z[n])T denote the vectors of concomitants corresponding to X(n) ((Y[r], Z[r])T, for r=1, …, n, is the vector of bivariate concomitants corresponding to X(r)). We then present an alternate approach for the derivation of the exact joint distribution of (X0, X(r), Y[r], Z[r])T, for r=1, …, n. We show that these joint distributions can be expressed as mixtures of four-variate unified skew-elliptical distributions and these mixture forms facilitate the prediction of X(r), say, based on the concomitants Y[r] and Z[r]. Finally, we illustrate the usefulness of our results by a real data.  相似文献   

Let Sp × p have a Wishart distribution with parameter matrix Σ and n degrees of freedom. We consider here the problem of estimating the precision matrix Σ?1 under the loss functions L1(σ) tr (σ) - log |σ| and L2(σ) = tr (σ). James-Stein-type estimators have been derived for an arbitrary p. We also obtain an orthogonal invariant and a diagonal invariant minimax estimator under both loss functions. A Monte-Carlo simulation study indicates that the risk improvement of the orthogonal invariant estimators over the James-Stein type estimators, the Haff (1979) estimator, and the “testimator” given by Sinha and Ghosh (1987) is substantial.  相似文献   

This paper considers the problem of choosing one between the simple model N(0, Id) and the full model N(0 Id) based on the observation X from N(θ Id) where X, θεRd, 0 is the null vector in Rd and Id is the d×d identity matrix. It is shown that the selection rule which chooses the full model if |x| > ao , for some a0 > 0 and the simple model otherwise is an admissible minimax model selection rule relative to a loss function which takes into account both inaccuracy and complexity.  相似文献   

Let S : 2 × 2 have a nonsingular Wishart distribution with unknown matrix σ and n degrees of freedom. For estimating σ two families of mimmax estimators, with respect to the entropy loss, are presented. These estimators are of the form σ(S) = Rø(L)Rt where R is orthogonal, L and Φ are diagonal, and RLRT = S. Conditions under which the components of Φ and L follow the same order relation [i.e., writing Φ = diag(Φ12) and L = diag(l1,/2) with l1 ≥ l2, we have Φ1 ≥ Φ2] are established. Comparisons with Stein's estimators and other orthogonally invariant estimators are discussed.  相似文献   

Let X1X2,.be i.i.d. random variables and let Un= (n r)-1S?(n,r) h (Xi1,., Xir,) be a U-statistic with EUn= v, v unknown. Assume that g(X1) =E[h(X1,.,Xr) - v |X1]has a strictly positive variance s?2. Further, let a be such that φ(a) - φ(-a) =α for fixed α, 0 < α < 1, where φ is the standard normal d.f., and let S2n be the Jackknife estimator of n Var Un. Consider the stopping times N(d)= min {n: S2n: + n-12a-2},d > 0, and a confidence interval for v of length 2d,of the form In,d= [Un,-d, Un + d]. We assume that Var Un is unknown, and hence, no fixed sample size method is available for finding a confidence interval for v of prescribed width 2d and prescribed coverage probability α Turning to a sequential procedure, let IN(d),d be a sequence of sequential confidence intervals for v. The asymptotic consistency of this procedure, i.e. limd → 0P(v ∈ IN(d),d)=α follows from Sproule (1969). In this paper, the rate at which |P(v ∈ IN(d),d) converges to α is investigated. We obtain that |P(v ∈ IN(d),d) - α| = 0 (d1/2-(1+k)/2(1+m)), d → 0, where K = max {0,4 - m}, under the condition that E|h(X1, Xr)|m < ∞m > 2. This improves and extends recent results of Ghosh & DasGupta (1980) and Mukhopadhyay (1981).  相似文献   


In this paper, we show that an arbitrary tree structured quasi‐birth–death (QBD) Markov chain can be embedded in a tree‐like QBD process with a special structure. Moreover, we present an algebraic proof that applying the natural fixed point iteration (FPI) to the nonlinear matrix equation V = B + ∑ s=1 d U s (I ? V)?1 D s that solves the tree‐like QBD process, is equivalent to the more complicated iterative algorithm presented by Yeung and Alfa (1996).  相似文献   

This paper considers the general linear regression model yc = X1β+ut under the heteroscedastic structure E(ut) = 0, E(u2) =σ2- (Xtβ)2, E(ut us) = 0, tæs, t, s= 1, T. It is shown that any estimated GLS estimator for β is asymptotically equivalent to the GLS estimator under some regularity conditions. A three-step GLS estimator, which calls upon the assumption E(ut2) =s?2(X,β)2 for the estimation of the disturbance covariance matrix, is considered.  相似文献   

We consider a 2×2 contingency table, with dichotomized qualitative characters (A,A) and (B,B), as a sample of size n drawn from a bivariate binomial (0,1) distribution. Maximum likelihood estimates p?1p?2 and p? are derived for the parameters of the two marginals p1p2 and the coefficient of correlation. It is found that p? is identical to Pearson's (1904)?=(χ2/n)½, where ?2 is Pearson's usual chi-square for the 2×2 table. The asymptotic variance-covariance matrix of p?lp?2and p is also derived.  相似文献   

Complete sets of orthogonal F-squares of order n = sp, where g is a prime or prime power and p is a positive integer have been constructed by Hedayat, Raghavarao, and Seiden (1975). Federer (1977) has constructed complete sets of orthogonal F-squares of order n = 4t, where t is a positive integer. We give a general procedure for constructing orthogonal F-squares of order n from an orthogonal array (n, k, s, 2) and an OL(s, t) set, where n is not necessarily a prime or prime power. In particular, we show how to construct sets of orthogonal F-squares of order n = 2sp, where s is a prime or prime power and p is a positive integer. These sets are shown to be near complete and approach complete sets as s and/or p become large. We have also shown how to construct orthogonal arrays by these methods. In addition, the best upper bound on the number t of orthogonal F(n, λ1), F(n, λ2), …, F(n, λ1) squares is given.  相似文献   

This paper deals with an empirical Bayes testing problem for the mean lifetimes of exponential distributions with unequal sample sizes. We study a method to construct empirical Bayes tests {δ* nl + 1,n } n = 1 for the sequence of the testing problems. The asymptotic optimality of {δ* nl + 1,n } n = 1 is studied. It is shown that the sequence of empirical Bayes tests {δ* nl + 1,n } n = 1 is asymptotically optimal, and its associated sequence of regrets converges to zero at a rate (ln n)4M?1/n, where M is an upper bound of sample sizes.  相似文献   

A batch of M items is inspected for defectives. Suppose there are d defective items in the batch. Let d 0 be a given standard used to evaluate the quality of the population where 0 < d 0 < M. The problem of testing H 0: d < d 0 versus H 1: d ≥ d 0 is considered. It is assumed that past observations are available when the current testing problem is considered. Accordingly, the empirical Bayes approach is employed. By using information obtained from the past data, an empirical Bayes two-stage testing procedure is developed. The associated asymptotic optimality is investigated. It is proved that the rate of convergence of the empirical Bayes two-stage testing procedure is of order O (exp(? c? n)), for some constant c? > 0, where n is the number of past observations at hand.  相似文献   

We consider Z±n= sup0< t ≤ 1/22 U±n (t)/(t(1- t))1/2, where + and -denote the positive and negative parts respectively of the sample paths of the empirical process Un. U±n and Un are seen to behave rather differently, which is tied to the asymmetry of the binomial distribution, or to the asymmetry of the distribution of small order statistics. Csáki (1975) showed that log Z±n/log2n is the appropriate normalization for a law of the iterated logarithm (LIL) for Z±n we show that Z-n/(2 log2n)1/2 is the appropriate normalization for Z-n. Csörgö & Révész (1975) posed the question: if we replace the sup over (0,1/2) above, by -the sup over [an, 1-an] where an→0, how fast can an→0 and still have |Zn|/(2 log2n)1/2 maintain a finite lim sup a.s.? This question is answered herein. The techniques developed are then used in Section 4 to give an interesting new proof of the upper class half of a result of Chung (1949) for |Un(t)|. The proofs draw heavily on James (1975); two basic inequalities of that paper are strengthened to their potential, and are felt to be of independent interest.  相似文献   

We will consider the following problem.Maximise Φ(p)over P={p=(p1,P2,…,pj):Pj≧0,∑pj=1}". We require to calcute an optimizing distribution. Examples arise in optimal regression design,maximum likelihood estimation and stratified sazmpling problems. A class of multiplicative algorithms, indexed by functions which depend on the derivatives of Φ(·)is considered for solving this problem.Iterations are of the form:pj (r+1)αpj (r)f(xj (r)), where xj (r)=dj (r) or Fj (r)and dj (r)=?Φ/?pj While Fj (r)=Dj (r)?∑pi (r)di (r) (a directional derivative)at p=p(r)f(·)satisfies some suitable properties and may depend on one or more free parameters. These iterations neatly submit to the constraints ofv the problem. Some results will be reported and extensions to problems dependin on two or more distributions and to problems with additional constraints will be considered.  相似文献   

This work extends Jacroux's results (Jacroux, Technometrics 34 (1992) 92–96) involving minimal orthogonal main-effect plans (OMEP's). Tables of correct minimal numbers of runs of OMEP's are also provided. In addition, a general method is proposed to construct a class of minimal OMEP's. Moreover, a construction method is provided to obtain partially replicated OMEP's (PROMEP's). Our results provide more duplicate points for some plans than Jacroux's results on PROMEP's (Jacroux Technometrics 35 (1993) 32–36). In addition, a method is derived to construct s1 × (s1 − 1)2s21 minimal PROMEP's with maximal duplicate points.  相似文献   

Let x ≥ 0 and n ≥ 2 be integers. Suppose there exists an orthogonal array A(n, q, μ1) of strength 2 in n symbols with q rows and n2μ1 columns where q = q1 ? d, q1 = n2x + n + 1, μ1 = (n ? 1)x + 1 and d is a positive integer. Then d is called the deficiency of the orthogonal array. The question of embedding such an array into a complete array A(n, q1, μ1) is considered for the case d ≥ 3. It is shown that for d = 3 such an embedding is always possible if n ≥ 2(d ? 1)2(2d2 ? 2d + 1). Partial results are indicated if d ≥ 4 for the embedding of a related design in a corresponding balanced incomplete block design.  相似文献   

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