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In this paper, a discrete counterpart of the general class of continuous beta-G distributions is introduced. A discrete analog of the beta generalized exponential distribution of Barreto-Souza et al. [2], as an important special case of the proposed class, is studied. This new distribution contains some previously known discrete distributions as well as two new models. The hazard rate function of the new model can be increasing, decreasing, bathtub-shaped and upside-down bathtub. Some distributional and moment properties of the new distribution as well as its order statistics are discussed. Estimation of the parameters is illustrated using the maximum likelihood method and, finally, the model with a real data set is examined.  相似文献   

This paper examines the least squares estimator of the autoregressive coefficient in a first-order sta¬tionary autoregressive model. Exact lower-order moments are computed by numerical integrations. From the study of moment values, it is found that the exact distribution of the least squares estimator may be well approximated by a beta distribution.  相似文献   

The bivariate distributions of three pairs of ratios of in¬dependent noncentral chi-square random variables are considered. These ratios arise in the problem of computing the joint power function of simultaneous F-tests in balanced ANOVA and ANCOVA. The distributions obtained are generalizations to the noncentral case of existing results in the literature. Of particular note is the bivariate noncentral F distribution, which generalizes a special case of Krishnaiah*s (1964,1965) bivariate central F distribution. Explicit formulae for the cdf's of these distribu¬tions are given, along with computational procedures  相似文献   

New tests are proposed for the Pareto distribution as well as its discrete version, the so called Zipf’s law. In both cases the discrepancy between the empirical moment of arbitrary negative order and its theoretical counterpart is utilized in a weighted integral test statistic. If the weight function is of exponential rate of decay interesting limit statistics are obtained. The tests are shown to be consistent under fixed alternatives and a Monte Carlo study is drawn to investigate the performance of the proposed procedures in small samples. Furthermore a bootstrap procedure is proposed to cope with the case of unknown shape parameter. We conclude with applications to real data.  相似文献   

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We propose two moment ratios based on the first four moments. These moment ratios are useful in identifying different members from a class of discrete or continuous distributions. These ratios are also useful in approximating the Neyman type A and the generalized Poisson distribution by the negative binomial distribution.  相似文献   


A new discrete probability distribution with integer support on (?∞, ∞) is proposed as a discrete analog of the continuous logistic distribution. Some of its important distributional and reliability properties are established. Its relationship with some known distributions is discussed. Parameter estimation by maximum-likelihood method is presented. Simulation is done to investigate properties of maximum-likelihood estimators. Real life application of the proposed distribution as empirical model is considered by conducting a comparative data fitting with Skellam distribution, Kemp's discrete normal, Roy's discrete normal, and discrete Laplace distribution.  相似文献   

Undergraduate and graduate students in a first-year probability (or a mathematical statistics) course learn the important concept of the moment of a random variable. The moments are related to various aspects of a probability distribution. In this context, the formula for the mean or the first moment of a nonnegative continuous random variable is often shown in terms of its c.d.f. (or the survival function). This has been called the alternative expectation formula. However, higher-order moments are also important, for example, to study the variance or the skewness of a distribution. In this note, we consider the rth moment of a nonnegative random variable and derive formulas in terms of the c.d.f. (or the survival function) paralleling the existing results for the first moment (the mean) using Fubini's theorem. Both nonnegative continuous and discrete integer-valued random variables are considered. These formulas may be advantageous, for example, when dealing with the moments of a transformed random variable, where it may be easier to derive its c.d.f. using the so-called c.d.f. method.  相似文献   

V. Nekoukhou  H. Bidram 《Statistics》2013,47(4):876-887
In this paper, we shall attempt to introduce another discrete analogue of the generalized exponential distribution of Gupta and Kundu [Generalized exponential distributions, Aust. N. Z. J. Stat. 41(2) (1999), pp. 173–188], different to that of Nekoukhou et al. [A discrete analogue of the generalized exponential distribution, Comm. Stat. Theory Methods, to appear (2011)]. This new discrete distribution, which we shall call a discrete generalized exponential distribution of the second type (DGE2(α, p)), can be viewed as another generalization of the geometric distribution. We shall first study some basic distributional and moment properties, as well as order statistics distributions of this family of new distributions. Certain compounded DGE2(α, p) distributions are also discussed as the results of which some previous lifetime distributions such as that of Adamidis and Loukas [A lifetime distribution with decreasing failure rate, Statist. Probab. Lett. 39 (1998), pp. 35–42] follow as corollaries. Then, we will investigate estimation of the parameters involved. Finally, we will examine the model with a real data set.  相似文献   

The first known bivariate distribution with gamma and beta marginals is introduced. Various representations are derived for its joint probability density function (pdf), joint cumulative distribution function (cdf), product moments, conditional pdfs, conditional cdfs, conditional moments, joint moment generating function, joint characteristic function and entropies. The method of maximum likelihood and the method of moments are used to derive the associated estimation procedures as well as the Fisher information matrix, variance–covariance matrix and the profile likelihood confidence intervals. An application to drought data from Nebraska is provided. Some other applications are also discussed. Finally, an extension of the bivariate distribution to the multivariate case is proposed.  相似文献   

Measures of the spread of data for random sums arise frequently in many problems and have a wide range of applications in real life, such as in the insurance field (e.g., the total claim size in a portfolio). The exact distribution of random sums is extremely difficult to determine, and normal approximation usually performs very badly for this complex distributions. A better method of approximating a random-sum distribution involves the use of saddlepoint approximations.

Saddlepoint approximations are powerful tools for providing accurate expressions for distribution functions that are not known in closed form. This method not only yields an accurate approximation near the center of the distribution but also controls the relative error in the far tail of the distribution.

In this article, we discuss approximations to the unknown complex random-sum Poisson–Erlang random variable, which has a continuous distribution, and the random-sum Poisson-negative binomial random variable, which has a discrete distribution. We show that the saddlepoint approximation method is not only quick, dependable, stable, and accurate enough for general statistical inference but is also applicable without deep knowledge of probability theory. Numerical examples of application of the saddlepoint approximation method to continuous and discrete random-sum Poisson distributions are presented.  相似文献   

Volkeb Schmidt 《Statistics》2013,47(2):253-262
Starting from general moment formulas for shot noise processes (v(t)), for which a simple proof is given by means of the CAMPBELL theorem concerning marked point pro¬cesses, and using certain monotonicity property, bounds are obtained for E[v(t)]2 resp. for the variance Var v(t) under the additional assumption that the intershot times are inde¬pendent random variables with distribution having the property 1SFBXJE (NWTJE)  相似文献   

The relationship Y = RX between two random variables X and Y, where R is distributed independently of X in (0, l), is known to have important consequences in different fields such as income distribution analysis, Inventory decision models, etc.

In this paper it is shown that when X and Y are discrete random variables, relationships of similar nature lead to Yule-type distributions. The implications of the results are studied in connection with problems of income underreporting and inventory decision making.  相似文献   

Approximate conditional inference is developed for the slope parameter of the linear functional model with two variables. It is shown that the model can be transformed so that the slope parameter becomes an angle and nuisance parameters are radial distances. If the nuisance parameters are known an exact confidence interval based on a location-type conditional distribution is available for the angle. More gen¬erally, confidence distributions are used to average the conditional distribution over the nuisance parameters yielding an approximate conditional confidence interval that reflects the precision indicated by the data. An example is analyzed.  相似文献   

Finitization transforms a discrete distribution into a distribution with smaller support of specified size. In special cases finitization preserves moments (moments of the order n finitization coincide with those of the parent distribution). We create a moment preserving finitization method for power series distributions by introducing an alternative representation and showing how to finitize members of this new class in a manner that preserves moments of the parent distribution. We provide results on convolutions and a reproductive property for power series distributions that have been finitized in this manner, and show how these finitized distributions accelerate variate generation in simulation.  相似文献   


We introduce a new family of distributions using truncated discrete Linnik distribution. This family is a rich family of distributions which includes many important families of distributions such as Marshall–Olkin family of distributions, family of distributions generated through truncated negative binomial distribution, family of distributions generated through truncated discrete Mittag–Leffler distribution etc. Some properties of the new family of distributions are derived. A particular case of the family, a five parameter generalization of Weibull distribution, namely discrete Linnik Weibull distribution is given special attention. This distribution is a generalization of many distributions, such as extended exponentiated Weibull, exponentiated Weibull, Weibull truncated negative binomial, generalized exponential truncated negative binomial, Marshall-Olkin extended Weibull, Marshall–Olkin generalized exponential, exponential truncated negative binomial, Marshall–Olkin exponential and generalized exponential. The shape properties, moments, median, distribution of order statistics, stochastic ordering and stress–strength properties of the new generalized Weibull distribution are derived. The unknown parameters of the distribution are estimated using maximum likelihood method. The discrete Linnik Weibull distribution is fitted to a survival time data set and it is shown that the distribution is more appropriate than other competitive models.  相似文献   

The generalized gamma distribution includes the exponential distribution, the gamma distribution, and the Weibull distribution as special cases. It also includes the log-normal distribution in the limit as one of its parameters goes to infinity. Prentice (1974) developed an estimation method that is effective even when the underlying distribution is nearly log-normal. He reparameterized the density function so that it achieved the limiting case in a smooth fashion relative to the new parameters. He also gave formulas for the second partial derivatives of the log-density function to be used in the nearly log-normal case. His formulas included infinite summations, and he did not estimate the error in approximating these summations.

We derive approximations for the log-density function and moments of the generalized gamma distribution that are smooth in the nearly log-normal case and involve only finite summations. Absolute error bounds for these approximations are included. The approximation for the first moment is applied to the problem of estimating the parameters of a generalized gamma distribution under the constraint that the distribution have mean one. This enables the development of a correspondence between the parameters in a mean one generalized gamma distribution and certain parameters in acoustic scattering theory.  相似文献   

An expression is derived for the mean of the conditional, truncated multinormal distribution in the general case, and for the situation where the conditioning variates have iden¬tical correlation. This equicorrelated case occurs in some models of duration and in panel data. An example is taken from economics, where a cross section of firms consider the adoption of several technological innovations. The results of the paper are used to estimate the firm-specific.  相似文献   

The discrete stable family constitutes an interesting two-parameter model of distributions on the non-negative integers with a Paretian tail. The practical use of the discrete stable distribution is inhibited by the lack of an explicit expression for its probability function. Moreover, the distribution does not possess moments of any order. Therefore, the usual tools—such as the maximum-likelihood method or even the moment method—are not feasible for parameter estimation. However, the probability generating function of the discrete stable distribution is available in a simple form. Hence, we initially explore the application of some existing estimation procedures based on the empirical probability generating function. Subsequently, we propose a new estimation method by minimizing a suitable weighted L 2-distance between the empirical and the theoretical probability generating functions. In addition, we provide a goodness-of-fit statistic based on the same distance.  相似文献   

In previous papers ( Bowman and Shenton, 1998, 1999a ) we have given expressions for the asymptotic skewness and kurtosis for maximum likelihood estimators in the case of several parameters. Skewness is measured by the third standardized central moment, and kurtosis by the fourth standardized central moment. Moments of the basic structure are assumed to exist. The overarching entity is the covariance matrix ( Hessian form ), and elements of its inverse. These entities involve Stieltjes integrals relating to sums of products of multiple derivatives linked to the basic structure. The first paper dealt with skewness and gives a simple expression read¬ily computerized. The second paper is devoted to the forth standardized central moment and although a certain simplification is discovered, the resulting formula is still somewhat complicated, ft is surprising to find that the asymptotic kurtosis in general requires the evaluation of several hundred components. The present paper studies cases involving estimator for two parameter gamma and one, and three pa¬rameter gamma ratio densities, and mentions strategies aimed at avoiding algebraic and numerical errors.  相似文献   

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