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The paper derives bounds on the distribution of the quadratic forms Z = y H( X Γ X H)−1 y and W = y H2 I + X Γ X H)−1 y , where the elements of the M × 1 vector y and the M × N matrix X are independent identically distributed (i.i.d.) complex zero mean Normal variables, Γ is some N × N diagonal matrix with positive diagonal elements, I , is the identity, σ2 is a constant and H denotes the Hermitian transpose. The bounds are convenient for numerical work and appear to be tight for small values of M . This work has applications in digital mobile radio for a specific channel where M antennas are used to receive a signal with N interferers. Some of these applications in radio communication systems are discussed.  相似文献   

This paper examines the sampling properties of a number of serial correlation tests in dynamic linear models which include one or two lags of the dependent variable. Among the tests considered are the Durbin-Watson (DW) bounds test, modified versions of the DW proposed recently by King and Wu and Inder, Durbin's m test, Inder's point optimal test and a Hausman type test. Sampling designs include models with one or two lags of the dependent variable. The m, Hausman, and Inder's tests have the best performance, while Inder's modified DW test appears to be better than the other DW based tests. Results also suggest that tests are less powerful and more sensitive to design parameters in models with higher dynamics, with the DW-based tests being the most sensitive.  相似文献   

This paper examines the sampling properties of a number of serial correlation tests in dynamic linear models which include one or two lags of the dependent variable. Among the tests considered are the Durbin-Watson (DW) bounds test, modified versions of the DW proposed recently by King and Wu and Inder, Durbin's m test, Inder's point optimal test and a Hausman type test. Sampling designs include models with one or two lags of the dependent variable. The m, Hausman, and Inder's tests have the best performance, while Inder's modified DW test appears to be better than the other DW based tests. Results also suggest that tests are less powerful and more sensitive to design parameters in models with higher dynamics, with the DW-based tests being the most sensitive.  相似文献   

Autoregressive Hilbertian (ARH) processes are of great importance in the analysis of functional time series data and estimation of the autocorrelation operators attracts the attention of various researchers. In this paper, we study estimators of the autocorrelation operators of periodically correlated autoregressive Hilbertian processes of order one (PCARH(1)), which is an extension of ARH(1) processes. The estimation method is based on the spectral decomposition of the covariance operator and considers two main cases: known and unknown eigenvectors. We show the consistency in the mean integrated quadratic sense of the estimators of the autocorrelation operators and present upper bounds for the corresponding rates.  相似文献   

Distance between two probability densities or two random variables is a well established concept in statistics. The present paper considers generalizations of distances to separation measurements for three or more elements in a function space. Geometric intuition and examples from hypothesis testing suggest lower and upper bounds for such measurements in terms of pairwise distances; but also in Lp spaces some useful non-pairwise separation measurements always lie within these bounds. Examples of such separation measurements are the Bayes probability of correct classification among several arbitrary distributions, and the expected range among several random variables.  相似文献   

Recently, the concept of cumulative residual entropy (CRE) has been studied by many researchers in higher dimensions. In this article, we extend the definition of (dynamic) cumulative past entropy (DCPE), a dual measure of (dynamic) CRE, to bivariate setup and obtain some of its properties including bounds. We also look into the problem of extending DCPE for conditionally specified models. Several properties, including monotonicity, and bounds of DCPE are obtained for conditional distributions. It is shown that the proposed measure uniquely determines the distribution function. Moreover, we also propose a stochastic order based on this measure.  相似文献   

The invariance principle for triangular arrays of dependent variables is studied. We use the concept of mixingale, proposed by McLeish (1975). Uniform bounds are imposed on the growth of conditional expectations with respect to distant predecessors. The theorem is applied to invariance principles for autocovariance estimates based on triangular arrays of time-series data for weak mixing sequences and linear processes. Such results are required for bootstrap applications.  相似文献   

Let Y be an observable random vector and Z be an unobserved random variable with joint density f(y, z | θ), where θ is an unknown parameter vector. Considering the problem of predicting Z based on Y, we derive Kshirsagar type lower bounds for the mean squared error of any predictor of Z. These bounds do not require the regularity conditions of Bhattacharyya bounds and hence are more widely applicable. Moreover, the new bounds are shown to be sharper than the corresponding Bhattacharyya bounds. The conditions for attaining the new lower bounds are useful for easy derivation of best unbiased predictors, which we illustrate with some examples.  相似文献   

Upper bounds axe derived for the efficiency factor of a class of resolvable incomplete block designs known as latinized designs. These designs are particularly useful in glasshouse and field trials, and can be readily extended to two-dimensional blocking structures. Existing bounds for resolvable designs axe also reviewed and a comparison is made between the third moment bounds discussed by Jarrett (1989) and the second moment bounds of Tjur (1990).  相似文献   

This article considers consistent testing the null hypothesis that the conditional mean of an economic time series is linear in past values. Two specific tests are discussed, the Cramér–von Mises and the Kolmogorov–Smirnov tests. The particular feature of the proposed tests is that the bootstrap is used to estimate the nonstandard asymptotic distributions of the test statistics considered. The tests are justified theoretically by asymptotics, and their finite-sample behaviors are studied by means of Monte Carlo experiments. The tests are applied to five U.S. monthly series, and evidence of nonlinearity is found for the first difference of the logarithm of the personal income and for the first difference of the unemployment rate. No evidence of nonlinearity is found for the first difference of the logarithm of the U.S. dollar/Japanese Yen exchange rate, for the first difference of the 3-month T-bill interest rate and for the first difference of the logarithm of the M2 money stock. Contrary to typically used tests, the proposed testing procedures are robust to the presence of conditional heteroscedasticity. This may explain the results for the exchange rate and the interest rate.  相似文献   

Some new upper and lower bounds for the extinction probability of a Galton–Watson process are presented. They are very easy to compute and can be used even if the offspring distribution has infinite variance. These new bounds are numerically compared to previously discussed bounds. Some definite guidelines are given concerning when these new bounds are preferable. Some open problems are also discussed.  相似文献   

This article presents some results showing how rectangular probabilities can be studied using copula theory. These results lead us to develop new lower and upper bounds for rectangular probabilities which can be computed efficiently. The new bounds are compared with the ones obtained from the generalized Fréchet–Hoeffding bounds and Bonferroni-type inequalities.  相似文献   

For positive-valued random variables, the paper provides a sequence of upper bounds for the harmonic mean, the ith of these bounds being exact if and only if the random variable is essentially i-valued. Sufficient conditions for the convergence of the bounds to the harmonic mean are given. The bounds have a number of applications, particularly in experimental design where they may be used to check how close a given design is to A-optimality  相似文献   

In 1957, R.J. Buehler gave a method of constructing honest upper confidence limits for a parameter that are as small as possible subject to a pre‐specified ordering restriction. In reliability theory, these ‘Buehler bounds’ play a central role in setting upper confidence limits for failure probabilities. Despite their stated strong optimality property, Buehler bounds remain virtually unknown to the wider statistical audience. This paper has two purposes. First, it points out that Buehler's construction is not well defined in general. However, a slightly modified version of the Buehler construction is minimal in a slightly weaker, but still compelling, sense. A proof is presented of the optimality of this modified Buehler construction under minimal regularity conditions. Second, the paper demonstrates that Buehler bounds can be expressed as the supremum of Buehler bounds conditional on any nuisance parameters, under very weak assumptions. This result is then used to demonstrate that Buehler bounds reduce to a trivial construction for the location‐scale model. This places important practical limits on the application of Buehler bounds and explains why they are not as well known as they deserve to be.  相似文献   


Bounds for the Fisher information metric associated with the Gamma statistical model are found in terms of Poincaré type metric. This results in the determination of bounds for the Rao distance, that is the Riemannian distance induced by the information metric, between Gamma distributions, and of bounds for the Gaussian curvature of the Gamma model. The bounds seem to be sharp, where the lower and upper Rao distance bounds are Poincaré distances with Gaussian curvatures ?1/4 and ?1/2, respectively. In addition, the sign of the Gaussian curvature of the Gamma model is shown to be negative which means, in particular, that the geometry of the model is hyperbolic.  相似文献   

The recent literature contains theorems improving on both the standard Bonferroni inequality (Hoover (1990)) and the Sidak/Slepian inequalities (Glaz and Johnson (1984)), The application of these improved theorems to upper bounds for non coverage of simultaneous confidence intervals on multivariate normal variables is explored. The improved Bonferroni upper bounds always hold, while improved Sidak/Slepian bounds only apply to special cases. It is shown that improved Sidak/Slepian bounds will always hold for Normal Markov Processes, a commonly occuring and easily identifiable class of multivariate normal variables. The improved Sidak/Slepian upper bound, if it applies, is proven to be superior to the computationally equivalent improved Bonferroni bound. This improvement, however, is not great when both methods are used to determine upper bounds for Type I error in the range of .01 to .10.  相似文献   

Bonferroni inequalities often provide tight upper and lower bounds for the probability of a union of events. The bounds are especially useful when this probability is difficult to compute exactly. There are situations, however, in which the Bonferroni approach gives very poor results. An example is given in which the upper and lower Bonferroni bounds are far from the probability they seek to approximate and successive bounds do not converge. Even an improved first upper Bonferroni bound may not be close to the probability of the union of events.  相似文献   

Assuming stratified simple random sampling, a confidence interval for a finite population quantile may be desired. Using a confidence interval with endpoints given by order statistics from the combined stratified sample, several procedures to obtain lower bounds (and approximations for the lower bounds) for the confidence coefficients are presented. The procedures differ with respect to the amount of prior information assumed about the var-iate values in the finite population, and the extent to which sample data is used to estimate the lower bounds.  相似文献   

Stochastic ordering of survival functions is a useful concept in many areas of statistics, especially in nonparametric and order restricted inferences. In this paper we introduce an algorithm to compute maximum likelihood estimates of survival functions where both upper and lower bounds are given. The algorithm allows censored survival data. In a simulation study, we found that the proposed estimates are more efficient than the unrestricted Kaplan-Meier product limit estimates both with and without censored observations.  相似文献   

We derive best-possible bounds on the class of copulas with known values at several points, under the assumption that the points are either in “increasing order” or in “decreasing order”. These bounds may be used to establish best-possible bounds on Kendall's τ and Spearman's ρ, for such copulas. An important special case is when the values of a copula are known at several diagonal points. We also use our results to establish best-possible bounds on the distribution function of the sum of two random variables with known marginal distributions when the values of the joint distribution function are known at several points.  相似文献   

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