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一、纪伯伦的宗教背景 纪伯伦·哈利勒·纪伯伦(1883~1931)是阿拉伯世界近代最负盛名的作家,在世界文坛享有和印度诺贝尔文学奖得主泰戈尔齐名的地位.纪伯伦是具有世界影响的东方文学家,无论在生活上,还是艺术、思想上,他都是一位具有双重性格的人物.他出生在黎巴嫩,长在美国;出身于基督教马龙派家庭,却有反叛宗教的性格;他精通母语阿拉伯语,又能用英语写作:他住西式楼房、用欧洲壁炉、喝阿拉伯咖啡、用中国红木酒杯喝威士忌、吃猪肉香肠……总之,他的作品既充满东方情调,挟带着黎巴嫩山野的神秘,同时又饱蘸西方式的激情,充满对自由、平等、博爱的向往和追求,以及对美的讴歌. 相似文献
四、纪伯伦的人生观 纪伯伦是文学家而非哲学家,他对生命价值的追求和探索使他的作品闪耀出哲理的光芒。从哲学角度探讨纪伯伦对生命的体验和感悟,可感受到其作品的哲学底蕴。 相似文献
我们对于宗教宽容和文化多元,陌生且熟悉。因为我们虽尚未完全弄懂它们的真正内涵,但我们已在这样的时代环境中生活。全球化下,宗教宽容与文化多元对人类社会发展的影响越来越大。就以美国为例,宗教宽容为其的文化多元作出了巨大贡献。宗教宽容驱动着美国文化朝着多元的方向大步迈进。我们以美国的宗教宽容与文化多元的小,来窥全球化下宗教宽容与文化多元的关系之大。 相似文献
纪伯伦·哈利勒·纪伯伦,是著名的阿拉伯文学艺术家、画家、诗人,近代阿拉伯文学的倡导者和侨民文学叙美派的创立者.1883年纪伯伦出生在黎巴嫩北部风景秀丽的贝什里,家境贫寒,生活环境艰苦.1895年,他随母亲、哥哥和两个妹妹移居美国北部的波士顿,住在一个贫民区里.当时他只有12岁,刚刚读完小学.家里先送他学英语,15岁时又把他送回黎巴嫩去学习阿拉伯语.他在语言学校学习了4年,然后又回到了波士顿.不幸的是,灾难接踵而来,他的母亲、哥哥及一个妹妹先后去世,最后只剩下他和另一个妹妹玛尔雅娜.平日里靠妹妹做些针线活养家.20岁的时候,纪伯伦开始从事绘画和写作.他在一次自己的绘画作品展上结识了玛丽·哈斯凯勒女士,由于她的支持和帮助,纪伯伦的生活发生了重大变化.1908年,玛丽 相似文献
王志远 《大江周刊.城市生活》2011,(2)
中华民族是多元共融文化的载体。在中华民国建立之前,虽然先后有许多少数民族入主中原,但是一般仍然认为汉族、汉文化是不可动摇的主体。其实,汉族、汉文化本身就是数千年多民族融合的体现,虽然中国文化曾经号称以汉文化为主体,但是这个汉文化本身并不要求血统纯粹。在中华民国向中华人民共和国的 相似文献
纪伯伦·哈利勒·纪伯伦(1883—1931),是阿拉伯近代文坛上极有成就、极具影响的作家和诗人,又是一位杰出的画家。纪伯伦是阿拉伯现代小说和艺术性散文的主要奠基者,开辟阿拉伯二十世纪新文学道路的先驱者之一。二十年代初,他曾组织阿拉伯海外文学团体“笔社”,以他为中心形成阿拉伯近代第一文学流派,即国际闻名的“叙美派”,也即“阿拉伯 相似文献
Pluralistic ignorance and hooking up 总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0
Hooking up--when two people agree to engage in sexual behavior for which there is no future commitment--has become popular on college campuses. In this study we examined the extent to which pluralistic ignorance affects hooking up. One hundred thirty-six female and 128 male college students answered questions regarding their own comfort and their perceived peers comfort in engaging in a variety of sexual behaviors while hooking up. We hypothesized and found that both women and men rated their peers as being more comfortable engaging in these behaviors than they rated themselves. Men expressed more comfort than did women in engaging in these behaviors, and both sexes overestimated the other gender s comfort with hooking up behaviors. Pluralistic ignorance appears to apply to hooking up on college campuses, and we explore some potential consequences of pluralistic ignorance in this context. 相似文献
This paper presents the results of a replication and extensionof a previous study showing that white Americans seriously misperceivethe racial values of other whites around them. Based on a 1970national sample survey, the new data confirm the earlier findingsthat whites tended to overestimate white support for racialsegregation and that this tendency was related to their ownracial values. The second study also shows that many whitestended to underestimate white support for desegregation, thatthe tendency to attribute their own racial values to other whitesvaried with those values, and that, in general, white racialopinion was perceived to be more conservative than it actuallywas. 相似文献
“Hooking up “—when two people agree to engage in sexual behavior for which there is no future commitment—has become popular on college campuses. In this study we examined the extent to which pluralistic ignorance affects hooking up. One hundred thirty‐six female and 128 male college students answered questions regarding their own comfort and their perceived peers'comfort in engaging in a variety of sexual behaviors while hooking up. We hypothesized and found that both women and men rated their peers as being more comfortable engaging in these behaviors than they rated themselves. Men expressed more comfort than did women in engaging in these behaviors, and both sexes overestimated the other gender's comfort with hooking up behaviors. Pluralistic ignorance appears to apply to hooking up on college campuses, and we explore some potential consequences of pluralistic ignorance in this context. 相似文献
90后群体是当前社会关注的焦点。以中国社会发展进程为纵线,以影响90后群体的主要心理因素为横线,从社会化进程、教育化选择、网络化生活以及同一性承诺等四个方面对90后群体的多元可能和形成过程进行解析发现:90后的天生多元促成了其群体多元的真正实现:90后教育选择的多样性加剧了其多元的可能性;90后的网络化生存(工作)能力提供了其多元的现实工具;90后的自我意识中心反映了其较早的自我觉醒。因此,面对社会给予90后的诸多负面评价与90后良好自我认同的差异与偏离,我们需要聆听他们对世界的认知。 相似文献
Lisa A. Keister 《Sociological focus》2013,46(4):354-383
Abstract Religion is an important determinant of social and economic attainment, but the mechanisms that underlie this relationship are not well understood. Early scholars recognized this connection, but their ideas do not adequately explain contemporary stratification patterns. Recent research documents robust empirical relationships between religion and material outcomes but has not yet begun to identify causes of these patterns. I fill this gap by providing a comprehensive, contemporary, theoretical explanation of the religion-inequality link that synthesizes ideas from early and more recent research. I draw on ideas from status attainment and life course research to develop a synthetic model that includes religion as both a background and a mediating component. I conclude by providing examples of implications of the model. These ideas improve understanding of the critical relationship between cultural orientation and material resources. 相似文献
Jonathon K. Frost 《Journal of Media and Religion》2014,13(2):49-66
This study examines the online communication practices of American congregations associated with the Union for Reform Judaism (URJ), the governing body of American and Canadian Reform congregations, through a content analysis of 252 American URJ congregational Web sites. Web site content was grouped into two categories, “religion online” and “online religion.” Religion online content promotes the organization and provides organizational information, including information related to organizational identity building, community outreach, and encouraging civic and social action. Online religion content allows the user to engage in spiritual activity via the Internet (Helland, 2000; Farrell, 2011). ANOVA and MANOVA analyses were used to determine significant differences in content based on congregation size. Results revealed larger congregations were more likely to use Web sites for organizational identity building, mobilization of civic and social action, and the practice of “online religion,” lending support to the existence of a size-based digital divide among URJ congregations. 相似文献
This study is a secondary analysis of data gathered under the sponsorship of the Utah State Division of Alcoholism and Drugs in 1989. The researchers concluded that there is a difference in frequency of alcohol use, source of alcohol, and age of first alcohol use among LDS, Other Religions and No Religion subgroups. There is no significant difference found among the various religious subgroups for age of first marijuana use of quantity of alcohol use. For all religions except Jews, a lower percentage of Utahns used alcohol than their national counterparts. A theoretical model for LDS Drug use is presented. 相似文献