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本文重点介绍污水处理厂建设中存在的问题,提出几点建议,根据中小城市特点推荐几种工艺.  相似文献   

张应超 《唐都学刊》2008,24(4):14-17
高力士是唐代历史上一位带有悲剧色彩且甚为知名的人物.在他七十三年的人生经历中,既有少年和晚年刻骨铭心的痛苦,也有青壮年时权倾朝野的辉煌.当今出版的辞书和学者所撰文章,把高力士的生年定为公元684年者非常多,但是,这一说法很不准确.究其原因,是因为<新唐书·高力士传>中记述,高力士逝世唐代宗宝应元年(762),时年七十九岁.根据<大唐故开府仪同三司兼内侍监上柱国齐国公赠扬州大都督高公(力士)墓志铭并序>中高力士于唐代宗宝应元年(762)八月八日终于朗州龙兴寺,逝世时七十三岁记载,确定高力士的生年应为公元690年.  相似文献   

2007年下半年以来,我国宏观经济出现了物价上涨过快的情况,不断推进的物价上涨幅度,给我国宏观经济的调控带来很大的难度。从我国高通胀产生的原因分析入手,寻求具体的解决高通货膨胀途径。  相似文献   

张波  郭康 《学习与探索》2012,(9):120-123
中国的高货币化现象——M2/GDP比例的不断走高在过去二十多年里被无数次地研究,形成了以货币贮藏—不良资产和金融资产囤积为代表的各类观点。从共同依赖的体制背景来分析,政府在资金市场上的渐进式改革思路——资金价格双轨制,是造成高货币化现象的体制根源。实证研究表明,理性主体在资金价格双轨制下的串轨行为是造成高货币化宏观现象的微观原因,而M2/GDP比例的变动和利率的市场化进程有着十分密切的关系。  相似文献   

吕松泽 《学术交流》2007,(10):75-76
我国长期的贸易顺差使外汇储备急剧增长,这已经成为经济、金融业健康稳定发展中亟待解决的问题。由此,造成的贸易摩擦及政治外交问题也不断攀升,所以,研究贸易顺差的产生根源并提出解决方案便迫在眉睫。  相似文献   

张晓妮  张凤云 《唐都学刊》2001,17(1):127-128
21世纪初,将是我国高级专业技术人才出现明显断层的时期.为缓解这一矛盾,以原西北林学院开发高智力人才经验为例,提出了利其所长、避其所短,虚心请教、摆正关系和成立中介机构等三大对策.  相似文献   

日本将巨量核污水排入海洋的计划可能危及全人类整体利益、相关国家利益和公民个人利益,从而同时涉及国际法和国内法上责任救济的相关规定。保障跨界损害的"国际和国内救济"是国际法委员会有关责任条款草案中的原则要求,也为《联合国海洋法公约》等诸多条约的相关内容所确认。统筹国际法和国内法上的责任救济路径来分析日本核污水排海问题,有助于更全面地解读相关法律问题并考量应对方案。从国际责任救济的角度看,日本承担的国际义务来自诸多条约和习惯国际法规定,而获得国际原子能机构的支持并不能证明日本履行了所有国际义务。从国内责任救济的角度看,日本行为存在触犯各国的国内法律规定并面临各国政府和国民进行国内追诉的可能性。不管是通过国际法还是国内法寻求司法救济,均有其局限性,有必要结合法律、外交和舆情手段做好综合法治战略预案。  相似文献   

高技能型人才对提高佛山工业发展水平,满足当地高新技术企业用人需求具有重要的作用.该文对佛山高技能型人才基本情况、队伍建设面临的形势和存在的问题、人才培养策略进行了具体分析,通过分析得出佛山高技能人才队伍的完善需要综合考虑多方面因素,不仅要发挥政府的宏观调控作用,制定相关的吸引政策来吸引高技能型人才,还要发挥企业、学校机构、社会培训机构以及其他部门的作用来消除高技能人才引进障碍等结论,期望通过该研究对提高佛山高技能人才吸引力,优化高技能型人才队伍有所帮助.  相似文献   

李青云 《江右论坛》2007,8(5):15-16
在炭素阳极生产中,主要原料为石油焦,以沥青作粘合剂,并掺入回收残极,残极含有氟化物,使焙烧炉烟气中含有氟、硫、焦油、粉尘等有害物质.阳极焙烧烟气净化治理为阳极生产污染防治的重点工段,净化处理工艺有干法、湿法两种.两种工艺广泛应用于国内各阳极生产企业中.利用水洗涤烟气的湿法处理工艺虽然处理效率及稳定性较高,但必须解决废水二次污染问题.本文对新近完成的阳极焙烧烟气净化污化污水处理系统的设计方案制定及实施进行总结归纳.  相似文献   

本文构建了高管薪酬模型,利用2008年沪深两市上市公司数据,实证分析得出高管薪酬模型的显著影响因素,结果表明高管薪酬受公司净资产、净资产收益率、高管人力资本、员工平均薪酬水平等因素的影响。在此基础上,本文以2007-2008年绝大部分沪深上市公司为样本,对各个行业高管薪酬进行了基于单项影响因素和综合影响因素的差异分析,结果显示各行业之间存在明显差异,特别是金融行业平均高管薪酬与职工薪酬差距、企业规模、经营业绩、薪酬业绩弹性、人力资本等方面都位于各行业的第一位。从综合影响因素来看,金融行业与测算的预期薪酬之间存在着巨大差异,而且这种差异大大超过了其他行业。  相似文献   

张佩国  王扬 《社会》2011,31(2):170-193
本文以“事件束”为切入点,遵循“整体生存伦理”的民族志认识论原则,把林权与水权置于当地人的生存智慧与道德表述中,从“他者”的视角全面审视林权与水权的历史实践,揭示林权与水权背后的民间法秩序。  相似文献   

为了实现城市生活垃圾从源头上减量化和垃圾处理产业化的目标,北京市即将逐步推行城市生活垃圾计量收费制。本文针对北京市生活垃圾及其收费的现状与问题,探讨了计量收费模式的合理性和可行性,设计了计量收费模式的定价标准方案,并提出了相关建议。  相似文献   

Cognitive psychology has identified and studied extensively a number of cognitive anomalies that may be important for the assessment of the economic status of individuals and households. In particular the use of brackets to elicit information about income and assets in surveys of households can interact with acquiescence bias and anchoring to cause bias in the estimates of the distributions of income and assets. This paper uses data from the Health and Retirement Study and the Asset and Health Dynamics Study to find that, as predicted by psychology, bracketing can produce bias in population estimates of assets.  相似文献   

The importance of understanding the congruence of people with their environments is well established in social work. This article presents an approach for measuring this conceptualization in long-term care settings. Three scales were developed and tested in nursing home settings with the results showing excellent reliability and strong validity.  相似文献   

《固体废物处理与处置》是环境、化工等相关专业的主干专业课程.为充分发挥专业课教学在思想政治教育中的作用,践行习近平总书记关于课程思政的重要指示,该文针对目前专业课程中暂时存在的"为思政而思政"的尴尬局面,以《固体废物处理与处置》课程思政建设为例,通过翻转课堂的教学模式将专业课堂教学与思想政治教育巧妙融合,旨在完成专业知识传播和能力培养的同时,实现思政教育的双重教学目标.  相似文献   

Decades of rigorous quantitative scholarship have generated a wealth of knowledge regarding the causes and consequences of crossnational variations in social trust. However, while some social science disciplines have made significant contributions to this conversation, others have largely failed to do so. The field of international relations, for example, has lagged behind in producing aggregate-level scholarship on social trust. This is surprising given that (1) trust influences public opinion and thereby the incentive structure for political leaders and (2) many peacebuilding efforts directly target the levels of trust in post-conflict settings. Country-level trust scholarship in international relations and the social sciences more generally is hampered by data scarcity. The main purpose of this article is to present a new publicly available data set on aggregate levels of social trust. Relying on a set of 19 widely accepted correlates, we construct a new cross-sectional measure of the concept that covers all countries from 1946 to 2010. We then perform a series of empirical tests establishing the validity of our measure. Finally, we offer a number of bivariate analyses to demonstrate the broad utility of our new variable for scholars in the social sciences.  相似文献   

Principles and Practicalities for Measuring Child Poverty   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper has three objectives. The first is to discuss the major issues involved in defining and measuring child poverty. The choices that must be made are clarified, and a set of six principles to serve as a guide for public policy are stated. The second objective is to take stock of child poverty and changes in child poverty in the majority of OECD countries since about 1990 when the Convention on the Rights of the Child came into force. Finally, the third objective is to formulate a number of suggestions for the setting of credible targets for the elimination of child poverty in the rich countries. This involves a method for embodying the ideal of children having priority on social resources into a particular set of child poverty reduction targets, it involves the development of appropriate and timely information sources, and finally it involves the clarification of feasible targets that may vary across the OECD.  相似文献   

Dunlap and Van Liere's New Environmental Paradigm (NEP) Scale, published in 1978, has become a widely used measure of proenvironmental orientation. This article develops a revised NEP Scale designed to improve upon the original one in several respects: (1) It taps a wider range of facets of an ecological worldview, (2) It offers a balanced set of pro- and anti-NEP items, and (3) It avoids outmoded terminology. The new scale, termed the New Ecological Paradigm Scale, consists of 15 items. Results of a 1990 Washington State survey suggest that the items can be treated as an internally consistent summated ratingscale and also indicate a modest growth in pro-NEP responses among Washington residents over the 14 years since the original study.  相似文献   

裁量标准基本理论问题刍议   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
王天华 《浙江学刊》2006,(6):124-132
本文针对近年在全国范围内出现的大量制定裁量标准的行政法现象,对裁量标准的概念、性质、理论基础、功能、与司法审查的关系等基本理论问题进行探讨。文章认为,裁量标准是行政执法机关对其所执行的行政法律规范的具体化,是行政机关行使立法者所授予的行政裁量权的必要手段,其理论基础是“裁量一元论”;公开行政机关行使裁量权的判断过程是裁量标准的最基本的功能,应当以裁量标准为核心构想对行政裁量的司法审查。  相似文献   

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