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This research provides a comprehensive analysis of the association of race and sex to children's peer relationships by assessing: a) the association of both race and sex; b) multiple measures of peer relationships (sociometric ratings and friendships); and c) an entire elementary school (Grades 1 to 6) with nearly an even number of African-American to European-American children in each class. Regardless of age, race, or sex, and for both relationship measures, children showed a greater bias favoring same-sex peers than same-race peers. Although older African-American children had more same-race than cross-race mutual friends, African-American children were more accepting of European-American children than the reverse. Despite some same-race preferences, cross-race evaluations were generally quite positive on both measures. The differential impact of sex and race as considerations for peer evaluations is discussed.  相似文献   

鲁学武 《创新》2012,6(6):59-63,127
广西高校和东盟国家高校开展法律人才联合培养工作在学生学习环境、教学工作开展、成本—效益、法律文化传播等方面具有明显的比较优势。合作各方的办学资质和信誉、学科专业设置情况、市场需求以及国别差异是影响合作办学工作的主要因素。合作各方在充分考量和论证上述因素的基础上,应当从确定合作伙伴、签订合作协议、制定培养方案、完善教学计划以及选择具体联合形式等方面做好合作办学工作。  相似文献   

The results of a series of computer simulations demonstrate how the introduction of separate spatial dimensions for agent interaction and learning respectively affects the possibility of cooperation evolving in the repeated prisoner's dilemma played by populations of boundedly-rational agents. In particular, the localisation of learning promotes the emergence of cooperative behaviour, while the localisation of interaction has an ambiguous effect on it.  相似文献   

合作学习法是将学生分组,以小组为载体,引导各组学生充分发挥能动性,在互助、合作、竞争中完成各种学习任务的一种开放式教学模式。在《小组工作》教学中运用合作学习法不仅有助于提高学生的学习兴趣,增强其实务操作技能,而且能培养其合作精神,锻炼其交往能力。在实施合作学习过程中,教师应组织异质小组,营造合作氛围,明确个人责任,采用灵活多样的评价方式,才能取得良好的教学效果。  相似文献   

大学英语合作学习与自主学习的建构主义视阈   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
贯彻落实教育部大学英语教学改革精神,运用建构主义学习理论探讨集成合作学习与自主学习的可行性,对于从实践上构建二者的整合模式,具有重要的指导意义.尽管建构主义学习理论的内涵可以划分为过程学说、体验学说和环境学说,但三者又紧密相连,融会贯通:没有对知识的建构、丰富和创新,体验就无从谈起;没有典型环境的创设与充分利用,体验也难以取得收获.大学英语的知识建构过程,即学习主体在适宜的环境中学习体验不断得到收获并不断积累的过程.实践证明,自主学习能力的培养必须有合作学习的引领,合作学习的旨归在于学习者自主学习能力的提升.基于此,在建构主义视闻下,构建"合作-自主学习模式"应采取的策略为:精心策划合作学习选题,激发学习者的主动探索性;善于创设学习情境,实现学习者主体与客体良性互动;总结交流学习体验,促进学习者群体多样化风格的形成.  相似文献   

Fischer  Ilan 《Theory and Decision》2003,55(4):289-314
The computer simulation study explores the impact of the duration of social impact on the generation and stabilization of cooperative strategies. Rather than seeding the simulations with a finite set of strategies, a continuous distribution of strategies is being defined. Members of heterogeneous populations were characterized by a pair of probabilistic reactive strategies: the probability to respond to cooperation by cooperation and the probability to respond to defection by cooperation. This generalized reactive strategy yields the standard TFT mechanism, the All-Cooperate, All-Defect and Bully strategies as special cases. Pairs of strategies interacted through a Prisoner's Dilemma game and exerted social influence on all other members. Manipulating: (i) the initial distribution of populations' strategies, and (ii) the duration of social influence, we monitored the conditions leading to the emergence and stabilization of cooperative strategies. Results show that: (1) The duration of interactions between pairs of strategies constitutes a crucial factor for the emergence and stabilization of cooperative strategies, (2) Unless sufficient learning intervals are provided, initializing the simulations with cooperative populations does not guarantee that cooperation will sustain.  相似文献   

社会工作是一门应用性很强的学科,在社会工作课程中运用任务驱动教学模式,能有效调动学习者自主学习和合作学习的积极性。任务驱动教学模式包括设计任务、准备任务、交流和评价等环节。使用这种模式的过程中,要注意任务的可操作性、拓展性,学生的主体地位与教师的主导地位有效结合。  相似文献   

课堂讨论法是公认比较成熟有效的教学方法,但在英语口语教学的实际操作中,往往会因学生对讨论话题缺乏合作精神而无法达到预期的教学效果。文章试图从合作学习的角度出发,初步探讨课堂讨论法在英语口语教学中的有效应用。  相似文献   

文章在已有研究成果基础上,从结构资本、关系资本、认知资本、位置资本四个维度描述了跨国技术联盟社会资本,以跨国技术联盟组织学习为中介因素,构建了跨国技术联盟社会资本对合作创新绩效影响机理的概念模型,并以通信行业和汽车行业为研究对象进行了实证研究,研究结果显示,跨国技术联盟通过社会资本推动合作创新绩效,组织学习在跨国技术联盟社会资本正向作用于合作创新绩效过程中起到明显中介作用。  相似文献   

This study examines the effect that the racial composition of neighborhoods, workplaces, congregations, and friendships has on whites’ attitudes toward interracial marriage with blacks, Latinos, and Asians. Utilizing survey data drawn from a national probability sample, ordered logit regression models are estimated in order to (1) determine the effect of the racial composition of neighborhoods, workplaces, and congregations on white intermarriage attitudes, net of sociodemographic and ideological controls and (2) test for a mediating effect of interracial friendship. Greater presence of blacks, Latinos, or Asians in neighborhoods and congregations of whites predicts favorable attitudes among whites toward interracial marriage with each respective racial group. A higher proportion of Latinos in the workplace also predicts support for racial exogamy with Latinos. Many of these effects, however, are reduced when interracial friendship is included in models, suggesting that the effect of interracial contact on intermarriage attitudes is mediated by whether or not whites develop interracial friendships within settings of cross-race interaction.  相似文献   

This article presents a five-year action-research project of systemic change toward coexistence in Acre, a mixed Arab-Jewish city in Israel. Educational activism was the basis for this project. Because education in Acre was closely interwoven with discriminative politics, this project used a citywide systemic approach consisting of three layers: (a) work in schools that used cooperative learning to increase achievement, (b) work with parents in school-family literacy partnerships, and (c) work with the city's educational and political leadership for citywide change. Data presented for each layer show the potential of this long-term holistic approach to bring coexistence to the community even though regional and political factors worked against community coexistence.  相似文献   

There is enough basic research on social cognition, developmental psychology,and peer relations as they relate to prejudice, discrimination, and stereotyping to address program development and evaluation. At the same time, there are enough race relations programs being developed and implemented to inform basic research on prejudice. This issue brings together articles on the interface between basic research and programs on prejudice. The articles focus onspecific programs such as affirmative action, multicultural and bilingual education, cooperative learning, social-cognitive skills training, and bystander interventions. This introductory article provides an overview of the goals and implications of the issue.  相似文献   

我国农村合作经济组织发展问题探讨   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
我国农村合作经济组织的发展,应从中国的国情特点出发,借鉴国际农村合作经济组织发展的经验,通过供销合作社和乡村社区合作经济组织体制创新,建立综合性合作经济组织,以综合性合作经济组织为依托,孕育和发展专业性合作经济组织,构筑综合性合作经济组织、专业性合作经济组织和合作银行并行发展的合作经济组织体系。  相似文献   

We explore relations between social network centrality and behavioral characteristics. Elementary school students nominated classmates for aggressivity, disruptiveness, popularity, studiousness, leadership, cooperativeness, athleticism, and shyness. Students had 1 of 4 levels of network centrality (i.e., nuclear, secondary, peripheral, isolated) and were in 1 of 4 educational classifications (i.e., academically gifted, emotionally and behaviorally disordered, general education, learning disabled). Across educational classifications for both boys and girls, nuclear students were athletic, cooperative, leaders, popular, and studious relative to lower centrality students. However, antisocial characteristics were associated with lower centrality for girls only. Aggressive behavior was positively associated with nuclear centrality for general education boys. Findings are considered in relation to sociometric status research and implications of the role of social network centrality in the establishment and maintenance of antisocial behavior are discussed.  相似文献   

Correspondence to John Carpenter, Tizard Centre, Institute of Social and Applied Psychology, University of Kent, Canterbury, CT2 7LZ Summary This paper reports a shared learning programme for final yearsocial work and medical students which was designed in the lightof social psychological studies of intergroup behaviour (theContact Hypothesis). Key features included institutional supportfor the programme and opportunities to work as equals in pairsand small groups on shared tasks in a cooperative atmosphere.Topics included alcohol abuse, dealing with psychiatric emergencies,deliberate self-harm and community senices for people with learningdisabilities. A comprehensive evaluation of the effects of the programme onone cohort of 85 participants revealed that overall attitudestowards the other profession had improved and that each sawthe other as more professionally competent at the end of theprogramme. Participants reported increased knowledge of theattitudes, skills, roles and duties of the other professionand of how to work together more effectively.  相似文献   

自2003年以来新型农村合作医疗制度的建立与实施,使得参合农民就诊率和住院率均明显提高,就医经济负担有所减轻,农民因病致贫、因病返贫问题有所缓解。笔者在实证调查的基础上,发现性别、年龄、文化程度、收入水平、健康观念等因素对参加新型农村合作医疗的积极性有较大影响,我们在工作中应当重视以上因素,针对实际情况加以积极引导,提高农民参加新型农村合作医疗的积极性,从而保证新型农村合作医疗的持续健康发展。  相似文献   

李小丽 《求是学刊》2006,33(6):62-66
改革开放以来,我国农村合作经济组织不断发展,以农民专业协会、专业合作社为主要形式的新型合作经济组织逐步取代供销社、信用社等传统的农村合作组织制度,新型农村合作组织已成为带动农民经济发展的重要力量,也是我国新农村社会发展的综合反映。文章以黑龙江省为例综合阐述了我国现阶段农村合作经济组织发展概况及黑龙江省农村经济组织发展现状,分析了黑龙江省农村合作经济组织发展中存在的问题及适应黑龙江省农村经济发展的合作组织制度的模式选择。  相似文献   

我国农村合作医疗变迁的制度环境分析   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
李华 《学习与探索》2005,(6):219-222
农村合作医疗是在其所处的制度环境框架内运行的,其性质、范围、进程及效果都不可避免地受制于基础性制度的影响。适宜的制度环境是历史上农村合作医疗获得快速发展的主要原因。制度环境的变迁是过渡时期和市场经济初期农村合作医疗缺乏生命力、迅速解体和难以恢复的根本性原因。制度环境沿着既定的轨迹修正和加强是新型农村合作医疗试行成功和可持续发展的保障。  相似文献   

黄学贤  梁玥 《求是学刊》2012,39(2):91-95
中国农村城镇化进程中的规划已经成为学界热议的问题.但是有关农村城镇化规划中的协同问题至今尚未引起学界必要的关注.农村城镇化规划中的协同主义是指在农村城镇化规划中相关的规划主体应当将原来的单一行为取向转化为多元行为取向的一种规划行为的价值选择.造成规划主体单一行为取向的原因是多方面的,其中一个最重要的因素是行政系统中各个职能部门之间没有实现有效的协调和沟通.随着城镇化进程的日益加快,非常有必要把协同主义作为规划的一个基本制度.目前《城乡规划法》里还没有明确规定规划的协同程序.因此,应当在协同行为的启动、协同过程中的商谈、协同主体意思表示的方式、协同行为的法律后果等环节上予以规范,以便构建完善的城镇化规划中的协同程序.  相似文献   

The multilinear extension of a cooperative game was introduced by Owen in 1972. In this contribution we study the Lovász extension for cooperative games by using the marginal worth vectors and the dividends. First, we prove a formula for the marginal worth vectors with respect to compatible orderings. Next, we consider the direct market generated by a game. This model of utility function, proposed by Shapley and Shubik in 1969, is the concave biconjugate extension of the game. Then we obtain the following characterization: The utility function of a market game is the Lovász extension of the game if and only if the market game is supermodular. Finally, we present some preliminary problems about the relationship between cooperative games and combinatorial optimization.  相似文献   

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