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邹俊滔 《社科纵横》2013,(2):227-228
科学家从事科研活动的过程就是一个科技理性的选择过程。科学家用工具理性还是用价值理性来指导自己的价值选择,直接导致其科研成果对人类社会的作用。如果一味追求科技的工具理性,就会使人类疯狂的追求物质的发展而扼杀了生命意志和精神生活。为此我们应该在保证社会进步与发展的前提下引入科技的价值理性,用科技的价值理性来规范科学家的伦理责任,用科技的价值理性来引导和规范科学家的科研行为及科学家的伦理责任,从而使科学技术的运用向着有利于人类社会的方向发展。  相似文献   

陈培浩 《创新》2013,(6):10-13
当前,我国正处于全面建成小康社会的关键时期,面临着转变经济发展方式和发展战略性新兴产业的巨大挑战和机遇,迫切需要发挥高端人才的支撑和引领作用。从整个科学技术史的角度出发,古今中外有过重大贡献的科学家具有很强的代表性,通过对其成长阶梯和创新路径关键因素的提取,可对当前我国高层次创新型人才的培养提供借鉴和参考。  相似文献   

作为人生的一个阶段,青少年时代必须培养并发展各种专门的能力,包括才能和技能。从“儿童期”向“成人期”过渡,要求青少年不受他们所处的政治和社会框架条件的制约,独立地完成成长发展的任务,这些任务涉及到家庭、学校和课余时间等日常生活的三个主要方面,那就是;1)从心理上完  相似文献   

高等学校教育是社会生产力发展到一定阶段的产物。第二次世界大战以来,尤其是近30年来,高等学校教育处于一个重大历史转折时期,出现了五大变化:一是从尖子教育走向大众教育或二者并重;二是从比较单一的结构走向多维结构,学科更为齐全,研究生教育得到很大发展;三是从封闭状态走向开放状态;四是从一次性教育走向终生教育;五是本科教育更为强调素质教育培养,专业口径加宽,专业数大为减少。党的十一届三中全会以来,我国高等教育进入了一个新的历史时期,为建设有中国特色社会主义高等学校教育体系进行了一系列的改革,如在招生、学…  相似文献   

战后,西德(也包括奥地利)在哲学研究方面,曾经对社会产生一定影响的,主要是研究三个方面的问题:一,科学理论和科学史;二,新的实践哲学;三,面对复杂的工业社会的发展状况,哲学如何认识自身的作用和功能的问题。作者把战后西德哲学的发展分为四个阶段。第一阶段是从二次大战结束到五十年代中期。这个阶段的特点是恢复了同二十年代以及更早时期  相似文献   

学术荣誉是科学共同体根据科学家取得的独创性研究成果对增进科学知识贡献大小而授予的荣誉性承认.按照默顿的理解,学术荣誉依次包括引用回报、科学奖励和命名,基本上形成了科学家研究生涯的阶梯.无论对科学家个人而言,还是对科学共同体而言,科学家的学术荣誉追求具有重要的"兴奋剂"作用.这对于中国杰出科学家管理具有特别重要的启示意义.  相似文献   

在新农科建设的影响下,各地方农林院校的教学目标从理论知识培养转向信息技术型人才培养,这一过程需要对现代林业信息技术课程教学进行改革。该课程专业性强,教学内容要与时代相结合,若教学模式不进行创新,则易导致学生所学的知识跟不上时代发展。因此,为提高教学效率、培养出符合社会需求的人才,该文通过分析课程改革的重要性、教学存在的问题及教学改革路径,提出切实可行的改革计划,从补充教学内容、构建完整教学体系;接轨科技发展、确保教学要求;推动政产学三方合作、使培养的人才更符合社会需求三方面入手,实现教学改革目标。  相似文献   

目前我国社会工作专业教育在不断探索中发展,但到目前都还不能确定地说中国的社会工作专业教育有了确定的方向。专业社会工作是嵌入在一定的社会、经济、文化和政治体制之中的,社会工作专业人才培养也必须紧密结合一国的政治、文化和社会管理体制及发展变化。根据我国加强和创新社会管理体制改革要求,文章首先分析社会工作与社会管理的关系,两者在理念、方法及内容上都有着密切联系。然后在重庆科技学院2011级社会工作人才培养方案研制过程中,将社会工作纳入中国特色社会主义和谐社会建设的管理与服务工作这个范畴。所以,社会工作专业人才培养模式在大社工理念下,可以尝试建立两个专业方向:社会管理方向和社会服务方向。  相似文献   

二战后国际社会政治经济的发展,尤其是冷战结束后全球化进程的加快,使国际法在价值理念、基本原则、适用对象及所其包括的制度等方面都发生了巨大的变化。二战后国际法的发展是从微观的具体概念到中观的主体和部门法的扩展至宏观的原则、理念、体系三个层面。  相似文献   

本文主要论述科技革命研究中哲学方法与其他科学方法的区别.历史唯物主义的任务之一是从一般社会发展理论的角度解释新出现的范畴.在这方面,历史唯物主义有一种预见社会现实变化和反映社会迫切需要的能力.在解决迫切的方法论问题的同时也使历史唯物主义在世界观方面有可能进一步达到更高水平.科技革命的本质问题只有在历史唯物主义的范  相似文献   

This article analyzes the interplay between policymakers and scientists in developing the Family Policy Plan for the Czech Republic in 2017. As former members of the government commission that developed the plan, we base the article on participatory observation. When we joined the commission, a ‘window of opportunity’ had opened as the country for the first time ever had feminist-friendly minister and vice-minister of labour and social affairs. We explain why due to the inter- and intra-party dynamics, the parental leave reform to introduce ‘daddy months’ failed. We argue an adversarial subsystem existed in that the three coalition partners disagreed on the reform. According to Ingold and Gschwend (2014), under such circumstances, scientists play a strategic role, especially if there is unity among them. However, although there was basic unity among the scientists in the commission, the coalition partners at the governing level were able to block or water down the reform proposal under the study.  相似文献   

Limited time dedicated to each training areas, irrelevant case-studies, and ethics “checklists” have resulted in bare-bones Responsible Conduct of Research (RCR) training for present biomedical graduate student researchers. Here, we argue that science graduate students be taught classical ethical theory, such as virtue ethics, consequentialist theory, and deontological theory, to provide a basic framework to guide researchers through ethically complex situations and examine the applicability, implications, and societal ramifications of their research. Using a relevant biomedical research example to illustrate this point, we argue that proper ethics training for graduate student researchers not only will enhance current RCR training, but train more creative, responsible scientists.  相似文献   

We define working conditions faced by some practitioners of risk assessment that contradict their formal training and career expectations. Panels of expert risk scientists are used to assess the importance of these ethical oxymora. We offer recommendations aimed at helping risk scientists deal with these contradictions.

An oxymoron is a figure of speech combining contradictory ideas into a useful expression (e.g., sweet sorrow, silent thunder). In this paper we argue that some practitioners of quantitative risk assessment face working conditions that strongly contradict their professional ethos. In the first part of the paper, after briefly defining quantitative risk assessment, we describe four ethical oxymora faced by risk analysts. Second, we describe how we used panels of expert risk scientists to assess the importance of these ethical problems. We offer recommendations aimed at helping risk scientists deal with these oxymora in the last part.  相似文献   


In food science and technology, understanding off-flavors has a significance with both technical and commercial implications. In the food industry in the United States, it is a widely held truism that consumers will not buy a product if they do not like the way it tastes or if it contains unpleasant flavors. But how can science determine when food is off putting, and how do scientists learn to address bad tastes in their experimental and technical practice? Based on ethnographic work with food scientists in the United States, this paper is a reflexive account of learning to taste off-flavors, a form of sensory learning that utilizes the scientist’s own body as a kind of instrument. The paper argues that a particular understanding of the consumer sensorium emerges through food scientists’ approach to off-flavors. This is an image of the consumer as a chemically receptive sensory system that is highly sensitive to compounds at trace levels. By utilizing the sensitivity of their own senses, food scientists exploit the relationship between distaste, memory and sensory perception as a form of training to produce future aesthetic memories of off-flavors that can be deployed in a technical context.  相似文献   

本文在对北京文化创意企业问卷调查的基础上,对企业如何创新人才培养开发途径提出了五项建议:应改变过去将培训投入当作费用的观念,而应将其视为企业重要的战略性投入;积极运用学习地图等方法来推动培训体系建设;充分利用社会资源培养开发人才;培育创新文化,塑造创新型组织;依据创意人才的特征,创新对创意人才的管理模式。  相似文献   

任鹏  李建明  苟颖萍 《创新》2013,7(1):96-99,128
社会主义新农村建设的关键是农民的现代化。国外很多国家在农民现代化过程中积累了许多经验。借鉴国外农民培养经验,我国新型农民培养应着重从提升战略地位、加强立法进程、革新教育观念等方面,大力发展农民教育,加速造就新型农民。  相似文献   

Although it might seem to be a simple task for scientists to avoid plagiarism and thereby an allegation of research misconduct, assessment of trainees in the Responsible Conduct of Research and recent findings from the National Science Foundation Office of Inspector General regarding plagiarism suggests otherwise. Our experiences at a land–grant academic institution in assisting researchers in avoiding plagiarism are described. We provide evidence from a university–wide multi–disciplinary course that understanding how to avoid plagiarism in scientific writing is more difficult than it might appear, and that a failure to learn the rules of appropriate citation may cause dire consequences. We suggest that new strategies to provide training in avoiding plagiarism are required.  相似文献   

Despite requirements for Responsible Conduct of Research (RCR) training, little is known about how much this training actually influences the thinking and behaviors of participants. Interview-based qualitative research methods were used to study the reactions of Ph.D. students and postdoctoral fellows to what was taught in an RCR course. For trainees with limited prior RCR experience, or who agreed with what was taught, it was relatively easy to influence their attitudes and how they thought they would use the new information in the future. However, if their prior experiences or existing knowledge conflicted with what was taught they resisted and often rejected new ideas that were presented. Interviews also revealed the tremendously complex process trainees must undergo trying to resolve or integrate all of the different perspectives they receive on RCR from other sources. These results revealed the importance of viewing RCR training from the perspective of learning theory and how prior knowledge influences what people learn. The results also support the need for periodic rather than one-time RCR training to counter the often conflicting views and practices young scientists experience in real-life research settings.  相似文献   

Despite requirements for Responsible Conduct of Research (RCR) training, little is known about how much this training actually influences the thinking and behaviors of participants. Interview-based qualitative research methods were used to study the reactions of Ph.D. students and postdoctoral fellows to what was taught in an RCR course. For trainees with limited prior RCR experience, or who agreed with what was taught, it was relatively easy to influence their attitudes and how they thought they would use the new information in the future. However, if their prior experiences or existing knowledge conflicted with what was taught they resisted and often rejected new ideas that were presented. Interviews also revealed the tremendously complex process trainees must undergo trying to resolve or integrate all of the different perspectives they receive on RCR from other sources. These results revealed the importance of viewing RCR training from the perspective of learning theory and how prior knowledge influences what people learn. The results also support the need for periodic rather than one-time RCR training to counter the often conflicting views and practices young scientists experience in real-life research settings.  相似文献   

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