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论全球法治治理与中国和平发展战略   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
高翔 《学术交流》2007,(3):37-40
全球治理理论是伴随着经济全球化的过程而发展起来的一种全新理论。传统的全球治理理论主要从单个要素进行孤立研究,而真正意义上的全球治理是全球法治模式下的系统治理,即全球法治治理。全球法治治理模式包括静态意义上的完善的国际法制体系和动态意义上的全球治理过程。全球法治治理的本质便是国际社会的结构性力量(国际权威机构、全球公民社会与全球经济市场)在国际法制体系内更好的实现自己合法权益的立体互动。和平发展战略不仅符合中国自身发展的需要,也符合全球化、全球法治治理的本质和发展趋势,必将有力促进中华民族在21世纪的伟大复兴和全球共赢。  相似文献   

陈慧 《探求》2018,(2):93-96,101
"全球绿色治理"是一种新型的公共治理观,正在被世界各国所认同。"全球绿色治理"理念经历了从"黑色"到"绿色"、从"浅绿"到"深绿"的深化过程;当前,"全球绿色治理"遭遇集体行动难题,仍无法摆脱"先污染、后治理"的悖论,面临"制度碎片"与"领袖缺位"的挑战,深陷"发展"与"安全"的两难。因此,建构"全球绿色治理"的理路应进行系统的生态检思,倡导全球绿色协同治理,共同坚守"绿色正义",贡献"全球绿色治理"的中国方案。  相似文献   

学术界经常讨论的全球治理机制主要集中在全球性机制、俱乐部机制和地区性机制等类型上,而这些国际导向的机制都在一定程度上忽视了民族国家在全球治理中的作用.在全球治理的背景下,民族国家更多地成为一种连接国内社会和国际社会以对公共资源进行传输和再分配的制度通道.从这一意义上讲,国家自理也是全球治理的一种重要机制.与之前的“国际谈判—国际监督”模式不同,国家自理强调民族国家在一种非强制和非绑定的状态下对全球规范的主动学习和积极内化.在中文的意义中,治理的内涵有着丰富的国家自理特征.具体而言,国家自理机制包括自我学习机制、自我转化机制、自我实施机制、自我监督机制和自我总结机制等.总体来看,国家自理机制只是全球治理机制中的一种,这表明其无法取代其他机制的作用.通过国家自理机制,全球治理的观念可以更多地变成实际行动,并且在这一过程中民族国家的自主性得以重建.  相似文献   

共建“一带一路”是以新型全球治理观为指导的国际实践,有助于构建和塑造全球治理新秩序。本文基于“财富-权力-社会目的”的国际政治经济学分析框架,探讨了“一带一路”对全球治理的贡献及其对国际秩序的影响。研究发现,共建“一带一路”促进了均衡型全球价值链分工格局的形成,改善了发展中国家在国际生产网络和财富分配中的地位;同时,它增强了中国在安全、生产、金融和知识结构方面的结构性权力,并促进了结构性权力在共建国之间的扩散和转移;共建“一带一路”以构建人类命运共同体为目标,有助于推动再全球化。从实践路径来看,共建“一带一路”坚持和平共处、亲诚惠容的多边主义理念,主张通过对话协商和政策沟通来克服集体行动的困难,通过增强制度性话语权关注和传播发展中国家在全球治理中的诉求和声音,其所提出的全球治理方案兼具包容性和实用主义,为解决全球性问题贡献了中国智慧和中国方案。  相似文献   

全球化的深入发展,促进了世界财富的增长,也导致了全球性问题的涌现,催生了全球治理的需求.由于中等强国的实力弱于大国,在国际政治尤其是在全球治理中的作用一直被忽视.事实上,中等强国在特定的治理领域发挥着领导者的作用.本文论述在硬实力总量给定的条件下,中等强国在全球治理中是如何发挥不同于大国的作用,主导和促进某些全球性问题的治理进程,为中国参与全球治理提供可资借鉴的经验.  相似文献   

中国、印度和巴西这三个新兴大国与全球治理的未来密切相关,学者只有对这三个新兴大国的全球治理偏好、全球治理能力和崛起战略三个方面进行综合分析,方能把握全球治理的发展趋势.首先,在全球治理的大多数议题领域中,新兴大国的全球治理偏好与传统强国近似;其次,虽然新兴国家拥有潜在的全球治理能力,但由于受到国内政治或国际因素的制约,其能力无法充分发挥;再次,新兴国家通过建立“南南合作”和区域性合作联盟的崛起战略,能够增强其在全球治理领域的谈判能力;最后,虽然新兴大国对全球治理现状发起的挑战不具有革命性,但这些国家与传统强国间常发生能够破坏全球治理的冲突.因此,全球治理改革的目标一方面是维持新兴大国未来的经济发展和政治进步,另一方面则是推动新兴大国和传统强国进行深层次的国际合作.  相似文献   

曲泽静  毛子明 《探求》2015,(1):99-103
知识、经济全球化使世界各地的联系日益紧密,全球价值链分工将世界各地经济体融入到全球生产网络中,改变了传统的国际分工方式及国家竞争力强弱的标准。产品内分工成为主要的国际分工模式,对核心或关键技术的拥有决定了国家(地区)竞争力的强弱和在全球价值链中的位置。不同类型价值链竞争优势的来源和价值链治理模式各不相同。在全球价值链分工下,基于不同类型的价值链和价值链治理模式,本文探索增强长三角地区制造业竞争优势、实现产业结构升级的路径。  相似文献   

刘颖 《社科纵横》2014,(4):75-77
作为独立于国家和市场之外的第三部门,全球公民社会可以有效地沟通国际组织、民族-国家和公民之间的联系,通过与不同全球治理主体之间的互动,逐渐形成正义的全球社会契约。  相似文献   

应对新冠肺炎疫情的全球大流行是世界各国面临的2020新议题。由疫情引发的全球经济不确定性直接表现为全球供应与需求的突发性中断,临时性贸易限制措施加大了全球贸易的不确定性,跨国公司全球运营的外部环境正在发生变化,全球经济复苏也受制于不确定因素的影响。全球化促进了各国经济贸易相互依存,但其脆弱性也逐渐显现。各国调整全球化利益目标将推动全球化结构性转型,全球价值链将从快速扩张走向稳健布局和产业风险可控。一国的全球竞争优势也逐渐从全球化初期基于产品成本的比较优势,转向更加重视营商环境制度和国家治理能力优势。应对全球经济的不确定性和推动全球经济复苏,亟需国际合作克服疫情影响,通过改革完善全球治理体系,共同应对全球公共卫生危机。  相似文献   

在全球政治时代,自由与民主已经成为被普遍追求的理念和价值.然而,目前的全球治理体系并不符合民主的精神和原则.由于国家间权力的不均衡,民族国家之间形成了一种不平等的全球民主治理体系.虽然现阶段的全球民主具有某种缺陷,但它仍然是一个可能实现的目标.立足于世界历史的视角,观察者能够更好地审视当前全球治理所面临的困难,并提出可行的解决方案.通过对半外围地区的全球制度创新、全球机构改革以及跨国社会运动的分析和反思,可以探讨建立民主、公正的全球治理体系的可能性和现实性.  相似文献   

20世纪90年代以来,全球治理这一术语开始广泛传播,然而无论是其价值诉求还是政治主张都面临着太多争议。本文对全球治理的结构、过程、合法性和原动力进行理论总结,并对全球治理的规则和机制进行了相关分析。本文认为,全球治理的原动力在于适当地赋予非国家公共权力治理的合法性,以及普通公民对普遍价值和世界主义的学习能力。  相似文献   

The outbreak of the financial crisis in Europe and America in 2008 was a landmark event in the history of global governance. It showed that the international system and governance mechanism was unable to adapt to the new global situation or solve the new challenges and problems caused by the rapid development of globalization. Global governance needs to explore new ideas, new paths and new strategies. However, to advance the transformation and development of global governance, in-depth cooperation by the great powers is not all that is involved; also inevitable are the redistribution of international power, interests and responsibilities, contradictory global concepts and fierce competition among the great powers. The next five to ten years are a key period both for the transformation and development of global governance and for China's full-scale rise. The latter is not only a process of China's integration into the global governance system but also a process whereby China influences global governance reform. China should seize the opportunity of the global governance crisis and changes to promote benign interaction between China and the world and should become an advocate, designer, shaper and leader in the improvement of the global governance system, focusing on the construction of national governance, the governance of East Asia, global governance and the governance of certain advantageous fields. Its active assumption of the historic mission of the new era of globalization has laid a solid foundation for China to grow into a great major country.  相似文献   

当今世界面临百年未有之大变局,逆全球化思潮、保护主义、区域主义和单边主义愈演愈烈,多边机制受到严重冲击,加强全球治理、推进全球治理体系变革势在必行。习近平总书记构建人类命运共同体的重要思想,是我国引领时代潮流和人类文明进步的鲜明旗帜,是对国际社会的重要贡献。推动构建人类命运共同体是一项伟大的系统工程,需要加快国际治理人才的培养。国际治理人才不仅需要较强的语言能力和渊博的专业知识,而且更需要自觉的家国情怀、崇高的理想抱负和真正的全球视野。需要从国家层面制定相应的政策和措施,重视国际治理人才的培养,更要重视国际治理人才的使用。  相似文献   

The constant deepening of globalization is bringing all countries into the same global village, and intensified the coordination, interaction and mutual checks of global and state governance. Global governance advocates the whole of the interdependent destiny and common interests of mankind, and the extension of shared national responsibilities, challenges and risks to the whole globe instead of restricting them to certain regions or countries. Global governance is increasingly exerting a profound influence upon state governance in many respects, among them values, concepts, mechanisms, structures and actors, and is giving an external impetus to the modernization of state governance.  相似文献   

Governance is a kind of holistic governance and the notion of governing holistically should be established. The holisticity of governance is reflected in the unity and coordination between value rationality and instrumental rationality, normative appeal and practical appeal as well as global governance and state governance. Global and state governances are two strategic considerations in contemporary China. Actively participating in global governance and rationally promoting state governance is the rational choice of contemporary China, which plays a unique and significant role in realizing the social transformation and national rejuvenation and modernization of contemporary China. Deepening state governance with the help of global governance and promoting global governance with the support of state governance is the basic idea and dimension of understanding and grasping the interaction, coordination and overall planning between the two. The restrictions and effects of global governance on state governance are mainly reflected in such considerations as objects, mechanisms, concepts and interests of governance, and modernization of state governance system and improvement of governance capacity can promote and deepen global governance in a more effective way.  相似文献   

Since the Third Plenary Session of the 18th Central Committee of the CPC put forward the goal of modernizing the state governance system and state governance capacity, research on state governance theory and practice has taken off in the Chinese academic community. However, very little research has been undertaken on the relationship between state governance and global governance. In an interdependent world where domestic and international boundaries are becoming ever more blurred, state and global governance are not just mutually connected and consistent; they also influence and constrain each other. This paper looks into the influence of state governance on global governance in terms of the differences and internal linkages between state and global governance, arguing that enhancing governance capacity is an effective way for China to participate in global governance, promote the transformation of global governance system, wield its influence as a major power, and boost its right of discourse.  相似文献   

Global governance largely grows out of the externalities in state governance. At present, global governance and state governance are integrated into a kind of “holistic governance” based on their interaction and interpenetration. Our understanding of their interplay can be traced back to ideas that developed from ancient Greek and Roman times to the early 20th century. More recently, from the second half of the 20th century, theories of the interaction between global and state governance essentially revolved around the externalities in state governance and efforts to overcome those externalities by designing an ideal world. Today, the interaction between global and state governance is of great practical significance, serving to inspire the establishment of a global order based on sharing, integration and symbiotic harmony. However, we should also be aware that this interaction may be converted by great powers to the service of their own interests. At present, China can help reshape the global governance order of the 21st century by strengthening its own development, promoting benign interaction between global and state governance, actively harnessing the potential of its state governance capacity and sharing its experience and ideas.  相似文献   

全球治理体系结构中存在着广泛的机制碎片化,构成了国际关系领域新的制度现象及结构特征。为此,需要对机制碎片化这一治理新情况给予重视,探讨治理机制碎片化的成因与后果,并就如何进行有效管理提出相应的对策。在当前新的世界政治经济环境背景下,面对全球治理机制碎片化的新挑战,中国作为全球治理体系的建设者,必须对日益显现的机制碎片化及其复杂性状况加强研究、有所应对,发挥中国自身应有的作用,并创造性参与,提升全球治理机制的有效性与合法性。  相似文献   

Breakthroughs in the global governance of terrorism depend mainly on the development on the part of the international community of thorough and effective mechanisms. At present, global governance targets terrorism via four regimes: hegemonic governance; governance by international organizations; hybrid governance; and coordinated governance by major powers. These strategies have made a contribution to counter-terrorism, but they do have shortcomings. We start with the judgment that governance entities should adhere to the logic of consequences, the logic of appropriateness, the logic of emotion and the logic of habitus, and on this basis make a preliminary assessment of the global governance of terrorism. Present terrorism governance regimes tend to be based on the thinking of the logic of consequences with only partial implementation of the logic of appropriateness and no use, so far, of counterterrorism measures based on the logic of emotion and the logic of habitus. To address both the symptoms and root causes of terrorism, international society should encourage governance strategies that implement counter-terrorism measures based on the four types of logic above and should promote coordination and cooperation based on this platform. In this course, China could promote a more significant role in global terrorism governance for such counter-terrorism platforms as the United Nations, including the Security Council, and the Shanghai Cooperation Organization.  相似文献   

程保志 《创新》2012,6(1):96-100,128
全球治理理论的勃兴给现代国际法理论与实践既带来了新的挑战,也创造了前所未有的机遇。国际法作为调节国际社会行为主体之间关系的法律规范和制度,对全球治理的实现起着重要的规范作用;同时,国际法也应积极适应全球化的潮流,使其和全球治理理论在交流与互动过程中得到共同发展。尽管全球治理的理论范式还存在不尽合理与完善的地方,但它已经并将继续深刻影响未来国际社会的发展方向。  相似文献   

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