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金玉国 《统计研究》2012,29(9):80-87
上世纪中叶,因子分析和典型相关分析方法的发展完善,解决了潜变量的测度及其相关关系衡量问题,奠定了潜变量因果模型的方法论基础。此后,潜变量模型被引入到计量经济学研究领域,依次经历了共同结构范式模型、经典潜变量模型和非经典潜变量模型三个阶段,逐步成为现代计量经济模型的重要组成部分。本文从方法论角度对计量经济学中的潜变量模型发展过程进行了全面考察,比较了各个阶段建模方法论的特征,归纳总结了其发展演化规律,并对下一步研究的重点领域进行了展望。  相似文献   

本文将制度因素和非制度因素同时纳入计量模型,利用主成分回归分析法消除变量间的自相关性,得到了合理的计量经济模型,然后分时间阶段进行对比研究,进一步明确了制度因素和非制度因素在经济发展的不同时期对促进经济增长起到的不同作用和影响机制.  相似文献   

一些研究人员在进行计量经济分析的时候,直接把数理经济学里面的数学模型当作计量经济模型使用,并且把这类数学模型所设置的各种假定当作计量经济分析理所当然的前提.本文指出,数理经济模型和计量经济模型分别属于两门不同的学科,担负着不同的任务,不能把二者混为一谈.计量经济分析担负测算因果效应和预测两种不同的任务,在两种不同的任务下对计量经济模型的要求不同.因此强调指出,不论是测算因果效应还是预测,直接简单地把数理经济模型当作计量经济模型使用都是不妥当的.  相似文献   

文章介绍了ANMA—1型广西年度经济指标预测计量模型的设计和基本结构,指出其与全国经济模型的不同以及ANMA--1模型建模的原则。  相似文献   

依据混频数据计量经济模型的设置原理,结合传统回归模型推导出了混频数据回归模型的基本形式及拓展形式。概括、梳理出权重多项式函数的几种形式和性质,并结合传统自回归分布滞后模型的估计方法,给出了非限制性混频数据回归模型的最小二乘识别方法及待估参数的检验方法,在此基础上构建了混频数据自回归分布滞后模型MIDAS-ARDL,并利用其对中国月度通货膨胀率进行短期预测。研究表明:MIDAS-ARDL模型在中国通货膨胀的短期预报方面具有较高的精确性和时效性,预测效果优于传统计量经济模型AR(1,13)。  相似文献   

詹锋 《上海统计》2002,(11):25-27
1981年当美国的L.Klein主要因构造计量经济模型而获得诺贝尔经济学奖时,人们充分意识到计量经济学在经济研究工作中的重要性和必要性。我国也从这时起真正开始学习和借鉴传来的新方法。经过二十多年的长足发展,计量经济模型已广泛应用于经济分析研究中。当前,在经济研究领域一个十分引人注目的现象是广泛采用计量经济模型,而且是相当艰深的数量模型。不少当代经济学前沿书籍和杂志,满篇满纸都是数学公式。运用计量经济模型进行经济研究可谓蔚然成风,难道研究经济问题非得用大量大部分人都看不懂的数学模型,数学公式不可吗?诚…  相似文献   

电力工业与国民经济增长的内在关系   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
一、电力工业对国家经济增长推动的计量模型分析 新中国成立以后,电力工业作为国民经济的先行工业,得到了迅速发展,并在国民经济建设中发挥了巨大作用.对此,我们可以用一个计量经济模型予以分析验证.  相似文献   

我国能源消费与GDP关系的非参数回归分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近年来中国的GDP与能源消耗不断增长,但二者的走势在不同时期存在显著的差异,这是传统的计量经济模型无法解释的.文章尝试将非参数估计理论引入到回归模型中来,通过建立非参数回归模型对我国GDP与能源消费总量之间的关系进行研究,并提出一些较为可行的建议.  相似文献   

中国证券市场的LOG-ACD模型及其应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
0引言随着计算机技术的飞速发展,人们可以越来越方便的获得各种高频交易数据。高频数据的获得,开辟了新的研究领域,为了更好的分析这些高频数据,许多新的计量经济模型也应运而生。传统的计量经济模型基于固定的时间间隔进行分析,如随机波动和GA RCH模型等。由于传统的ACD模型对  相似文献   

中国城市服务业发展差异的空间经济计量分析   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
胡霞  魏作磊 《统计研究》2006,23(9):54-58
一、引言古典经济学至后来的新古典经济学、新经济增长理论,都忽视了空间因素对地区经济差异的影响。没有纳入空间因素的经济理论在解释现实世界中地区经济差别时有些力不从心。经济地理学、新经济地理学和空间经济计量从理论和实证方法方面进行了新的探索。Krugman(1991)把空间观念引入了经济学,将0维分析变成2维分析。Paelinck(1974)对传统计量经济模型假设不足进行修正,提出空间计量经济学的概念和思想。结合新经济地理学和空间计量经济模型,一批学者如Cliff、Anselin、Fujita、Krugman在区域经济学的分析中引入空间因素,运用空间自回…  相似文献   

Many of the recently developed alternative econometric approaches to the construction and estimation of life-cycle consistent models using individual data can be viewed as alternative choices for conditioning variables that summarise past decisions and future anticipations. By ingenious choice of this conditioning variable and by exploitation of the duality relationships between the alternative specifications, many currently available micro-data sets can be used for the estimation of life-cycle consistent models. In reviewing the alternative approaches their stochastic properties and implict preference restrictions are highlighted. Indeed, empirical specifications that are parameterised in a form of direct theoretical interest often can be shown to be unnecessarily restrictive while dual representations may provide more flexible econometric models. These results indicate the particular advantages of different types of data in retrieving life-cycle consistent preference parameters and the appropriate, most flexible, econometric approach for each type of data. A methodology for relaxing the intertemporal separability assumption is developed and the advantages and disadvantages of alternative approaches in this framework are considered.  相似文献   

Econometricians have generally used the term ‘methodology’ to be synonymous with ‘methods’ and, consequently, the field of econometric methodology has been dominated by the discussion of econometric techniques. The purpose of this paper is to present an alternative perspective on econometric methodology by relating it to the more general field of economic methodology, particularly through the use of concepts drawn from the philosophy of science. Definitional and conceptual issues surrounding the term ‘methodology’ are clarified. Three methodologies, representing abstractions from the actual approaches found within econometrics, are identified. First, an ‘a priorist’ methodology, which tends to accord axiomatic status to economic theory, is outlined, and the philosophical foundations of this approach are explored with reference to the interpretive strand within the philosophy of the social sciences. A second approach is an ‘instrumentalist’ one emphasising prediction as the primary goal of econometrics, and a third methodology is ‘falsificationism’, which attempts to test economic theories. These are critically evaluated by introducing relevant issues from the philosophy of science, so that the taxonomy presented here can serve as a framework for future discussions of econometric methodology.  相似文献   

Many of the recently developed alternative ecocometric approaches to the construction and estimation of life-cycle consistent models using individual data can be viewed as alternative choices for conditioning variables that summarise past decisions and future anticipations. By ingenious choice of this conditioning variable and by exploitation of the duality relationships between the alternative specifications, many currently available micro-data sets can be used for the estimation of life-cycle consistent models. In reviewing the alternative approaches their stochastic properties and implicit preference restrictions are highlighted. Indeed, empirical specifications that are parameterised in a form of direct theoretical interest often can be shown to be unnecessarily restrictive while dual representations may provide more flexible econometric models. These results indicate the particular advantages of different types of data in retrieving life-cycle consistent preference parameters and the appropriate, most flexible, econometric approach for each type of data. A methodology for relaxing the intertemporal separability assumption is developed and the advantages and disadvantages of alternative approaches in this framework are considered.  相似文献   

空间计量模型的选择是空间计量建模的一个重要组成部分,也是空间计量模型实证分析的关键步骤。本文对空间计量模型选择中的Moran指数检验、LM检验、似然函数、三大信息准则、贝叶斯后验概率、马尔可夫链蒙特卡罗方法做了详细的理论分析。并在此基础之上,通过Matlab编程进行模拟分析,结果表明:在扩充的空间计量模型族中进行模型选择时,基于OLS残差的Moran指数与LM检验均存在较大的局限性,对数似然值最大原则缺少区分度,LM检验只针对SEM和SAR模型的区分有效,信息准则对大多数模型有效,但是也会出现误选。而当给出恰当的M-H算法时,充分利用了似然函数和先验信息的MCMC方法,具有更高的检验效度,特别是在较大的样本条件下得到了完全准确的判断,且对不同阶空间邻接矩阵的空间计量模型的选择也非常有效。  相似文献   

基于中西部地区2000-2011年的面板数据,运用经典计量和空间计量方法,实证分析区际产业转移对区域经济增长的影响.研究结果表明,空间计量经济学模型在分析该问题时具有较好效果,区际产业转移对中西部各省经济增长存在负向空间溢出效应.分析还发现,区际产业转移、外商直接投资与创新强度对中西部地区经济增长有明显促进作用,而人力资本因素作用并不显著.  相似文献   

Many of the recently developed alternative ecocometric approaches to the construction and estimation of life-cycle consistent models using individual data can be viewed as alternative choices for conditioning variables that summarise past decisions and future anticipations. By ingenious choice of this conditioning variable and by exploitation of the duality relationships between the alternative specifications, many currently available micro-data sets can be used for the estimation of life-cycle consistent models. In reviewing the alternative approaches their stochastic properties and implicit preference restrictions are highlighted. Indeed, empirical specifications that are parameterised in a form of direct theoretical interest often can be shown to be unnecessarily restrictive while dual representations may provide more flexible econometric models. These results indicate the particular advantages of different types of data in retrieving life-cycle consistent preference parameters and the appropriate, most flexible, econometric approach for each type of data. A methodology for relaxing the intertemporal separability assumption is developed and the advantages and disadvantages of alternative approaches in this framework are considered.  相似文献   

This survey of recent developments in testing for misspecification of econometric models reviews procedures based on a method due to Hausman. Particular attention is given to alternative forms of the test, its relationship to classical test procedures, and its role in pre-test estimation.  相似文献   

This survey of recent developments in testing for misspecification of econometric models reviews procedures based on a method due to Hausman. Particular attention is given to alternative forms of the test, its relationship to classical test procedures, and its role in pre-test estimation.  相似文献   

Structural econometric auction models with explicit game-theoretic modeling of bidding strategies have been quite a challenge from a methodological perspective, especially within the common value framework. We develop a Bayesian analysis of the hierarchical Gaussian common value model with stochastic entry introduced by Bajari and Hortaçsu. A key component of our approach is an accurate and easily interpretable analytical approximation of the equilibrium bid function, resulting in a fast and numerically stable evaluation of the likelihood function. We extend the analysis to situations with positive valuations using a hierarchical gamma model. We use a Bayesian variable selection algorithm that simultaneously samples the posterior distribution of the model parameters and does inference on the choice of covariates. The methodology is applied to simulated data and to a newly collected dataset from eBay with bids and covariates from 1000 coin auctions. We demonstrate that the Bayesian algorithm is very efficient and that the approximation error in the bid function has virtually no effect on the model inference. Both models fit the data well, but the Gaussian model outperforms the gamma model in an out-of-sample forecasting evaluation of auction prices. This article has supplementary material online.  相似文献   

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