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陈刚 《创新》2009,3(2):26-29
有限政府指权力受制约的政府,小政府指职能与规模精简的政府,有效政府指行为高效的政府。这三种政府理念各具不同的内涵,也各有其价值。以往学者们在探讨中国的行政发展时总是偏重其中之一,然而中国行政改革的方向能够也应该是有限政府、有效政府与小政府的统一。  相似文献   

日本此次金融危机爆发的体制性、深层次的原因是日本长期以来推行的金融超前发展战略。金融超前发展战略的主要特征是:(1)金融体制建立在商品经济发展之前,即金融资本的产生与发展、金融制度的产生与发展都是超常规的;(2)需要政府强力扶持和立法的先行;(3)法...  相似文献   

日本 90年代发生了严重的金融危机 ,其主要表现是 :不良债权大量增加 ;金融机构接连倒闭 ;经济状况不断恶化 ;金融丑闻频繁出现 ;国际地位显著下降等。日本金融危机是其经济畸形发展与政府“护卫舰队”式金融行政共同作用的结果。针对金融危机 ,日本政府加速了金融自由化进程 ,对金融制度进行了彻底改革 :加速金融机构业务自由化进程 ;增强日本银行的独立性和决策的透明度 ;进一步开放金融和资本市场 ;强化金融安全的监督体系  相似文献   

论行政立法的公众参与机制   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
行政立法是19世纪以来西方国家为适应社会需要而发展起来的行政主体立法制度,为有效控制行政立法,美国确立了较完善的行政立法公众参与制度。目前,中国行政立法大量激增,但公众参与制度尚未真正建立起来,行政立法中公众参与的缺失产生了许多负面影响,因而有必要建立和完善我国行政立法的公众参与机制。行政立法公众参与机制应遵循行政立法主体主导、公众参与有效、可行、适当超前的原则。在具体制度建构上应赋予公众立法动议权,立法草案一般应经过通告、评议法定程序,立法案正式表决前可交付一定范围内公众先行表决以供立法主体参考,立法过程中公众参与情况应于立法案通过后予以公布。  相似文献   

房产"限购令"作为政府运用公权力干预市场秩序的抽象行政行为,应当确保相对人享有完善的救济体系,这是现代法治的基本原则之一。然而,现行抽象行政行为的救济途径存在瓶颈,通过完善行政复议、行政诉讼、行政补偿等若干路径,可以有效突破上述瓶颈。  相似文献   

李积霞 《社科纵横》2004,19(6):67-69
行政指导是现代国家新型的行政管理方式 ,许多市场经济国家的行政主体采用行政指导来调动行政相对人自愿协同政府管理的积极性 ,以弥补相关国会立法和委任立法的空白 ,降低行政成本。我国在实施依法治国方略和贯彻行政法治原则的进程中 ,需要进一步从功能角度认识行政指导行为 ,以助于更加科学合理地实施行政指导 ,促使其消极方面向积极方面转化 ,实现行政指导行为的法治化  相似文献   

美国行政立法程序的模式选择与变通   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
张千帆 《浙江学刊》2006,(6):133-141
本文探讨美国行政立法程序的不同模式选择和程序变通的界限,以及司法审查在保证行政程序合法性过程中的适当作用。美国经验显示,行政行为的合法性要求行政政策的制订能够有效地调整不同的社会利益,并在发展实体规范的过程中考虑所有相关利益。由此推出一系列行政法原则,尤其是行政决策在程序上的透明度,包括行政规范的及时公布、程序公开、说明理由、行政决定在事实与法律上的逻辑关联。  相似文献   

2008年金融危机后,英、美等西方国家已相继通过金融改革立法。中国在金融立法和监管中较为注重对西方发达国家法律制度的借鉴,由于中国经济、社会处于转型期,西方制度的本土适应是一个法律移植中应较为关注的问题。中国的金融体制、金融市场发展的实际情况以及金融政策选择要求我们要认真思量和妥善解决金融法律制度的移植和本土性问题。  相似文献   

行政程序立法已纳入了我国的立法规划。即行政程序法典化、理论基础的建立及加强司法审查。指出行政程序法典化是长期的任务 ,我国行政程序立法可采取两步走的办法 ,成熟一个制定一个 ,逐步推进。可在宪法中设置程序性条款 ,宪法中的这一条款规定可以作为行政程序立法的根据 ,相应制定完善的可操作性的规则。另外 ,要加强对行政立法和自由裁量行为的司法审查 ,使行政程序法的执行更有保障  相似文献   

论中国利益集团对地方立法的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着改革开放的深入和社会主义现代化的顺利进行,在我国的政治、经济以及社会的各领域产生了一些利益集团,它们以各自的行为方式在政治社会上扮演着不同的角色.随着各类利益集团的发展,它们对政治活动和政府公共政策的制定表现出越来越多的参与,对政府行政、立法及司法等方面的影响也日益突出.本文从立法的角度,阐述中国利益集团对地方立法的影响,并试图从中找出中国利益集团的发展方向.  相似文献   

姜龙 《创新》2009,3(11):88-90
建设行政审批服务中心是各地优化发展环境的重要战略决策,是助推行政体制改革的有效举措,也是吸引外来投资、促进经济发展的重要阵地。近年来,江苏省海门市在国际金融危机持续蔓延,企业生存发展面临严峻挑战的背景下,结合安徽省合肥市审批服务中心建设的先进经验,切实抓好行政审批服务中心建设,进一步营造宽松环境,提供高效服务,与企业抱团取暖、共克时艰,开创了新时期下审批服务工作的新局面。  相似文献   

Financial systems are complex and may support economic growth differently at various stages of economic development. This study of 90 countries extends the financial development-economic growth literature by using four proxies of financial development (banking, stock market, bond market and insurance), and considering a country’s level of economic development, on both a full and pre-global crisis sample. As expected financial markets have different effects on growth where the level of economic development vary. Policy makers should find that the insurance sector offers the most benefit for economic growth at all levels of development. Stock markets promote growth for middle income countries. Similarly bond markets promote growth with middle and high income countries. Some bond market and stock market results differed in the pre-crisis sample. Policies which promote trade but limit other areas such as inflation, government consumption and crises, should also support growth.  相似文献   

行政法的现实反映与价值追求   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
21世纪 ,在实现法制文明化、现代化这一历史进程中 ,包含一项重要内容 ,即行政法制现代化。中国行政法制现代化是一个长期的工程 ,需要以完善的行政法律规范为基础。完善的标准在于 :一是行政立法应满足社会的客观需要 ,反映新的经济关系 ,以实现行政法对经济发展的保障作用 ;二是行政法应体现和保障人民群众的民主权利 ,彰显民主、科学 ;三是行政法要协调好行政权与各种权力与权益的关系 ,在价值上达到社会公正理念。  相似文献   

王水莲  罗美英 《创新》2009,3(9):90-93
金融危机正在对全球实体经济产生严重损害,世界经济增长动力减弱、复苏乏力。在经济全球化的背景下,中国经济虽然在短期内所受影响较小,但在未来中长期内其发展形势依然严峻。作为中国宏观经济的一部分,在金融危机的挑战下,积极深化改革,尽快实现经济增长方式的转变将是南宁市应对危机、实现经济稳定快速发展的必然选择。  相似文献   

An empirical study reported that the economic crisis in European countries affected their suicide rates and described that an increase in social services expenditures of US$10 per person in labor market programs impacted the decrease in unemployment suicides by 0.038%. However, there has no study that the economic crisis in Asia countries affected their suicide rates. Since 2008, South Korea has been ranked first for suicide rate in the OECD countries. Many studies have blamed the economic crisis that followed from the US financial crisis in 2007 as the critical cause. However, in the case of Japan, the suicide rate decreased in the same time period (2008–2011) even though they faced the same financial crisis. The purpose of this study was to examine why the different situations in Korea and Japan occurred with the economic crisis through testing whether the government’s social service expenditure affects the people’s suicide rate in Asia countries. These efforts will contribute to understanding the critical role of social service.  相似文献   

杨昌宇 《求是学刊》2007,34(6):100-105
当代俄罗斯的总统制是社会转型期的一种制度选择。在实践层面,强权总统制具有现实的合法性基础,对当下的复兴与崛起发挥着有效的作用。但从民主宪政的长远发展来看,总统权力的扩张又存在深刻的危机,即特殊历史时期确立起来的以个人魅力为主导的强权总统制只是权宜之计,如何向法律型治理模式过渡是其现代进程中必须面对的问题。随着普京总统任期即将届满,俄罗斯国内种种倾向于让其留任或执掌权柄的说法,更是强权总统制合法性危机的直接体现。  相似文献   


The economic recession caused by the global financial crisis of 2008 affected political change across the world in different ways. Economic and social problems turned into political crises in North Africa. In Europe and America, dissatisfaction over such problems caused social unrest but did not imperil the political order. In East Asia, where competitive party politics have just emerged, the financial crisis sparked a correlative political and economic reaction model involving economic recession—growing wealth gap—public policy transition in electoral politics. Major electoral campaigns over the past five years in China’s Taiwan, the Republic of Korea and other economies in East Asia indicate that prioritizing economic growth and equitable distribution are emerging to be common core issues in different parties’ electoral competition despite remnant historical questions and highly politicized issues. The new electoral politics based on public policy competition has gained greater space for development against the background of an economic recession and a growing wealth gap, and is exerting a profound influence on the political and economic development process in East Asia.  相似文献   

Wang KY‐T, Wong C‐k, Tang K‐L. Citizens' attitudes towards economic insecurity and government after the 2007 financial tsunami: A Hong Kong and Taiwan comparison The purpose of this study was to investigate people's attitudes to economic insecurity and government in Hong Kong and Taiwan after the financial tsunami of 2007. Random sampling telephone surveys were conducted in July 2009. These are the main conclusions: First, the most vulnerable groups hurt by the financial crisis were low‐income families and people who had lost their job or were afraid of losing it. This implies that the old policy issue of social stratification and the emerging policy issue of employment insecurity coexisted during the financial crisis. Second, personal experiences of economic insecurity had an influence on people's perceptions of the severity of the economic crisis at the societal level. Third, citizens had ambivalent feelings about public interventions during the crisis. Fourth, there were both convergence and divergence between Hong Kong and Taiwan with regard to attitudes to particular issues. The policy implications of these findings are discussed in the final section of this article.  相似文献   

The 2008 financial and economic crisis, characterized by an economic breakdown unparalleled since the Great Depression, provides a unique opportunity to study the relationships between economic developments and social capital by asking: How does social capital change in times of social and economic hardship? In order to explore the trends of social capital development, data from the European Social Survey 2002–2016 are used. The results suggest that economic decline – particularly increasing unemployment – is associated with a decline in social capital, especially in southern European countries. Furthermore, increasing long-term interest rates as an indicator of government future debt sustainability appear to be detrimental for social capital development. The impact of economic decline, however, appears to be contingent upon the functioning of state institutions: especially in countries characterized by well-functioning governments social capital is significantly less affected by economic decline than other countries.  相似文献   

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