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20世纪90年代以来,区域经济一体化已经成为国际经济关系中最引人注目的趋势之一,而从20世纪50年代万隆会议开启外交关系开始,中国和阿拉伯国家便患难与共半个多世纪.2004年,中阿论坛建立以来,中阿双方的经济贸易合作步入了迅猛发展的快车道.因此无论从全球还是地区来看,中阿关系都是当今世界上最重要的双边关系之一.本文从区域经济一体化对国际经济贸易的影响着手,通过对中阿经贸合作发展现状的分析,探讨了区域经济一体化趋势对中阿经贸关系的新挑战.  相似文献   

淮海经济区城市经济联系定量测度与对策分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
区域经济合作逐渐成为经济发展的主要趋势.成为打破行政区划阻碍实现区域经济协调发展的重要途径。很多学者对区域经济合作的研究备加关注.对我国区域经济合作的影响因素、时间演变、模式、措施等进行了大量研究和分析.为我国区域经济的共同发展提供了行之有效的建议和对策。但是。目前对区域经济合作的研究绝大部分都集中在定性研究.很少涉及定量测度研究.同时也缺乏对欠发达的省际边界区经济合作进行研究。淮海经济区是典型的省际边界区.是我国沿海地区经济发展的低谷。推动该区域的崛起,  相似文献   

刘习平  杨伟 《城市》2009,(12):40-44
区域政府合作的目的.就是基于对市场规范的共识.扫除行政壁垒.促进区域内部要素的流动.实现资源的有效配置.最终形成一个统一的地域经济组织。但是.各地方在整体利益一致的条件下.受不同地理位置、经济发展水平、人力资本状况等的不同而表现出各自利益的差异.从而造成了区域经济圈内利益冲突的不可避免。因此,  相似文献   

杜小平 《城市》2009,(8):45-48
加强京津冀区域经济融合.加快经济一体化步伐.是目前这一地区发展的首要任务。区域旅游合作不仅是京津冀区域经济一体化的重要内容.同时也是推进京津冀区域经济一体化起动的重点。  相似文献   

作为本世纪世界政治、经济发展中最有影响力的一件大事和整个东亚经济合作与发展的重要转折点.建立中国-东盟自由贸易区巳在东亚及全球范围内引起广泛关注.众多新闻媒体.政府官员以及知名人士纷纷就这一事件发表看法。从这些报道中.人们完全可以感受到,“中国-东盟自由贸易区”、中国经济崛起在当今区域经济合作及全球经济发展中的重要作用。  相似文献   

王晓玲 《城市》2008,(11):74-78
辽宁沿海经济带的开发开放.不仅是为了培育新的经济增长极.而且是为了通过沿海经济带的辐射和带动作用.使沿海与腹地形成协调发展的态势.从而推进区域经济整体发展。目前.辽宁沿海经济带与腹地协调发展的初步格局已经形成.但是.还需要推进机制的跟进以夯实沿海与腹地协捌发展的态势。首先.要通过大力发展腹地的区域经济.进一步深化辽宁沿海与腹地的协调发展;其次,要通过推进区域一体化进程.形成辽宁区域共同市场;再次,要推动各类城市间的合作.形成城市间的优势互补和分工协作。  相似文献   

在东亚区域经济合作进程中,中国-东盟自由贸易区的建立无疑是其中一个最大亮点,它不仅为东盟与日本、东盟与韩国之间建立自由贸易区起了示范作用,更为整个东亚的区域经济合作创造了条件。建立中国-东盟自由贸易区,既体现了中国和东盟领导人加强睦邻友好合作的政治意愿,也是中国和东盟经济联系不断深化的必然结果。因此,这一设想一经宣布,即引起国际社会的强烈反响,普遍认为这是东亚区域经济合作的历史性突破,是促进中国与东盟在当今世界经济挑战面前争取实现双赢的重要举措。它将改变整个亚洲政治经济发展的路向,其意义十分重大。  相似文献   

周运源  卢扬帆  孔超  张欢 《城市观察》2012,(6):88-94,81
根据区域一体化理论,结合新时期广东省在推进珠三角一体化中,建立和发展广佛肇、深莞惠和珠中江三个经济圈的实践,分析了区域经济一体化对区域整体发展的新意义、地位和作用,讨论了珠江三角洲通过建设和发展若干个以经济发展为核心的现代都市圈,对于新时期加强与港澳经济合作,促进区域经济一体化的更好发展颇具深远的意义和作用。  相似文献   

香港与新加坡及相关区域经济整合研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
改革开放30年来,随着广东经济层次的提高和对外经贸合作的升级,粤港、粤新之间传统的经贸合作模式难以继续维系。基于全球化和区域经济整合理论,本文在剖析粤、港、新经济发展和格局演变的基础上,提出了新时期粤港、粤新差异化经济整合模式、整合机制及主体内容,并进一步阐述广东在粤港新经贸合作中的优势及发展策略。  相似文献   

高职产学合作教育与区域经济发展关系探析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
王武林 《职业时空》2009,5(11):36-37
学校与企业围绕人才培养进行合作,其重点应放在与本地区行业企业的互动。高职教育与区域经济发展的关系表现为相互依存性、互惠互利性和优势互补性。加强高职院校与区域经济互动的关键是专业建设与产业发展同步,加强合作针对性;准确预测区域产业人才需求的变化趋势,具有合作前瞻性;主动开展多种技术服务,保持合作主动性;灵活采用多种培养模式,实施合作多样性。  相似文献   

Historically, the frail elderly, as well as other vulnerable populations who are unable to care for themselves, have been subject to legal proceedings known as guardianships. Despite changes and reforms, adult guardianship law has survived as a fundamental legal institution aimed at protecting the frail elderly as well as other incompetent adults. However, very little is known on the reality of adult guardianship under Israeli law, and the experience of the adult population under guardianship was never empirically studied in Israel. The empirical void regarding the workings of the Israeli law in this area served as the impetus for this study. The study investigated the issue of adult and elder guardianship in Israel as revealed in Family Law Courts' rulings, while focusing in particular on the profile of the wards, the reasons and motives, the legal procedure, and the outcome of the guardianship process. The study was a quantitative analysis, based on a random sample that included 523 court cases requesting legal guardianship for adults due to impaired legal competence. Rulings on these cases were provided in Family Courts from Haifa, Nazareth, and the Krayot areas in the period of the years 2000-2002. A clear but somber picture emerges from the findings of this study: Every year thousands of elderly individuals are subjected to the plenary legal authority of guardians appointed by law. This severe legal outcome takes place without providing these elderly the right to express their positions, without the provision of legal representation, and without their being seen or heard by the courts. These findings lead to the conclusion that there is urgent need in Israel to carry out extensive reform in the realm of civil legislation on the issue of guardianship for adults and the elderly.  相似文献   


The definition and occurrence of traumatic events is expanding and impacts everyone's lives in some way. The degree to which a violent event impacts an individual, a group, a workplace or the community varies. Unfortunately violent events are all too common. Businesses are realizing the significance of violence as a workplace problem and the varying degrees of trauma that has a devastating impact on employee retention, workplace functionality and personal well-being. The events can include industrial or natural disasters; worksite accidents; organizational changes; suicide; homicides; robbery; assault; threats of violence and even terrorism. How prepared an organization is varies and may be correlated with how resilient individuals and the entire workplace are after workplace violence/trauma. This article focuses on what workplace violence and trauma includes, the effects of repeat events, how resilient people are while trying to prevent additional events if possible in the workplace.  相似文献   

盛睿 《阿拉伯世界》2014,(3):108-120
土耳其是第一个以中产阶层为主体的伊斯兰国家。中产阶层形成至今约有一个世纪的历史,其成员组成由最早奥斯曼帝国晚期的官僚阶级和军人、到现代土耳其时期的小商人、知识分子等。大多数中产阶层自身建构为欧洲身份认同,喜欢西方化的生活方式。在98%都是穆斯林的土耳其,这部分中产阶层坚持推行世俗化发展道路,支持国家加入欧盟和深化与美国的传统盟友关系。中产阶层不仅是民主化的推动力,而且是推动国内经济增长的重要力量。21世纪以来,土耳其经济稳定的增长使中产阶层占有比例不断扩大,以至于土耳其成为西方大品牌竞相投资扩张的热土。在当代土耳其,中产阶层与现代化已经融为一体,他们教育水平较高,具有良好的文化特征,对整个社会文化氛围的形成具有巨大的影响力。可以说,中产阶层是决定土耳其国家未来发展方向的重要力量。  相似文献   

The paper reports findings from a focus group study on representations of Europe, conducted in England in the run-up to the UK EU referendum. Four themes were identified in the analysis: ‘cultured Europe’; ‘little Europe/global Britain’; ‘Europe as a cultural threat’; and ‘Eastern vs. Western Europe’. Analysis of these themes showed that Europe was an ambivalent identity category that could encapsulate contrary ideas such as cosmopolitanism/isolationism and cultural enrichment/undermining. Europe’s relation to Britain was also ambivalent in the data. Britain could be positioned as superior to Europe, sometimes being seen as closer to the ‘European essence’ in the context of the EU’s eastward expansion, which was seen as diluting European culture. But, Britain could also be seen as backward compared to the idea of cosmopolitan continental Europe. These different lines of argument and their ideological underpinnings are explored in the discussion of the findings.  相似文献   


Historically, the frail elderly, as well as other vulnerable populations who are unable to care for themselves, have been subject to legal proceedings known as guardianships. Despite changes and reforms, adult guardianship law has survived as a fundamental legal institution aimed at protecting the frail elderly as well as other incompetent adults. However, very little is known on the reality of adult guardianship under Israeli law, and the experience of the adult population under guardianship was never empirically studied in Israel. The empirical void regarding the workings of the Israeli law in this area served as the impetus for this study. The study investigated the issue of adult and elder guardianship in Israel as revealed in Family Law Courts' rulings, while focusing in particular on the profile of the wards, the reasons and motives, the legal procedure, and the outcome of the guardianship process.

The study was a quantitative analysis, based on a random sample that included523 court cases requesting legal guardianship for adults due to impaired legal competence. Rulings on these cases were provided in Family Courts from Haifa, Nazareth, and the Krayot areas in the period of the years 2000-2002.

A clear but somber picture emerges from the findings of this study: Every year thousands of elderly individuals are subjected to the plenary legal authority of guardians appointed by law. This severe legal outcome takes place without providing these elderly the right to express their positions, without the provision of legal representation, and without their being seen or heard by the courts. These findings lead to the conclusion that there is urgent need in Israel to carry out extensive reform in the realm of civil legislation on the issue of guardianship foradults and the elderly.  相似文献   

进入新时代,青年践行友善观对青年发展和社会发展更为重要。反思中国青年友善观践行的行为出发点、行为过程及行为结果,仍存有一些问题,如自我向他者的跨越难题、利益与友善的选择难题、适当的道德回应难题。在以教育手段化解这些难题的友善观培育过程中,因价值观教育特性把握的缺少和知识教育本位的侵占,教育效果并不理想。因此,认清进而把握新时代中国青年友善观践行的突出问题,是明晰新时代中国青年友善观乃至社会主义核心价值观培养方向,引导广大青年成为德智体美劳全面发展的社会主义建设者和接班人的重要前提。  相似文献   

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