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高校校园文化是高校对学生进行教育的重要组成部分,同时也是高校进行人才培养的一个关键环境因素。良好的高校校园文化能对学生教育起到推动的促进作用,同时也可帮助学生健康成长。舞蹈在高校校园文化建设中有着举足轻重的作用,是其他因素无法替代的。本文主要从学生心理健康水平提升,学生艺术气质和创新意识的培养,校园文化功能的导向等几方面来阐述舞蹈在校园文化建设中的作用。  相似文献   

高校校园文化建设面临社会转型带来的市场化、社会化、功利化的影响,高校党建对于推进高校校园文化建设,实现高校育人功能有着无可取代的主导和引领作用。高校党建在办学指导思想、校园物质文化、校园精神文化、校园制度文化、校园课余文化和校园舆论文化中都起着引领作用,指引着校园文化沿着社会主义道路健康、有序的发展。  相似文献   

柴孟祥  张健 《职业》2015,(8):155-156
本文提出,在职业院校校园文化建设中,图书馆以丰富的馆藏文献资源、优良的空间活动环境和高质量的专业服务水平履行其教育职能,充分发挥其文化导向、宣传教育的积极作用,是校园文化建设的重要组成部分。  相似文献   

高校音乐教育对培育和完善健康向上的校园文化,具有十分重要的作用。它是当代大学生提高科学文化素质的重要途径,是全面素质教育的重要组成部分,是当代大学生人格塑造、美化自身的重要手段。开展多种形式的音乐教育,是社会主义精神文明建设的目标要求,有助于增进大学生的人际关系交流,提升学校的校园文化和知名度。  相似文献   

校园文化建设是高等教育的重要任务之一,健美操专业是各高校普遍开设的课程,其在丰富校园文化、促进大学生全面发展方面有非常重要的作用。本文就体育与校园文化的关联、健美操运动的特点及在校园文化建设中的作用进行了探讨,以期为今后校园文化建设提供参考。  相似文献   

校园文化能够直接反映出学校的教育理念以及教育精神,校园文化的主体就是学生,而载体则是整个校园,能够有效的培养学生的价值观念、思维习惯以及综合品质,所以,在中职院校中建设校园文化成为了中职院校发展的重要内容,只有充分发挥共青团的作用,将共青团与建设校园文化紧密的联合,才能够使校园文化得作用得以最大程度的发挥。因此,本文主要对中职共青团在校园文化建设中的作用及发挥作出分析,希望能够为相关人士提供一些思路。  相似文献   

为深入贯彻落实党的十八届三中全会精神和《中共中央、国务院关于进一步加强和改进大学生思想政治教育的意见》,积极培育和践行社会主义核心价值观,高校的校园文化建设的必要性迫在眉睫。校园文化是每一个高校办学理念、精神以及管理水平的集中展示,高度重视和加强校园文化建设,应当是每个高校整体建设的当务之急。  相似文献   

大学是思想和文化的主要集散地,校园文化活动是思想和文化集散的重要载体。同时,校园文化建设是高校建设的重要组成部分。校园文化是包括制度文化、物质文化、精神文化在内的总称。本文从如何正确地认识校园文化的重要性,如何找到并解决新时期校园文化建设的问题,如何很好地建设校园文化三个方面进行了研究。  相似文献   

图书馆是大学生最为熟悉的场所,也是推进高校校园文化建设的重要阵地。图书馆文化已成为大学校园文化的一道风景,它不仅是校园的地标式建筑,也是文献资源系统;既是课外文化活动的主场,又是提升师生个人素质、创建校园精神文化的摇篮,更是高校品牌文化建设的标志。  相似文献   

加强校园文化建设,营造良好的校园文化环境,是通过熏陶作用来实现全面发展教育的重要途径,是全面提高学生素质的一种重要手段。文中阐述了校园文化的含义,概括了校园文化建设的主要内容,并从四个方面分析了校园文化建设对素质教育的推进作用。  相似文献   

Les propositions pour un bilinguisme planifie et les politiques mises de 1'avant pour le realiser sont audacieuses dans leur conception. A travers la structure linguistique, on vise a realiser une veritable revolution sociale.
On retrouve dans les deux rapports de la Commission deux themes fonda-mentaux: (1) le Canada est constitue de deux cultures et societes distinctes, Tune francaise et l'autre anglaise, et (2) puisque la societe et la culture francaises sont menacees dans leur existence, elles doivent etre protegees. Toutefois, on ne considere pas comme un probleme serieux l'americanisation de la culture et de la societe canadiennes anglaises.
La Commission d'enquete a rendu un fier service en rejetant l'idee que le dualisme canadien etait compose d'une alliance unique de la societe francaise et anglaise. En detruisant ce mythe, elle a suscite un separatisme intellectuel et social qui remet en question 1'unite canadienne.
La validite et 1'utilite des propositions de la Commission sont liees a la possibilite de trouver des definitions unanimes des concepts de culture et de societe. Cependant, les commissaires ne reussissent ni a donner une definition claire de la notion de culture ni a presenter le Canada comme societe globale qui aurait une structure et une coherence propres.  相似文献   

The law has enormous cultural significance; it creates many of the roles and statuses that structure people's lives, represents a society's values, establishes rights of cultural expression, and places restrictions on these rights. The cultural dimensions of the law are especially important for marginalized groups, as the law can act as a barrier to political and social inclusion or offer protection from discrimination. This essay argues that cultural studies of the law have overlooked the significance of the different sources of law. In the USA, culturally significant laws and legal interpretations can come from the judiciary or the legislature. Laws that are recognized by the judiciary or established by it through common law have a much different cultural significance from laws that are passed by legislatures. Judicial decisions are more symbolically meaningful, but may have a more limited power to produce deep cultural changes. Some major judicial decisions on minority rights, such as that in Brown vs. Board of Education, have even incited backlash. Legislative decisions tend to be seen as more legitimate and more reflective of the popular will, yet it may be more difficult for minority groups with limited resources to act through the legislature. Moreover, the legislature can also be used to by larger groups to block minority groups' attempts to gain rights. This essay illustrates the differences between these two sources of law and their comparative power to influence culture with key examples drawn from the civil rights movement and the gay rights movement.  相似文献   

This article investigates yafuni (‘witchcraft’ or female sorcery) accusations among the Maisin people living in Collingwood Bay, Oro Province, Papua New Guinea. It takes as its primary case a public meeting at which two women were accused of killing a man. During the meeting, reasons for the victim's unexpected death and why he was subjected to ‘witchcraft’ were questioned and explored. While sorcery and witchcraft accusations might have violent outcomes, I argue that among Maisin they can be understood as performative rituals in which tensions and frustrations are vented in controlled ways, effectively preventing aggression and violence towards those accused. Accusations must be understood in the context of local identity politics that entail the questioning and redefining of relations and boundaries between gender, clans and cultural groups. In the case examined in this paper, the meeting provided a forum for the predominantly male accusers to re-establish gender hierarchies and social boundaries in order to restore social balance, albeit at the cost of victimising two women.  相似文献   

Differentiation of the computing world is discussed in terms of the major lines of segmentation and cleavage which generate sub-worlds within the larger computing world context. The relationship of one particular pattern of cleavages—the production system—is described vis-vis other lines of cleavage and segmentation. Patterns of intersection among sub-worlds generated by these lines of cleavage are also discussed, and the implications of these intersections for the organization of the production system are described. Patterns of intersection are conceptualized as systems of interlocked negotiating contexts, whose attributes shape the outcomes of computing work.  相似文献   

The concept of social world is given greater analytical power by categorizing differential participation through a typology of social types—strangers, tourists, regulars, and insiders. These trans-situational social types are examined in terms of their commitment, relationships, experiences, and orientation to social worlds. Social worlds are also discussed in terms of three qualities of interaction—relevance, accessibility, and receptivity.  相似文献   

生态文化与大学校园文化生态建设   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
生态文化是人类文化的最新走向。作为社会文化系统的子系统,大学校园文化必须借鉴生态文化理念,致力于校园文化生态的建设,营造和谐的校园环境、文化氛围、构建良好的管理生态、学术生态和信息生态,以推进新世纪大学的可持续发展。  相似文献   

通过对中职校园体育文化的概念以及现状的阐述,提出四条中职校园体育文化建设策略,旨在为贯彻与实施《全民健身计划纲要》、实施素质教育和培养学生终身体育意识和完成学校体育教育提供参考。  相似文献   

Careful consideration of Mead's theory of universals proves to be a corrective to a number of tendencies evident in the work of at least some influential contemporary symbolic interactionists. Mead avoids any realistic hypostatization of separate universals (“meanings,” “forms,” or “essences” while at the same time eschewing nominalistic and conventionalistic views of language. His principle of the objective reality of perspectives (1932:161-175) allows him to grant objective reality to universal characteristics of concrete objects, but entails neither hypostatization nor idealization of the universal. In addition to contravening nominalism and conventionalism, Mead's theory of universals provides a perspective from which the reality of the self, and the importance of intentional action for the development of a firmly felt sense of self and autonomy, can both be affirmed. Far from being an illusion or mer.e symbolic construct, the self is seen to be an objectively real universal within the perspective of social action.  相似文献   

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