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This paper examines the structure and performance of the banking industry in Jordan during the period 2000–2006. The Jordanian banking industry is free of extensive state ownership and government direction of the economy. These positive features are reflected by the absence of dominant state-owned banks and by the limited use of directed credit programs, interest rate controls, and credit ceilings. The banking industry is well developed, with bank assets representing 239.80 percent of the GDP at the end of 2006, which is a high percentage compared with other developing countries in the region.  相似文献   

The institutional features of models of unregulated monetary systems have often been arbitrarily and implausibly assumed. This paper instead provides realistic grounding for important features by constructing a logical evolutionary account of free banking. Sophisticated and orderly arrangements are shown to emerge from competition and the pursuit of less costly methods of payment. The emergence of standardized commodity money is followed by the development, in turn, of basic money-transfer banking, easily transferable bank liubilities, and clearinghouses. The features of an evolved free banking system differ from those assumed in recent models of competitive payments systems.  相似文献   

Many recent institutional reforms of the financial system have relied on the introduction of an explicit scheme of deposit insurance. This instrument aims at two main targets, contributing to systemic stability and protecting depositors. However, it may also affect the interest rate spread in the banking system, which can be viewed as an indicator of either inefficiency or market power in this financial segment. This paper provides an empirical investigation of the effect of deposit insurance and other institutional and economic variables on bank interest rates across countries. We find that deposit insurance increases the lending–deposit spread in banking. The main effect seems to arise not from the deposit side though, but from an increase in the lending rate. We interpret this result as evidence of the presence of moral hazard problems related to this instrument. We also find that higher quality of institutions is associated with lower spreads, thus contributing to eroding sources of market power in the banking sector.  相似文献   

This article presents empirical evidence about factors that influence the solvency of Spanish savings banks. It also studies whether the presence of politicians in their governance has led to lower solvency ratios and, consequently, to the current economic situation in the Spanish banking sector. We use multivariate regressions, taking the solvency ratio as the dependent variable; and efficiency, the coverage ratio, political influence, CEOs’ political influence, size, growth, and age as independent variables. Our results confirm that banking entities controlled by politicians resulted in poor performance, and political influence on the boards of savings banks led them to insolvency. The findings show that the non‐ownership structure of savings banks, the lack of best practice corporate governance mechanisms, and political presence have weakened them.  相似文献   

Abstract Collectively, current resource‐development literature has given little attention to organizational features of ownership as important variables in community resilience. By drawing from six local buyout cases in Canada's forest sector, we reveal the complexity and numerous constraints on local ownership and expose a more nuanced context than most sociologists tend to consider. Our findings suggest that the meaning of local ownership and community resilience varies depending upon the composition (e.g., private vs. public; mill vs. forest license vs. coupled mill & forest license), type (social, cooperative, trust and/or direct‐share ownership), extent of ownership (percentage of local versus extra‐local shares), and the level of control (e.g., proportion of locally held seats on the Board of Directors) associated with ownership. Future research on local ownership should more carefully differentiate between the nature of local ownership and its associated outcomes.  相似文献   

China started economic transition in 1978 to implement a Chinese type of socialist market economy system, i.e., a market-oriented economy consisting of collectively community-owned enterprises (CCOE) and state-owned enterprises (SOE) in a totalitarian political system with the Communist Party of China as the ruling power. The main contents of the economic transition can be briefly described as follows: (1) gradual decentralization of economic decision from central economic planning to market-oriented decision by delegating competence to managers of SOE and CCOE without privatization of public ownership, (2) liberalization of cross border economic activities (open-door policy), (3) allowance for Chinese to erect private enterprises (PE) on the one side and foreigners to set up foreign invested enterprises (FIE) on the other side, as well as (4) reorganization of SOE and CCOE. In comparison to the former Soviet Union and the Central and Eastern European countries, the following points of China's way of economic transition are of special interest. First, China's way of transition is a ``gradual trial and error' approach without a transition program set for long term but flexible and gradual way which is called a ``touch stones to cross river' approach. Field experiments have been carried out at first. A reform will be implemented after successful experiments. Second, the rural community becomes reorganized by breaking down communes, implementing a ``household responsibility system' in the agricultural sector and setting CCOE in the rural areas to carry out industrialization without movement out of rural labor (the slogan for this kind of transition is lee tuh puh lee shian [``move out from agriculture but not out of rural area']. Third, China's economic development is characterized by a huge expansion of CCOE in the eighties and newly founded PE consisting of FIE since the nineties, while only a very limited share of SOE has been privatized via the reorganization of the sector. China's way of economic transition has been a process of decentralization of the economic system from a central planning economy to one of decentralized market-oriented decision by delegating competence to management of SOE and CCOE without privatization of the ownership to increase efficiency. Fourth, China has been heavily loaded by a fragile banking system with a huge amount of nonperformance loan which implies a high risk of banking system crisis. Fifth, China's economic transition has been seen as a tool to keep the power of the Communist Party China with a periodically instable totalitarian political system and has permanently been confronted with risk of a political collapse. Human rights have not been protected in China. The FIE have crucially contributed to the growth of industrial production, export, and also the economic growth in China since 1979, especially since 1992. Economic special zones have significantly induced the rapid growth inflow of FDI which has financed the establishment of new enterprises instead of financing privatization of the SOE in China. Thus, it is not exaggerated to say that the FDI inflow has mainly contributed to the performance of the Chinese economic transition and the FIE have been the engine of the Chinese economic development.  相似文献   

伊斯兰金融最早出现在20世纪七十年代的阿拉伯地区。银行最重要的功能是信用中介,伊斯兰金融机构超越了商业银行的基本职能,发挥了融资租赁、股权投资、信托投资、合资经营等功能。其中,伊斯兰银行业务为客户提供符合伊斯兰教义,以无息、无投机、实物对应、风险共担为主要特征的产品及金融服务。伊斯兰银行业是伊斯兰金融体系中最发达的部分。探索伊斯兰金融在中国的拓展对中国金融市场的深入发展具有重要意义。  相似文献   

This article explores how transaction information is a fundamental element enabling and fostering global flows of money. Financial systems, constructed around account-based money, require infrastructure, which is separated into two parts: messaging and settlement, performed via trusted agents. This separation has allowed the geographical expansion of banking, and to this day constitutes a key architecture of increasingly global networks of money. Focusing on the correspondent banking system and the Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication, this article demonstrates the workings of this infrastructure in cross-border payments and in enacting economic sanctions. This sociotechnical infrastructure is a crucial yet overlooked area of global banking, which makes global economic and financial activity possible in the first place. Importantly, by analysing the organizational architecture of the global payments system and including the actors and agencies within it, we elucidate the (changing) relationships between data/information, geographies and power, contributing to the formation of a literature that conceptualizes financial infrastructure.  相似文献   

This article provides a socio-historical analysis of particular financial instruments in the housing market. I argue that the production and consumption of subprime loans continue to evince a pattern of racial discrimination. Whereas racialized loans in the mid-1900s were based on providing credit to whites and precluding blacks from accessing credit (Wave I), a new means of financial production was predicated by the opposite (Wave II). Although the first wave of home ownership led to real increases in wealth, the second wave led to a housing bubble that resulted in less or negative wealth. Under the subprime era, banking institutions could reap profits when homeowners paid their loans on time or defaulted. White homeowners continued to fare better than black homeowners.  相似文献   

Scientific research on the banking crisis 2007–08 has answered many important questions according to generally accepted methodological standards. However, there remains at least one outstanding question that has not been answered with methodological accuracy: What caused the severe USA banking crisis 2007–08? To address this question the paper uses a counterfactual definition of ‘cause,’ distinguishes between separable and non-separable causes, and employs a well-posed methodology for the causation analysis of singular events. In addition, first causes and preponderant causes are distinguished. The main result of this paper is that the preponderant causes of the banking crisis 2007–08 were securitization and ignorance.  相似文献   

土地制度改革的核心就是要改计划配置为市场配置。首先,要建立城乡统一、开放、竞争有序的土地市场,为此须转变政府职能,划清政府与市场的界线;改革产权制度,把公有公用的土地公有制改成公有私用的土地公有制;建立城乡统一的土地市场,开放集体土地入市;改革征地制度。其次,要建立适应市场配置的国家宏观调控体系。政府主要有4种调控手段:确立以公众参与式的规划制订办法;正确实施土地用途分区,限制土地使用权,以提高土地利用效率;建立能促进节约用地、优化配置、公平分配土地收益的财税制度,使税收、投资、补贴成为国家调控土地的主要手段;改革行政审批制度,简政放权。  相似文献   

This paper examines the main characteristics of the Chinese banking industry. In particular, it analyses the main performance indicators of the system together with some prospects of future development. The paper also considers the problems related to high levels of non-performing loans and the internationalization paths of the Chinese banking market. In spite of some recent reforms, further legislative improvements are required to develop the system and to allow a gradual opening to foreign competition.
Rubens PauluzzoEmail:

From the perspective of risk contagion, it is difficult to balance the benefits and costs of banking globalization. We use data on cross-border syndicated loans intended to build heterogeneous credit networks among banking sectors in various countries to explore the introduction of banking risks into the network. Via social network analysis (SNA), we find that the global credit network has phased characteristics, and it is a source of exposure to global banking risks. However, the more important network position, that is, the greater centrality, identified shows that the banking industry is more stable. To explain these findings, we present and estimate the banking risk contagion model and the suppression effect model of contagion. Evidence suggests that the international credit network is the channel of risk contagion, and the long-term loan network and nonfinancial borrower network have a stronger contagion effect. Exogenous banking supervision and network endogenous closeness centrality can inhibit risk contagion. From a policy perspective, these findings indicate the need to supervise high-risk cross-border loans and maintain independence in the international credit network.Data Availability StatementThe data that support the findings of this study are available from the corresponding author, [Heng Zhao, email: zhao0501@mail.dlut.edu.cn], upon reasonable request.  相似文献   

偏离为实体经济服务的"影子银行"会创造金融泡沫;统计监管社会金融资产规模是关注"影子银行"活动的重要措施;尊重市场主体的投资和融资自主权是市场配置资源的基本要义,资金是配置资源的龙头,风险自担是尊重自主权的前提;明确法律关系、发展资产管理市场是搞活投资渠道的重点。  相似文献   

In this article in the journal Gruppe. Interaktion. Organisation (GIO) we discuss the impact of individual mindfulness trainings on organizations. Therefore, we combine research on high reliability organizations with aspects of the newer sociologist system theory. First we seek to define the construct of mindfulness and we distinguish between individual and collective mindfulness as two different qualities of mindfulness. Using an example from the banking sector we discuss the challenges developing mindfulness in organizations and what intervention strategies could work. We distinguish between the three system levels psyche, interaction and organization. Doing this it becomes clear that interventions have to consider the coupling of the three different levels: How interventions have to be designed to effect all three levels?  相似文献   

The article examines migrant remittances per country of origin of remittances for two emigration countries, Greece and Portugal. It also examines the relationship between remittances and the number of banks of the emigration country in the host country.
From the analysis it appears that remittances are concentrated in a small number of host countries – the US and Germany for the Greek case; France (mainly) and the US, Germany and Switzerland for the Portuguese case.
Remittances followed similar trends, characterized by especially high growth during the 1970s and also during the second half of the 1980s. For both countries similar trends are observed regarding the relationship between remittances and remittances per migrant with the presence of banks of the home country at the important countries of origin of remittances.
The growth of the banking presence in host countries had a significant impact on the growth of migrant remittances. However, remittances and migrant population are neither the unique nor main reason for banking expansion abroad. The common European financial and banking market is expected to play a major role in the banking presence abroad, particularly in European Union countries.  相似文献   

金融全球化是经济全球化的核心,而金融自由化则是金融全球化的重要组成部分。20世纪七十年代以来全球开始了以放松金融管制为主要内容的金融自由化进程。中东阿拉伯国家的金融自由化是其宏观经济改革战略的一部分,它力图通过自由化、现代化、提高透明度以及加强风险监管来提高金融中介效率。中东金融改革是一种渐进式的改革,包括货币政策改革、银行体系自由化和开放资本市场。中东金融体系已经成为世界金融体系的一部分,但在金融效率、深度和竞争力方面与发达国家和新兴国家相比还有很大的差距。  相似文献   

Taking into consideration the importance of having a strong banking system, the issue of bank performance evaluation and analysis becomes essential for the bank regulation process in the countries with an emerging economy. For banking performance evaluation and analysis various methods are used in international practice. These methods have many disadvantages and are unusable for the banking systems in the countries with transition economy. In this article a new and complex system of analysis and evaluation of bank performance is described. This is a multidimensional system of bank performance indicators. This system enables to analyze bank performance through integrated indicators, viewing them in corresponding surfaces. Implementation of this system will allow to efficiently analyze bank performance by different directions, to reveal existing problems in the bank, to make corresponding regulation decisions for each bank, and to and group banks according to different criteria.  相似文献   

We introduce a macroeconomic model with heterogeneous households and an aggregate banking sector in order to analyze the impact of rising income inequality under different credit scenarios. Growing inequality produces debt‐led consumption boom dynamics when the banking sector is characterized by a lower capital requirement and a higher willingness to lend. Instead, when inequality rises but the banking sector is highly regulated, aggregate demand and output fall. Our results also yield new insights on the appropriate fiscal policy reaction to stabilize the economy: acting on the progressivity of the tax system seems more effective than a proactive countercyclical fiscal policy. (JEL C63, D31, E62, G01)  相似文献   

This article combines the literature on kin networks and racial disparities in asset ownership. Specifically, we examine the effects of kin characteristics—sibling poverty and parental poverty, education, and occupation—on financial account ownership and home ownership. We find that kin matter for these outcomes. Having a poor sibling and coming from a poor family are negatively associated with account and home ownership while mother's education has a positive effect. Separate analyses by race suggest that kin characteristics matter for both Blacks and Whites for account ownership, but for home ownership they are significant for Whites only. Racial differences in kin characteristics account for over half of the racial gap in account ownership, but are not important for understanding the racial gap in home ownership. The significant effects of extended family characteristics on socioeconomic well-being make a case for the inclusion of kin variables in the growing literature on wealth disparities among Blacks and Whites.  相似文献   

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