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主持人话语:以“礼”为中心的儒家礼学体系在过去百余年的中国知识界一直处于比较难堪和尴尬的位置上。在传统与现代二元对立的僵硬模式中,礼教(或名教)曾被作为儒家与现代最不相容的过时之物受到激烈的抨击,让人一说到“礼”就会联想到约束、控制、禁欲、等级和权势等一些消极因素。即使传统与现代被认为是彼此互动的转化关系,人们似乎也无可奈何地感到儒家的“礼”,特别是体现为复杂的仪式和礼节的那些东西,与我们现代生活的距离实在太远了。坦率地说,与古代社会结构和制度联系在一起的复杂性的礼仪和礼节,在现代社会和生活中确实无法派上…  相似文献   

封禅乃是活跃于战国秦汉之际的政治化宗教思想,经秦始皇、汉武帝的推阐,形成一种旨在维护国家法统的政治性礼仪,并由原本的齐学转入儒学而融入到谶纬的体系。封禅礼仪形成的这一过程是在战国秦汉之际受命改制思潮的推动下完成的,它是儒家礼学在汉代取得的一个发展硕果,不仅使儒家礼学从自身内容上得到新的充实和发展,而且也从礼学角度展示了儒家学说与时俱进的学术发展活力。  相似文献   

德治思想是儒家留给我们的一份优秀文化遗产。它建立在久远的民族文化根基上 ,以人性善为理论依据 ,以仁学与礼学为基本内容。儒家德治思想具有普世性和现代意义。实施“以德治国”应当开发利用儒家的德治思想资源。  相似文献   

刘悦笛  Zhu Yihua 《孔学堂》2023,(1):23-31+116-125
林毓生的“创造性转化”与李泽厚的“转换性创造”,提供的是“中国式现代化”的不同导向性方案,同时也是儒家得以“创化”与“转创”的现实路径。“中国式现代化”离不开儒家的现代性转型,林毓生所要“转化”的乃是儒家人文主义,李泽厚所要“转换”的则是中国人的“文化心理结构”。以西方自由思想为比照,林毓生将“仁”从“礼”中剥离出来,而且把“仁”置于“礼”之先,再与“天赋人权”观念接通起来,从而试图在“儒家道德理想主义”与“西方自由人文主义”之间实现新的整合。李泽厚描述出“仁”本生于“礼”而后主宰“礼”的历史转变,又在公德与私德区分的现代意义上,主张“礼”“仁”分疏以区别于二者合一抑或对抗。据此,李泽厚以“西体中用”的方式,力求探索出“儒家宗教性道德”与“现代社会性道德”之间新的融合。当代儒家所在寻找的恰是“儒家性的现代化”之路与“现代性的儒家化”之道,“中国式现代化”要实现对传统的从“创造性转化”到“转换性创造”之转变。  相似文献   

杨雅丽 《唐都学刊》2002,18(4):106-109
郑玄、孔颖达等训诂大师皆将《礼记·礼器》篇名及篇首“礼器”之语诠释为“礼能使人成器”。这种解释与孔子“君子不器”的哲学命题相悖 ;孔子和儒家认为人乃“天地之心” ,礼是人治国、修身之器 ,故“礼器”不得解释为“礼能使人成器” ;儒家坚信一个真正的君子不能仅有一器之用 ,而应该成为博学通才。“礼器”当为古汉语判断句式 ,意思是“礼是器具” ,可以理解为“礼是人修身之器”。  相似文献   

“礼”和“仁”都是中国儒家传统道德的核心,“礼”的不和谐就是社会的不和谐,对全民族进行具体的、深入的礼节再教育已成为构建和谐社会最急迫、最重要的一个环节。  相似文献   

中国人对“忠恕”一词,可以说是相当熟悉的,因为它是孔老夫子为我们制定的伦理道德的规范,在我们中国长期的社会生活中,它起到了调解人与人之间关系的作用。但是,我们这里所要论述的“忠恕”,则是人们不熟悉的。它已经不再是一个伦理道德范畴,而是一个美学范畴了。这个功绩要归之于金圣叹。金圣叹运用“格物”学说,建立了他的美学思想体系,而“忠恕”和“因缘生法”,则是他美学思想体系的重要组成部分。“忠恕”在金圣叹“格物”美学思想体系中,位置十分重要,他说:“格物之法,以忠恕为门”。同时,它与“因缘生法”的关系也极为密切,  相似文献   

通过舜与上甲微的故事,《保训》表达了儒家的中道政治理念。早期儒家具有强烈的弘道意识,但对于道的认识是开放的,与后世的道统说有明显的不同。中国古代虽然存在一个源远流长“中”的思想传统,并形成中正、中庸、中和等一系列概念,但古代的“中”源于宗教性的礼仪活动,是古代礼学的重要范畴。孔子之后,真正全面继承“中”的传统的是主要是苟子。儒家道统是仁学与礼学的结合,儒家之道乃内圣外王之道。  相似文献   

“男女授受不亲”,这是儒家“礼”的内容之一。然而,当有人问到孟子,发现嫂子落水以后是不是应该“援之以手”时,忠实地恪守儒家之“礼”的孟子,却毫不犹豫地主张这时应该对“礼”采取变通的办法,亲手将落水女子救上来。他说:“嫂溺不援,是豺狼也。男女授受不亲。礼也;嫂溺,援之以手者,权也。”在孟子看来,一个人如果见死而不救,无异于豺狼一般。可见儒家是很主张救死扶溺的。先秦时另一大学派墨家尽管在学术上和儒家大有分歧,可是在救死  相似文献   

对于当代儒家政治哲学来说,敬、礼和完美这三个相连成系的概念既是一种挑战,又是一种机遇。作为挑战,是因为批评家们认为这些思想应为儒家政治思想过去的失败与现在的不相关性负主要的责任;但是,如果这些概念能够通过面对挑战并对批评家们的批评进行回应的方式来理解,那么,这将给儒学提供一个机会,使之在世界政治哲学的对话中作出重大的贡献。文章通过对陈素芬和墨子刻的批评的回应,以面对这种挑战并试图寻找存在的机遇。这两位思想家都不承认那种一般认为是能够表现儒家政治思想特色的完美主义。但是,这两个人同时被吸引到一种能够使人坚定向前的态度,这种态度有时被他们称为“信仰”。文章认为,人们可以在一种开放的、易谬主义的角度去理解儒学对完美的承诺,完美的这层含义可以构成敬的观念的基础,而敬正好符合两位批评者所感受到的对某种“信仰”的需要。完美和敬可以帮助我们说明为什么儒学十分敏锐地坚持把礼作为我们政治生活的核心。  相似文献   

The paper assesses the aims and arguments of critical social science and the reconstructions of it provided by critical realist philosophy. It argues that attempts to derive normative conclusions on the basis of explanatory critiques of social phenomena are flawed in several important respects. Accounts of critical social science standardly underestimate the problems of justifying critical standpoints and finding alternative social forms which generate fewer problems than those they replace, and hence lead to net improvement. By arguing that value positions can be derived from explanatory critiques, the philosophical reconstructions make light of the normative issues raised by proposals for social change. They also ignore the question of the feasibility of alternative systems and the prevalence of structures which generate both good and bad effects. While the reconstructions succeed in defending critiques centering on straightforward cases of false beliefs or the frustration of universal human needs, in others, where culturally-specific needs and issues of social responsibilities are involved, they fail to recognise the need to address prior normative questions. It is therefore argued that the aims and claims of critical social science need to be moderated and its dependence on normative discourse properly acknowledged.  相似文献   

党中央要求北京各项工作走在全国的前列。党的建设更要走在前列,这是由北京所面临的形势和任务决定的,也是由北京作为首都的地位和特点决定的。真正做到“走在前列”,就要强化“首都意识”,发展“首都经济”,处理好改革发展稳定的关系,充分利用首都的各种资源,善于整合各方面的力量。  相似文献   

北京工作要走到全国前列,首先应当确立虚心学习的态度。在一定意义上说,虚心学习的态度说明了是否贯彻落实科学发展观的问题。只有确立虚心学习的态度,才能在新的挑战、新的考验面前,使北京工作有新动力、新起色。  相似文献   

Selecting Korea as one of the conceptually classified East Asian welfare states, this paper aims to empirically investigate the determinants of Korean welfare state development. Linking the research question with the lively discussion on welfare state in Korea that is taking place domestically, this paper also aims to examine whether the development of the Korean welfare state has been influenced by politics of the left or by industrialization with functionalistic perspectives. We conduct an analysis first by regression analysis and then fuzzy‐set qualitative comparative analysis (fsQCA) to examine the conditions of such development. A Korean Welfare State Dataset (KWSD) has been newly included in the Comparative Welfare State Dataset (CWSD) and we used this new dataset for our empirical analysis. Our empirical findings suggest that, at least up to the current point, factors other than economic development or industrialization are not robust enough to make a claim of a take‐off of the Korean welfare state from its developmental stage. However, we also notice the influence of the left government and suggest that it is legitimate to expect an innovative change in the path of the Korean welfare state once the power resource theory is applicable.  相似文献   

Accountability to authors and readers cannot exist without proper peer review practices. Thus, the information a journal seeks from its peer reviewers and how it makes use of this information is paramount. Disagreement amongst peer reviewers can be considerable, resulting in very diverse comments to authors. Incorporating a clear scoring system for key concrete items and requiring referees to provide justification for scores may ensure that reviewers contribute in a consistently fair and effective manner. This article evaluates information collected from reviewers and proposes an example of a system that aims to improve accountability, while having the potential to make it easier for reviewers to perform a more objective review.  相似文献   

Akrasia is a philosophical concept meaning the possibility to perform actions against one's best judgement. This contribution aims to clarify this phenomenon in terms of a social construction, stating it as a narrative configuration generated by an observer. The latter finds himself engaged in justifying a “problematic” line of action with regard to specific cultural beliefs referring to the self, the others and the behaviour. This paper intends to make explicit the assumptions underlying the traditional definitions of akrasia when, paradoxically, an agent performs an action not in accordance with his/her best judgement. In the transition from modern to post‐modern psychology, we here propose an interpretation of the phenomenon in psychological terms, envisaging akrasia as a narrative form functional to the identity processes and to the social dynamics of the structures of contemporary societies. Implications in the psychological practice will be taken into account.  相似文献   

关于大学新生焦虑心理调查   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
大学新生们在大学生活伊始就面临着诸如学习不得要领、各种活动盲目参与、人际关系紧张等心理上的问题,产生了焦虑感。面对这一问题,我们课题组对国家某重点高校的2007级新生做了抽样访谈,从焦虑感的表现、原因以及解决方法上入手,作了详细的分析。  相似文献   

关于校园文化建设的思考   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
黄英 《学术交流》2004,(11):149-151
学校教育与校园文化建设相辅相成。科学地构建校园文化体系,推进校园文化建设,应坚持普遍性与特殊性、继承性与创建性、主体性与主导性相统一的原则。要充分利用载体,规范文化行为,设计文化情境,引导学生自觉地参与文化创造活动。实现校园文化建设的目标,提高教师整体素质是关键,运行机制是手段,加强管理是保证。  相似文献   


The aim of the present study was explore why the informants were feeling lonely and considered themselves to be in need of attending a senior summer camp, and how the informants were experiencing loneliness before they went to the senior summer camp. Interviews was made with nineteen older adult people (15 women and 4 men). A phenomenological inspired approach was used for the analysis of the interviews. Eight themes resulted: Hard to make new friends, Other circumstances making it hard to be social, Feel very lonely even if they lead rich social lives, Loss of loved ones, Do not want to do things alone, Friends make a difference, Do not feel lonely but need a change and Loneliness occurs at certain times. Through this analysis, we have gain insights to better understand loneliness as a multifaceted phenomenon that is associated with both personal circumstances and social situations. Many of the informants experienced being very lonely, even if they lead rich social lives. The experience of loneliness was connected to not having anyone they can turn to in confidence or to share experiences with and the need to belong to something or the need of a change in everyday life.  相似文献   

朱虹 《创新》2011,(6):117-120,128
建立完善的社会中介组织监管体系是建设和谐社会的重大课题。随着我国社会主义市场经济体制的逐步建立以及社会结构的日趋分化,我国社会中介组织的快速发展。然而我国现行的社会中介监管体制及手段由于受多种因素的共同制约,已明显落后于发展的需要,出现监管盲区点多面广、监管效率不高、力度不够等现实困境。为了更好地提高我国社会中介组织的监管能力,必须从监管理念、监管体制、监管模式等多个方面进行创新,发挥社会中介组织监管的积极作用。  相似文献   

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