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Viewing indirect aggression on television has been shown to have negative short‐term effects on a viewer's subsequent aggressive behavior; however, the longer term relationship between viewing indirect aggression on television and in real life has not yet been examined. Three hundred and forty‐seven adolescents, aged 11–14, were asked to list their five favorite television programs. These programs were analyzed for the amount and type of aggression they contained. Peer‐nominated indirect aggression was predicted by other aggressive behavior, sex, and televised indirect aggression. In particular, indirectly aggressive girls viewed more indirect aggression on television than any other group. Peer‐nominated physical aggression was predicted by other aggressive behavior and sex, but not by televised physical or indirect aggression. This study provides a starting point for future long‐term research on the effect of viewing indirect aggression in the media.  相似文献   

电视艺术是日常生活理性化的构型力量,它具有集体想象力和身体舒适度的特征,有助于公众的集体生活理性的构型。中国电视艺术30年来经历了三次转向:第一次转向以情润理,旨在建构精神主导的国家与集体生活理性;第二次转向以虚构理,建构物质引导的世俗与个人生活理性,北京电视人群体在这次转向中发挥了重要作用;第三次转向以趣化理,致力于身体感觉引导的日常生活理性的建构。  相似文献   

可婷婷 《唐都学刊》2006,22(2):149-152
“真人秀”节目泛指由制作者制订规则,由普通人参与并录制播出的电视竞赛游戏节目。真人秀节目在全球掀起新一轮的收视热潮,新的节目形态和营销理念也在电视业界引起广泛关注。以传播学为框架,从大众传播、受众研究、生产流程、传播方式等不同侧面分析,真人秀是一种新型的综合型电视娱乐节目,集中了纪录片、电视剧、游戏节目之长,集戏剧性、娱乐性、纪实性于一体,大量采用跟踪拍摄等纪实手法制作的节目。  相似文献   

Married Vietnamese immigrant women often face multiple stressors related to sociocultural adaptation and new family lives in South Korea. The purpose of this paper is to identify the different influences of acculturative and family life stress on depressive symptoms among Vietnamese immigrant wives. Data were collected through a questionnaire survey of 301 married Vietnamese immigrant women residing in South Korea. The study utilized linear regression analysis to test the relationships between the variables. The findings show that both acculturative and family life stress are positively related to depressive symptoms. Family life stress influences depressive symptoms to a greater extent than acculturative stress. The study emphasizes the significance of family‐related stress on mental health among married Vietnamese immigrant women in Korea and provides some implications for research, clinical practice, and policy.  相似文献   

关于中国法定退休年龄的探讨   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
关于中国法定退休年龄问题,近年来引发了社会各界的广泛关注。本文分析了几个被广泛关注的因素:中国人口平均寿命与健康预期寿命变化,世界的退休年龄变化趋势以及退休年龄变化对于劳动力市场的影响。在此基础上,文章认为:当前女性法定退休年龄偏低,将导致女性退休后出现养老金低收益及"退而不休"现象。因而,建议中国应当提高女性退休年龄,并且应结合劳动力人口变化趋势,采用小步渐进的方式进行调整,以期在一定程度上优化劳动力市场供给。  相似文献   

袁松 《创新》2009,3(9):15-17
在打工生活中完成基本社会化的新生代农民工长期接受消费主义的熏陶,生活模式与意义世界都已城市化,在经济波动中失业返乡之后,他们面临着谋生、交往及情感满足上的诸多障碍。农村人多地少的结构矛盾与打工经济的社会基础决定了村庄对于青年农民的角色期待就是进城打工以完成家庭的再生产,因而返乡的少数青年农民难以形成群体以生产出自身的意义与价值。这些因素使得新生代农民工在返乡后的心理调适需要更长的时间。  相似文献   

In this article, municipal workers' experience of the relationship between family and work in Finland is analysed. The relationship between the reconciliation of family life and work, and intentions to change jobs or industry or to withdraw from work, are also investigated. Results show that the negative effect of work on family life is more common than the spillover effect of family life on work. Demanding jobs, job insecurity, working as a supervisor, having children, being a single parent, and having informal care responsibilities were found to be risk factors for the challenge of reconciling work and family. Difficulties in reconciling work and family were found to be connected to plans to change jobs or industry and intentions to withdraw from work. It can be concluded that the work−family relationship is an important determinant of the supply of labour.  相似文献   

As suicide rates among young people are rising globally, a mixed-mode research was conducted to investigate the perception of young people in Malaysia of what is meant by “Meaningful Life”, and its association with “life is determined by myself”. Two hundred and seventy young people aged 15–24 were recruited in this cross sectional survey. A thematic qualitative approach was used to analyze open-ended questions and the findings reveal that happiness, relationships with family members and friends and having specific goals in life were the top three contributors to meaningfulness in young peoples’ lives. The Chi-square test for independence showed significant association between the coded variables and gender. Females perceived life to be meaningful when the people around them were happy and males perceived life to be meaningful when having good relationships with people around them, and both thought that having goals in life make it meaningful. The result also showed that there was a significant association for females between “life is determined by myself” and “meaningful life”. Present findings suggested that meaningfulness in life is not a pure individual affect or personal construct but a relational concept; it is related to the meaningful activities in which young people engaged. Future researcher may further explore the relationship between youth perceptions of meaningful life and autonomous environments, among the immediate ecological systems of family, peers, and school surroundings.  相似文献   

家庭与家庭结构:概念、类型及其经验准则的反思   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在社会结构的急剧变迁中,作为社会细胞的家庭也出现一些相应的变化。家庭的概念内涵正变得有些模糊难辨。社会科学研究者在将家庭作为自己研究的分析单位时,也往往与人们在日常生活中所理解的家庭有所出入。文章简要回顾既往的主流观点后,结合实际操作中的经验准则,对家庭等相关概念内涵进行了重新界定,以期作为相关领域研究和实践的反思导引。  相似文献   

A two-wave longitudinal study on 470 parent–child dyads examined the impact of family mealtime environment, parenting style and family functioning on preschoolers’ (three to six years old) learning. Measures included parent report on parenting style, family functioning, family meal frequency, mealtime television, feeding practice, teacher/parent report of academic competence and individual assessment of preschoolers’ preschool concepts. Family mealtime environment variables were associated with pre-schoolers’ learning, in addition to parenting style and family functioning, after controlling for family income and wave 1 preschoolers’ learning. The results highlighted the importance of family mealtime environment on preschoolers’ learning.  相似文献   

This paper briefly summarizes the demographic and social changes in Australian families that have focused attention on the interconnections between work and family life. The impacts that employment has on family functioning and the pressures of family life that impinge on the work environment will be discussed. The main theme of the paper explores the apparent confusion and lack of consensus on the part of government and the community at large toward the appropriate roles of men and women in the family and the boundaries that should exist between work and family life. Finally, policy implications of the ambivalence about work and family roles as reflected in government and corporate responses to workers with family responsibilities is addressed.  相似文献   

This article examines the relationship between social security policies and the trend toward greater equality in family life. The declining birth rate and increasing labour-force participation of women, among other factors, have altered the traditional division of labour in family life on which many social security policies were originally predicated. As the traditional guidelines dissolve, two schools of feminist thought suggest alternative ways that husbands and wives should divide their labour to fulfil domestic responsibilities. These perspectives on gender equality in family life are analysed in terms of their implications for social security policies. The merits of these approaches to policy are assessed in light of their impact on social choice, independence, self-realization, and family stability.  相似文献   

Drawing on positive psychology and the perception of families as systems, the current study examined the contribution of variables regarding first‐time grandfathers and their sons, who have become first‐time fathers, to grandfathers' life satisfaction and personal growth. In addition, the association between the frequency of meetings between grandfather and grandchild to grandfathers' life satisfaction and personal growth was examined. The sample consisted of 106 pairs of first‐time Jewish Israeli grandfathers and their sons (n = 212). The grandfathers completed questionnaires relating to personal variables such as narcissism, family relations and frequency of meetings with the grandchild, and reported on their sense of life satisfaction and personal growth. The fathers completed questionnaires relating to personal variables, narcissism and family relations. Higher levels of grandfathers' life satisfaction were associated with their own perception of good family relations; higher levels of grandfathers' personal growth were related to their narcissism. The grandfather's perception of the frequency of meetings with the grandchild was found to moderate between the father's narcissism and the grandfather's life satisfaction and personal growth. The findings point to the crucial role social workers may play in enhancing life satisfaction and enabling personal growth through dedicated intergenerational interventions.  相似文献   

Caregiver programs provide specialized services and resources to reduce caregiver stress and improve family quality of life and health. Although there are resources and community services available, Chinese American family caregivers’ perceptions on caregiver programs and how specific services help to viably reduce their stress has yet to be examined. An in-depth interview was conducted with four Chinese American family caregivers in exploring their caregiving experiences and program service use; two of the caregivers were spouses and two were adult children. Content analysis revealed that their value of familial piety, and their need to ameliorate caregiver stress fueled their interest in new interventions to improve their quality of life and health. Spousal caregivers and adult children caregivers disclosed different needs due to caregiving, and adult children caregivers were less resistant to new interventions. The results of this study fill the knowledge gap on Chinese American family caregivers’ perception of caregiving in a cultural context as well as their needs. Suggestions for future research are to better understand the effectiveness of the specific services within caregiver programs that are effective in reducing caregiver stress among Chinese American family caregivers.  相似文献   

Indigenous family life has been a key target of family and child policies in Australia since colonisation. In this paper, we identify four main policy eras that have shaped the national and state policy frameworks that have impacted Indigenous families: the protectionism, assimilation, self-determination and neoliberalism eras. Our analysis of these national and state policy frameworks reveals an enduring and negative conceptualisation of Indigenous family life. This conceptualisation continues to position Indigenous families as deficient and dysfunctional compared with a white, Anglo-Australian family ideal. This contributes to the reproduction of paternalistic policy settings and the racialised hierarchies within them that entrench Indigenous disempowerment and reproduce Indigenous disadvantage. Further, it maintains a deficit paradigm that continues to obfuscate the positive aspects of Indigenous family life that are protective of Indigenous well-being.  相似文献   

周荣 《社会工作》2009,(6):62-64
本文从三个方面分析制约流动儿童社会融入的因素,一是滞后的社会政策制约着流动儿童的社会融入;二是家庭的经济地位、职业背景对不同类型的流动儿童的社会融合存在明显的影响;三是学校的差别待遇影响不同类型流动儿童的社会认同。  相似文献   

A content analysis of advertising present on 228 traditional newspaper and television Web sites revealed that 88.6% contained advertising, with an average of 5.03 ads found on the typical news homepage. Newspaper sites had more ads present that were costly to place than did television sites. Still, most major online advertisers were not present on the news sites, suggesting that traditional media outlets may be losing out on major advertiser spending that could help to bring them elusive online profits.  相似文献   

The dramatic increase in life expectancy and lowered fertility, especially in more advantaged countries, has resulted in people living longer and in more complex family structures. Other important changes affecting the family include greater geographical mobility, increased racial and ethnic diversity, new patterns of immigration and identity reformulation, as well as changing work and family roles. With reduced governmental resources available, it is especially important to understand the changing nature of multigenerational family structures, functioning, and roles in individual well-being in order to maximize the effectiveness of informal and formal supports available to those in need. This special issue addresses basic factors related to multigeneration support systems that will be needed to anticipate, understand, and design support programs to cope with the challenges facing individuals in all generation positions, families, and communities in the United States and around the world.  相似文献   

回归现实生活 --哲学视野的根本置换   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
近代哲学是一种科学世界观,现代哲学则是一种生活世界观.从近代哲学到现代哲学,即是从科学世界回归生活世界,从本质主义转向生成性思维.回归生活世界是现代哲学的基本精神.现代西方哲学家们所理解的生活世界只是人的日常生活或日常的语言交往;而马克思认为生活世界是以实践为基础的,是日常生活与非日常生活、物质生活与精神生活的统一.  相似文献   

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