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Consider the problem of inference about a parameter θ in the presence of a nuisance parameter v. In a Bayesian framework, a number of posterior distributions may be of interest, including the joint posterior of (θ, ν), the marginal posterior of θ, and the posterior of θ conditional on different values of ν. The interpretation of these various posteriors is greatly simplified if a transformation (θ, h(θ, ν)) can be found so that θ and h(θ, v) are approximately independent. In this article, we consider a graphical method for finding this independence transformation, motivated by techniques from exploratory data analysis. Some simple examples of the use of this method are given and some of the implications of this approximate independence in a Bayesian analysis are discussed.  相似文献   

Let X1,… Xm be a random sample of m failure times under normal conditions with the underlying distribution F(x) and Y1,…,Yn a random sample of n failure times under accelerated condititons with underlying distribution G(x);G(x)=1?[1?F(x)]θ with θ being the unknown parameter under study.Define:Uij=1 otherwise.The joint distribution of ijdoes not involve the distribution F and thus can be used to estimate the acceleration parameter θ.The second approach for estimating θ is to use the ranks of the Y-observations in the combined X- and Y-samples.In this paper we establish that the rank of the Y-observations in the pooled sample form a sufficient statistic for the information contained in the Uii 's about the parameter θ and that there does not exist an unbiassed estimator for the parameter θ.We also construct several estimators and confidence interavals for the parameter θ.  相似文献   

For a class of discrete distributions, including Poisson(θ), Generalized Poisson(θ), Borel(m, θ), etc., we consider minimax estimation of the parameter θ under the assumption it lies in a bounded interval of the form [0, m] and a LINEX loss function. Explicit conditions for the minimax estimator to be Bayes with respect to a boundary supported prior are given. Also for Bernoulli(θ)-distribution, which is not in the mentioned class of discrete distributions, we give conditions for which the Bayes estimator of θ ∈ [0, m], m < 1 with respect to a boundary supported prior is minimax under LINEX loss function. Numerical values are given for the largest values of m for which the corresponding Bayes estimators of θ are minimax.  相似文献   

Consider a sequence of independent random variables X 1, X 2,…,X n observed at n equally spaced time points where X i has a probability distribution which is known apart from the values of a parameter θ i R which may change from observation to observation. We consider the problem of estimating θ = (θ1, θ2,…,θ n ) given the observed values of X 1, X 2,…,X n . The paper proposes a prior distribution for the parameters θ for which sets of parameter values exhibiting no change, or no change apart from a few sudden large changes, or lots of small changes, all have positive prior probability. Markov chain sampling may be used to calculate Bayes estimates of the parameters. We report the results of a Monte Carlo study based on Poisson distributed data which compares the Bayes estimator with estimators obtained using cubic splines and with estimators derived from the Schwarz criterion. We conclude that the Bayes method is preferable in a minimax sense since it never produces the disastrously large errors of the other methods and pays only a modest price for this degree of safety. All three methods are used to smooth mortality rates for oesophageal cancer in Irish males aged 65–69 over the period 1955 through 1994.  相似文献   

We consider an inhomogeneous Poisson process X on [0, T]. The intensity function of X is supposed to be strictly positive and smooth on [0, T] except at the point θ, in which it has either a 0-type singularity (tends to 0 like |x| p , p∈(0, 1)), or an ∞-type singularity (tends to ∞ like |x| p , p∈(?1, 0)). We suppose that we know the shape of the intensity function, but not the location of the singularity. We consider the problem of estimation of this location (shift) parameter θ based on n observations of the process X. We study the Bayesian estimators and, in the case p>0, the maximum-likelihood estimator. We show that these estimators are consistent, their rate of convergence is n 1/(p+1), they have different limit distributions, and the Bayesian estimators are asymptotically efficient.  相似文献   

A structured model is essentially a family of random vectors Xθ defined on a probability space with values in a sample space. If, for a given sample value x and for each ω in the probability space, there is at most one parameter value θ for which Xθ(ω) is equal to x, then the model is called additive at x. When a certain conditional distribution exists, a frequency interpretation specific to additive structured models holds, and is summarized in a unique structured distribution for the parameter. Many of the techniques used by Fisher in deriving and handling his fiducial probability distribution are shown to be valid when dealing with a structured distribution.  相似文献   

Let X have a gamma distribution with known shape parameter θr;aL and unknown scale parameter θ. Suppose it is known that θ ≥ a for some known a > 0. An admissible minimax estimator for scale-invariant squared-error loss is presented. This estimator is the pointwise limit of a sequence of Bayes estimators. Further, the class of truncated linear estimators C = {θρρ(x) = max(a, ρ), ρ > 0} is studied. It is shown that each θρ is inadmissible and that exactly one of them is minimax. Finally, it is shown that Katz's [Ann. Math. Statist., 32, 136–142 (1961)] estimator of θ is not minimax for our loss function. Some further properties of and comparisons among these estimators are also presented.  相似文献   

Let X1…, Xm and Y1…, Yn be two independent sequences of i.i.d. random variables with distribution functions Fx(.|θ) and Fy(. | φ) respectively. Let g(θ, φ) be a real-valued function of the unknown parameters θ and φ. The purpose of this paper is to suggest a sequential procedure which gives a fixed-width confidence interval for g(θ, φ) so that the coverage probability is approximately α (preas-signed). Certain asymptotic optimality properties of the sequential procedure are established. A Monte Carlo study is presented.  相似文献   

A modified double stage shrinkage estimator has been proposed for the single parameter θ of a distribution function . It is shown to be locally better in comparison to the usual double stage shrinkage estimator in the sense of smaller mean squared error in a certain neighbourhood of prior estimate θo of θ.  相似文献   

In this paper we assume that in a random sample of size ndrawn from a population having the pdf f(x; θ) the smallest r1 observations and the largest r2 observations are censored (r10, r20). We consider the problem of estimating θ on the basis of the middle n-r1-r2 observations when either f(x;θ)=θ-1f(x/θ) or f(x;θ) = (aθ)1f(x-θ)/aθ) where f(·) is a known pdf, a (<0) is known and θ (>0) is unknown. The minimum mean square error (MSE) linear estimator of θ proposed in this paper is a “shrinkage” of the minimum variance linear unbiased estimator of θ. We obtain explicit expressions of these estimators and their mean square errors when (i) f(·) is the uniform pdf defined on an interval of length one and (ii) f(·) is the standard exponential pdf, i.e., f(x) = exp(–x), x0. Various special cases of censoring from the left (right) and no censoring are considered.  相似文献   

The least-squares estimate θn = Xn+yn of the parameter θ in the linear model Yn = Xnθ + ?n may not be consistent, but there may be directions u such that un tends to u'θ in some sense. This set of directions u has been characterized in two different papers: Drygas (1976) and Wu (1980). The conditions for consistency appear to be different in the two papers. The purpose of this note is to show that the two conditions are equivalent and that they both show that the consistent directions depend upon the geometry of the row vectors vi, i = 1,…, n, of Xn with respect to the direction u.  相似文献   

This paper concerns maximum likelihood estimation for the semiparametric shared gamma frailty model; that is the Cox proportional hazards model with the hazard function multiplied by a gamma random variable with mean 1 and variance θ. A hybrid ML-EM algorithm is applied to 26 400 simulated samples of 400 to 8000 observations with Weibull hazards. The hybrid algorithm is much faster than the standard EM algorithm, faster than standard direct maximum likelihood (ML, Newton Raphson) for large samples, and gives almost identical results to the penalised likelihood method in S-PLUS 2000. When the true value θ0 of θ is zero, the estimates of θ are asymptotically distributed as a 50–50 mixture between a point mass at zero and a normal random variable on the positive axis. When θ0 > 0, the asymptotic distribution is normal. However, for small samples, simulations suggest that the estimates of θ are approximately distributed as an x ? (100 ? x)% mixture, 0 ≤ x ≤ 50, between a point mass at zero and a normal random variable on the positive axis even for θ0 > 0. In light of this, p-values and confidence intervals need to be adjusted accordingly. We indicate an approximate method for carrying out the adjustment.  相似文献   


This article considers the empirical Bayes estimation problem in the uniform distribution U(0, θ) with censored data. For the parameter θ, using the empirical Bayes (EB) approach, we propose an EB estimation of θ which possesses a rate of convergence can be arbitrarily close to O(n ?1/2) when the historical samples are randomly censored from the right, where n is the number of historical sample. A sample and some simulation results are also presented.  相似文献   

Let X has a p-dimensional normal distribution with mean vector θ and identity covariance matrix I. In a compound decision problem consisting of squared-error estimation of θ, Strawderman (1971) placed a Beta (α, 1) prior distribution on a normal class of priors to produce a family of Bayes minimax estimators. We propose an incomplete Gamma(α, β) prior distribution on the same normal class of priors to produce a larger family of Bayes minimax estimators. We present the results of a Monte Carlo study to demonstrate the reduced risk of our estimators in comparison with the Strawderman estimators when θ is away from the zero vector.  相似文献   

Let S (p×p) have a Wishart distribution -with v degrees of freedom and non-centrality matrix θ= [θjK] (p×p). Define θ0= min {| θjk |}, let θ0→∞, and suppose that | θjK | = 0(θo). Then the limiting form of the standardized non-central distribution, as θ while n? remains fixed, is a multivariate Gaussian distribution. This result in turn is used to obtain known asymptotic properties of multivariate chi-square and Rayleigh distributions under somewhat weaker conditions.  相似文献   

In this paper, we focus on Pitman closeness probabilities when the estimators are symmetrically distributed about the unknown parameter θ. We first consider two symmetric estimators θ?1 and θ?2 and obtain necessary and sufficient conditions for θ?1 to be Pitman closer to the common median θ than θ?2. We then establish some properties in the context of estimation under the Pitman closeness criterion. We define Pitman closeness probability which measures the frequency with which an individual order statistic is Pitman closer to θ than some symmetric estimator. We show that, for symmetric populations, the sample median is Pitman closer to the population median than any other independent and symmetrically distributed estimator of θ. Finally, we discuss the use of Pitman closeness probabilities in the determination of an optimal ranked set sampling scheme (denoted by RSS) for the estimation of the population median when the underlying distribution is symmetric. We show that the best RSS scheme from symmetric populations in the sense of Pitman closeness is the median and randomized median RSS for the cases of odd and even sample sizes, respectively.  相似文献   

We consider the estimation of a location parameter θ in a one-sample problem. A measure of the asymptotic performance of an estimator sequence {Tn} = T is given by the exponential rate of convergence to zero of the tail probability, which for consistent estimator sequences is bounded by a constant, B (θ, ?), called the Bahadur bound. We consider two consistent estimators: the maximum-likelihood estimator (mle) and a consistent estimator based on a likelihood-ratio statistic, which we call the probability-ratio estimator (pre). In order to compare the local behaviour of these estimators, we obtain Taylor series expansions in ? for B (θ, ?) and the exponential rates of the mle and pre. Finally, some numerical work is presented in which we consider a variety of underlying distributions.  相似文献   

A nonparametric mixture model specifies that observations arise from a mixture distribution, ∫ f(x, θ) dG(θ), where the mixing distribution G is completely unspecified. A number of algorithms have been developed to obtain unconstrained maximum-likelihood estimates of G, but none of these algorithms lead to estimates when functional constraints are present. In many cases, there is a natural interest in functional ?(G), such as the mean and variance, of the mixing distribution, and profile likelihoods and confidence intervals for ?(G) are desired. In this paper we develop a penalized generalization of the ISDM algorithm of Kalbfleisch and Lesperance (1992) that can be used to solve the problem of constrained estimation. We also discuss its use in various different applications. Convergence results and numerical examples are given for the generalized ISDM algorithm, and asymptotic results are developed for the likelihood-ratio test statistics in the multinomial case.  相似文献   

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