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Group work with parents of children in foster care has good potential as a complement to casework services in permanency planning. An underused social work service in child welfare, group work has rarely been provided to natural parents. It can be utilized differentially along the foster care continuum from needs identification through aftercare to provide parents information, support and training specific to foster care. Reports of group work services for abusing parents, parents of children in residential treatment and special programs for natural parents provide relevant information for design of group work with natural parents. An example of a group of parents whose children are in foster home placement is presented. Special considerations for providing group services to natural parents are highlighted. Group work appears to have positive effects on the providing agency as well as on parent group participants. Issues regarding group work in permanency planning include the risk of its misuse through agency-imposed agendas and/or agency determined timetables for individual and group development. It will be helpful to study what group services with which parents at which points in the foster care continuum assist permanency planning efforts.  相似文献   

This paper is an historical analysis of foster care, exploring its linkage with the concept of permanency in the United States (a major force in defining the direction of foster care policy) and in Australia. Use of the political economy and feminist approaches highlights the extent to which the child welfare system is based on policies which enhance social inequality, while promoting a particular ideal of the nuclear family which dichotomises mothers as good or bad.  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to account for the revival of both academic and substantive interest in what had long been seen as an unimportant byway of social policy: the role of social partners, especially trade unions, in the management of national social insurance systems. The answer is found in the budgetary crises facing these systems along with the frequent embedded role of the social partner organizations in their governance. Meanwhile, this welfare state role of trade unions then has implications back on to the conduct of industrial relations. The diversity of national experiences is considered, including the reasons for British exceptionalism on this question. Particular use is made of a comparison between Italy and the Netherlands on the one hand (cases of some success in the role of social partners in managing change in social insurance arrangements), and France and Germany on the other (at the time of writing, cases of stalemate).  相似文献   

The 1989 Children Act in England and Wales and the derivative1995 Children (NI) Order in Northern Ireland provide the legislativeframework within which issues pertaining to the care and supervisionof children that come before the Courts are examined. Both piecesof legislation were intended to address a number of problemswith the way that such issues were dealt with by the Court,particularly the tendency for proceedings to become protractedand for children to ‘drift’ in care as a consequence.The imposition of the ‘No Delay’ principle in bothjurisdictions was designed specifically to address these concerns.However, since the introduction of both the 1989 Children Act(implemented in October 1991) and the 1995 Children (NI) Order(implemented in November 1996), there has been a steady increasein the average duration of proceedings and concerns remain aboutthe impact that this may be having upon the children involved.This paper presents the findings of a research study (McSherry et al., 2004)that explored the complex relationship between the durationof care proceedings and costs to children in terms of the likelihoodof achieving permanency.  相似文献   

后现代主义的城市规划从哲学基础和具体操作方法上都与现代主义城市规划有着较大的差异,而后现代主义是对现代主义的反思、继承和发展。现代主义力图通过城市规划各组成要素之间的某些联系总结城市发展运行的规律和真理,但却忽视了城市的复杂性和不确定性,后现代主义的城市规划思想则力图通过对人文环境、社会环境的关注解决城市发展过程中出现的各种问题。后现代主义的城市规划理念主要包括文脉主义、模糊空间、多元复合、动态发展、公众参与的规划理念。  相似文献   

五四新女性是在学校这一现代教育平台由新文化启蒙话语塑造而成,她们的意识形态认同来自新文化,是以个人主义为核心的正义伦理;而她们的性别认同及相应的关怀伦理,却使其对“旧道德”下的女性同类有更多同情。为实现个人权利、维护神圣恋爱,她们“忽略”名分、委屈尊严,在新旧道德的模糊地带与有妇之夫结成特殊婚姻。而非正常婚姻关系的缺憾,爱情中隐含的性别等级,个人自由与关怀伦理的对立与冲突等,都导致她们陷入认同危机。新女性身份认同的困境,体现了“五四”正义伦理的道德局限,而五四文学表达的某种匮乏,亦源自这个局限。  相似文献   

五四新女性是在学校这一现代教育平台由新文化启蒙话语塑造而成, 她们的意识 形态认同来自新文化, 是以个人主义为核心的正义伦理; 而她们的性别认同及相应 的关怀伦理, 却使其对“旧道德”下的女性同类有更多同情。为实现个人权利、维护神 圣恋爱, 她们“忽略”名分、委屈尊严, 在新旧道德的模糊地带与有妇之夫结成特殊婚 姻。而非正常婚姻关系的缺憾, 爱情中隐含的性别等级, 个人自由与关怀伦理的对立 与冲突等, 都导致她们陷入认同危机。新女性身份认同的困境, 体现了“五四”正义伦 理的道德局限, 而五四文学表达的某种匮乏, 亦源自这个局限。

关键词: 五四文学 新女性 身份认同 正义伦理 关怀伦理

The new women of the May Fourth Movement were molded by the enlightenment discourse of the new culture in universities. The ideological identity they acquired from the new culture was an individualist ethics of justice. Their gender identity and the corresponding ethics of care, however, stirred their sympathy for other women shackled by the “old ethics.” To realize their human rights and maintain the sacredness of love, the new women were even prepared to “overlook” their social status and sacrifice their dignity to enter into special marriages with married men at the ambiguous interface of the old and the new ethics; but the shortcomings of an abnormal marriage, the gender hierarchy concealed behind love, and the antagonism and conflict between individual freedom and their ethics of care for others plunged these women into an identity crisis. Their identity dilemma reflects the moral limits of the justice ethic of the May Fourth new culture, limits that also account for a kind of deficiency in expression in May Fourth literature.  相似文献   

A recommended new cities programme was presented to the Australian government by the Cities Commission in 1973. The proposal has fairly ambitious aims for decentralization of the Australian population into planned growth centres. These growth centres were seen to offer solutions to some of the problems of the larger Australian cities. This paper discusses the aims of the new cities policy and suggests that encouraging population decentralization will face some serious difficulties. The difficulty of planning innovations in a rapidly growing centre is also discussed.  相似文献   

An outline is given of some of the background ideas and experiences that a new mental health administrator brings to his task of planning innovative services for alcoholic and drug-dependent persons. Familial and interpersonal factors are overviewed, and an account is given of the concepts and principles being adopted in the planning of a treatment service in the Australian Capital Territory.  相似文献   

A number of classical as well as quite new utility representations for gains are explored with the aim of understanding the behavioral conditions that are necessary and sufficient for various subfamilies of successively stronger representations to hold. Among the utility representations are: ranked additive, weighted, rank-dependent (which includes cumulative prospect theory as a special case), gains decomposition, subjective expected, and independent increments*, where * denotes something new in this article. Among the key behavioral conditions are: idempotence, general event commutativity*, coalescing, gains decomposition, and component summing*. The structure of relations is sufficiently simple that certain key experiments are able to exclude entire classes of representations. For example, the class of rank-dependent utility models is very likely excluded because of empirical results about the failure of coalescing. Figures 1–3 summarize some of the primary results.JEL Classification  D46, D81  相似文献   

The history of the American West is intimately tied to the movement and management of water. As the West developed, so too did the image of rural Westerners. As stressors like climate change and population growth strain existing water supplies, resource management benefits from understanding whether fundamental differences exist between the residents in the Old (rural) West and the New (urban) West. Using a survey conducted in the spring of 2010 of Oregon residents, this study explores whether residents in Oregon show distinct differences in environmental concern based on rural or urban residency. The results show that there are differences between groups on environmental beliefs, but likely attributed to factors other than rural and urban residency, and there are no significant differences between groups on water.  相似文献   

为群 《今日辽宁》2005,(2):30-35
区域性经济发展,需要政府协调、指导、服务,只有打破地区分割和孤立发展,消除市场壁垒和体制性障碍,推进人才、资源、物资、技术、信息的加速聚集,提高资源配置效率,才有可能形成现代产业和高素质人才资源集中、综合服务功能完备、科技文化创新能力较强的城市群。用新思维打破壁垒七城政府在新的行政运作环境中将突破行政壁垒、用新的思维方式来统筹规划辽宁中部城市群发展格局,从而逐步实现经济区内各市规划同筹、产业同步、交通同网、旅游同线、环境同治的发展目标。在建设辽宁中部城市群(沈阳经济区)的过程中,经济区的发展涉及各地区、各…  相似文献   

我国经济学界,尤其是关心生产力经济学这一学科的经济学家大都知道我是我国生产力经济学的倡导者,知道我对生产力的概念的一贯主张。人们知道我国经济学界在生产力的概念问题上有一个生产力两要素说和三要素说之争。大多数经济学家认为生产力是由生产者、生产工具、生产对象三个要素构成。  相似文献   

现代自然观与现代社会观新探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘国章 《阅江学刊》2011,(2):131-137
在现代社会条件下,人对自然和社会的认知、改造和创新,必须相互匹配、相互协调、相互促进,才能够实现社会的全面发展、科学发展和可持续发展。要完成这一目标,就必须在全球化的时代背景下,首先树立与全球化发展要求相适应的现代自然观和现代社会观,理顺关系,构建和谐。  相似文献   

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