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ALL parents hope their children will grow up healthy and clever. To provide children with good health care and education early on and to mold them into talented people who will be able to contribute toward the next century is the mission of China's development program for children. In order to implement the "National Program of Action for Child Development in China in the 1990s," to mobilize all walks of life to become concerned with the health of mothers and children and the fate of the next generation, as well as to improve the quality  相似文献   

This group of photos were specially chosen from the works of two young photographers, Yan Xinfa and Zhai Dongfeng. Both love children, particularly children living in villages and small towns. They prefer to JnterwJne children closely with scenery in the countryside. They snap children fishing in rivers, climbing trees to catch birds, running with their dogs in the wind, gathering sugar cane and playing hide-and-seek in maize fields. Rural children seem to enjoy nature much more than urban children.  相似文献   

Improve System to Care for Floating, Rural Stay-at-home Children
More than 61 million stay-at-home children and more than 28 million floating children live in rural China. The Chinese Government and countless people in society attach importance to the children's healthy growth. In recent years, officials from the Department for Children, under the All-China Women's Federation (ACWF), have emphasized the need for the caring-service system for floating and rural stay-at-home children, and they have explored new methods for providing related services to the children.  相似文献   

Chinese children are taller and heavier than ever before. According to a national survey from 1995, the average height of children aged 7-14 was 142.3 centimeters, 2 centimeters taller than the average height of children in the same age group ten years before. The average weight was 31.9 kilograms, which is 2.8 kilograms heavier than children of the same age group in 1985. Such improvements must be credited to the development of China's health care network for children. By the end of last  相似文献   

Different families have different views about educating children. But teaching methods reflect the economic and cultural level of society. As society develops, the traditional Chinese patriarchal method to educate children encounters many objections. However, when parents treat their children democratically, children are spoiled to different degrees and "Little Emperors" appear, which proves the patriarchal method still exists in disguised form.  相似文献   

The Chinese Government and countless people in society attach importance to the healthy growth of rural left-behind children. In recent years, officials fl'om the Department for Children, under the All-China Women's Federation (ACWF), have emphasized the need to enhance existing system for caring for rural left-behind children. They have explored ways of providing services to care for rural left-behind children.  相似文献   

Zang Xiaoping (editor of the Literary Gazette) Whether or not to get divorced for the sake of the children is an important question for every couple that is having problems. I think the key to solving the problem is to start by considering what would be best for the healthy development of their children.  相似文献   

The Museum of Chinese Women and Children is the first State-level museum to pay tribute to China's women and children. The colorful collections at the museum provide an insight into the history and lives of Chinese women and children.  相似文献   

The ceremony to launch "Heng'ai Action," an activity to benefit impoverished children in the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, was held in Urumqi, capital of the autonomous region, on September 25. Women from around China knitted sweaters, for the children, during the event.  相似文献   

Hundreds of migrant children, on behalf of all the children whose parents are migrant workers in Binhu District, Wuxi, Jiangsu Province, were recently invited to visit Taihu Lake, a famous scenic spot of Wuxi. A campaign, entitled "Pal Plan," was launched to help migrant children in the district.  相似文献   

Special Services on Trains
During the 2014 Spring Festival travel season (from January 16 to February 24), Qingdao passenger service branch of Jinan Railway Administration, in East China's Shandong Province, provided flee childdelivery service on trains traveling from Qingdao to seven cities. Parents who could not accompany their children, who were between 7-13 years old, could reserve the child-delivery service (five days in advance) and sign an agreement with the service branch. Conductors on the trains would take care of the children and present the children to the people who were designated to pick them up at the destination.  相似文献   

Blowing Kisses at Vegetables给蔬菜宝宝一个吻A group of kindergarten children in Lijin County, Shandong Province, enjoyed the time they spent, recently, playing with vegetables. The educational game was designed and organized by the county's first experimental kindergarten. The purpose of the kindergarten is to foster children's desire to explore and discover, and to teach the children to exercise their hands.  相似文献   

Marriage Law Protects Women 婚姻法更好保护妇女 Women and children will now get more legal support to uphold their rights within the family after the long-debated amendments to the Marriage Law were passed recently. Most of the 33 major changes to the law were made in favor of women and children. The legislation bans domestic violence, outlaws bigamy and prohibits married people from cohabiting with any-  相似文献   

At the national work meeting on children and women held from October 9 to 10, Premier Zhu Rongji called upon governments at all levels to safeguard legitimate rights for women and children and clear obstacles that impair women and children from advancing. He asked for further improvement of education for women and children, enhancement of women's participation in politics and social affairs and promotion of work concerned with women and children in the Western region.  相似文献   

This paper made a study on children’s English learning,method of teaching English to children are discussed and the innovation,hope that through this study,to help all children English teaching innovation.  相似文献   

TO most of us, the memory of ourchildhood is the songs we used to sing,the heroes/heroines in the films we used towatch or in the books or comics that we usedto read. It is no exaggeration to say that thosematerials created for children - songs, filmsand literature - have accompanied the growthof children one generation to another. To reveal this treasure chest of children's  相似文献   

THE colorful paintings exhibited at the China's Art Gallery were done by the children's painting class at the Beijing Children's Palace. They project the innocence and joy of childhood. Little Artists Painting classes at the Children's Palace started in 1987. To date nearly 1,000 primary school students have learned received basic painting skills. The teachers have developed a curriculum geared toward children aged 5-12. The children learn how to sketch, paint in watercolor and in oils. Many talented students have emerged from these classes to go on to win painting competitions at home and abyoad. Sun Enqi, 51, is a kind teacher who is serious about his work and has the kind of face that has been marked by the passing years. He has devoted his life to teaching children how to paint.  相似文献   

To promote the National Program for Children's Development (2011-2020), the Office of the National Working Committee on Children and Women (NWCCW) under the State Council, in cooperation with the United Nations International Children's Emergency Fund (UNICEF), implemented a five-year (2011- 2015) project to promote implementation of the program in the 20 counties, cities or districts in which the project was introduced. The purpose of the project is to help solve the problems children face in their lives, to promote children's development and to protect children's legal rights and interests.  相似文献   

Chinese children born during the 1980s are members of a unique generation.Most of them are from single-child families, the result of the family planning policy China implemented more than 30 years ago to control its population.Therefore,the children have grown up without siblings to compete with them for attention and affection from their parents and grandparents.  相似文献   

The Sharing Blue Sky, Growing Up Happily -- Caring For Children Project was implemented provincewide by Jilin Women's Federation on June 8. The project is intended to help disabled children, migrant children and left-behind children (in rural areas) to grow up in a healthy way. Officials from the women's federation intend to help 10,000 children, and their parents, this year.  相似文献   

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