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魏薇 《经理人》2012,(1):26-32
运营商定制、机海战术、发力用户体验,使HTC成为美国最畅销的智能手机品牌之一。然而,缺乏芯片和操作系统垄断技术的HTC,遭遇苹果起诉,在欧美运营商定制的制胜策略,也正在遭遇围攻,它能再现头5年的辉煌吗?  相似文献   

魏薇 《经理人》2012,(1):28-32
激烈的竞争,直指"产业生态模式"从转型做智能手机自主品牌以来,Android阵营的高端智能手机跟随者HTC,股价一度高达1300新台币的台湾股王,从未遭遇过如此寒冷的冬天。根据2011年11月的业绩公告,HTC合并销售收入由10月的441.14亿新台币跌至309.42亿新台币,跌去近30%。而在第三季度,同属Android阵营的三星的智能手机出货量已经赶超苹果。  相似文献   

在冯幸看来,联想之所以能够在短时间内取得如此大的突破,最大的经验有两点:一是通过战略合作深化与运营商的关系,成功“打进了运营商补贴的第一阵营”;二是在产品和推广上紧跟运营商步伐,把握节奏、深度定制  相似文献   

本文根据采购与供应管理理论中的ABC分类法,建立定制手机分类模型,分类标准是销售额,同时利用信息化分析工具确定具体分类.对于给定型号的长期定制手机,制定不同分类的采购策略,以便进行差异化采购管控.最后依据数据与模型.提出了电信运营商定制手机采购与库存决策分析策略和理念.  相似文献   

在5月17日“世界电信日”这天,中国移动在北京隆重宣布。“有生命和活力的手机”——“心机”即将在全国上市。“心机”是中国移动通信根据客户需求,提出外观、开关机界面、手机一键上网专用键、菜单呈现、通用要求等五方面的定制标准,由终端厂商根据定制规范进一步优化的手机。这也是国内首次由运营商联合手机制造商、渠道合作商、服务提  相似文献   

HTC管理层多年坚守的“只做中高端手机”的产品策略,为什么在这个时候突然松动?在中国众多手机厂商已经把千元智能机做到了极致的竞争环境下,HTC还能挤出落脚之地吗?  相似文献   

薛斐 《经理人》2012,(1):40-45
从2010年1月到2011年4月,HTC的股价从新台币300元飙高到1300元,成为台湾股市最强力指标,更让董事长王雪红成为台湾第一女首富。没想到,时至今日HTC的股价又回落到400元出头,在短短7个月内就跌到只剩三成。  相似文献   

春节期间,不少消费者在中国移动营业厅办理业务时,看到了以前从未见过的印有“全球通”标识的手机。原来这几款“全球通”手机都是中国移动通过手机企业定制的,只是贴上了“全球通”的标志。作为中国最大的通信运营商,中国移动为什么要卖移动牌手机,您是怎么看待这一事件的?  相似文献   

黎平 《经理人》2012,(2):78-82
2011年,被业内人士称为智能手机元年。 这一年,智能手机以强大的功能和便捷的操作,获得越来越多消费者的青睐,正在成为市场的主流。而在GSM时代经受了国际大牌多年压制的国产手机品牌,在这个全新的竞争平台上,看到了春天的希望。目前,在国内3大运营商关于3种3G制式手机的集中采购招标和深度定制活动中,国产品牌已明显优于外资。  相似文献   

王丹 《管理科学文摘》2011,(32):135-136
消费者对个性、时尚的追求,催热了电子商务个性化定制服务。目前在网上看到的定制产品涉及服装、珠宝首饰、家具等多个领域。个性化定制已成中国电子商务未来发展的必然趋势。然而个性化定制缺乏创意、消费者个性化体验差、企业经营成本高难以获利的问题阻碍电子商务个性化定制模式的发展,只有进一步细分市场、在创意中提升消费者个性化体验、打造个性化定制品牌,实现定制流程化才是企业实施电子商务个性化定制模式的成功之道。  相似文献   

While digital goods industries such as entertainment, software, and publishing are growing at a rapid pace, traditional supply chain contract models have failed to evolve with the new digital economy. To illustrate, the agency model utilized by the e‐book publishing industry has recently received much negative attention brought by the U.S. Department of Justice's lawsuit against Apple, Inc. The emerging agency model in the e‐book industry works as follows: the publisher sets the price of the digital goods and the retailers who serve as agents retain a percentage of the revenue associated with a consumer purchase. The regulators claim that the agency model is hurting this industry as well as the consumer's welfare because e‐book prices have increased after the introduction of the agency model. We investigate the strategic impact of the agency model by examining a digital goods supply chain with one supplier and two competing retailers. In comparison to the benchmark wholesale model, we find that the agency model can coordinate the competing retailers by dividing the coordinated profits into a prenegotiated revenue sharing proportion. Further, we also identify the Pareto improving region whereby both the supplier and the retailers prefer the agency model to the wholesale model. Our main qualitative insight regarding the agency model still holds even when we consider the presence of the printed books in the marketplace. Thus, contrary to current press presaging the negative impact of the agency model on the e‐books industry, we find the agency model to be superior to the traditional wholesale contracts for publishers, retailers and consumers in this digital goods industry.  相似文献   

Firms often determine whether or not to make components common across products by focusing on the manufacturing and sales of new products only. However, component commonality decisions that ignore remanufacturing can adversely affect the profitability of the firm. In this article we analyze how remanufacturing could reverse the OEM's commonality decision that is based on the manufacturing and sales of new products only. Specifically, we determine the conditions under which the OEM's optimal decision on commonality may be reversed and illustrate how her profit can be significantly higher if remanufacturing is taken into account ex ante. We illustrate the implementation of our model for two products in the Apple iPad family.  相似文献   

This article attempts to answer the question, “What are the most important ideas from serving as Executive Editor of the five‐year history project that culminated in the book, Corporate Responsibility: The American Experience?” The ideas focus on (1) clarifying the phenomenon of tenacity; (2) looking at three foundations of our tenacity; and (3) asking “How fragile is our tenacity?” This article also presents three foundational principles that underlie the American experience of corporate responsibility. First, the Checks & Balances Principle tells us that there are checks and balances in democratic capitalism which give us confidence that the pursuit of economic goals will be moderated for the common good. Second, the Moral Projection Principle shows that there is good reason to consider the corporation not only as a legal person under corporate law but also as a moral person. And, last, the Moral Common Ground Principle reflects that there are shared moral values ascertainable by well‐developed consciences in individuals and in corporations. The article concludes with this argument: The tenacity regarding corporate responsibility that has been so characteristic of American capitalism is fragile—calling for serious vigilance if it is to endure.  相似文献   

This study statistically tests the cumulative model for the building of manufacturing capabilities by comparing and contrasting the manufacturing strategies of 265 North. American, 129 European, and 167 Korean factories by region. The cumulative model suggests that better performing competitors build one manufacturing capability upon another in a sequential, cumulative fashion—starting first with quality, followed by dependability, delivery, cost efficiency, flexibility, and lastly, innovation. The primary findings of this exploratory study are as follows: (1) the data yielded some evidence for the cumulative model, with the Korean data being the most supportive of the model; (2) North American, European, and Korean managers take different approaches to improved competitiveness; and (3) rather than focusing on one or two capabilities, better performing firms generally compete on the basis of multiple capabilities. That quality is not only at the base of the cumulative model but is often among the multiple capabilities shows the importance of quality management globally.  相似文献   

Prior research focusing on risk perceptions has led to the observation that well‐educated and politically conservative white males tend to systematically perceive lower levels of risk from a wide range of hazards when compared to other members of society (e.g., white women, nonwhite women and men). While this “white male effect (WME)” is quite striking given that many policymakers fall into this group, a byproduct of this finding is that it deflects attention from the heterogeneity, in terms of people's concerns about risks, that exists in African‐American and other minority communities. The research reported here set out to explore this heterogeneity by asking a simple question: Can a phenomenon similar to the WME be found in the African‐American community? It can, and its implications for research and practice in risk management are discussed.  相似文献   

Hass JK  Walter T 《Omega》2006,54(3):179-198
How do people respond to the grief of parents over the death of their infant child? This article documents the experience of one of the authors, an American married to a Russian whose child died in England. Responses to this death by friends, colleagues and family in the USA, England, and two cities in Russia varied considerably in terms of depth and degree of engagement (emotional engagement, respect, or distance and avoidance). What factors underlie these varied responses? Two are identified, one structural, the other cultural: the strength of the social ties within social networks, and religiosity as historically sedimented within a culture. The degree of engagement is correlated with network form; but the content of engagement depends on religiosity.  相似文献   

智能手机通过"硬件产品+软件服务"的方式,影响着越来越多人的生活,如何处理硬件与软件间的关系,已经成为行业亟需妥善处理的问题。通过分析iOS和Android生态系统中,硬件厂商与第三方软件提供商间的关系以及用户对硬件和软件的选择行为,从竞争的角度构建硬件厂商的产品价格优化决策模型,并结合iOS和Android的现实情况和行业发展趋势对模型进行拓展。模型分析结果揭示了硬件免费的基本逻辑:尽管iOS较高的应用内购买服务费会提高用户的软件服务购买成本,使部分用户流失到Android平台,从而降低iOS在软件服务领域的提成收益,在软件服务收益降低的同时,较高的应用内购买服务费会使苹果公司的硬件销售量大幅增加,从而在总体上使苹果公司的收益增加。而Android平台的硬件厂商想要实现对iOS平台硬件产品的逆袭,除了倡导"硬件免费"外,在未来还需要在品牌价值方面有大幅度的超越。  相似文献   

During the last decade, a great deal of news media attention has focused on informing the American public about scientific findings on global warming (GW). Has learning this sort of information led the American public to become more concerned about GW? Using data from two surveys of nationally representative samples of American adults, this article shows that the relation between self‐reported knowledge and concern about GW is more complex than what previous research has suggested. Among people who trust scientists to provide reliable information about the environment and among Democrats and Independents, increased knowledge has been associated with increased concern. But among people who are skeptical about scientists and among Republicans more knowledge was generally not associated with greater concern. The association of knowledge with concern among Democrats and Independents who trust scientists was mediated by perceptions of consensus among scientists about GW's existence and by perceptions that humans are a principal cause of GW. Moreover, additional analyses of panel survey data produced findings consistent with the notion that more knowledge yields more concern among Democrats and Independents, but not among Republicans. Thus, when studying the relation of knowledge and concern, it is important to take into account the content of the information that different types of people acquire and choose to rely upon.  相似文献   

The best-known performance measure is the Sharpe ratio. During the last two decades, many alternatives to the Sharpe ratio have been proposed. A common argument for using an alternative reward-to-risk ratio is the presence of asymmetry and fat tails in returns. This papers points out that this argument is problematic. In fact, in order to reject the Sharpe ratio as a performance measure one has to reject the hypotheses that the funds?? returns satisfy the location and scale property (see Sinn. Economic Decisions Under Uncertainty, 2?Aufl. Amsterdam, 1983; Meyer. American Economic Review 77:421?C430, 1987) or it generalization (see Meyer and Rasche. The Economic Journal 102(410):91?C106, 1992). This shows that the Sharpe ratio is better than many people think. Use of the Sharpe ratio is justified even in the presence of asymmetry and fat tails.  相似文献   

石油市场和股票市场作为现代经济中两个重要的市场,在经济活动中发挥着重要的作用。二者之间的关系对研究市场间的价格波动和风险传递有着重要的意义,本文通过vine copula模型对国际油价和中美两国股价之间相依关系进行分析,并将得到的相依关系运用到风险管理中。利用国际油价和中美各十个行业股票价格指数进行相依关系建模,得到相应的相依结构和相依关系,选择出与油价相依关系较强的行业股票价格指数和油价构建投资组合,利用相依关系模拟出收益率数据,度量投资组合的风险。实证研究结果表明中美两国的行业股票价格指数与国际油价的相依关系存在着显著的不同,中国行业股票价格指数与国际油价之间的相依关系要弱于美国行业股票价格指数与国际油价的相依关系;同时利用相依关系组成投资组合,对两组投资组合进行风险度量,风险度量的结果显示vine copula-GARCH能对具有较强的相依关系的变量组成的投资组合风险有很好的估计。  相似文献   

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