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We consider the probability-weighted moment and the maximum-likelihood estimators of two parameters in the log-logistic distribution. Quantile estimators are obtained using both methods. The distributional properties of these estimators are studied in large samples, via asymptotic theory, and in small and moderate samples, via Monte Carlo simulation. The distribution is shown to be appropriate for a wide variety of meteorological data.  相似文献   

There may be situations in which either the reliability data do not fit to popular lifetime models or the estimation of the parameters is not easy, while there may be other distributions which are not popular but either they provide better goodness-of-fit or have a smaller number of parameters to be estimated, or they have both the advantages. This paper proposes the Maxwell distribution as a lifetime model and supports its usefulness in the reliability theory through real data examples. Important distributional properties and reliability characteristics of this model are elucidated. Estimation procedures for the parameter, mean life, reliability and failure-rate functions are developed. In view of cost constraints and convenience of intermediate removals, the progressively Type-II censored sample information is used in the estimation. The efficiencies of the estimates are studied through simulation. Apart from researchers and practitioners in the reliability theory, the study is also useful for scientists in physics and chemistry, where the Maxwell distribution is widely used.  相似文献   

An ARIMA(p,1,0) signal disturbed by MA(q) noise is an ARIMA(p,1, p+q+1) process restricted by nonlinear constraints on parameters. For this model with a unit root the restricted maximum likelihood estimator (RMLE) of the unit root is strongly consistent and it has the same limiting distribution as the ordinary least squares estimator of the unit root in an AR(1) model tabulated by Dickey and Fuller (1979). A modified RMLE is proposed which has the same limiting properties as the RMLE and is computationally much simpler. Simulation results show that our unit root tests based on the modified RMLE perform very well for small samples and compare favorably with the Said and Dickey (1985) tests with respect to both sizes and powers. An illustrative example from sample survey is given.  相似文献   

In a study comparing the effects of two treatments, the propensity score is the probability of assignment to one treatment conditional on a subject's measured baseline covariates. Propensity-score matching is increasingly being used to estimate the effects of exposures using observational data. In the most common implementation of propensity-score matching, pairs of treated and untreated subjects are formed whose propensity scores differ by at most a pre-specified amount (the caliper width). There has been a little research into the optimal caliper width. We conducted an extensive series of Monte Carlo simulations to determine the optimal caliper width for estimating differences in means (for continuous outcomes) and risk differences (for binary outcomes). When estimating differences in means or risk differences, we recommend that researchers match on the logit of the propensity score using calipers of width equal to 0.2 of the standard deviation of the logit of the propensity score. When at least some of the covariates were continuous, then either this value, or one close to it, minimized the mean square error of the resultant estimated treatment effect. It also eliminated at least 98% of the bias in the crude estimator, and it resulted in confidence intervals with approximately the correct coverage rates. Furthermore, the empirical type I error rate was approximately correct. When all of the covariates were binary, then the choice of caliper width had a much smaller impact on the performance of estimation of risk differences and differences in means.  相似文献   

Many estimation procedures for quantitative linear models with autocorrelated errors have been proposed in the literature. A number of these procedures have been compared in various ways for different sample sizes and autocorrelation parameters values and for structured or random explanatory vaiables. In this paper, we revisit three situations that were considered to some extent in previous studies, by comparing ten estimation procedures: Ordinary Least Squares (OLS), Generalized Least Squares (GLS), estimated Generalized Least Squares (six procedures), Maximum Likelihood (ML), and First Differences (FD). The six estimated GLS procedures and the ML procedure differ in the way the error autocovariance matrix is estimated. The three situations can be defined as follows: Case 1, the explanatory variable x in the simple linear regression is fixed; Case 2,x is purely random; and Case 3x is first-order autoregressive. Following a theoretical presentation, the ten estimation procedures are compared in a Monte Carlo study conducted in the time domain, where the errors are first-order autoregressive in Cases 1-3. The measure of comparison for the estimation procedures is their efficiency relative to OLS. It is evaluated as a function of the time series length and the magnitude and sign of the error autocorrelation parameter. Overall, knowledge of the model of the time series process generating the errors enhances efficiency in estimated GLS. Differences in the efficiency of estimation procedures between Case 1 and Cases 2 and 3 as well as differences in efficiency among procedures in a given situation are observed and discussed.  相似文献   

The lower tail dependence λL is a measure that characterizes the tendency of extreme co-movements in the lower tails of a bivariate distribution. It is invariant with respect to strictly increasing transformations of the marginal distribution and is therefore a function of the copula of the bivariate distribution. λL plays an important role in modelling aggregate financial risk with copulas. This paper introduces three non-parametric estimators for λL. They are weakly consistent under mild regularity conditions on the copula and under the assumption that the number k = k(n) of observations in the lower tail, used for estimation, is asymptotically k ≈ √n. The finite sample properties of the estimators are investigated using a Monte Carlo simulation in special cases. It turns out that these estimators are biased, where amount and sign of the bias depend on the underlying copula, on the sample size n, on k, and on the true value of λL.  相似文献   

The maximum likeihood estimate is considered for an intraclass correlation coefficent in a bivariate normal distribution when some observations on either of the varibles are missuing. The estimate is given as the soulution of a polynomial equation of degree seven. An approximate confidence interval and a test procedure for the intraclass correlation are constricted based on an asymptotic variance stabilizing transformation of the resulting estimator. The distributional results are also considered under violation of the normality assumption. A Monte Carlo study was performed to examine the finite sample properties of the maximum likelihood estimator and to evaluate the proposed procedures for hypotheses testing and interval estimation.  相似文献   

It is shown that the concept of concentration is of potential interest in the sensitivity study of some parameters and related estimators. Basic ideas are introduced for a real parameter θ>0 together with graphical representations using Lorenz curves of concentration. Examples based on the mean, standard deviation and variance are provided for some classical distributions. This concentration approach is also discussed in relation with influence functions. Special emphasis is given to the average concentration of an estimator which provides a sensitivity measure allowing one to compare several estimators of the same parameter. Properties of this measure are investigated through simulation studies and its practical interest is illustrated by examples based on the trimmed mean and the Winsorized variance.  相似文献   

Summary. The paper focuses on a Bayesian treatment of measurement error problems and on the question of the specification of the prior distribution of the unknown covariates. It presents a flexible semiparametric model for this distribution based on a mixture of normal distributions with an unknown number of components. Implementation of this prior model as part of a full Bayesian analysis of measurement error problems is described in classical set-ups that are encountered in epidemiological studies: logistic regression between unknown covariates and outcome, with a normal or log-normal error model and a validation group. The feasibility of this combined model is tested and its performance is demonstrated in a simulation study that includes an assessment of the influence of misspecification of the prior distribution of the unknown covariates and a comparison with the semiparametric maximum likelihood method of Roeder, Carroll and Lindsay. Finally, the methodology is illustrated on a data set on coronary heart disease and cholesterol levels in blood.  相似文献   

In most practical applications, the quality of count data is often compromised due to errors-in-variables (EIVs). In this paper, we apply Bayesian approach to reduce bias in estimating the parameters of count data regression models that have mismeasured independent variables. Furthermore, the exposure model is misspecified with a flexible distribution, hence our approach remains robust against any departures from normality in its true underlying exposure distribution. The proposed method is also useful in realistic situations as the variance of EIVs is estimated instead of assumed as known, in contrast with other methods of correcting bias especially in count data EIVs regression models. We conduct simulation studies on synthetic data sets using Markov chain Monte Carlo simulation techniques to investigate the performance of our approach. Our findings show that the flexible Bayesian approach is able to estimate the values of the true regression parameters consistently and accurately.  相似文献   


Multivariate Fay-Herriot (MFH) models become popular methods to produce reliable parameter estimates of some related multiple characteristics of interest that are commonly produced from many surveys. This article studies the application of MFH models for estimating household consumption per capita expenditure (HCPE) on food and HCPE of non-food. Both of those associated direct estimates, which are obtained from the National Socioeconomic Surveys conducted regularly by Statistics Indonesia, have a strong correlation. The effects of correlation in MFH models are evaluated by employing a simulation study. The simulation showed that the strength of correlation between variables of interest, instead of the number of domains, plays a prominent role in MFH models. The application showed that MFH models have more efficient than univariate models in terms of standard errors of regression parameter estimates. The roots of mean squared errors (RMSEs) of the estimates obtained from the empirical best linear unbiased prediction (EBLUP) estimators of MFH models are smaller than RMSEs obtained from the direct estimators. Based on MFH model, the HCPE estimates of food by districts in Central Java, Indonesia, are higher than the HCPE estimates of non-food. The average of HCPE estimates of food and non-food in Central Java, Indonesia in 2015 are IDR 383,100.6 and IDR 280,653.6, respectively.  相似文献   

The authors consider the effect of orchard attributes and landscape in a heterogeneous area on the efficacy of a control program for the codling moth in apple orchards in British Columbia. The context is first presented, along with a set of questions of importance to the Okanagan Valley Sterile Insect Release program. Two groups of analysts then address a number of these issues using methods for spatial‐temporal data including counts, proportions and Bernoulli variables. The models are then compared and the relevance of the results to this operational program is discussed.  相似文献   

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