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Typical explanations of elder mistreatment have focused on individual-level models. The current study adds to the literature by considering the neighborhood context in which reports of elder mistreatment are made to protective services. Using geographic information system software, the distribution of 751 adult protective services (APS) reports from three cities in southeastern Virginia is analyzed. Results suggest that Alzheimer's cases are distributed differentially across cities and that in one city, reports primarily come from disadvantaged areas. The results also suggest that clients from disadvantaged areas are more likely to refuse services. Implications for policy, theory, and future research are provided.  相似文献   

Instruments designed to measure specific types of elder mistreatment are not available, but they may be warranted after an initial screen indicates abuse or risk for abuse. The purpose of this study was to evaluate definitions for different types of elder mistreatment and validate the indicators as perceived by adult protective services (APS) caseworkers' opinions. Through 351 APS research network participants, a Delphi survey was completed. A 45% return rate was achieved for round one and 40% for round two with 70 same respondents from both rounds. These types of abuse, emotional abuse, exploitation of finances and/or property, neglect, physical abuse, and sexual abuse, have some similar and some extremely different indicators that singly and together expand their definition. Instruments to measure five different types of abuse are offered for caseworker or prevalence study use.  相似文献   

Over the past decade, almost all states in the U.S> have passed legislation related to elder abuse. Most of the legislation mandates that Adult Protective Services (APS) workers assess the validity of reports of alleged elder abuse or neglect. Some states also mandate these workers to plan and manage services aailable to victims. Assessing and serving victims and their families requires that APS workers have knowledge and skills in many areas. One important skill is properly documenting the assessment process. In this paper, a case is made for including proper documentation as an important topic in any APS training prorgam. Then, a systematic method is suggested for training APS workers in how to document their assessments of cases.  相似文献   

This study examined the emerging issue of experiences with end-of-life issues in adult protection. A national survey of adult protective services (APS) workers (N=508) examined encounters with serious illness, injury, death, and bereavement and how these situations were handled professionally and personally. APS workers often encountered clients and caregivers with life-threatening illnesses, and clients receiving hospice services. About three-quarters had worked on at least one case involving a client's death. Overall, more education and training about serious and terminal illness, death, grief, and bereavement is needed to prepare APS workers to work with clients and their families facing a variety of end-of-life situations.  相似文献   

Profiles of victims and perpetrators of elder abuse appear in the literature, but no profile of adult protective service (APS) workers has previously been developed. This paper compares data on demographics (age, race, gender), employment history, professional preparation, continuing educational needs, and sources of stress on the job gathered from a survey of 580 public service social workers in North Carolina, 218 of whom reported primary or secondary responsibility for APS and 232 of whom reported incidental or no responsibility for APS.  相似文献   

Historically, the view of elder mistreatment in the United States has been similar to that of child abuse and has been detrimental to the understanding of elder mistreatment. Until recently, there was little understanding of the complexity of elder mistreatment and the legal system lacked appropriate laws with which to handle this growing problem. Over the last two decades, legislation, laws, and criminal codes of conduct have been developed to tackle the problem of elder mistreatment. However, little knowledge or understanding of the public health problems and legal implications related to the most common form of elder mistreatment referred to Adult Protective Services (APS), elder self-neglect, is available. The growth of this national problem has expanded the role of the legal system and pushed the development of interdisciplinary research with the intent of defining and understanding the problem of self-neglect and with the ultimate goal of expanding intervention strategies. The Consortium for Research in Elder Self-Neglect of Texas (CREST) is the leader in this field and the pilot study suggests numerous medical and legal implications for both intervention and future research.  相似文献   


Historically, the view of elder mistreatment in the United States has been similar to that of child abuse and has been detrimental to the understanding of elder mistreatment. Until recently, there was little understanding of the complexity of elder mistreatment and the legal system lacked appropriate laws with which to handle this growing problem. Over the last two decades, legislation, laws, and criminal codes of conduct have been developed to tackle the problem of elder mistreatment. However, little knowledge or understanding of the public health problems and legal implications related to the most common form of elder mistreatment referred to Adult Protective Services (APS), elder self-neglect, is available. The growth of this national problem has expanded the role of the legal system and pushed the development of interdisciplinary research with the intent of defining and understanding the problem of self-neglect and with the ultimate goal of expanding intervention strategies. The Consortium for Research in Elder Self-Neglect of Texas (CREST) is the leader in this field and the pilot study suggests numerous medical and legal implications for both intervention and future research.  相似文献   

Improving the standardization and efficiency of adult protective services (APS) investigations is a top priority in APS practice. Using data from the Elder Abuse Decision Support System (EADSS), we developed short-form measures of four types of elder abuse: financial, emotional/psychological, physical, and neglect. The EADSS data set contains 948 elder abuse cases (age 60+) with yes/no abuse substantiation decisions for each abuse type following a 30-day investigation. Item sensitivity/specificity analyses were conducted on long-form items with the substantiation decision for each abuse type as the criterion. Validity was further tested using receiver–operator characteristic (ROC) curve analysis, correlation with long forms and internal consistency. The four resulting short-form measures, containing 36 of the 82 original items, have validity similar to the original long forms. These short forms can be used to standardize and increase efficiency of APS investigations, and may also offer researchers new options for brief elder abuse assessments.  相似文献   

About 10% of Americans over the age of 60 experience elder abuse (EA), but EA is frequently under detected. As the primary responders for alleged EA cases, Adult Protective Service (APS) caseworkers are ideally positioned to improve detection and intervention. The Opening the Door (OTD) training was developed in a multidisciplinary setting and designed in collaboration with APS workers to enhance their engagement skills in potential EA cases and thus maximize the possibility of disclosure. Rooted in a relational approach and utilizing adult learning theory, it is divided into three main topics: Preparing for Engagement, Engagement Practice, and Processing Engagement. The eight-hour training was piloted with three groups of urban APS caseworkers with a wide range of work experience. Pre- and post-tests and case reflections indicate a positive impact on caseworkers' sense of self-efficacy, while focus groups indicate the necessity for ongoing provision of trainings and development of additional supports for APS caseworkers. Future work could further explore the efficacy of the training and expand its reach.  相似文献   

Adult Protective Services (APS) workers are exposed to substantial occupational hazards and job stress, but these stressors are underdocumented. Therefore, we sought to describe APS workers’ work environments and responses to occupational hazards and stressors, including compassion fatigue, burnout, and secondary traumatic stress. Survey data were gathered with closed-ended questionnaires administered to APS workers in an urban setting. Virtually all workers (97%) reported exposure to one or more environmental hazards in their work, and 80% reported hazard exposure in the past month. Workers also reported mixed responses to their work environment and to experiences with supervision. A sizable minority (22.7%) was at high risk for burnout, 24.6% were at risk for secondary traumatic stress, and 19.9% reported low compassion satisfaction. The results document multiple stressors in APS work. The APS partner is committed to ongoing efforts to better support its staff, and these findings can inform future efforts to enhance supervisor support and worker self-care, to minimize burnout and secondary traumatic stress.  相似文献   

There have been few national studies of the prevalence of elder mistreatment (abuse and neglect) in private households. This article provides an overview of the UK National Prevalence Study of Elder Mistreatment that took place in 2006. It addressed 2,111 respondents in four countries who answered a face-to-face survey questionnaire. The achieved sample was weighted to be representative of the UK older population. Of respondents, 2.6% reported mistreatment by family members, close friends, or care workers. The predominant type of reported mistreatment was neglect (1.1%) followed by financial abuse (0.6%), with 0.4% of respondents reporting psychological abuse, 0.4% physical abuse, and 0.2% sexual abuse. Women were significantly more likely to have experienced mistreatment than men, but there were gender differences according to type of abuse and perpetrator characteristics. Divergent patterns were found for neglect, financial, and interpersonal abuse. Further analysis of the data indicated that the likelihood of mistreatment varied with socioeconomic position and health status.  相似文献   

Among the many different professionals who work to address elder and dependent adult mistreatment, the clinical psychologist performs a function that is not well documented. The experiences of a clinical psychologist attached to a medical response team and an elder abuse forensic center provide insight into this complex and multifaceted role. Case examples from an elder abuse forensic center illustrate the breadth of referral questions that a clinical psychologist addresses. This information may be of use to those who would argue that these services be made widely available to elder abuse professionals such as social workers, public guardians, and those in the criminal justice system. The case studies also may be useful for training purposes.  相似文献   

Adult Protective Services (APS) professionals are often called on to assess decision-making capacity when investigating financial exploitation. Previous research found that in consecutive APS cases, a decision-making screening scale (LFDSS) also detected financial exploitation. The purpose of this study was to apply the clinical cutoff scores derived from the previous study to a new sample of APS cases. Using a sample of 105 participants, from APS workers across 5 counties this study investigated the clinical utility of the LFDSS to detect financial exploitation based on ratings by APS professionals using the scale. Results demonstrate that the LFDSS has excellent internal consistency and clinical utility properties. This paper provides support for use of the LFDSS as a reliable and valid instrument. Instructions for use of the LFDSS are included in the article, along with information about online support tools.  相似文献   


Among the many different professionals who work to address elder and dependent adult mistreatment, the clinical psychologist performs a function that is not well documented. The experiences of a clinical psychologist attached to a medical response team and an elder abuse forensic center provide insight into this complex and multifaceted role. Case examples from an elder abuse forensic center illustrate the breadth of referral questions that a clinical psychologist addresses. This information may be of use to those who would argue that these services be made widely available to elder abuse professionals such as social workers, public guardians, and those in the criminal justice system. The case studies also may be useful for training purposes.  相似文献   

To prevent maltreatment, aging services must be age appropriate even as consumers suffer from physical and cognitive disabilities. In this paper, it is argued that exposing older persons to childoriented settings, activities and speech patterns in aging service environments represent a form of psychological mistreatment. Ethnographic evidence from 220 hours of field observations in five "social model" adult day centers revealed infantilization of service users in the form of confinement, baby-talk, nicknames, child-oriented decor, teacher-student learning format, reprimands, use of toys, as well as a loss of privacy regulation, autonomy, choice, and adult status. All centers exhibited some mistreatment, but severe examples were present in two of the five centers studied. Negative influences on behavior, well-being, self-identity, relationship formation, and social interaction were detected, which distinguished mistreatment from poor quality of care. Insider interviews (23) revealed resentment and adaptive strategies employed to distance themselves from infantilization.  相似文献   


To prevent maltreatment, aging services must be age appropriate even as consumers suffer from physical and cognitive disabilities. In this paper, it is argued that exposing older persons to child-oriented settings, activities and speech patterns in aging service environments represent a form of psychological mistreatment. Ethnographic evidence from 220 hours of field observations in five “social model” adult day centers revealed infantilization of service users in the form of confinement, baby-talk, nicknames, child-oriented decor, teacher-student learning format, reprimands, use of toys, as well as a loss of privacy regulation, autonomy, choice, and adult status. All centers exhibited some mistreatment, but severe examples were present in two of the five centers studied. Negative influences on behavior, well-being, self-identity, relationship formation, and social interaction were detected, which distinguished mistreatment from poor quality of care. Insider interviews (23) revealed resentment and adaptive strategies employed to distance themselves from infantilization.  相似文献   


The decision-making process of Adult Protective Service (APS) workers is under-explored in the field of elder abuse. Yet, it is critical in assuring the protection of elders from physical abuse. This article identifies 10 major critical factors used by APS workers in New Hampshire when intervening in substantiated cases of elder physical abuse. The qualitative methodological framework utilized a literature review, two focus groups, 15 individual face-to-face interviews, and a modified Delphi method of analysis. The findings identify the strengths and flaws in the decisional process and suggest considerations for further study.  相似文献   

Agency workers have been heavily criticized over their handling of alleged ritual child sexual abuse cases, particularly in respect of their assessments and interventions. However, a study of referrals to police and social service departments revealed that agency workers raised suspicions of ritual abuse in respect of both child ‘victims’ and adult ‘survivors’ very rarely. Furthermore, they did this only after an assessment which showed the cases to possess a number of ‘troubling’ features. While agency workers believed that all the child ‘victims’ had been subject to serious sexual abuse, virtually all of them were circumspect as to whether this had occurred in a ‘ritual’ context. Initially, agency workers were generally open-minded as to the experiences of adult ‘survivors’, but by the end of their assessments, they tended to be more concerned about their mental health and less concerned about issues of ritual abuse. Finally, agency workers appeared to act appropriately in terms of the types of intervention they used and the way in which they applied these. These results suggest that there should be more confidence in the ability of agency workers to respond to cases of alleged ritual abuse. Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Although elder self-neglect is of significant concern to adult protective service (APS) workers in the United States, minimal research has been conducted on this topic in Australia. Using qualitative research methods, this article examines how 24 Australian professionals understand situations of self-neglect. Unlike in the United States, where the term self-neglect is used in a broad and all-encompassing manner, participants in this research differentiated among self-neglect (the neglect of self), squalor (extreme neglect of environment), collecting (the accumulation of certain objects), and hoarding (the inability to throw objects away). It is argued that separating out the various behaviors that are classified under the broad umbrella of neglect can be useful in fostering reflective interventions in these situations.  相似文献   

This article is an attempt to capture something of the atmosphere of a Mental Health Act assessment, and was inspired by a recent article by Professor Harry Ferguson on child protection (2010). Here, the focus is on adult mental health practice and, in particular, on Mental Health Act assessments which may take place in any location including police stations, hospital wards or care homes. The following article mainly concentrates on assessments that take place in the service user's home. The Mental Health Act 2007 replaced Approved Social Workers with Approved Mental Health Professionals (AMHPs) in England and Wales; prior to this change the role was, as the name stated, entirely performed by social workers and they remain the predominant profession within the ranks of AMHPs.  相似文献   

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