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程云莉  原梅 《社科纵横》2003,18(6):84-85
学生笔试能力强口语水平弱的现状和输入与输出的巨大反差使英语课堂小组活动显得非常必要和迫切。本文探讨了课堂活动对提高学生口语表达能力的意义和教师在课堂活动中的重要作用。  相似文献   

笔者在与学生接触过程中,发现部分学生缺少良好的人际交往技巧,伴随出现自卑、害羞、攻击倾向、不合作、不礼貌、情绪控制差等人际交往障碍。鉴于这种情况,笔者运用"小组动力"理论,设计并开展了人际交往小组活动。小组旨在让组员在小组的互动过程中不断提高自我认识,学会人际交往技巧,提高人际交往能力,解决其人际交往存在的问题,增强其自信心并实现正常社会化。笔者在小组活动筹备阶段、初级阶段、转换阶段、工作阶段、结束阶段分别运用了组成技术、起始技术、过程技术、结束技术、追踪技术,并且将"小组动力学"理论贯穿始终。  相似文献   

社区老人小组工作技巧是社会工作专业实习的重要内容,也是社会工作者(以下简称“社工”)协助老人丰富晚年生活不可忽略的重要工作之一。排除老人心理障碍、防止组员构成差别过大以及锁定初、中、后期小组活动目标等,是老人小组工作中的重要技巧。本文以社工专业实务教学为例,就老人小组工作技巧谈谈几点体会。  相似文献   

小组活动的背景人际交往健康与否直接关系到当代大学生身心健康状况。因文化震撼带来的交往困难,当代大学生中部分同学易陷入人际交往的困惑,尤其是新生。小组工作在提高案主处  相似文献   

小组工作是社会工作的一种专业方法,它不仅是社会工作者经常运用的工作方法之一,同时还是一个重要的中介,贯通和连接着宏观社会工作和微观社会工作。运用小组工作的专业手法为社区长者开展小组工作是我们教学实践的一种新的尝试,通过小组活动和互动交流的方式,使长者放松心情,享受欢乐,体现了社区专业工学结合植根于社区的教学理念,也为小组工作服务社区长者提供了经验。  相似文献   

本文以天津市南开区某医院精神科精神病患者为例,对其五名精神病患者进行了“精神康复小组活动”的介入研究。介入结果表明:小组工作在巩固药物治疗的基础上,为精神病患者提供了心理和社会的支持,缩短了精神病患者回归社会的路程,为精神病患者的康复提供了新的途径和方法。  相似文献   

作为社会工作三大直接方法之一的小组工作,在具体实践中有很多不确定的因素会制约或者影响小组活动的顺利开展。笔者从2005年至今,参与策划并开展了"社工心理沙龙"、"菊缘心灵驿站"团体心理辅导小组、"心灵氧吧"情绪支持小组、  相似文献   

常雅慧 《社会工作》2011,(20):30-32,29
小组工作(Social Group Work),是社会工作专业三大基本工作方法之一,旨在通过有目的小组活动,协助个人开发潜能、实现成长。大学生小组工作,是以大学生为服务对象开展的小组工作领域。笔者运用行动研究方法,在近三年的实践基础上,提出"GEC大学生小组工作模式"(以下简称GEC模式),即针对不同年级大学生所面临的实际问题,分别开展成长小组(Growth Group)、增能小组(Empowerment Group)、职业生涯规划小组(Ca-reer Planning Group),真正实现"小组伴我成长"的理念。本文将阐述GEC模式的提出背景、运行机制、实践情况及评估结果。  相似文献   

苗丽 《社会工作》2013,(6):119-124
应对传统教学模式存在的缺陷和小组工作教学对实践的要求,互动模式导向的小组工作教学试图在现有课堂教学的框架内,将实践环节有机融入教学的各个阶段,以互动为导向,学生为主体,引导学生在课堂内开展模拟实践。在带领学生体验和领会小组工作的理念、方法与技巧的过程中,以学生的组内互动为动力,教师的协调和引导为辅助,帮助学生透过参与小组活动实现个人成长和专业的成长.从而实现课堂教学与实践教学的有机融合。  相似文献   

一、小组活动的背景在我国,吸毒人群的女性化趋势明显,女性吸毒人数在过去几年持续上升。由于女性在生理、心理、经济和社会地位、社会角色期望与规范制约等方面的原因,使得女性在吸毒之后更加容易陷入边缘化状态,受到社会歧视和他人排斥。为更好地帮助女性戒毒人员,在社区内开展有效的戒毒模式,衔接戒毒人员在劳教所与回归到社区  相似文献   

唐坛  方华 《社会工作》2009,(22):54-57
本研究通过随机抽样100名上海市心理咨询培训中心历届毕业学员,对其参加心理咨询师培训的动机及毕业后的去向进行调查及访谈,分析了上海现行心理咨询师培训的现状和问题,并提出了相关改进建议。  相似文献   

This study examines the demographic correlates of depressive symptoms, serious psychological distress (SPD), and major depressive disorder (MDD; 12-month and lifetime prevalence) among a national sample of African American men. Analysis of the National Survey of American Life (NSAL) data set provides first-time substantiation of important demographic differences in depressive symptoms (measured by the Center for Epidemiological Studies Depression scale [CES-D]), SPD (measured by the K6), and 12-month and lifetime MDD among African American men. Findings illuminate the heterogeneity within the African American male population. Findings also demonstrate the need for additional research focusing on within-group differences and a comprehensive research and mental health promotion agenda that recognizes the importance of improving access to education and employment and promoting healthy coping behaviors, while acknowledging the larger social context in which African American men live.  相似文献   

The Los Angeles Gay & Lesbian Center began providing services to LGBT seniors in 2008. Since then, the Center’s seniors program has grown to over 3,300 clients. It provides a variety of enrichment and support services with the overarching goal of empowering seniors to successfully age in place. This article outlines the service delivery program of the Center’s Seniors Services Department and describes its successes and challenges in meeting the needs of diverse LGBT seniors. It offers future directions for social work practice, policy, and research with LGBT older adults.  相似文献   

方洪鑫 《社会》2019,39(3):57-92
本文是从道德的视角考察全球公益事业及其地方实践的民族志。人类学研究中常见“道德”一词,但对道德的概念内涵及用法本身的阐述并不多,在回顾近年两位人类学家提出的道德框架之后,本文尝试根据田野经验,从体验、思考道德和伦理的三个层面进行阐释:作为正常/规范的道德,作为善之实践的道德和作为情动力的生命伦理。在作为正常/规范的道德出现动荡与不确定性的境况中,当地一个公益组织响应全球人道主义的呼唤,从事一项为了善的生命道德事业,改善了边城的健康与发展状况。在实践这项道德使命的过程中,以妇女为主体的组织员工创造了一个不断进取的与国际公益理念接轨的“生命-环境”,其中特别突出的是一些农村的HIV感染者妇女,她们以草根志愿者的身份参与公益事业,在奉献中体验到生命情动力本身的飞扬与实现,从而实践着一种生命伦理。通过这个道德人类学的探索,本文试图为公益组织的实践如何落到实处,以及社会变迁中人如何实践更美好的生活,提供一些经验的及理论的参照。  相似文献   

京沪旅游集散中心比较研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
京沪旅游集散中心分别投入运营多年,但经营效果却存在很大差距。本文运用抽样调查和比较研究的方法,从体制、模式、市场、服务等多重角度进行探讨,总结上海成功经验,找出北京的差距,并对北京旅游集散中心未来的建设提出建议,以使京城散客服务体系的建设更加完善。  相似文献   

Vietnam War veterans are a sometimes overlooked subgroup of the aging baby boomer generation. Forty years after the war ended, war veterans still seek out VA or Vet Center counselors to assist with traumatic stress symptoms. However, there currently are no specific age-related protocols for treating older war veterans suffering from posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), nor have established PTSD interventions incorporated gerontology content for these older trauma survivors. This pilot study juxtaposed life review within regular PTSD group counseling for 12 Vietnam veterans at a community-based Vet Center using a partial crossover design. The Life Review and Experiencing Form (LREF) structured the delivery of the life review component. T-tests and repeated measures ANOVA were used to examine depression and self-assessed wisdom outcomes using measures previously tested with older adults. Findings suggest that life review prior to PTSD group therapy has clinical benefits for reducing symptoms of depression and increasing self-assessed wisdom. The study illuminates the possible relationship of traumatic stress symptom effects on the natural reminiscing process for older veterans and provides insights into methods for more age-appropriate treatment for trauma survivors participating in Vet Center and VA programs nationwide.  相似文献   

When psychological functions and processes first became the object of concrete-scientific study (particularly experimental studies), investigators saw their main objective to be to determine the laws and characteristics of these processes in their pure form. Experimental methods were aimed at isolating a given function (perceptual, mnemonic, intellectual, etc.) as completely as possible from the system of other psychological phenomena and reducing to a minimum the influence of these other phenomena on the function under study, which was then investigated as a kind of unique natural property of the individual.  相似文献   

A process is described to show how a Social Work Department of a Medical Center ascertained the need to offer a continuum of comprehensive services to a high risk elderly population. This includes aiding and participating with the board and administration of the Medical Center to develop a varied network of services programs. A community based program model is used to show the utilization of individual and group modalities in working with this age population. Clinical material is incorporated to emphasize that aging clients are accessible for psychosocial interventions and can utilize their ego strengths through group living and group counseling. Experiences will highlight that behavioral changes can be brought about through a reintegration of social, emotional, and environmental forces.  相似文献   

在新的历史条件下,军人心理问题日益突出,因此在部队各级成立专门的心理咨询机构,贴近部队实际和军人特点提供心理咨询服务,对部队的全面建设具有重要意义。开展军人心理咨询工作可以为提高部队战斗力提供重要精神支持和为官兵健康成长提供相应的保障。当前我军心理咨询工作存在一些问题,应对军人心理咨询工作的建设做进一步的研究与加强。  相似文献   

The theory of propitious selection suggests that there are risk-avoiding personalities who both take physical precautions and buy financial security (insurance). Conversely, there are risk seekers who tend to do neither. Survey evidence is presented that is consistent with the theory. Individuals who obtain motor vehicle liability coverage are less likely than others to drink-and-drive, and are more likely to engage in health-beneficial (risk-avoiding) behaviors. Propitious selection may be a general phenomenon promoting favorable selection in many real world insurance markets.This research was supported by the Harvard Injury Control Center, funded by the Centers for Disease Control. Special thanks to Jennifer Carter, Sara Solnick, and also to Beth Sprinkel of the Insurance Research Council. Useful suggestions were received from Eric Latimer, Roger Davis, Marcello Pagano, and anonymous reviewers. The raw data were obtained from the Roper Center for Public Opinion Research in Storrs, Connecticut.  相似文献   

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