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Cordeiro and de Castro proposed a new family of generalized distributions based on the Kumaraswamy distribution (denoted as Kw-G). Nadarajah et al. showed that the density function of the new family of distributions can be expressed as a linear combination of the density of exponentiated family of distributions. They derived some properties of Kw-G distributions and discussed estimation of parameters using the maximum likelihood (ML) method. Cheng and Amin and Ranneby introduced a new method of estimating parameters based on Kullback–Leibler divergence (the maximum spacing (MSP) method). In this article, the estimates of parameters of Kw-G distributions are obtained using the MSP method. For some special Kw-G distributions, the new estimators are compared with ML estimators. It is shown by simulations and a real data application that MSP estimators have better properties than ML estimators.  相似文献   

A new approach, is proposed for maximum likelihood (ML) estimation in continuous univariate distributions. The procedure is used primarily to complement the ML method which can fail in situations such as the gamma and Weibull distributions when the shape parameter is, at most, unity. The new approach provides consistent and efficient estimates for all possible values of the shape parameter. Its performance is examined via simulations. Two other, improved, general methods of ML are reported for comparative purposes. The methods are used to estimate the gamma and Weibull distributions using air pollution data from Melbourne. The new ML method is accurate when the shape parameter is less than unity and is also superior to the maximum product of spacings estimation method for the Weibull distribution.  相似文献   

An alternative to the maximum likelihood (ML) method, the maximum spacing (MSP) method, is introduced in Cheng and Amin [1983. Estimating parameters in continuous univariate distributions with a shifted origin. J. Roy. Statist. Soc. Ser. B 45, 394–403], and independently in Ranneby [1984. The maximum spacing method. An estimation method related to the maximum likelihood method. Scand. J. Statist. 11, 93–112]. The method, as described by Ranneby [1984. The maximum spacing method. An estimation method related to the maximum likelihood method. Scand. J. Statist. 11, 93–112], is derived from an approximation of the Kullback–Leibler divergence. Since the introduction of the MSP method, several closely related methods have been suggested. This article is a survey of such methods based on spacings and the Kullback–Leibler divergence. These estimation methods possess good properties and they work in situations where the ML method does not. Important issues such as the handling of ties and incomplete data are discussed, and it is argued that by using Moran's [1951. The random division of an interval—Part II. J. Roy. Statist. Soc. Ser. B 13, 147–150] statistic, on which the MSP method is based, we can effectively combine: (a) a test on whether an assigned model of distribution functions is correct or not, (b) an asymptotically efficient estimation of an unknown parameter θ0θ0, and (c) a computation of a confidence region for θ0θ0.  相似文献   

This paper presents a methodology based on transforming estimation methods in optimization problems in order to incorporate in a natural way some constraints that contain extra information not considered by standard estimation methods, with the aim of improving the quality of the parameter estimates. We include here three types of such information: bounds for the cumulative distribution function, bounds for the quantiles, and any restrictions on the parameters such as those imposed by the support of the random variable under consideration. The method is quite general and can be applied to many estimation methods such as the maximum likelihood (ML), the method of moments (MOM), the least squares, the least absolute values, and the minimax methods. The performances of the obtained estimates from several families of distributions are investigated for the ML and the MOM, using simulations. The simulation results show that for small sample sizes important gains can be achieved with respect to the case where the above information is ignored. In addition, we discuss sensitivity analysis methods for assessing the influence of observations on the proposed estimators. The method applies to both univariate and multivariate data.  相似文献   


Censoring frequently occurs in survival analysis but naturally observed lifetimes are not of a large size. Thus, inferences based on the popular maximum likelihood (ML) estimation which often give biased estimates should be corrected in the sense of bias. Here, we investigate the biases of ML estimates under the progressive type-II censoring scheme (pIIcs). We use a method proposed in Efron and Johnstone [Fisher's information in terms of the hazard rate. Technical Report No. 264, January 1987, Stanford University, Stanford, California; 1987] to derive general expressions for bias corrected ML estimates under the pIIcs. This requires derivation of the Fisher information matrix under the pIIcs. As an application, exact expressions are given for bias corrected ML estimates of the Weibull distribution under the pIIcs. The performance of the bias corrected ML estimates and ML estimates are compared by simulations and a real data application.  相似文献   

Polygonal distributions are a class of distributions that can be defined via the mixture of triangular distributions over the unit interval. We demonstrate that the densities of polygonal distributions are dense in the class of continuous and concave densities with bounded second derivatives. Furthermore, we prove that polygonal density functions provide O(g? 2) approximations (where g is the number of triangular distribution components), in the supremum distance, to any density function from the hypothesized class. Parametric consistency and Hellinger consistency results for the maximum likelihood (ML) estimator are obtained. A result regarding model selection via penalized ML estimation is proved.  相似文献   

The paper shows that many estimation methods, including ML, moments, even-points, empirical c.f. and minimum chi-square, can be regarded as scoring procedures using weighted sums of the discrepancies between observed and expected frequencies The nature of the weights is investigated for many classes of distributions; the study of approximations to the weights clarifies the relationships between estimation methods, and also leads to useful formulae for initial values for ML iteration.  相似文献   

In testing product reliability, there is often a critical cutoff level that determines whether a specimen is classified as failed. One consequence is that the number of degradation data collected varies from specimen to specimen. The information of random sample size should be included in the model, and our study shows that it can be influential in estimating model parameters. Two-stage least squares (LS) and maximum modified likelihood (MML) estimation, which both assume fixed sample sizes, are commonly used for estimating parameters in the repeated measurements models typically applied to degradation data. However, the LS estimate is not consistent in the case of random sample sizes. This article derives the likelihood for the random sample size model and suggests using maximum likelihood (ML) for parameter estimation. Our simulation studies show that ML estimates have smaller biases and variances compared to the LS and MML estimates. All estimation methods can be greatly improved if the number of specimens increases from 5 to 10. A data set from a semiconductor application is used to illustrate our methods.  相似文献   

In a recent paper in this journal, Lee, Kapadia and Brock (1980) developed maximum likelihood (ML) methods for estimating the scale parameter of the Rayleigh distribution from doubly censored samples. They reported convergence difficulties in attempting to solve numerically the nonlinear likelihood equation (LE). To mitigate these difficulties, they employed approximations to simplify the LE, but found that the solution of the resulting simplified equation can give rise to parameter estimates of erratic accuracy. We show that the use of approximations to simplify the LE is unnecessary. In fact, under suitable parametric transformation, the log-likelihood function is strictly concave, the ML estimate always exists, is unique and finite. Furthermore, the LE is easy to solve numerically. A numerical example is given to illustrate the computations involved.  相似文献   

In this work, we study the maximum likelihood (ML) estimation problem for the parameters of the two-piece (TP) distribution based on the scale mixtures of normal (SMN) distributions. This is a family of skewed distributions that also includes the scales mixtures of normal class, and is flexible enough for modeling symmetric and asymmetric data. The ML estimates of the proposed model parameters are obtained via an expectation-maximization (EM)-type algorithm.  相似文献   

Continuing increases in computing power and availability mean that many maximum likelihood estimation (MLE) problems previously thought intractable or too computationally difficult can now be tackled numerically. However, ML parameter estimation for distributions whose only analytical expression is as quantile functions has received little attention. Numerical MLE procedures for parameters of new families of distributions, the g-and-k and the generalized g-and-h distributions, are presented and investigated here. Simulation studies are included, and the appropriateness of using asymptotic methods examined. Because of the generality of these distributions, the investigations are not only into numerical MLE for these distributions, but are also an initial investigation into the performance and problems for numerical MLE applied to quantile-defined distributions in general. Datasets are also fitted using the procedures here. Results indicate that sample sizes significantly larger than 100 should be used to obtain reliable estimates through maximum likelihood.  相似文献   

This paper compares methods of estimation for the parameters of a Pareto distribution of the first kind to determine which method provides the better estimates when the observations are censored, The unweighted least squares (LS) and the maximum likelihood estimates (MLE) are presented for both censored and uncensored data. The MLE's are obtained using two methods, In the first, called the ML method, it is shown that log-likelihood is maximized when the scale parameter is the minimum sample value. In the second method, called the modified ML (MML) method, the estimates are found by utilizing the maximum likelihood value of the shape parameter in terms of the scale parameter and the equation for the mean of the first order statistic as a function of both parameters. Since censored data often occur in applications, we study two types of censoring for their effects on the methods of estimation: Type II censoring and multiple random censoring. In this study we consider different sample sizes and several values of the true shape and scale parameters.

Comparisons are made in terms of bias and the mean squared error of the estimates. We propose that the LS method be generally preferred over the ML and MML methods for estimating the Pareto parameter γ for all sample sizes, all values of the parameter and for both complete and censored samples. In many cases, however, the ML estimates are comparable in their efficiency, so that either estimator can effectively be used. For estimating the parameter α, the LS method is also generally preferred for smaller values of the parameter (α ≤4). For the larger values of the parameter, and for censored samples, the MML method appears superior to the other methods with a slight advantage over the LS method. For larger values of the parameter α, for censored samples and all methods, underestimation can be a problem.  相似文献   

Well-known estimation methods such as conditional least squares, quasilikelihood and maximum likelihood (ML) can be unified via a single framework of martingale estimating functions (MEFs). Asymptotic distributions of estimates for ergodic processes use constant norm (e.g. square root of the sample size) for asymptotic normality. For certain non-ergodic-type applications, however, such as explosive autoregression and super-critical branching processes, one needs a random norm in order to get normal limit distributions. In this paper, we are concerned with non-ergodic processes and investigate limit distributions for a broad class of MEFs. Asymptotic optimality (within a certain class of non-ergodic MEFs) of the ML estimate is deduced via establishing a convolution theorem using a random norm. Applications to non-ergodic autoregressive processes, generalized autoregressive conditional heteroscedastic-type processes, and super-critical branching processes are discussed. Asymptotic optimality in terms of the maximum random limiting power regarding large sample tests is briefly discussed.  相似文献   

Tweedie regression models (TRMs) provide a flexible family of distributions to deal with non-negative right-skewed data and can handle continuous data with probability mass at zero. Estimation and inference of TRMs based on the maximum likelihood (ML) method are challenged by the presence of an infinity sum in the probability function and non-trivial restrictions on the power parameter space. In this paper, we propose two approaches for fitting TRMs, namely quasi-likelihood (QML) and pseudo-likelihood (PML). We discuss their asymptotic properties and perform simulation studies to compare our methods with the ML method. We show that the QML method provides asymptotically efficient estimation for regression parameters. Simulation studies showed that the QML and PML approaches present estimates, standard errors and coverage rates similar to the ML method. Furthermore, the second-moment assumptions required by the QML and PML methods enable us to extend the TRMs to the class of quasi-TRMs in Wedderburn's style. It allows to eliminate the non-trivial restriction on the power parameter space, and thus provides a flexible regression model to deal with continuous data. We provide an R implementation and illustrate the application of TRMs using three data sets.  相似文献   


Examining the robustness properties of maximum likelihood (ML) estimators of parameters in exponential power and generalized t distributions has been considered together. The well-known asymptotic properties of ML estimators of location, scale and added skewness parameters in these distributions are studied. The ML estimators for location, scale and scale variant (skewness) parameters are represented as an iterative reweighting algorithm (IRA) to compute the estimates of these parameters simultaneously. The artificial data are generated to examine performance of IRA for ML estimators of parameters simultaneously. We make a comparison between these two distributions to test the fitting performance on real data sets. The goodness of fit test and information criteria approve that robustness and fitting performance should be considered together as a key for modeling issue to have the best information from real data sets.  相似文献   

In this paper, we consider the estimation reliability in multicomponent stress-strength (MSS) model when both the stress and strengths are drawn from Topp-Leone (TL) distribution. The maximum likelihood (ML) and Bayesian methods are used in the estimation procedure. Bayesian estimates are obtained by using Lindley’s approximation and Gibbs sampling methods, since they cannot be obtained in explicit form in the context of TL. The asymptotic confidence intervals are constructed based on the ML estimators. The Bayesian credible intervals are also constructed using Gibbs sampling. The reliability estimates are compared via an extensive Monte-Carlo simulation study. Finally, a real data set is analysed for illustrative purposes.  相似文献   

A marginal and sequential maximum likelihood estimation method is described which can be used instead of full information maximum likelihood estimation if the latter method is unfeasible. It is shown that the sequential procedure yields strongly consistent and asymptotically normal estimates under relatively general regularity conditions. It is shown that the covariance matrix of the sequential ML estimator does not coincide with the inverse of the Fisher information matrix. Hence, the corrected covariance matrix is derived. The application of the sequential procedure to the multivariate probit model with dichotomous, ordered categorical, single-sided censored and double-sided censored endogenous variables is included. This research was partially supported by a dissertation grant of theStudienstiftung des Deutschen Volkes. Comments and suggestions on earlier drafts by Gerhard Arminger, Giorgio Calzolari, Bernd Kortzen and an anonymous referee are gratefully acknowledged.  相似文献   

Consider a Gaussian random field model on , observed on a rectangular region. Suppose it is desired to estimate a set of parameters in the covariance function. Spectral and circulant approximations to the likelihood are often used to facilitate estimation of the parameters. The purpose of the paper is to give a careful treatment of the quality of these approximations. A spectral approximation for the likelihood was given by Guyon (Biometrika 69 (1982) 95–105) but without proof. The results given here generalize those of Guyon, and fill in the details of the proof. In addition some matrix results are derived which may be of independent interest. Applications are made to Fisher information and bias calculations for maximum likelihood estimates.  相似文献   

Exponential distributions are used extensively in the field of life-testing. Estimation of parameters is revisited in two-parameter exponential distributions. A comparison study between the maximum likelihood method, the unbiased estimates which are linear functions of the maximum likelihood method, the method of product spacings, and the method of quantile estimates are presented. Finally, a simulation study is given to demonstrate the small sample properties  相似文献   

The aim of this article is to compare via Monte Carlo simulations the finite sample properties of the parameter estimates of the Marshall–Olkin extended exponential distribution obtained by ten estimation methods: maximum likelihood, modified moments, L-moments, maximum product of spacings, ordinary least-squares, weighted least-squares, percentile, Crámer–von-Mises, Anderson–Darling, and Right-tail Anderson–Darling. The bias, root mean-squared error, absolute and maximum absolute difference between the true and estimated distribution functions are used as criterion of comparison. The simulation study reveals that the L-moments and maximum products of spacings methods are highly competitive with the maximum likelihood method in small as well as in large-sized samples.  相似文献   

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