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中国女性高管的人数正在不断增加。调查表明,70%以上的上市公司董事或高管都有女性身影。在中国的女性高管中,担任CEO一职的比例高达19%,远高于全球8%的平均水平,排名全球第二;女企业家约占全国企业家总数的20%。  相似文献   

王育琨 《经理人》2008,(9):74-79
6月22~29日,我随一个由20名企业家和高管组成的考察学习团,去日本名古屋岐阜丰田公司参观学习丰田生产方式。坐在飞机上,我还在想,中国民营企业家够虔诚的,在中国制造业寒冬即将来临的危机时刻,还能抽身到日本学习。  相似文献   

中国女性高管的人数正在激增。 根据全球第五大会计事务所——京都天华会计师事务所(Grant Thornton)最新公布的《2011国际商业问卷调查报告》显示,中国女性高管占企业管理层的34%,其中女性担任CEO一职的比例高达19%,远超全球8%的平均水平。这是否说明中国女性高管正在威胁男性高管的势力范围?  相似文献   

受传统观念的影响,女性在中国社会的地位长期受到轻视,其在商业中的作用更是一直为人们所忽视.然而,随着中国民营经济的蓬勃发展,不少女企业家取得了令人瞩目的商业成就,女性开始崛起为企业界的一股新的力量.那么,女性参与高管团队是否能为企业增加价值呢?性别差异是否能够成为一种优势而使女性管理者更好地进行决策和管理企业呢?本研究以关于企业高管团队的文献为基础,以中国民营企业为研究对象,采用2008年民营上市公司数据,探讨女性参与高管团队与企业绩效之间的关系,并且将这一关系置于女性高管的人力资本和社会资本两个调节变量的背景下,进一步探究影响女性参与高管团队与企业绩效之间关系的原因.研究结果表明,女性在高管团队中的参与能够提升企业绩效,这种时绩效的提升随着女性高管的人力资本和社会资本的提高而增强.本研究从高管团队成员性别差异的角度丰富了现有的高管团队理论体系,并且为中国处于蓬勃发展中的民营企业的成长提供了有意义的实践指导.  相似文献   

本文以中国2009~2012年的A股上市公司为样本,实证分析女性高管对R&D投入的影响。结果表明,二者之间呈现出显著的负相关关系;进一步研究发现,女性CEO可以显著调节女性高管对R&D投入的抑制效应。  相似文献   

很多在商海指挥若定的企业家或职业经理人,其实是工作重压催生的抑郁症患者。表面风光的背后是失眠严重、心情压抑,以及无法向他人言说的痛苦。有效的情绪管理,成为当代企业高管的必修课。  相似文献   

2010年,中国经济总量跃居全球第二,中国企业在转型中不断崛起,中国企业家们在探索中坚定前行,他们用大量的实践不断推动中国管理发展进步。  相似文献   

由清华大学经济管理学院主办,面向政府经济管理部门、企业界、金融界的“清华EMBA名师管理论坛”,于2011年12月10日在广州广交会威斯汀酒店举办,来自广东全省的企业家、高管、金融家近千人参加了论坛。  相似文献   

近年来,高管跳槽进入了一个多事之秋的战国时代。微软全球副总裁李开复、前戴尔公司高级副总裁威廉·阿梅里奥、原中国印刷集团公司总裁沈海祥、飞利浦中国公司高管薛佳玲等等,这些高管的跳槽之风,可谓是众说纷纭,莫衷一是。那么,高管跳  相似文献   

正中国影片制造商梦想"全球突破"目前中国国内票房市场排名全球第二,仅次于美国,2013年有望达35亿美元。通过对华合作、添加中国情节并折腰讨好中方审查人员,好莱坞正极力争取与日俱增的中国市场并已收效显著。但中国影视业的高管或面临更艰巨的任务,他们梦想,本土制作的影片不仅在国内放映,还要俘获别国的大量影迷。中国的票房收入以年均约35%的速度增长,  相似文献   

One-day-coaching. Position finding of a head nurseIn a one-day-coaching, a head nurse prepared for her new position in a second hospital. Using the Bochum Professional Personality Inventory a potential analysis was conducted. Her new range of responsibility was compared with the outcomes of this analysis, with theoretical aspects concerning ?managing managers“ and with her present co-operation with colleagues and superiors. Basing on new insights regarding her abilities and resources, she developed a plan of actions.  相似文献   

Recent research shows that, all else equal, most people prefer likeable colleagues. In this article, two experiments are employed to analyze preferences with respect to (un)likeable superiors. We thereby focus on perceptions of likeability based on appearance rather than as a behavioral characteristic, which allows us to concentrate on the impact of quick, unconscious evaluations in zero-acquaintance situations. The results indicate that, all else equal, managers of higher perceived likeability are less preferred than managers of lower perceived likeability. Such likeability-aversion emerges among male and female respondents, affects male and female managers, and holds both for preferences expressed from the perspective of employees (Experiment 1) or a HR department (Experiment 2).  相似文献   

To develop women — and not organizations and men? To realize equal opportunities it is not enough to coach only women. Approaches like ?Managing Diversity“ and ?Gender Mainstreaming“ teach us to develop organizations and male managers, too. The concluding question is, whether coaching male managers can contribute to equality.  相似文献   

Coaching of women, gender coaching and now finally coaching of men? The author describes and discusses the councelling of male managers based on the latest research project of men’s studies in Germany. He defines the emerging problems of male coping strategies in councelling, supervision and coaching. Finally he discusses the meaning of male councellers in relation to male coachees.  相似文献   

Conflict coaching with recently appointed managers The author discusses conflict coaching with recently appointed managers. It is a basic premise that newcomers first have to prove as managers in the eyes of their colleagues, otherwise a great variety of complications may emerge. These complications are determined by the way the manager is recruited, by the situation of his predecessor and by the specific organizational task. Accordingly, in coaching processes these different conflict eventualities have to be dealed with in different ways.  相似文献   

After half a century of constituting 5 percent of the physician population, women will soon make up more than one-third of U.S. physicians. Women now practice in virtually every specialty. This enormous change has created both opportunities and tensions. Within the broader context of the changing role of women in U.S. society, women physicians are exploring new career paths--paths that are both similar to and different from those of their male colleagues. A future challenge for women physicians will be achieving significant representation in the medical management ranks.  相似文献   

The particular focus of this paper is on the workÐfamily conflict experienced by senior female international managers within a European context. This research is particularly relevant as existing European studies have not specifically addressed issues pertaining to the senior female international manager. For the purpose of this study 50 senior female expatriate managers were interviewed, representing a wide diversity of industry and service sectors. The study establishes that work–family conflict still prevents many female managers from progressing to senior management. The results of the study show that the senior international career move has largely been developed along a linear male model of career progression, a development which, together with gender disparity both in organizations and family responsibilities, frequently prevents women employees from reaching senior managerial positions. The study extends work primarily in the international human resource management literature, while also contributing to the research literatures on women in management and career theory.  相似文献   

This study examined gender differences in the effectiveness of five sources of coping assistance to reduce dissatisfaction and emotional exhaustion among 403 female and 664 male academic staff of a Dutch university. It was hypothesized that support at work ((1) socio-emotional aid from the supervisor and colleagues, (2) a supportive climate in the department, and (3) practical assistance in the department) and support at home ((4) socio-emotional aid from the spouse, and (5) practical assistance from the spouse) would reduce dissatisfaction and burnout, and that women especially would benefit from these coping assistance measures. Using moderated regression analyses, the results showed that coping assistance from a supervisor and colleagues is an important measure to reduce both dissatisfaction and emotional exhaustion. Further, a supportive departmental climate and practical assistance in the department reduced emotional exhaustion and especially female academic staff benefited from these types of coping assistance at the aggregate level. However, contrary to expectations, such beneficial effects were not found for both socio-emotional aid and practical assistance from the spouse.  相似文献   

The notion of ‘think manager–think male’ has been demonstrated in many studies. The current study examines whether leaders are perceived as more effective when they have ‘feminine’, ‘masculine’ or ‘androgynous’ characteristics, and how this relates to the leader's and followers' sex. Using carefully matched samples of 930 employees of 76 bank managers, we studied the relationship between managers' gender-role identity (perceived ‘femininity’, ‘masculinity’ and ‘androgyny’) and how this relates to leadership effectiveness in terms of transformational leadership and personal identification with the leader. Our findings show that among both male and female leaders, ‘androgyny’ was more strongly related to transformational leadership and followers' identification than ‘non-androgyny’, and that leaders' ‘femininity’ was more strongly related to leadership effectiveness than ‘masculinity’. Furthermore, the results show that women paid a higher penalty for not being perceived as ‘androgynous’ (mixing ‘femininity’ and ‘masculinity’), in comparison to men with regard to personal identification. When examining same- versus cross-sex relationships, we found that ‘non-androgynous’ male managers were rated higher by their male employees than by their female employees. Our findings suggest that women and men who are interested in being perceived as effective leaders may be well advised to blend ‘feminine’ and ‘masculine’ behaviors, and even more so when they are in situations of non-congruency (i.e., women in leadership roles and leading in cross-sex relationships). We discuss the implications of these findings for both theory and practice.  相似文献   

Women's participation in economic activities in general and at managerial status in particular is insignificant in Pakistan. Furthermore, the opportunities for professional development of women managers are meagre because of multiple socio-cultural limitations. This paper attempts to draw a profile of female managers focusing, inter alia, on the trend and structure of women's human resource, ratio of employment, work environment and scope of development, efficiency at work, satisfaction level, professional commitment and forces inhibiting women access to jobs under the learning organization perspectives. It also exhibits issues bearing policy implications in regard to the development of women as managers and also as human resource.  相似文献   

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