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正只要您胸怀商界繁荣大爱,热心运营精英圈层身蕴领袖感召魅力,手握广博人脉资源海豚会,虚位以待!在这里,商智互助的自组织运作模式帮您迅速打造最紧密的高端圈子在这里,合作共赢的俱乐部发展理念让您的创会努力收获超值回报在这里,顶级商业传媒的全媒体传播网络助您最大程度引爆平台价值海豚会下一位创会会长,就是您!  相似文献   

正人脉的真相所有的朋友或人脉关系都是靠时间来灌溉的,而这些都是以自己的精力和感情为代价的。不主动联系的结果只有一个:你会失去你的朋友。关于人脉有以下几个误区。误区一:人脉一定要有用。这里的有用往往带有某些标签,不是有权有势,就是有某种显性的资源。但真相是每个人身上都有你可以学习的地方,对你有益的朋友都是好的人脉。我们说益友有三:交流思想帮助  相似文献   

海尔集团首席执行官张瑞敏,在一次中层干部会上提出这样一个问 题:"石头怎样才能在水上漂起来?"反馈回来的答案五花八门,有人说"把 石头掏空",张先生摇摇头;有人说把它放在木板上,张先生说"没有木 板";有人说"石头是假的",张先生强调"石是真的"……终于有人站起来 回答说:"速度!"张瑞敏脸上露出满意的笑容:"正确!《孙子兵法》上说'激 水之疾,至于漂石者,势也'。速度决定了石头能否漂起来。"  相似文献   

正只要您胸怀商界繁荣大爱,热心运营精英圈层身蕴领袖感召魅力,手握广博人脉资源海豚会,虚位以待!在这里,商智互助的自组织运作模式帮您迅速打造最紧密的高端圈子在这里,合作共赢的俱乐部发展理念让您的创会努力收获超值回报在这里,顶级商业传媒的全媒体传播网络助您最大程度引爆平台价值海豚会下一位创会会长,就是您!海豚会是由《经理人》杂志联合中国工商界对运作精英圈子有高度热情、并有强大感召力的人士,共同发起的"线上+线下"结合的高端俱乐部,是以"商智互助"和"商智公益"  相似文献   

抛却对商业经营风险的考虑,面对创业,人们依然有两种观点. 有人说:"创业很容易".  相似文献   

正弱人脉与弱联系我们非常喜欢谈人脉,有句现代谚语说"社会关系就是生产力"。拉关系,是很多人都做,但又被某些有志青年所不屑的行为。可是,不管你有多么不喜欢,在社会中做事情往往就是要依赖各种关系,求人未必可耻,孤独未必光荣。采用正确的方法构建合适的人脉网络是必备的社会生活能力。  相似文献   

有人说职场如赌场,输赢全听天命;也有人说职场如战场,输赢全凭实力;还有人说职场如围城,输赢看心绪.其实不然,职场亦如舞台,心有多大,舞台就有多大! 在职场中,上司在某种程度上左右着我们在企业中的职业线,无论是"好上司"或是"坏上司",也许我们无从选择,但我们可以选择做一个"好下属"还是"坏下属".  相似文献   

<正> 有人说,我之所以不能成功,是因为家境不好,还有人说是因为年纪太大,还有人说是因为年纪太轻,还有人说是因为经济不景气,还有人说是因为口才不好、没有钱、没有人帮助…… 其实,你永远都不会因为家境不好而不能成功,你也不是因为太老,你也不是因为太年轻,真的!一切限制都是自己给自己的。 当你给了自己一个借口,告  相似文献   

人在职场,最无奈的是什么?有人可能会说,最无奈的就是自己所做的一切“坏事”,老板“都知道”;也有人会说,最无奈的就是自己所做的一切“好事”,老板并“不知道”。其实,在职场上最无奈的事就是:好事不知道,坏事赖不掉!  相似文献   

抗日英雄吉鸿昌将军给下属军官们都送有非常普通的粗瓷大碗,所不同的是,每个碗上都烧制了这样一行字:当官即不许发财! 肯定会有人说,这只碗有点古色古香,这行字也显得"古色古香",都市场经济时代了,还不过时?也许有人会为阐释这行字提供一个完全不同的平台:当官不发财,请我都不来!  相似文献   

Doing or being?     
The founder of Aikido, Morihei Ueshiba, would occasionally distill the essence of the art into three simple shapes--a circle, a square, and a triangle. These are three basic ways of dealing with what's coming at you. The square is the simplest. It is about, essentially, doing nothing. The saying here is from the old spiritual: "I shall not be moved." You meet the challenge head on. The triangle is about forward motion--attack, cutting right to the heart of what is coming at you, or cutting right past it to the space beyond. The circle is often the most interesting space. The circle is not about standing ground or cutting through. The circle is about dancing with whatever is headed your way. The real danger lies in being stuck in any one mode--perpetually intransigent, always flailing away in attack mode, or forever slip-sliding through one dance step after another. It is only when our response is embodied in who we are that we will have the power truly to lead other people.  相似文献   

One of the most challenging functions a physician executive performs is being an innovator--coming up with new ideas to keep ahead of the pack and to solve problems that need fresh solutions. Robert Hodge, MD, CPE, FACPE, and Barbara Linney interviewed Roger Schenke, Executive Vice President of the American College of Physician Executives, and gleaned seven pointers that you might consider to help generate a flow of new ideas or when you get "stuck." They are: (1) read voraciously and link unlike things together; (2) talk to people whose circle is bigger than yours; (3) stop thinking about the problem and focus on something else; (4) care enough to keep wrestling with a problem and not give up; (5) stay open to new ideas even if they are uncomfortable; (6) be willing to risk and take chances; and (7) find a place to carry out the ideas.  相似文献   

Can anyone single-handedly create a caring environment without adding hours to his or her work week? As turnover continues to rise, it's worth considering. Techniques managers say have worked for them are suggested, including: Monitor workloads; celebrate successes; make niceness an expectation; mentor; offer training as often as possible; stamp out problems before they go public; consider offering flexible hours and extended leaves for all; and introduce yeast to keep people stimulated. Will these strategies--all of which may not work for you--fatten your bonus this year? Probably not, unless top management is monitoring retention and doing occasional exit interviews. However, one of the byproducts is that employees don't stop with each other. They begin to treat patients better, something neither bribery nor threats may produce.  相似文献   

We in health care are living and working in a world that, for all its technical changes, differs little in its basic assumptions, structures, payment systems, beliefs, expectations, and job titles from the world of health care a generation back. How much change can we expect over the coming years? A lot more than we are prepared for. Look at the array of new technologies headed our way, from genomic sciences to customized vaccinations. Many of the breakthroughs promise incredible abilities to prevent disease, to profile our proclivities, and to manage our genetic predispositions over long periods of time, rather than merely wait until the disease manifests in an acute phase, then treat the symptoms. Digital technologies bring physicians executives enormous opportunities for new ways of gathering, storing, and mining information, for new types of communication between medical professionals, for new communications with customers, and new ways of steering large, complex enterprises. Unprecedented opportunities for change keep piling in through the door. Vast pressures for change keep building from every side. And the rewards for anyone who can lead the change keep compounding.  相似文献   

What business are we in? Who are our customers? as health care evolves, the answers to these questions become increasingly complex. And as physicians become more involved in the business side of medicine and the business side of medicine becomes more sophisticated itself, we must not forget the fundamentals. Successful business people do not lose touch with the essential concerns of their industry. Future success in the medical marketplace will require physicians and physician leaders to keep in mind what business we are in and who our customers are. This article offers a set of answers to these questions.  相似文献   

B.G. Dale  S.G. Hayward 《Omega》1984,12(5):475-484
This paper presents the results of a study of quality circle failures in UK manufacturing companies. A questionnaire survey formed the first part of the investigation, which reveals that the majority of companies which implement quality circles should expect to encounter some form of failure. The first three years of operating a quality circle programme represent the critical period for establishing long-term survival of the programme, whilst in the case of individual circles it is the first 18 months. The results indicate that white collar circles are more difficult to sustain over time than are circles in blue collar areas. The main reasons for circle failure include: rejection of the concept by top management and trade unions; the company restructuring, redundancies and labour turnover; circle leaders lacking time to organise meetings and a lack of co-operation from middle and first-line management. It is pointed out, that despite an average circle failure rate of 20%, there is a high level of satisfaction with quality circles amongst the respondents.  相似文献   

New technology is calling on people to provide adaptive responses in situations where there are many exceptions or where a high degree of variability exists or where people provide linkages between programmable segments. Further, groups of people who are geographically dispersed and unacquainted with each other will work together to solve business problems or define a process and will then disband when the job is done. Thus, the general model of responsible autonomous job behavior becomes the key facet of individual-organization-technological relationships. It is suggested that this model is best activated by the empowerment of people through the value-based management of transformational leadership.  相似文献   

Time as a dimension of the social value of persons in Bourdieu’s ?Meditations“In his book ?Meditations“ (2001), Pierre Bourdieu’s idea of ?Habitus“ plays a major role also with respect to the role and influence of ?time“. Only if expectations and possibilities are in close correspondence, our feeling of time does function in the sense, that time goes by unnoticed and continuously. Bourdieu does concede time to be of major influence and to be a powerful parameter of our lives, e.g. when unemployed workers lose control over their lives because they have too much time they cannot use it in a satisfying way. At the other extreme, people are as well able to dominate others by using this power of time (e.g. by waiting respectively letting people wait etc.). The shortage and in fact the importance, which is granted for a man’s time, in Bourdieu’s eyes is a relevant factor for the social value of a person in general.  相似文献   

The basis of our government being the opinion of the people, the very first objective should be to keep that right; and were it left to me to decide whether we should have a government without newspapers or newspapers without a government, I should not hesitate a moment to prefer the latter. —Thomas Jefferson, 1787  相似文献   

 随着多元化经营趋势的发展,企业与竞争对手在多个市场上相遇并形成多点接触早已成为常态。在企业与竞争对手间形成多点接触的背景下,许多学者验证了多点接触会对企业绩效产生一定的影响。同时在转型制度环境下,政治关联将有助于降低市场壁垒使企业进入对方所在的市场,这会增强企业间的多点接触程度并降低竞争强度。然而,对政治关联如何影响多点接触进而影响企业绩效的内在机制还鲜有研究。        基于政治关联对企业进入对方所在市场行为影响的逻辑,将市场互换性作为调节变量,利用STATA软件和OLS回归分析方法,以2008年至2014年中国9家上市民营房地产企业在151个区域市场分布变化情况作为样本,结合相互容忍假说,探讨在多点竞争环境下政治关联和多点接触与企业绩效的关系。        实证分析结果表明,政治关联可以降低市场进入壁垒,使企业达到主动增加与其主要竞争对手多点接触程度的目的,进而对企业绩效有积极的影响;另外,市场互换性能负向调节政治关联与企业绩效的关系。        在中国制度环境下,讨论多点接触对企业经营过程产生的影响,为中国企业在多点竞争环境下实现提升绩效的目的提供一个方向,为企业有效增加多点接触程度提供更多的解决方法,也为日后进行多点接触问题的研究拓宽了思路。  相似文献   

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