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"9·11"事件后,西方在中东地区的推广民主运动及伊斯兰世界的应对是近期双方之间规模较大的一次互动.伊斯兰世界反西方情绪产生的根源在于现实国际政治,而不是宗教;民主推广战略是西方中心主义的继承和延续,"9·11"事件使其成为美外交战略中的首要目标和手段;在美国咄咄逼人的攻势下,伊斯兰世界作出了必要的抗议和斗争,但从长期来看,伊斯兰世界必须正视其自身存在的问题.  相似文献   

全球化进程中伊斯兰世界的政治、经济和文化都不同程度的受到西方的挑战和侵蚀。20世纪70年代,伊斯兰复兴运动迅速发展,中东反美、反西方的情绪高涨。海湾战争后,伊斯兰与美国的冲突有所加剧,一些极端势力乘机迅速膨胀,恐怖活动不断升级,直至发生9 11事件。尽管这一事件本身不能算作 “文明的冲突”,但以美国为首的西方与伊斯兰世界对此的后续反应有可能导致西方与伊斯兰的对抗,引发文明间的冲突。  相似文献   

在西方传媒的霸权语境中,中国和阿拉伯-伊斯兰世界分别被臆造为“红祸”与“绿祸”,尤其随着中国的和平崛起以及“9·11”事件的爆发,西方传媒不但借“人权”来贬损中国形象,而且借“反恐”来诋毁阿拉伯-伊斯兰文化。东、西方传媒失衡的发展现状所产生的迥异传媒影响力,最终导致了西方传媒语境中文化帝国主义的畅行无阻,严重阻碍了中阿之间的正常交流与深入合作。因此,中阿双方政府应高度重视软国力,加强对外宣传力度;两国传媒应更加专业化,力争早日发出“自己的声音”;有关中阿问题的研究应更加务实,力争使研究和传媒达到互动,最终促成中阿双方的实质性合作。  相似文献   

全球化进程中伊斯兰世界的政治、经济和文化都不同程度的受到西方的挑战和侵蚀.20世纪70年代,伊斯兰复兴运动迅速发展,中东反美、反西方的情绪高涨.海湾战争后,伊斯兰与美国的冲突有所加剧,一些极端势力乘机迅速膨胀,恐怖活动不断升级,直至发生9·11事件.尽管这一事件本身不能算作"文明的冲突",但以美国为首的西方与伊斯兰世界对此的后续反应有可能导致西方与伊斯兰的对抗,引发文明间的冲突.  相似文献   

东方主义是关于东方和西方世界关系的经典理论。在伊朗伊斯兰革命、海湾战争以及"9·11"事件的刺激下,新东方主义在二元对立方法论的基础上,通过延续与补充东方主义的原有内涵、强化"他者化"方式以及在传播中提升伊斯兰世界本土声音的消息源功能等手段,成为现代西方世界审视东方世界的新框架。本文通过分析美国三家主流媒体对伊斯兰世界的相关报道,认为新东方主义叙事方式对后"9·11"时代美国媒体的报道产生了重要影响力,这种叙事方式成为美国媒体报道反恐战争与伊斯兰世界事务的重要手段。  相似文献   

“9·11”恐怖袭击事件爆发后,随着强调伊斯兰教与代表西方文明的基督教之间矛盾冲突的所谓“文明冲突论”的兴起,美国穆斯林族群的生存状态与发展状况也引起了美国社会的普遍关注,并成为西方学界探讨的热点。本文将着重考察该族群自20世纪以来争取公民与政治权利的社会进程,以此为视角研究其历史发展轨迹,并进一步探讨“9·11”事件为其带来的挑战与契机。  相似文献   

对“伊斯兰威胁论”的几点反思   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近年特别是9·11事件后,“伊斯兰威胁论”在西方世界再次得到响应。本文试图说明这种论点的错误在于忽略了当代伊斯兰世界面临的历史困境和社会根源,而正确的方法是从结构的视角出发来研究伊斯兰文化在国际关系中的作用,将它放在社会和国际背景的约束下进行考察。  相似文献   

上个世纪90年代开始,一股“伊斯兰威胁论”在西方喧嚣尘上。不期而至的9·11事件似乎印证了一些学者的看法,原本作为宗教的伊斯兰也开始被一些人视为恐怖根源的代名词,而穆斯林世界的反犹情绪和反西方倾向也被解读为一种与生俱来的“文明的冲突”。如果我们稍微了解一下阿拉伯-穆斯林世界的历史,就会发现“对犹太人的妖魔化并非伊斯兰教的传统因素”,所谓的“伊斯兰等于恐怖威胁”之类的说法其实不过是不攻自破的谎言。世界上没有无缘无故的爱,也没有无缘无故的恨,同理,解读当代阿拉伯-穆斯林世界的反犹情绪也需要我们具有一种历史的视角。  相似文献   

在西方传媒的霸权语境中,中国和阿拉伯-伊斯兰世界分别被臆造为"红祸"与"绿祸",尤其随着中国的和平崛起以及"9·11"事件的爆发,西方传媒不但借"人权"来贬损中国形象,而且借"反恐"来诋毁阿拉伯-伊斯兰文化.东、西方传媒失衡的发展现状所产生的迥异传媒影响力,最终导致了西方传媒语境中文化帝国主义的畅行无阻,严重阻碍了中阿之间的正常交流与深入合作.因此,中阿双方政府应高度重视软国力,加强对外宣传力度;两国传媒应更加专业化,力争早日发出"自己的声音";有关中阿问题的研究应更加务实,力争使研究和传媒达到互动,最终促成中阿双方的实质性合作.  相似文献   

"9·11"恐怖袭击事件爆发后,随着强调伊斯兰教与代表西方文明的基督教之间矛盾冲突的所谓"文明冲突论"的兴起,美国穆斯林族群的生存状态与发展状况也引起了美国社会的普遍关注,并成为西方学界探讨的热点.本文将着重考察该族群自20世纪以来争取公民与政治权利的社会进程,以此为视角研究其历史发展轨迹,并进一步探讨"9·11"事件为其带来的挑战与契机.  相似文献   

Rather than living in a homogeneous world, Muslim women participate in vastly different cultures. The Women Living Under Muslim Law (WLUML) Network was set up to unite women in Muslim countries across the world and to stimulate them to analyze and reconceptualize the nature of their situation in order to formulate strategies for change. In Muslim countries, the law provides a web of rules which shape every aspect of women's lives. Because these laws have been presented as "Islamic," traditional human rights groups have been loathe to criticize them for fear of trampling religious rights. The WLUML started the "Women and the Law" project, therefore, to chart and conduct action-oriented research in law in 26 countries. This project is based on the conviction that the key to women gaining the power to control their destinies will lie in their ability to master the law that shapes their lives. This project should lay the foundation for the vindication of the human rights of Muslim women.  相似文献   

The following paper centres on my unique experience as a white Australian therapist who is able to sympathise with a Western world view while being immersed in an Islamic world view. The goal is to share my journey as a Muslim Australian via an auto‐ethnography reflexive method. Using diaries, intentional reflexive positioning, and multiple modes of supervision, I contemplate an Islamic identity and value system while negotiating poststructural therapies such as solution‐focused collaborative, and in particular, narrative therapy as viable approaches to working with the Muslim community. There are two inquiries which are of interest. The first is to reflexively describe the experience of being a Muslim practitioner and wondering whether core differences in epistemological views between social constructionism and Islamic doctrine can be overcome. Secondly, this enquiry explores Quranic guidelines about how to perceive ‘problems’ in life, based on the premise that understanding how an Islamic world view addresses life's troubles may add to deeper conceptions of the role of difficulties. I propose that adherent Muslims have a natural metaphorical way of thinking that connects with some of the poststructural therapeutic skills and techniques and at the same time draw on past Quranic solutions for contemporary problems. Little has been written on narrative therapy as a suitable approach to working with Muslim clients. In the current paper I review my personal experience as a veiled Muslim therapist striving to implement narrative therapy alongside an Islamic epistemology.  相似文献   

埃及穆斯林兄弟会在其80余年的发展历程中几经沉浮,现已成为当前埃及境内最有影响的政治力量,并将对后穆巴拉克时代埃及的政局走向、社会转型产生巨大影响.对穆斯林兄弟会的研究不能囿于惯性思维而将其视为“激进组织”,应以历史唯物主义的观点和方法,还原其历史真相,特别是要看到该组织在发展过程中曾经有过对自身“激进思想”的修正,从而对它有更加全面、公正的认识.  相似文献   

本文重点探析了穆斯林世界中的伊斯兰资本市场上发展最迅速的部分,即苏库克(Sukuk,即伊斯兰债券)市场。首先,笔者界定了苏库克作为专业术语所具有的特殊含义;其次,论述了苏库克的基本特点;再次,本文的第三部分论述了苏库克在其运作中出现的主要问题;最后,本文分析了苏库克在阿拉伯世界经济转型与中国“一带一路”战略中所发挥的作用。  相似文献   

在全球化过程中,尤其是“9·11”后,美欧穆斯林移民问题日渐凸现,既影响了美国的反恐战略和国土安全,也制约着欧盟一体化进程;美欧清真寺在穆斯林移民问题形成中扮演了不可或缺的角色,成为穆斯林移民宗教信仰与文化持守的精神家园,也成为这些社会边缘人摆脱物质生存挤压的缓冲地带,还成为美欧关于阿拉伯-伊斯兰国家战略决策的晴雨表,甚至成为全球化进程中异质文明间或对话或冲突的感应场;在全球治理的过程中,美欧清真寺为缓解西方与伊斯兰世界的紧张关系发挥了特殊作用。  相似文献   

自1932年沙特建国以来,穆斯林兄弟会在沙特经历了初步发展、扩张和衰退三个阶段。二者从合作与相互利用的盟友关系逐渐演变为疏远与对抗的敌对关系。一方面,逃亡到沙特避难的穆兄会成员曾在帮助沙特政权反制埃及纳赛尔政权、推行泛伊斯兰主义战略等方面发挥了重要作用;另一方面,穆兄会成员在一定程度上促成了沙特宗教政治反对派的兴起,影响和培育了一批接受库特布思想的极端分子,对沙特政权的稳固及其国家安全造成了冲击。中东剧变以来,穆兄会势力的壮大削弱了沙特的地区影响力,制约了沙特外交政策的实施,导致沙特面临的地区安全环境进一步恶化。穆兄会与沙特关系的破裂直接反映出前者对沙特内政外交构成的威胁,是穆兄会思想与瓦哈比教义内在矛盾的逻辑结果。  相似文献   

伊斯兰主义首先是一种宗教内部不断重复的变迁现象,其在当代兴起同近代以来尤其是上世纪七十年代伊斯兰世界在全球体系中的不利处境密切相关。伊斯兰主义的兴起即是希望通过宗教的符号来进行社会变革,以应对这一不利的局面。从社会形式讲,伊斯兰主义主要表现为一种社会运动,其本质则是政治意识形态。当代伊斯兰主义发生的一个主要背景在于全球化,而其自身同时也被全球化;不仅表现为全球化的组织,更具有全球性的意识形态和目标。  相似文献   

Indonesia has approximately 240 million people, and more than 85% of the population are Muslims. Whilst incidents of religious intolerance have frequently been reported in the mass media, political Islam in Indonesia, represented by Islamic political parties, seems to have failed to gain popular support. Against this conflicting standing of Islam and Islamic organizations in Indonesia, this study focuses on Muslim religiosity and perceptions of the role of Islam in contemporary Indonesia. Based on our survey of 1500 Muslims in Indonesia in 2010, and case studies in regional Indonesia, this paper shows that, due to sociocultural change in regional Indonesia, and the diffusion of religious authority through media use, Indonesian Muslims are becoming less political Islamists, and more sociocultural Islamists who are attempting to advocate Islamic morality. This trend is in line with scholarly observations of post-Islamism prevalent in other parts of the Muslim world.  相似文献   

This paper examines the extent to which the Australian education system has responded to the needs of the Muslim community in relation to curricula, staffing and organization. Australian government schools are usually described as “free, secular and compulsory” and serve the educational needs of a culturally and linguistically diverse population, but due to historical patterns of immigration, the values underpinning school curricula are Eurocentric and reflect the Judeo‐Christian tradition. For the Muslim community, seeking to have its history, culture, languages, values and beliefs reflected in curricula, staffing and school organization, this presents a considerable challenge and potentially a source of cultural conflict. Studies of Muslim children in Australia indicate that Muslim children may be educationally disadvantaged because poor English led to under‐achievement and because of cultural dissonance between parents and the school. The failure of the school to support or affirm Muslim values increases the Muslim community's sense of alienation from the mainstream education system. Australia has been quite innovative in its education policies and practices in relation to a culturally diverse population but this paper asks whether it has done enough to integrate the Muslim experience into government school curricula and to recognize Muslim needs in the selection of teachers and the organization of the school?  相似文献   

Political events can serve as an impetus for civic engagement or disengagement. The events of 9/11 have directed attention toward US Muslim communities and occasionally inflamed anti-Islam and anti-Muslim sentiments. This article explores the impact of the 11 September events on hijab-wearing Muslim American women. These events and the negative perception of Islam have paradoxically given rise to Muslim women's public presence and paved the way for their political engagement. Their efforts, however, have been hampered by Orientalist and Islamic fundamentalist ideologies, each advancing its own constructs of Muslim women; one seeking to ‘save’ them and the other to ‘protect’ them. Muslim women have found both ideologies oppressive. As a result, they have been actively challenging these ideologies in American society at large and within their own Muslim communities. Through civic engagement and participation in Muslim organizations, these women have been making efforts to redefine themselves, claim their space, secure their rights and advance the causes of Muslim American communities.  相似文献   

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