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民政工作在解决民生、发展民主、服务社会的主题中,发挥了基础性、服务性和其他部门不可替代的作用。笔者认为,当前,探索民政事业发展的路径,加大民政工作的推进力,是解决民政工作中面临困难和问题的关键。  相似文献   

构建社会主义和谐社会,民生是根本。2007年以来,西藏自治区各级民政部门深入实施“民生工程”,围绕保障城乡困难居民生活、上学、看病等民生问题,认真研究制定解决问题的意见和措施,下大力抓好落实,让困难群体共享改革发展的成果,解决了一系列关系群众切身利益的实际问题,为推动和谐西藏建设做出了突出贡献。  相似文献   

民政工作在解决民生、发展民主、服务社会的主题中,发挥了基础性、服务性和其他部门不可替代的作用。笔者认为,当前,探索民政事业发展的路径,加大民政工作的推进力,是解决民政工作中面临困难和问题的关键。  相似文献   

刚刚过去的2009年,深受国际金融危机的影响,是进入新世纪以来我国经济发展最为困难的一年。江西省各级民政部门不断提升民生保障能力,积极发挥社会“减压闽”的作用:由民政部门实施的省政府民生实事全面完成;全省下拨各类民政专项资金达57.3亿元;  相似文献   

黄小春 《社会工作》2009,(13):10-11
新时期民政工作职能定位于保障民生、发展民主和服务社会三大方面。但是,基层落实这三项职能面临的困难不少,主要有:人才队伍建设滞后。当前民政队伍结构与新时期民政工作定位不相适应,尤其是基层民政所、"三院"工作人员少,年龄偏大,专业水平偏低,  相似文献   

本文以民生公司为例,从分析影响民生公司企业文化思想诞生的几个历史条件入手,重点阐释民生公司企业文化理论的基本思想内容及其实践活动,以期为中国当代企业的管理体制变革提供些许有益的启示。  相似文献   

新时期民政工作职能定位于保障民生、发展民主和服务社会三大方面。但是,基层落实这三项职能面临的困难不少,主要有:人才队伍建设滞后。当前民政队伍结构与新时期民政工作定位不相适应,尤其是基层民政所、"三院"工作人员少,年龄偏大,专业水平偏低,功  相似文献   

构建社会主义和谐社会,民生是根本。2007年以来,西藏自治区各级民政部门深入实施民生工程,围绕保障城乡困难居民生活、上学、看病等民生问题,认真研究制定解决问题的意见和措施,下大力抓好落实,让困难群体共享改革发展的成果,解  相似文献   

今天,当你漫步在美国的社区学院(类似我国的高等专科学校),会发现一些工人气质、模样的学生,他们是这所学院的培训生,所学课程与在校学生有所不同,多是一些"如何靠协作取得成功"和"怎样保证工程质量"的课程,这就是风靡全美的社区学院语训。早在七八十年代,美国工人的职业培训多在公司内部和一些专门的职业居训学校进行,随着经济的发展,这种小规模培训方式已经不能满足公司的要求,尤其是专门职业培训学校收费昂贵却水平一般,已愈来愈让公司主顾们难以容忍,而遍布全美的社区学院面临着国家紧缩高等教育资金的困难局面,对大公司…  相似文献   

张敬伟 《社会福利》2011,(11):62-62
2011年北戴河区加大政府投入力度,出台一系列关爱民生,关爱老人政策。一是提高老年入津贴制度。将90至99岁高龄老人补贴标准,由原来的的每人每月30元,提高到50元。为低保户中80岁以上的生活困难老人,每人每月生活补贴30元。  相似文献   

Jane Gibbons, NISW, 5-7 Tavistock Place, London, WC1H 9SS Summary In an exploratory study, we examined the characteristics ofa sample of families referred to a branch of Home-Start (a voluntaryorganization to help stressed parents of under-fives) and thework of its volunteers. Comparison with families on social workers'case-loads suggested that Home-Start was able to work with awide variety of families, including those with severe difficulties,and that it offered a qualitatively different and complementaryservice to that of the local authority.  相似文献   

What do young people leaving youth care think about their future? How do they view their transition between youth care and adulthood? These questions were answered by 71 young people leaving youth care in Flanders. The analysis of the interviews showed that three groups of young people can be distinguished when it comes to their expectations regarding the transition: those with positive future expectations that do not expect any difficulties during their transition, those with positive future expectations expecting difficulties that will eventually pass, and those with negative future expectations, who do not expect their transition difficulties will pass. Most respondents think the future is looking bright, because they are about to graduate or have graduated, and/or because they are intrinsically motivated to deal with their anticipated transition difficulties. Young people with negative future expectations do not stress their intrinsic motivation. Some of them think a (future) partner and their parents will be able to support them through their difficulties; they do not consider professional support as helpful, however.  相似文献   

Children's evaluations of classmates with learning difficulties tend to be less positive than their evaluations of classmates without learning difficulties; but it is not clear if these evaluations are associated with age, group norms, and group identification. These associations were examined within the context of inclusive elementary school classrooms. Participants (N = 192) were asked about their attitudes and their peers' attitudes towards children with or without learning difficulties. They were also asked to evaluate fictional target children who gave biased or unbiased opinions about children with or without learning difficulties. Results showed that group identification was predicted by age and group judgment. Participants with high group identification and judgment scores in favour of children without learning difficulties were inclined to believe other children would be similarly biased. However, most participants preferred the target child who gave unbiased opinions. Theoretical and educational implications are discussed.  相似文献   

肖瑛 《社会》2005,20(2):1-41
本文探讨了清代中央王朝在广西土司地区推行科举以及该地方社会因应这一政策而逐步“文明化”的过程。文章首先描述了广西土司地区依据土地的占有与使用而建构起来的社会结构与身份体系,继而梳理了清初以来中央王朝在该地区推行科举的历史进程,并说明清政府的科举政策如何与地方社会进行互动,进一步导致了土司社会的重构。在此基础上,本文利用地方文书材料,探讨了地方社会群体如何通过商品化手段转变身份,进而追求社会平等与自由的“文明化”过程。  相似文献   

While constructivism as both a philosophy and a clinical practice is being embraced by many individual and family practitioners, it remains controversial. This paper examines the difficulties one encounters in trying to balance the client's “relative truths” with those around them, including that of the therapist. Through the use of clinical vignettes, the authors demonstrate the difficulties inherent in dealing with ambiguities in the clinical situation, balancing the client's perspective, with that of a predominant culture or biological “fact,” and considering the issue of the client's “veracity.” Particular attention is paid to the difficulties involved in work with trauma survivors, whose own recollections of events may be ambiguous. Finally, the authors discuss the implications that constructivism holds for research and social action and advocacy. In sum, the authors recognize significant promise in the constructivist perspective, but caution clinicians to consider the inherent difficulties in a theory that relies on the relativity of truth.  相似文献   

文章通过分析马克思与怀特海的理论契合,揭示了以强调动态的变化、和谐的关系、整体思维和对人类社会的前进性发展抱有深刻的乐观态度为特征的马克思的社会哲学和怀特海的过程哲学对创造性地解决当代世界特别是中国社会和经济发展所面临的许多难题所具有的理论指导意义,提出中国应走一条整合式的发展道路。  相似文献   

何成学 《创新》2010,4(2):90-93
回顾我们党应对困难和成绩正反两方面的历史经验与教训,赋予我们深刻的历史启迪:重视总结经验教训是中国共产党人的优良传统;要用唯物辩证的观点正确把握困难与成绩;正确应对困难和成绩的关键在科学;取得成绩和解决问题必须紧紧围绕着建设和发展中国特色社会主义;正确应对困难和成绩需要有一个正确的理论为指导,并相应地制定出正确的路线、方针和政策。  相似文献   

During the Coronavirus disease pandemic (COVID-19), working conditions became increasingly difficult for social workers, as they had to deal with new challenges and added workloads. This study describes the difficulties faced by social workers of the Self-Reliance Support System in Japan and clarifies the solution for each difficulty while conducting their duties to support vulnerable people during COVID-19. To this end, we conducted an open-ended questionnaire survey and an interview survey. The data were analyzed using qualitative coding. The results showed that the difficulties faced in consultation support work included supporting hitherto socially invisible groups such as sole traders and foreigners. Social workers also faced an ethical dilemma, as they could not provide support to clients who “did not try to solve their problems” or for whom “interventional attempts did not lead to counseling support” and who only sought benefits at the risk of becoming isolated and impoverished. Following this, consultants collaborated to resolve such difficulties while maximizing the use of various local resources. The study's findings clarify that it would be effective to understand the difficulties faced by social workers to obtain hints toward their resolution.  相似文献   

Summary Social work risks being misused as a technique for controllingundesirable behaviour, regardless of clients' expectations orchoices. This approach to social work involves certain underlyingassumptions about human nature which raise considerable ethicaland practical difficulties. Recent trends in the probation andafter care service are considered, together with some researchstudies of the effectiveness of social work in reducing offendingbehaviour. From these it is argued that social work servicesfor offenders are more likely to be effective when the emphasisis on helping with perceived problems and difficulties ratherthan on crime prevention.  相似文献   

覃丽芳 《创新》2012,6(3):87-91,128
2011年,越南的经济伴随着高通胀在重重困难中发展,但仍然保持了较快增长,贸易逆差减少是其一个亮点。越南对外贸易和投资步伐不断加快,特别是加快了对周边国家和对非洲市场的开拓。  相似文献   

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