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 共查询到20条相似文献,搜索用时 281 毫秒
Book notes     
Andreoni, Diego, La sicurezza nelle costruzioni edili . Comité européen des assurances, L'assurance maladie privée en Europe . Dupeyroux, Jean-Jacques, Droit de la sécurité sociale . Groupe vaudois de défense des handicapés, Guichet handicap: Comment défendre ses droits face à I'AI . Joly, Raymond, Travail Swiss-made: Enqête sur les conditions de travail, les maladies et accidents professionnels . Köhler, Peter A., and Zacher, Hans F. (eds), The evolution of social insurance 1881–1981: Studies of Germany, France, Great Britain, Austria and Switzerland . Nelson, George R., ATP's historie 1964–1983. Rey, Jean-Noël, Trop d'Etat? Essai sur la mise en cause de l'Etat-providence en Suisse . Szinovacz, Maximiliane (ed.), Women's retirement: Policy implications of recent research . Umbricht, R. M., and Laur, E. M., La nouvelle loi sur les caisses de pensions .  相似文献   

Claudine Attias-Donfut (ed.). Les solidarités entre générations: Vieillesse, familles, Etat Ken Tout (ed.). Elderly care: A world perspective. Jean-Pierre Chauchard. Droit de la sécurité sociale. Thomas Locher. Grundriβ der Sozialversicherungsrechts. Renate Krieg; Monika Schädler (eds.). Social security in the People's Republic of china. Daniel Lenoir. L'Europe sociale. Theo Schiller. Sozialpolitik in Kanada in den 80er Jahren. Emmerich Talos; Karl Wörister. Soziale Sicherung in Sozialstaat Österreich. June Wangmann. Towards integration and quality assurance in children's services. Ariel Beresniak; Gérard Duru. Economie de la santé Le prix de la santé la solidarité dans l'assurance-maladie David Mechanic. Inescapable decisions: The imperatives of health reform. Joshua M. Wiener; Laurel Hixon Illston; Raymond J. Hanley. Sharing the burden: Strategies for public and private long-term care insurance. Rebecca M. Blank. Social protection versus economic flexibility: Is there a trade-off? Jochen Clasen. Paying the jobless: A comparison of unemployment benefit policies in Great Britain and Germany. Harry Coenen; Peter Leisink. Work and citizenship in the new Europe. Bernard Eme; Jean-Louis Laville (eds.). Cohésion sociale et emploi. Jean-Marc Dupuis. Le financement de la protection sociale. Carmelo Mesa Lago. La reforma de la seguridad social y las pensiones en América latina: importancia y evaluación de las alternativas de privatización. John Turner; Noriyasu Watanabe. Private pension policies in industrialized countries: A comparative analysis. Wim van Oorschot. Realizing rights: A multi-level approach to non-take-up of means-tested benefits. Social security for women. Michael M. Zwick (ed.). Einmal arm, immer arm? Neue Befunde zur Armut in Deutschland.  相似文献   

Gertrud E. Bollier. Leitfaden schweizerische Sozialversicherung (published by the Verein zürcherischer Gemeindeschreiber und Verwaltungsbeamter). Anne-Marie Brocas et al. L'évolution des systèmes de protection sociale: état de la recherche en France et en RFA. Pierre Denis. Droit de la sécurité sociale Hilmar Hoch. Geschichte des Liechtensteinischen Sozialversicherungsrechts (Dissertation). Robert J. Myers. Social security Niwata Noriaki. Insurance: Its principles and practice in Japan Henry J. Aaron. Serious and unstable condition: Financing America's health care. Brian Abel-Smith. Cost containment and new priorities in health care: A study of the European Community. John Appleby. Financing health are in the 1990s. Elias Coca; Joëlle Dubois-Lefrère. Mnîtriser l'éovolution des dépenses hospitalières: Le PMSI. Gérard Gäfgen; Peter Oberender (eds.). Evaluation gesundheitspolitischer Massnahmen James A. Gillespie. The price of health: Australian governments and medical politics 1910-1960. William A. Glaser. Health insurance in practice: International variations in financing, benefits, and problems. Brigitte Bernardi-Schenkluhn. Das Gesundheitssystern in der Schweiz: Akteure, Strukturen, Prozesse und Refonnstrafegien Christian Felkner; Peter Stein; Ulrike Stutunüller Die Entwicklung der Beitragsstruktur und ihrer Bestim-mungsgründe in der GKV: eine Untersuchung der bei-tragsstrukturrelevanten Entwicklungstendenm im Bereich der Träger der gesetzlichen Krankenversiche-rung und ihrer möglichen Auswirkungen auf die Leis-tungsfähigkeit des Trägersystems Caroline Glendinning; Eithne McLaughlin. Paying for care: Lessons from Europe H.E.G.M. Hennans; A.F. Casparie; J.H.P. Paelinck. Health care in Europe after 1992. Wulf-Dietrich Leber. Risikostrukturausgleich in der gesetzlichen Krankenversicherung Carmelo Mesa-Lago. Health care for the poor in Latin America and the Caribbean. Richard B. Saltman; Casten von Otter. Planned markets and public competition: Strategic reform in northern European health systems. Patricia van Sande. Das Gesundheitswesen in Belgien. Jacques Bichot. Quelles retraits en l'an 2000? Constat, analyses, solutions. Richard V. Burkhauser; Dallas L. Salisbury. Pension policy in a changing economy. Roger Voirin. Les retraites par capitalisation et les régimes de prévoyance des salariés. Ruth Cohen et al. Hardship Britain: Being poor in the 1990s. Jacques Fierens. Droit et pauvreté: Droits de l'homme, sécurité sociale, aide sociale. Carey Oppenheim. Poverty: The facts. Aletha C. Huston. Children in poverty: Child development and public policy. Bill Jordan et al. Trapped in poverty? Lubour market decisions in low-income households. Peter Storr. Sozialhilfe: Eine Einführung in das System der Sozialen Sicherung. René Weber. Existenzsicherung ohne Fürsorge? Die negative Einkommenssteuer in Theorie und Praxis. Jacques Bichot. Economie de la protection sociale. James H. Schulz. The economics of aging Eberhard Eichendorfer. Reform des Europäischen koordinierenden Sozialrechts. Zsuzsa Ferge; Jon Eivind Kolberg (eds.). Socinl policy in a changing Europe Bernd von Maydell; Friedrich E. Schnapp (eds.). Die Auswirkungen des EG-Rechts auf das Arbeits- und Sozialrecht der Bundesrepublik — unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der neuen Bundesländer. Bernd Schulte; Hans F. Zacher (eds.). Interaction between European social law and the social law of the Federal Republic of Germany  相似文献   

Bernd von Maydell; Bernd Schulte (eds.). Zukunftsperspektiven des Europäischen Sozialrechts Gerhard Kleinhenz (ed.). Soziale Integration in Europa Lothar F. Neumann; Frank Schulz-Nieswandt (eds.). Sozialpolitik und öffentliche Wirtschaft: In memoriam Theo Thiemeyer Winfried Schmähl; Herbert Rische (eds.). Internation-alisierung von Wirtschaft und Polilik: Handlungsspiel-räume der nationalen Sozialpolitik. M. Cichon; W. Scholz; K. Pal. ILO social budget model. Soziale Sicherung in der internationalen Enhvicklungs-zusammenarbeit: Ein Beratungsmanual. The cost of social security: Fourteenth international inquiry, 1987–1989. Social Security Department, International Labour Office. Wouter van Ginneken. Social security for the informal sector: Issues, options and tasks ahead Bernd von Maydell; Bernd Schulte (eds.). Treatment of third country nationals in the EU and EEA member States in terms of social security law. Blanka Storka. Sozialversicherung in Tschechien: Ein praxisnaher Leitfdden. Pierre Gilliand; Stéphane Rossini. Le budget social de la Suisse. Peter Zweifel; Dario Bonato; Christophe Zaborowski. Soziale Sicherung von morgen: Ein Vorschlag für die Schweiz. Peter Füglistaler-Wasmer; Maurice Pedergana-Fehr. Vision einer sozialen Schweiz: zum Umbau der Sozialpolitik. James Calleja (ed.). Meeting the challenges of ageing populations in the developing world James H. Smallhout. The uncertain retirement: Securing pension promises in a world of risk. Commissariat général du Plan. Perspectives à long terme des retraites. Irene Hoskins (ed.). Combining work and elder care: A challenge for now and the future. Isobel Allen; Elizabeth Perkins (eds.). The future of family care for older people. Ecole nationale d'administration — Promotion René Char (1993–1995). Institut international d'administration publique. Helle Holt; Ivan Thaulow (eds.). Reconciling work and family life: An international perspective on the role of companies. Nadine Boujane. One-parent families in the member States of the European Union Gilles Lamarque. L'exclusion (“Que sais-je?” series, No. 3077). Michael R. Darby (ed.). Reducing poverty in America: Views and approaches. Bernard Enjolras. Le marché providence: aide à domicile, politique sociale et création d'emploi René Baptiste. Le social mérite mieux: comment améliorer la qualityé des prestations sociales  相似文献   

Beckerman, Wilfred, in collaboration with van Ginneken, Wouter, Szal, Richard and Garzuel, Michel. Poverty and the impact of income maintenance programmes in four developed countries. Colberg, Marshall R., The social security retirement test: Right or wrong? International Council on Social Welfare, Human well-being: The challenge of continuity and change. Fullsack, Jo and Pigault, Gérard, Répertoire des sources d'information en action sociale. I. Les périodiques. Gillespie, W. Irwin, In search of Robin Hood: the effect of federal budgetary policies during the 1970s on the distribution of income in Canada. Ingle, John J., and Blair, Patricia (eds.), International dental care delivery systems: Issues in dental health policies. McClements, Leslie D., The economics of social security. Revista de Seguridad Social  相似文献   

Book notes     
Andreoni, Diego, Le coût des accidents du travail et des maladies professionnelles .
Berenstein, Alexandre, L'assurance-vieillesse suisse: Son élaboration et son évolution .
Boudahrain, Abdellah, Droit social marocah: Contribution à l'étude du droit du travail et de la sécurité sociale .
Fragnière, Jean-Pierre (ed.), Dix ans de politique sociale en Suisse: 1975–1985 .
Ricq, Charles (ed.), Droits sociaux et politique sociale en Suisse et en Europe .
Gilliand, Pierre; Schaud, Christine; Stucki, Geneviève, Pensions alimentaires: Pratiques et enjeux .
Hayes, Cheryl D.; Kamerman, Sheila B. (eds.), Children of working parents: Experiences and outcomes .
Laroque, Pierre (ed.), La politique familiale en France depuis 1945 .
Mehrtens, Gerhard; Valentin, Helmut; Schönberger, Alfred, Arbeitsunfall und Berufskrankheit: Rechtliche und medizinische Grundlagen für Gutachter, Sozialverwaltung und Gerichte
Sullerot, Evelyne, Lâge de travailler .
Valterio, Michel, Droit et pratique de l'assurance-invalidité .  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article: Social policy, development and the welfare state Stiglitz, Joseph E. Making globalization work. Vij, Ritu (ed.). Globalization and welfare: A critical reader. Deacon, Bob. Global social policy and governance. Castles, Francis G. (ed.). The disappearing State? Retrenchment realities in an age of globalisation. Carr, Fergus; Massey, Andrew (eds.). Public policy and the new European agendas. Faverel‐Dapas, Brigitte; Quintin, Odile. L'Europe sociale. Van Langendonck, Jef (ed.). The right to social security. Riedel, Eibe (ed.). Social security as a human right: Drafting a general comment on Article 9 ICESCR: Some challenges. Fitzpatrick, Pamela; Ripley, Fiona; Singh, Anne. Migration and social security hand‐book: A rights guide for people entering and leaving the UK. Berkel, Rik van; Valkenburg, Ben. Making it personal: Individualising activation services in the EU. Serrano Pascual, Amparo; Magnusson, Lars (eds.). Reshaping welfare states and activation regimes in Europe. Sinn, Hans‐Werner; et al. Redesigning the welfare state: Germany's current agenda for an activating social assistance. Marston, Greg; McDonald, Catherine (eds.). Analysing social policy: A governmental approach. Wallace, Mike; Fertig, Michael; Schneller, Eugene (eds.). Managing change in the public services. Riesco, Manuel (ed.). Latin America: A new developmental welfare state model in the making? Krömmelbein, Silvia; et al. Einstellungen zum Sozialstaat: Repräsentative Quer ‐ schnittsuntersuchung zu grundsätzlichen gesundheits‐ und sozialpolitischen Einstellungen in der Bevölkerung. Dobner, Petra. Neue soziale Frage und Sozialpolitik. Work, income, family, exclusion Spicker, Paul. The idea of poverty. Lang, Kevin. Poverty and discrimination. Marx, Ive. A new social question? On minimum income protection in the postindustrial era. Bischoff, Joachim. Allgemeines Grundeinkommen: Fundament für soziale Sicherheit? Leisering, Lutz; Buhr, Petra; Traiser‐Diop, Ute. Soziale Grundsicherung in der Weltgesellschaft: Monetäre Mindestsicherungs‐systeme in den Ländern des Südens und des Nordens: Weltweiter Survey und theoretische Verortung. Stähler, Nikolai. Employment protection and unemployment: A theoretical analysis evaluating recent policy proposals. Kemp, Peter A. (ed.). Housing allowances in comparative perspective. Age concerns Pension funds investment perspectives . International Seminar, Santiago, 18‐19 May 2006. Immergut, Ellen M.; Anderson, Karen M.; Schulze, Isabelle (eds.). The handbook of West European pension politics. Health matters Dussault, Gilles; Fournier, Pierre; Letourmy, Alain (eds.). L'assurance maladie en Afrique francophone: améliorer l'accès aux soins et lutter contre la pauvreté. Beau, Pascal. Lettre ouverte au Ministre de la santé.  相似文献   

Book Notes     
Books reviewed: Delas, Jean‐Jacques; Jacquet, MaïtéLe guide de la retraite 2001 Viossat, Louis‐Charles. Les retraites: enjeux, crise, solutions Börsch‐Supan, Axel; Miegel, Meinhard (eds.). Pension reform in six countries: What can we learn from each other? Minns, Richard. The cold war in welfare: Stock markets versus pensions Charlton, Roger; McKinnon, Roddy (eds.) Pensions in development Hange, Ulrich. Umlagefinanzierte Alterssicherung, Land und Migration Herfeld, Anna‐Maria. Reformansätze zur Alterssicherung in Deutschland und intergenerationelle Gerechtigkeit Belin, Bernard (ed.) Les personnes handicapées vieillissantes Robison, Janice (ed.) Towards a new social compact for care in old age Chiva, Anthony; Stears, David (eds.) Promoting the health of older people: The next step in health generation Kocher, Gerhard; Oggier, Willy (eds.) Système de santé suisse 2001/2002: survol de la situation actuelle Zhou, Huizhong (ed.) The political economy of health care reforms Scott, Claudia. Public and private roles in health care systems: Reform experience in seven OECD countries Harrison, Anthony. Making the right connections: The design and management of health care delivery Barr, Nicholas (ed.).Economic theory and the welfare state: Vol. 1: Theory. Vol. 2: Income transfers. Vol. 3: Benefits in kind Schmähl, Winfried (ed.).Soziale Sicherung zwischen Markt und Staat Baumol, William; Wilson, Charles A. (eds.). Welfare economics Widmer, Dieter. Die Sozialversicherung in der Schweiz Simon, Silvia. Umverteilung in der Sozialversicherung Fragnière, Jean‐Pierre.Politiques socials pour le XXIe siècle Kennett, Patricia. Comparative social policy: Theory and research France. Cour des Comptes. La sécurité sociale Watson Wyatt Worldwide (Brussels).Benefits report: Western Europe, USA and Canada, 2001 Chow, Nelson W. S. Socialist welfare with Chinese characteristics: The reform of the social security system in China Vielle, Pascale. La sécurité sociale et le coût indirect des responsabilités familiales France. Ministère de l’emploi et de la solidarityé.Plan national d’action français contre la pauvreté et l’exclusion sociale Ballet, Jérôme.L’exclusion: définitions et mécanismes Boissonnat, Jean. La fin du chômage? Hill, Michael (ed.). Income maintenance policy Turner, John A. (ed.). Pay at risk: Compensation and employment risk in the United States and Canada De Koning, Jaap; Mosley, Hugh (eds.).Labour market policy and unemployment: Impact and process evaluations in elected European countries  相似文献   

Book Notes     
Books reviewed International Labour Office, Social security: A new consensus. European Commission. Eurostat, The social situation in the European Union, 2001. Laroque, Michel, Guide de la protection sociale. Matt, Jean‐Luc, La securité sociale: organization et financement. Mills, Catherine; Caudron, Jos, Protection sociale: économie et politique, débats actuels et réformes. Fink, Janet; Lewis, Gail; Clarke, John (eds.), Rethinking European welfare. Taylor, Lance (ed.), External liberalization, economic performance, and social policy. Yeates, Nicola, Globalization and social policy. Schuster, Thomas.Europäische oder dezentrale Sozialpolitik?: der Einfluß internationaler Nachfrage‐ und Präferenzunterschiede. Gill, Indermit S. (et al.), Brazil: Critical issues in social security. Schokkaert, Erik (ed.), Ethics and social security reform. Schaffhauser, René Schlauri, Franz, (eds.) Aktuelle Rechtsfragen der Sozialversicherungspraxis. White, Joseph, False alarm: Why the greatest threat to Social Security and Medicare is the campaign to “save” them. Gütersloh, Internationaler Reform‐Report 2001. Pfenning, Astrid; Bahle, Thomas (eds), Families and family policies in Europe: Comparative perspectives. Ginn, Jay; Street, Debra; Arber, Sara (eds.), Women, work and pensions: International issues and prospects. Millar, Jane; Rowlingson, Karen, Lone parents, employment and social policy: Crossnational comparisons. France. Ministère de l’Emploi et de la Solidarité Union nationale interfédérale des oelig;uvres et organismes privés sanitaires et sociaux, Exclusion sociale et pauvreté en Europe. Mayes, David G.; Berghman, Jos; Salais, Robert, (eds.) Social exclusion and European policy. Wong, Ging; Picot, Garnett (eds.), Working time in comparative perspective. Vol. I: Patterns, trends and the policy implications of earnings inequality and unemployment. Houseman, Susan; Nakamura, Alice (eds.) Working time in comparative perspectives. Vol. II: Life‐cycle working time and nonstandard work Robins, Philip K.; Spiegelman, Robert G. (eds.) Reemployment bonuses in the employment insurance system: Evidence from three experiments. Holzmann, Robert; Palacios, Robert (eds.) Key issues in introducing pre‐funded pension schemes: Symposium. William M. Mercer European pension fund managers’ guide 2001/2002. Vol. 1: The marketplace, 2001. Vol. 2: Profiles, 2001–2002. Buttler, Andreas, Einführung in die betriebliche Altersversorgung: mit allem Änderungen durch das Altersvermögensgesetz Taverne, Dick (et al.) Pension reform in Europe. Disney, Richard; Johnson, Paul (eds.) Pension systems and retirement incomes across OECD countries. Rechmann, Susanne, Alterssicherung in der Europäischen Union. VI: Alterssicherung in Grossbritannien und Irland: eine institutionnelle und empirische Analyse. Clemens, Wolfgang, Ältere Arbeitnehmer im sozialen Wandel: von der verschmühten zur gefragten Humanressource? Glover, Ian; Branine, Mohamed (eds.), Ageism in work and employment. Organisation for Economic Co‐operation and Development, Ageing and income: Financial resources and retirement in nine OECD countries. France. Conseil d’orientation des retraites, Age et travail: un axe de réflexion essentiel pour l’avenir des retraites. Karl, Fred; Krasnova, Olga V. (eds.) Alter und Altern in Russland. Henke, Klaus‐Dirk; Dräger, Christian (eds.) Gesundheitssysteme am Scheideweg: zwischen Wettbewerb und Solidarität. Schaub, Vanessa Elisabeth, Grenzüberschreitende Gesundheitsversorgung in der Europäischen Union: die gesetzlichen Gesundheitssysteme im Wettbewerb. Dahlgaard, Knut; Jung, Kalle; Schelter, Wolfgang, Profit‐Center‐Strukturen im Krankenhaus: Potentiale, Risiken und (Neben‐) Wirkungen  相似文献   

Book notes     
Deleeck, Herman (ed.), L'avenir de la sécurité sociale en Europe.
Gupta, N. H., Social security legislation for labour in India.
Lapisse, Serge, La médecine du travail.
L'hygiène et la sécurité dans les entreprises du bâtiment et des travaux publics.
Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development. Financing and delivering health care: A comparative analysis of OECD countries.  相似文献   

Book notes     
Braun, Théo; Stourm, Michel, Les personnes ågées dépendantes.
Buckley, Mary; Anderson, Malcolm (eds.), Women, equality and Europe.
Comité européen de réflexion sur les retraites, Les régimes complémentaires de retraite français face à I'intégration européenne.
Groupe d'information et de soutien des travailleurs immigrés, Le guide de la protection sociale des étrangers en France.
Maxwell, Robert (ed.), Reshaping the National Health Service.
Reyher, Lutz; Kühl, Jürgen (eds.), Resonanzen: Arbeitsmarkt- und Berufsforschung und Politik.
Ricardo-Campbell, Rita; Lazear, Edward P. (eds.), Issues in contemporary retirement.
Schuler, Rolf, Das Internationale Sozialrecht der Bundesrepublik Deutschland: Grundlagen und systematische Zusammenschau des für die Bundesrepublik Deutschland geltenden internationalen Sozialrecht.
Venturini, Patrick, Un espace social européen à I'horizon 1992.  相似文献   

Book notes     
Institut européen interuniversitaire de l'action sociale, Les jeunes dans la société: Perspectives d'action communautaire .
Köhler, Peter A; Zacher, Hans F. (eds.), Beiträge zu Geschichte und aktueller Situation der Sozialversicherung .
Laroque, Michel, Politiques sociales dans la France contemporaine: Le social face à la crise .
Mitton, Roger; Willmott, Peter; Willmott, Phyllis, Unemployment, poverty and social policy in Europe: A comparative study in Britain, France and Germany .
Munnell, Alicia H., The economics of private pensions .
Verheugen, Pierre, Le dommage corporel et son incidence socio-économique en accidents du travail .  相似文献   

Book notes     
International Labour Office, Into the twenty-first century: The development of social security .
Bekemans, Lóonce (ed.), Social security and employment .
Centre d'étude des revenus et des coats, Comparaison des régimes de séurité sociale: Cotisations et prestations
Hatchnel, G.; Mannouri, P., Les prestations maladie par catégorie de famille and Les retraités et leurs resources.
Fogarty, Michael (ed.), Retirement policy: The next fifty years .
Mach, E. P.; Abel-Smith, B. (eds.), Planning the finances of the health sector: A manual for developing countries .
Novitskii, Anatolii Georgievich; Mil, Galina Vasilievna, Zaniatost pensionerov: Socialno-demografitcheskii aspect .
Wade, Barbara; Sawyer, Lucianne; Bell, Judith, Dependency with dignity: Different care provision for the elderly .  相似文献   

Isabelle Delaunay-Berdaï. Veuvage, mythes et réalités. Essai sur certains aspects des poltiques sociales en France.
Catherine Mills. Economie de la protection sociale.  相似文献   

Book notes     
Brinkman, K.; Schaefer, H. (eds.), Der Elektrounfall .
Denis, Pierre, Droit de la Sécurité sociale .
European Institute for Social Security, EISS Yearbook 1980–1981: Vol. I: Social security reforms in Europe .
Ferge, Zsuzsa, A society in the making: Hungarian social and societal policy 1945–75 .
Klinken, J. van, Pensioenen in Nederland .
Modigliani, Franco; Hemming, Richard (eds), The determinants of national saving and wealth .
Ross, Rosalind Brooke; Zacher, Hans F., Social legislation in the Federal Republic of Germany .
Sérange-Fonterme, Renée, Les disparités sociales de consommation médicale .
Smith, Philippa et al. , Unfit for the pension: A report on the eligibility criteria and administration of invalid pensions .  相似文献   

Fournier, Jacques and Questiaux, Nicole, Traité du Social: Situations, Iuttes, politiques, institutions.
Glaser, William A. Health insurance bargaining: Foreign lessons for Americans.
Hochepied, J. et al., Les apports de I'action sociale à I'éonomie.
International Labour Office, Older workers: Work and retirement.
Laby, Suzanne, Les pensions et allocations de vieillesse en France.
Ribas, J. J., Jonczy, M. J., Séché, J. C., Traité de droit social européen.
Sotiroff-Junker, Jacqueline, A bibliography on the behavioural, social and economic aspects of malaria and its control.
Verband Deutscher Rentenversicherungsträger, Gesetze osteuropäischer Staaten über die Rentenversicherung.
Willis, J. R. M., and Hardwick, P. J. W., Tax expenditures in the United Kingdom.  相似文献   

Book notes     
Brown, Joan C., The disability income system . Brown, Joan C., Family Income Supplement . Brown, Joan C., Children in social security . Ermisch, John, Housing finance: Who gains? Richardson, Ann, Widows' benefits . Centre d'études juridiques européennes, Crise, maintien de l'emploi et partage du travail . Mahon, Pascal, Institutions de sécurité sociale . Saint-Jours, Yves, Traité de la sécurité sociale, Tome 1: Le droit de la sécurité sociale Sendler, Hans, Automation in der Sozialversicherung . Society of Civil and Public Servants and Civil and Public Services Association, From the cradle to the grave . Weale, Albert; Bradshaw, Jonathan; Maynard, Alan; Piachaud, David, Lone mothers, paid work and social security: A study of the Tapered Earnings Disregard .  相似文献   

Book notes     
Beau, Pascal; Beau, Roger, Lexique de la protection sociale .
Berthoud, Richard, The examination of social security .
Berthoud, Richard, Selective social security: An analysis of the Government's Plan .
Charpy, Christian; de Jouvenal, Hugues, Protection sociale: Trois scénarios contrastés à l'horizon 2000 .
European Institute for Social Security, Annuaire EISS 1982–3: Part I: La sécurité sociale et la crise économique .
Kervasdoué, Jean de; Kimberly, John R.; and Rodwin, Victor G., The end of an illusion .
Lynes, Tony, Paying for pensions: The French experience .
Salais, Robert; Baverez, Nicolas; and Reynaud, Bénédicte, L'invention du chômage .
Swiss National Accident Insurance Fund, Die Arbeit am Bildschirm .  相似文献   

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