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Each international migration stream can be enumerated twice: at the time of departure from the country of emigration and at the time of arrival in the country of immigration. In practice, errors in international migration statistics are a major obstacle to the accurate analysis of migration flows. In connection with the process of harmonization set in train by Eurostat several years ago, a method of correcting defective migration data is proposed here, which makes use of this double enumeration. The method is applied to available data in a preliminary analysis. The correction factors presented here through this mathematical approach should turn out to be useful in more than one respect: to illuminate substantial problems of incompatibility of migration data and to follow the progress of the harmonization of those data.  相似文献   

Because of inconsistencies in the reported migration flows and large amounts of missing data, our knowledge of international migration patterns in the Europe is limited. Methods for overcoming data obstacles and harmonising international migration data, however, are improving. In this article, we provide a methodology for integrating various pieces of incomplete information together, including a partial set of harmonised migration flows, to estimate a complete set of migration flows by origin, destination, age and sex for the 31 countries in the European Union and European Free Trade Association from 2002 to 2007. The results represent a synthetic data base that can be used to inform population projections, policy decisions and migration theory.  相似文献   

Due to differences in definitions and measurement methods, cross-country comparisons of international migration patterns are difficult and confusing. Emigration numbers reported by sending countries tend to differ from the corresponding immigration numbers reported by receiving countries. In this paper, a methodology is presented to achieve harmonised estimates of migration flows benchmarked to a specific definition of duration. This methodology accounts for both differences in definitions and the effects of measurement error due to, for example, under reporting and sampling fluctuations. More specifically, the differences between the two sets of reported data are overcome by estimating a set of adjustment factors for each country’s immigration and emigration data. The adjusted data take into account any special cases where the origin–destination patterns do not match the overall patterns. The new method for harmonising migration flows that we present is based on earlier efforts by Poulain (European Journal of Population, 9(4): 353–381 1993, Working Paper 12, joint ECE-Eurostat Work Session on Migration Statistics, Geneva, Switzerland 1999) and is illustrated for movements between 19 European countries from 2002 to 2007. The results represent a reliable and consistent set of international migration flows that can be used for understanding recent changes in migration patterns, as inputs into population projections and for developing evidence-based migration policies.  相似文献   

试论软件产业的国际价值与软件外包   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
软件产业的国际价值主要通过国际软件产业价值链得以实现,其中能否掌握核心技术决定了一个国家能否占据国际软件价值链的高端。印度通过软件外包在国际软件价值链中占据了重要地位,但仍然无法摆脱其软件从国别价值向国际价值转换过程中所受到的价值歧视。我国在政策和扶持发展软件产业和软件外包的同时, 必须注意形成国内完整的软件产业价值链,加大软件核心技术的研发力度,逐步占据国际软件产业价值链的高端。  相似文献   

学说,作为学者们的学术观点、理论主张,一般不具有法律约束力,因此不能成为法律渊源。然而,在国际私法中,学说却占有重要地位。国际私法的历史表明:14~18世纪国际私法仅处于"法理学与科学"的阶段,即表现为学说法。即使18世纪以后开始出现制定法,学说对各国的立法与司法实践仍有很大影响。中国尽管不承认学说作为国际私法的渊源,但国家鼓励、支持学者们对法典作出努力。  相似文献   

在国际竞争日益激烈的今天,创新型人才已成为我国实施科教兴国、人才强国及建设创新型国家战略的重要推动力量。高校作为培养高层次专门人才的基地,将责无旁贷地承担起为社会经济发展培养高素质创新型人才的重任。高等教育创新型人才培养是一个长期的、系统的工程,不是一蹴而就的,这也使得建立一个有利于创新型人才培养的长效机制成为当务之急。文章在对创新型人才的素质结构进行分析的基础上,提出了高等教育创新型人才培养的长效机制的构建策略。  相似文献   

当前我国工程建设监理工作的范围主要限于施工阶段,造成这一现状的原因主要有两方面.一是业主的权益得不到保障使得业主不愿意委托监理;另一方面由于监理人寻租的空间很大,监理人信用度低.个人的行为总是以追求自身效益最大化为目标,因此,要改变当前现状的制度安排,即建立监理行业自我完善机制和第三方担保制度.  相似文献   

本文系统分析了经济全球化条件下南北经济贫富差距的现状,从国际贸易、国际资本流动、劳动力跨区域流动、技术要素的创造和转移等几个角度分析了南北贫富差异的原因,并对我国今后应如何发展经济进行了再思考。  相似文献   

Numerous studies have found a negative relationship between female labour-force participation and fertility. In theory, there could be three explanations of this finding: (i) causality runs from labour-force participation to fertility, (ii) causality runs from fertility to labour-force participation, (iii) causality runs both ways. Alternatively, the relationship may not be a causal one. In practice, empirical studies covering a wide range of Western countries at different times, and utilizing a great variety of methods and techniques, have shown all four possibilities to be plausible. This may be because outcomes differ from country to country for socio-cultural reasons, or from period to period for historical ones. If so, applying various methodologies to data for one country at a particular point in time should yield consistent results that all point in one direction only. If they did not outcomes would appear to be method-dependent. The single data set used in this study refers to the Netherlands in 1984 (ORIN project). The relationship between fertility and labour-force participation in this data set is investigated by means of three methodologies, ranging from ‘static’ to ‘dynamic’, i.e., differing according to the degree in which they take the temporal aspects of the decision-making process underlying this relationship into account: simultaneous logit analysis, Granger analysis and Markov analysis. Each main approach is applied in two different ways or on two different subgroups, for a total of six applications. In spite of diverging operationalizations of the basic variables, it turns out that four of these six analyses favour the inference that fertility decisions do have an impact on labour force participation decisions but not the other way around, whereas the other two confirm earlier findings (from data sets collected during the 1970s) that the relationship is reciprocal. Substantively, this might indicate that the pattern of covariance is changing. But ‘static’ simultaneous logit analysis is the only method to consistently point at this causal unidirectionality, while outcomes from Granger and Markov analysis depend on the modality applied. Methodologically, this means that the issue of method-dependency, at least in this area, remains largely unresolved.  相似文献   

性服务者流动的跨国比较研究与防病干预实践   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
文章讨论国内外学界关于性服务者的热点问题:她们涉行之被强制性抑或自愿性、卖淫之原因、性服务者的流动,以及她们的主体性与权利等.并根据笔者在中国的田野调查和跨学科防病经验,探讨获知女性性服务者从流出地到性服务场所,以及跨地域转移等"作为文化的组织"的特征,以及理解多样性族群文化对有效进行艾滋病防治与干预的必要性与应用意义.  相似文献   

阐述了在工程项目建设的全过程中如何进行造价控制。论述了在项目投资决策阶段、设计阶段以及结算阶段进行投资控制的方法,对业主在工程造价管理过程中常见的问题,结合国际惯例,提出了行之有效的解决方法,为业主有效控制建设资金,在国际市场中进行工程造价管理提供一定的帮助。  相似文献   

科教兴国、建设人力资源强国是我党建设和谐社会,促进经济发展,振兴中华民族并提升其国际地位的根本举措和最终目标。水库移民是因水利水电工程建设征地和水库淹没影响所造成的非自愿移民,是农村人力资源中的特殊群体,是人力资源强国建设中的重要主体部分。为此,从人力资源开发和建设人力资源强国视角研究水库移民开发性安置的历史必然性,并探讨水库移民开发性安置的的基本途径和具体对策建议,旨在创新水库移民安置新模式,促进水库移民"搬得出、稳得住、逐步能致富",推进和谐社会和新农村建设。  相似文献   

平行进口因产品跨越一国国界本来属于国际贸易理论中的基本问题,但知识经济条件下产品所蕴含的巨大无形价值,使平行进口问题在知识产权法中也占据了重要地位。然而对平行进口的知识产权法律约束只是平行进口法律关系的一个方面.市场竞争公平性的内在要求决定了对平行进口尚需从另外一个视角进行规制——这就是竞争法的规制,由此构成了知识产权法与竞争法(反不正当竞争法和反垄断法)对平行进口关系的复合法律调整。  相似文献   

中国非FDI资本流入的易变性测度   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
测度国际资本流入的易变性,目的就是测度一国可能在短时间内面临的资本过度流入程度,以及在特定环境下国际资本可能出现流动方向迅速逆转的情况。本文将国际资本划分为FDI和含义更为宽泛的非FDI,建立了一套衡量资本易变性的指标,测度了中国国际资本流动的易变性,并采用样本期间内人均净资本流入与GDP比值的标准差,对37个国家的资本易变性进行了纵向的分变量比较和横向的国别比较。据此,笔者提出了加强对非FDI流动早期预警指标监控等相关政策建议。  相似文献   

美国是一个人口流动频繁的国度,不仅包括乡村农民的流动,还包括国内外移民,由此也产生了外来人口和农村流动儿童的教育问题。美国在解决外来人口教育及流动中小学学生的学习问题方面积累了经验。他们较为成熟的作法和运作方式可为我国解决农民工随迁子女的教育问题提供借鉴。  相似文献   

王中美 《国际论坛》2012,(1):61-66,81
自乌拉圭回合起,"单一承诺"被定义为确保所有成员签署WTO所有协定,平等参与决策,以及在统一的规则体系下行使其权利的重要工具。但是,它的效率性一直受到挑战,特别是在本轮多哈回合中,更被归咎为阻碍谈判进展的原因之一。在某些敏感和关键的议题上,"可变几何路径"和"临界多数共识"被提出可以作为"单一承诺"的替代方式。通过从理论与经验角度分析这些变革的建议方案,本文希望发现未来有关谈判实践中的可行路径。就本轮而言,谈判力量的多极化,使得"单一承诺"仍然会被作为惟一原则坚持,而仅就谈判形式可能做更有效率的变通。  相似文献   

不断变化的国际贸易环境和激烈的就业竞争给高职国际贸易专业的培养工作带来了新的挑战;我国高职国际贸易专业人才培养模式普遍存在人才培养标准体系缺失、课程设置不合理、教师缺乏实际经验、考核方式单一的问题;要改革现有的人才培养模式,应建立专业人才培养标准体系、合理设置专业课程、鼓励专业教师参与外贸实践工作、采用多样化的考核方式并利用已就业学生建立实习实训基地。  相似文献   

文章从中国农村区域发展的一些基本问题入手,如区域类型划分和特征化,概括分析了当前我国农村发展中的一些热点问题的起因、现状和趋势,如城镇化、劳动力流动、发展不平衡、县域经济、行政区划等问题。  相似文献   

从奇、偶相干态的叠加态(|ψ>=r.|ψ>.+re|ψ>0)出发,研究了该场态的非经典效应,结果发现叠加态是一个与奇、偶相干态性质完全不同的新的场态。这个新的场态不仅存在反聚束效应,而且同时存在着压缩现象。  相似文献   

一国(地区)全要素生产率的提高不仅与国内技术进步和技术效率的提高有关系,而且与国际贸易技术溢出有关系。包含在商品中的知识通过进口渠道扩散到进口国,或通过专业人员流动、学术会议、期刊杂志等渠道溢出到进口国,带动进口国全要素生产率的同步提高。如何定量地研究进口贸易的技术溢出对进口国全要素生产的贡献成为研究的热点和难点问题。从技术溢出的分类、溢出渠道、技术溢出的测度和全要素生产率与技术溢出的计量关系四个方面对进口贸易、技术溢出与进口国全要素生产国的关系进行全面的梳理。  相似文献   

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