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通过调查分析大学生对当代汉语中出现的英源外来词的认知与使用状况,了解他们对同一事物不同表达方式的喜好,并根据他们对外来词的态度,探讨当代大学生的文化价值观取向。研究结果表明,当代大学生的文化价值取向呈现出多元化和矛盾性。  相似文献   

张丰 《现代妇女》2013,(10):73-74,76
随着互联网的飞i速发展与普及,网络文化已经成为当代中国最有影响力的一种意识形态.作为当代大学生,既是网上冲浪的主力军,又是高校思想政治教育的主要对象.网络文化给大学生思想政治教育带来了机遇与挑战,如何在网络文化中趋利避害,已成为大学生思想政治教育的热点问题之一.文章分析了网络文化对大学生思想政治教育的双重影响,并针对两方面的影响提出了相应的对策.  相似文献   

当代大学生是时尚文化的主要参与者并深受其影响。时尚文化对当代大学生具有积极与消极的双重影响,为了更好地发挥其积极作用,遏制其消极影响,需要从高校、家庭与大学生自身等全方位的角度加以教育引导,以使他们在追求时尚文化的同时树立起正确的价值观。  相似文献   

大学校园时尚文化的现状与功能   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
时尚文化是一种社会现象,对时尚的追逐已成为当代大学生显示青春和人格的重要特征.并对大学生的成长产生强大的渗透力和影响力.本文从分析当代大学生流行时尚的种种表现入手.审视了时尚文化对大学生成长的双重影响,就时尚文化对大学生的消极影响提出相应的对策.  相似文献   

大学生的红色文化教育关乎国家和民族的前途命运。大学生红色文化教育在理论意义上,既能丰富大学生思政教育内容,又能改进大学生思想政治教育工作方法;在实践意义上,一能促进当代大学生树立崇高的理想,二能培养当代大学生的爱国、创新、艰苦奋斗精神,三能提升当代大学生的道德素质。江西泰豪动漫职业学院充分利用自身特色,采用多种形式更好地发挥了红色文化的育人功效。  相似文献   

在对京津冀高校大学生文化自信现状调研的基础上,分析高校大学生文化自信乏力的主要成因,比较当代中国大学生和外国大学生对本民族文化自信的差异,挖掘中国古代文人文化自信的基因渊源,探索世界其他文化强国提升国民文化自信的有效措施。借鉴古今中外相关方面的成功经验,提出了对提升大学生文化自信有针对性与实效性的实践理路。  相似文献   

我国传统文化十分重视大学生责任感的培育,主要通过培育大学生的传统文化素养,培养学生的优秀传统品质,进一步推进全面素质教育,从而培育大学生强烈的社会责任感。然而,在科技进步以及全球化进程不断加快的时代背景下,当代大学生对传统文化认知和认识淡泊。而当代大学生作为国家的栋梁之才,加强传统文化学习、培育自身责任感显得尤为重要。本文从传统文化对大学生培育责任感的重要意义、大学生对传统文化的认知缺失的现状以及加强传统文化对大学生培育的可行性策略几方面展开了研究。  相似文献   

中国传统文化与大学生人文教育   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
大学生人文教育的宗旨就是提升大学生的人文精神。但什么是中国当代大学生所应该具有的人文精神却因为不同的教育理念而产生见仁见智的分歧。笔者认为:无论出于怎样的教育理念,当代大学生的人文精神必定是吸取人类精神文明即古今中外一切优秀文化资源并加以再生性创造的结果。正如当代中国社会的人文精神不能拒斥中国传统文化一样,当代大学生人文精神也同样不能拒斥中国传统文化。  相似文献   

随着商业文化、大众传媒的迅猛发展,一直隐匿于私人领域深处的身体,开始了几乎无需遮掩的向公共话语空间展示的过程,成为当代审美文化场景中最为突出的主题意象之一。这一风潮成功地穿越了大学的围墙,影响了当代大学生的身体审美,形成了他们特定的趋向和特点。深入地分析当代大学生身体审美的生成背景、发展趋向和特点,从思想和实践层面对大学生加强引导,不断地提升大学生对时尚文化甄别能力和欣赏品位,这是当前高校大学生文化建设的当务之急。  相似文献   

随着外来文化的涌入与冲击,我国社会文化呈多元化发展。在不同社会思潮交流、交融、交锋的现实背景中,个别大学生的文化自信缺失现象逐渐严重,价值观也逐渐扭曲,甚至在某种程度上置疑主流意识形态。本文将对我国当代大学生的文化自信缺失问题进行研究分析,探究出合理的解决对策,期望从根本上提升当代大学生的文化自信。  相似文献   

Research on intraoccupational status attainment within the legal profession is extensive, but it has not generated consistent findings on the effects of social backgrounds and academic performance in college and law school on types of legal employment. This research has been either carried out on lawyers employed in geographically circumscribed communities or has been limited to particular types of lawyers. This study investigates the effects of social backgrounds and academic achievement on types of legal practice for a national sample of lawyers a quarter of a century after their graduation from college. We find that occupational inheritance and religion predict academic achievement in college and law school, and that these variables in combination influence the allocation of lawyers to solo and firm practice. An important contextual feature structuring legal careers is the population size of the communities in which these lawyers practice.An earlier version of this article was presented at the annual meeting of the Eastern Sociological Society, Providence, Rhode Island, April 1991. The authors are listed alphabetically.  相似文献   

The recent Amethyst Initiative argues that a minimum legal drinking age (MLDA) of 21 has created a culture of heavy alcohol use on college campuses by making drinking clandestine and extreme. This group and others argue that lowering the MLDA will reduce the problem of "binge drinking" on college campuses. However, such a policy change would remove one of the most researched and supported policies in the nation's alcohol control arsenal. There is little evidence that other interventions or policies are capable of working on the same broad level as MLDA 21, and there could also be a deleterious ripple effect in related legislation because MLDA 21 works in conjunction with other drinking laws. In addition, historic and international experiences with a lowered MLDA indicate there are serious social and public health consequences. Instead of removing efficacious interventions, we must remain committed to implementing and enforcing evidence-based practices and legislation.  相似文献   


The recent Amethyst Initiative argues that a minimum legal drinking age (MLDA) of 21 has created a culture of heavy alcohol use on college campuses by making drinking clandestine and extreme. This group and others argue that lowering the MLDA will reduce the problem of “binge drinking” on college campuses. However, such a policy change would remove one of the most researched and supported policies in the nation's alcohol control arsenal. There is little evidence that other interventions or policies are capable of working on the same broad level as MLDA 21, and there could also be a deleterious ripple effect in related legislation because MLDA 21 works in conjunction with other drinking laws. In addition, historic and international experiences with a lowered MLDA indicate there are serious social and public health consequences. Instead of removing efficacious interventions, we must remain committed to implementing and enforcing evidence-based practices and legislation.  相似文献   

在中国当代文化中,马克思主义文化与中国传统文化占有重要的地位,这两种文化对成长于西方文化背景下的大学生领导力教育的普遍性、价值观教育以及领导人格的培养具有重要的启示性意义。只有充分考虑到马克思主义文化与中国传统文化中的优秀成果,并将其应用到大学生领导力教育中,才能形成具有中国文化特色的学生领导力教育,特别是形成具有"全心全意为人民服务"的价值观和具有中国传统文化中"内圣外王"的理想领导人格的大学生领导力教育体系。  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to develop a new measure of incidental behaviors that put college students at increased risk of legal consequences while using alcohol, the Legal Risk Behaviors while using Alcohol (LRBA) scale. Two hundred and twenty one college students who used alcohol were recruited to complete an online study about their use of alcohol, specific behaviors engaged in while using alcohol, and associated consequences. Analyses revealed that the 19-item LRBA consisted of three factors--"Risky Behaviors," "Protective Behaviors," and "Private Settings." Analyses suggested that the LRBA had adequate test-retest reliability and internal consistency. Initial results indicate that the LRBA may be a useful measure to help us better understand what behaviors college student engage in that increase their risk for experiencing a legal encounter.  相似文献   

先进文化在学校班级建设和管理中发挥着重要的作用。作为高校学生管理者要理解文化、先进班级文化的涵义和功能,深刻认识建设先进的班级文化及其功能的重要性。分析了当今高校班级文化建设中存在的问题,结合河北女子职业技术学院学生管理实际,探索构建了符合高等教育发展和时代特征的班级文化。  相似文献   

在法治社会,爱国行为教育既要从道德层面着手,又要重视法律视角的培育,还应强调两个维度的相互作用并统一于爱国主义政治原则之下。对大学生而言,政治正确是爱国行为教育的原则,理性爱国是爱国行为教育的基调,依法爱国是爱国行为教育的界限,德法互动是爱国行为教育的规律。  相似文献   

从弘扬体育精神,形成具有高职特色的体育文化等几个方面对高职院校体育文化建设进行研究,旨在寻求一条适合高职院校自身的体育文化建设途径,建设人与自然、人与校园和谐统一的独具地方特色的高等职业院校体育文化。  相似文献   

高校美女文化面临着泛化的倾向。造成这种现象的深层次原因与市场经济中女性地位的衰落直接相关。而高校社会性别教育的缺失削弱了女性的独立意识,大众文化的勃兴则强化着社会性别的刻板印象。高校美女文化的泛滥弱化了女大学生独立意识的形成,造成社会资源的浪费.也加剧了社会文化中男女不平等的局面,促使女性向传统价值观回归。为了重塑高校社会性别平等文化,应该使社会性别意识纳入政府决策主流,推动社会性别平等教育进入高等教学体系并实现学科建设主流化,培养大众传媒的社会性别意识。  相似文献   

A prominent body of sexuality research on college‐enrolled students in the twenty‐first century focuses on “hookup” culture, marked by the prevalence of sexual encounters between students with no expectation for a relationship to develop. This article will review and respond to current themes in the literature on hookup culture on college campuses. I argue that this literature privileges the White, middle‐class heterosexual experience, although less is known about how students who cannot or choose not to participate in this culture experience sexual relationships on college campuses. I place studies of hookup culture in conversation with those attentive to the effects of race, class, gender, and sexuality on access to, and experience of, hookup culture. I conclude with suggestions for future research, to include a renewed interest in sexual relationships forged outside of hookup cultures.  相似文献   

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