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申身 《老人世界》2011,(10):40-41
一 借得初秋的凉爽,我去新疆大漠旅游,与司机开着一辆越野车,沿着克里雅河向着塔克拉玛干大沙漠深处进发。  相似文献   

正今年2月1 4日,美国国务卿克里到访北京。中国国家主席习近平、国务院总理李克强、国务委员杨洁篪分别会见了克里,外交部长王毅与克里举行了会谈,双方达成了一系列共识,推动了中美关系的发展。此访的两个时间点值得关注:一个是"2014",恰逢中美建交35周年;一个是"2月14日",恰逢"中美新型大国关系"正式提出两周年。今年2月14日,美国国务卿克里到访北京。中国国家主席习近平、国务院总理李克强、国务委员杨洁篪分别会见了克里,外交部长王毅与克里举行了会谈,双方达成了一系列共识,推动了中  相似文献   

卜小伟 《现代妇女》2014,(6):331-331
作为世界三大饮料之一,茶已经成为传统文化体系重要的组成元素之一。我们准确把握茶文化的精神内涵提供参考,更好地认识中西传统文化的社会价值。本文拟英国作为研究对象,通过茶文化与民俗的研究力求获得如何对待传统文化的某种认知。  相似文献   

茶文化形成了有关茶隐喻的认知基础,大量存在的茶隐喻现象也推动了中国茶文化的发展。以概念隐喻为理论基础,对"女人如茶"这个概念隐喻进行分析,探讨茶隐喻背后的认知特点及其与中国茶文化之间的内在联系,对扩展茶文化的研究领域具有深远的意义。  相似文献   

本文对俄罗斯茶叶的引进、发展以及中俄茶文化异同等不同方面的问题作了深入的调查研究,并在此基础上联系俄罗斯茶文化在俄罗斯文学艺术中的显现对俄罗斯的茶文化的各个侧面进行探讨,进而希望能够丰富俄罗斯文化的相关研究。  相似文献   

随着全球"汉语热"的兴起,越来越多的外国人开始学习汉语并对汉语以及中国的文化产生浓厚的兴趣。而如何教好汉语、如何恰当地传播我们的传统文化也成为我们汉语教师必须着重研究的课题,本文围绕茶文化这一重要的中国传统文化展开一系列的探讨并设计教案,旨在将文化教学应用于实践中,理论与实践相结合,更好地服务于对外汉语教学。  相似文献   

雷鸣 《现代妇女》2014,(6):330-330
经过漫长的历史积淀,西方形成了独具特色的茶文化体系,并通过各具民族特色的饮茶礼仪表现出来。本文拟通过追溯西方茶文化的历史凝定过程,以及展现中西茶礼仪的内涵、礼仪表现方式三个方面对中西文化与礼仪展开研究,力求厘清这一问题的基本面貌。  相似文献   

茶文化起源久远,历史悠久,文化底蕴深厚,是中华文化的不可或缺部分之一。其过程体现形式和精神的相互统一,是饮茶活动过程中形成的文化现象。而今,随着全球化的浪潮,茶文化在人们意识中逐渐淡薄。本文首先从茶文化的特性及社会地位出发,展现其重要性;其次,浅析中国茶文化的发展方向;最后,对发展过程中的问题提出建议,试图探寻解决之道。  相似文献   

千百年来,茶都是中国人日常生活中非常重要的饮品,而我国作为茶产量最大的国家,其发展速度也是有目共睹的。随之也出现了很多以品茶,茶文化为主题的古典文学作品,通过阅读,越来越多的人对茶也有了更加深入的认识和了解。在古典文学中,茶经常被当作歌咏的对象,茶在古代人们的日常生活中占据着不容忽视的地位。鉴于此,本文主要针对古典文学中的品茶及茶文化展开探讨。  相似文献   

吴家宏 《职业》2013,(27):18-19
于闲暇的午后,泡一壶清茶,看袅娜的茶雾缓缓渲染整个茶室。  相似文献   

In recent decades a style of preparing and drinking tea modelled largely on gongfu tea associated with the Chaoshan region of north-eastern Guangdong Province, China, has been taken up as a contemporary tea art in Taiwan, Hong Kong, the Chinese mainland and elsewhere. This paper draws on fieldwork conducted in Chaoshan to examine gongfu tea as contemporary practice in its home setting. Three aspects are considered: gongfu tea as an everyday practice, as a refined practice, and as commercialised leisure in tea-houses. I argue that, as an everyday practice in Chaoshan, gongfu tea primarily serves to nourish social connectedness with family, friends and associates. It is regarded as an integral part of day-to-day life rather than a tea art. However, some people separate it from the everyday world by cultivating discernment and knowledge with regard to selected aspects, such as high-quality teapots or appreciation of different teas.  相似文献   


The purpose of this action research project was to gain an understanding of, and to mobilise the voices of diverse young people enrolled in a Portuguese secondary school. A case study methodology, in conjunction with action research methodology, was used for this study. The action research data indicated that projects conceived throughout the study were successful in mobilising the voices of 14 young secondary school students in decision-making processes. The young people engaged democratically, made informed decisions about themselves and their peers, managed conflicts, and reinforced the importance of interpersonal relationships. These changes took place at the individual, as well as group levels.  相似文献   

Exactly when Buddhism spread to the Lake Erhai region continues to be a hotly debated issue among scholars. Upon examining currently available documents and artifacts, however, one starts to see evidence that Indian Buddhism spread to the Lake Erhai region of western Yunnan from the ‘Southern Branch of the Silk Road’ by about the middle of the seventh century ad.Indian Buddhism has had a profound impact on Bai history and culture, most notably in (1) the spread and assimilation of Acaya Buddhism into Bai culture, and (2) the Bai perception that they are the descendents of King Asoka, India's famous early promoter of Buddhism.  相似文献   

Voting is a human right for every citizen yet many people with intellectual disabilities do not vote or have little support to exercise their right to vote. This article explores views on the wider aspects of voting against the backdrop of the Scottish referendum using focus groups involving people with intellectual disabilities (n = 12), family carers (n = 7) and paid carers (n = 5). Findings revealed that people with intellectual disabilities had similar concerns to the general population about the referendum. Regarding voting, all groups identified the need to discuss issues and for practical support and accessible information to ensure informed choices were made when voting.  相似文献   

中职校园文化要独具一格,就应凸显中职校园文化的"职业"特性。无论是校园文化理念还是校园文化载体,都需融入企业文化元素,这样才能形成一种具有企业管理和学校教育双层文化背景的中职特色校园文化。实现企业文化和中职校园文化的互融与拓展,凝练内涵丰富并独具特色的中职校园文化,是实现中职教育人才培养目标、促进校企合作、满足企业用人需求的重要举措。  相似文献   

《Australian Social Work》2013,66(4):344-356
Social work with older people is often characterised as low status employment and is dominated by medicalised constructions of old age. Consequently, there is a need for educational responses that address students' negative attitudes toward older people and enable the development of practice skills in this area. The present paper evaluates an elective course for third year social work students that challenged their perceptions of their own and others' ageing, and stimulated a reflective approach to practice with older people. Reflective learning techniques were employed in the course, including observations in aged care service settings. Students in the course showed a high degree of interest in working with older people in the future and, although this did not increase much throughout the course, they evaluated it positively, noting greater awareness of issues affecting older people.  相似文献   

This paper discusses a campaign which involves young people with experience of prostitution in influencing policy and practice which affects this group: the National Youth Campaign on Sexual Exploitation (the Youth Campaign). It is argued that participation is critical to improving outcomes for young people involved in prostitution, yet is often overlooked. Through participation, young people with experience of prostitution can build their self‐esteem whilst also helping agencies and policy makers develop more effective strategies on youth prostitution. The paper examines in detail one piece of work undertaken by the Youth Campaign: a workshop run by two young women at a national conference on sexual exploitation. In addition, it gives an overview of current research, policy and practice on participation and young people involved in prostitution and makes recommendations for how practice in this area could be improved. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In this paper we examine the effects of different components of corporate culture on two different categories of action in both routine and jolted environments. Data were collected on a heterogeneous sample of 54 corporations in the San Francisco Bay Area. We examined how the values, knowledge, and practices dimensions of corporate culture influenced actions to prepare for responding to future earthquake disasters and actions to mitigate or reduce future physical and associated earthquake losses. The findings show that corporate earthquake culture is a multidimensional concept, that varied elements of culture function to impact corporate action differently is distinct organizational environments, and that culture's impact on organizational action is contingent on the type of action being considered.  相似文献   

Research has generally amalgamated minority ethnic (all called 'Asian' or 'black') disabled young people's experiences and failed to acknowledge the multiple aspects of Asian and black disabled identities, for example how the combined attributes of race, ethnicity, religion, gender, culture, class and disability shape their perspectives and experiences. In an attempt to address this issue my doctoral research explored the experiences and perspectives of 13 young Pakistani and Bangladeshi disabled people. By drawing on the substantive and theoretical findings which emerged from my analysis in this paper I shall consider how multiple aspects of identity, such as ethnicity, disability and gender, affect this population's identity and self-image and how this makes their experiences different from white disabled young people and other minority groups' experiences.  相似文献   


This article presents a modest summary of the vivid discussions around the role of law and human rights that took place during the workshop ‘Seeking answers from below to the contemporary crisis of democracy’ in Siena in October 2018. Representatives from social movements, CSOs and academic considered law as one of the central issues to be discussed in order to better grasp and counter the global power structures. Law historically serves national and global elites’ interests, being applied to maintain the status quo of social injustice and inequalities. Therefore, this article presents some ideas and provokes some fundamental questions on how law and human rights can be part of an emancipatory project. Based on concrete experiences of the participants, from Rojava to the Kuna people, we critically discuss how legal instruments can be used to strategically defend people’s rights, strengthening the use of law from below.  相似文献   

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