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Asian Americans are now the most rapidly growing minority group in the USA. Over 60 % Asian Americans in the USA are immigrants. Cancer has been the leading cause of death among Asian American women since 1980. Understanding the barriers to screening is essential to reduce the unnecessary burden of cancer. Little is known about cancer screening behaviors among foreign-born Asian women and how socio-demographic factors may influence these behaviors. Even less is known about disaggregated Asian subgroups. Using data from the Chicago Asian Community Survey, a local health assessment survey of three Asian subgroups in Chicago, Chinese, Vietnamese and Cambodian, this study found that breast and cervical cancer screening rates were much lower among foreign-born Asian women, 48 and 49 %, respectively, than the national rates for the general population, 72 and 83 %, respectively. Furthermore, we studied disaggregated data to determine cancer screening differences between communities. Findings from this study provide a critical evidence base to inform future research, policy and targeted interventions for Asian ethnic-specific populations.  相似文献   


Migration from Cambodia is a major livelihood strategy for rural communities, with most rural families having at least one, usually younger, member migrating in search of work. The pervasive nature of this phenomenon relates to Cambodia’s troubled political past, and the country’s political economy that structures choice and opportunity. Under-investment in the agrarian economy together with unequal access to credit and productive resources leaves many rural Cambodians with little option but to migrate to boost family income. Thailand is the number one destination for rural Cambodians. Most have an undocumented status, putting them at risk of arrest and deportation. The return of more than 200,000 migrants to Cambodia over a two-week period in 2014 was precipitated by the Thai military’s seizure of power and migrants’ fear of the consequences of political instability, given their still vivid historical memory of the Cambodian Khmer Rouge’s reign of terror during the 1970s. Interviews with Cambodian migrants and members of their families are examined within a wider political and economic context to gain insight into migrants’ motivations and decision-making. The expulsion of migrants from Thailand casts light on the compulsive nature of migration, despite the high risks and precarious conditions under which undocumented migration takes place.  相似文献   

上世纪中期,美国在老挝招募超过半数的赫蒙成年男性组建特别游击队,发动了秘密战争。随着美军的迅速撤退与放弃救援,赫蒙游击队的成员及其家属面临了空前的劫难,大量赫蒙人被杀,逃亡的数万名赫蒙难民被迫长期滞留于泰国的难民营,直到本世纪初才最终获得移民美国的机会,其在美国的生存与发展状况明显落后于其他族裔移民。赫蒙难民的产生及其艰难安置作为秘密战争的遗留问题,在一定程度上反映了当时美国难民政策的功利性。  相似文献   

Most research on Asian American education has centered on addressing and deconstructing the model minority stereotype. While recent studies have highlighted the socioeconomic and cultural heterogeneity among Asian American students, few have examined how sexual identity and masculinity mitigate their academic experiences. In this article, we draw on the educational narratives of 35 Asian American gay men to address this gap. Though research on lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) students has emphasized bullying, our findings show that the relationship between sexuality and schooling is more nuanced than studies suggest. Our article reveals that while anti-gay bullying is prevalent, Asian American gay students play up aspects of their racial identity and even strategically capitalize on the model minority stereotype to evade harassment. Ultimately, our study highlights the need for educators to remain mindful of how the intersection of sexuality and race affect the school climate and educational experiences among gay students of color.  相似文献   

泰族壮族传统文化的关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文从地理环境 ,考古、社会学、人类学、语言学、经济学、文化艺术、建筑学、科技、教育等方面对泰壮民族传统文化的历史关系作了比较研究 ,认为泰族起源于中国广西壮族地区和越南红河流域 ,因而其底层文化与壮族具有诸多相同性。但由于泰壮民族居住的自然和社会环境的差异 ,其文化呈现一定的差异性  相似文献   

泰语民族的迁徙与现代傣、老、泰、掸诸民族的形成   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
何平 《广西民族研究》2005,84(2):134-143
泰语民族的发源地到底在哪里?或者说今天分布在中国云南和与之毗邻的东南亚中南半岛地区的现代傣、老、泰、掸诸民族是从哪里来的?这个问题一直是国际泰学界关注的焦点。本文认为,泰语民族的发祥地是在今广西、云南和越南交界一带地区,其先民是后来才辗转迁徙到今天他们居住的这一带地区并形成今天分布在中国云南和东南亚的傣、泰、老、掸诸民族的。  相似文献   

介绍越南高校汉语教学的现状以及存在的问题,并提出了解决问题的一些设想.  相似文献   

从语言的相同和相近、地名的相同、民歌旋律的基本相同、部分民间信仰的相似相近和体质人类学的相似等方面来看,可以确认壮族、泰族、老龙族、傣族在古代是同一人们共同体,后来才迁徙、分化成不同民族.大约至公元8~9世纪,这4个民族尚未分化,以后才逐步迁徙和分化.  相似文献   

Through an analysis of Ukrainian and Vietnamese migrant women in Poland, we study the extent to which their economic integration is influenced by the legal framework—for example, the visa regime—and migrants' possession of, or access to, different forms of capital. The article is based on interviews conducted between 2005 and 2008 with female migrant workers from Ukraine and Vietnam. The women faced administrative obstacles in accessing the formal labour market; their overall initial poor financial status and family situation pressured them to accept work in the informal labour market. Another barrier was the limited ability to convert their cultural capital into economic capital. To overcome these barriers, the women adopted two distinct strategies of economic integration. The Ukrainian women used networks built on strong ties from country of origin and on weak ties in Poland, while the Vietnamese women used strong ties within their own ethnic niche.  相似文献   

This article proposes an ethnographic examination of the inner workings of unsanctioned informal networks that facilitate the circular migration and labour of Vietnamese sex workers to Singapore. These operations are coordinated by brokers who sell migration services to their clients. I conceptualise them as ‘quasi-family networks’ because kinship bonds, the fact that brokers (‘mothers’) and sex workers (‘daughters’) operate under the framework of a family ethos which allows them to establish intimate and unequal relationships, and socialising and reproductive processes inscribed in the family form, are defining structural features. The study of these organisational and operational traits allows us to consider a new network model in the field of transnational unsanctioned migration for sex work, and to discuss issues of network structure, adaptability and reproduction in repressive market environments in relation to the family form.  相似文献   

This study used data from the National Survey of American Life to investigate the use of professional services and informal support among African Americans, black Caribbeans, and non-Hispanic whites. Multinomial logistic regression was used to examine the association of race and perceived discrimination with the use of professional services only, informal support only, both professional services and informal support, or no help at all. Fifty-one percent of the sample used both professional services and informal support, 16% relied on professional services only, 20% used informal support only, and 13% did not seek help. Before controlling for other factors, African Americans and black Caribbeans were significantly less likely to receive either professional or informal help compared with whites. When everyday racial discrimination was included, racial differences in not seeking help were no longer significant. Household income also influenced the relationship between race and help-seeking. Other factors significantly associated with help-seeking include age, gender, education, employment status, insurance coverage, type and severity of disorder, and subjective closeness to family and friends. The association of these factors and implication of the findings for future research and mental health service delivery will be discussed.  相似文献   

This study examined reciprocal support networks involving extended family, friends and church members among African Americans. Our analysis examined specific patterns of reciprocal support (i.e., received only, gave only, both gave and received, neither gave or received), as well as network characteristics (i.e., contact and subjective closeness) as correlates of reciprocal support. The analysis is based on the African American subsample of the National Survey of American Life. Overall, our findings indicate that African Americans are very involved in reciprocal support networks with their extended family, friends and church members. Respondents were most extensively involved in reciprocal supports with extended family members, followed closely by friends and church networks. Network characteristics (i.e., contact and subjective closeness) were significantly and consistently associated with involvement with reciprocal support exchanges for all three networks. These and other findings are discussed in detail. This study complements previous work on the complementary roles of family, friend and congregational support networks, as well as studies of racial differences in informal support networks.  相似文献   

近代美国驻华外交官、学者柔克义为近来研究热点,其中柔克义藏学研究为柔克义核心环节未有系统讨论,特别是柔克义与欧洲学界的学术渊源以及与13世达赖喇嘛交往的若干细节,存在若干尚待补充的细节.本文在认真研读柔克义青藏高原考察后研究成果以及哈佛大学馆藏柔克义第一手文献的基础上,对上述问题进行了解决.  相似文献   

中央“援藏机制”的形成、发展、完善与运用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
贺新元 《西藏研究》2012,136(6):1-14
自和平解放始,党和国家就一直在积极探索支援帮助西藏发展的方法与途径。改革开放以来,在前期探索基础上,中央以"西藏工作座谈会"方式不断推进"援藏机制"的形成、发展、完善与运用。从第一次西藏工作座谈会提出的"中央关心西藏、全国支援西藏"口号,到第二次西藏工作座谈会拉开全国支援西藏的行动序幕,到第三次西藏工作座谈会提出"分片负责、对口支援、定期轮换"的援藏工作机制,再到第四次西藏工作座谈会把西藏所有县(市、区)纳入对口支援范围,实现对口支援西藏的全覆盖,中央关心、全国支援西藏的"援藏机制"最终得以基本成型。第五次西藏工作座谈会对成型化的"援藏机制"再次进行深化、完善并且运用到其他藏区及边疆民族地区,向世人展示出中国共产党是如何立足于各民族真正平等,帮助各民族共同繁荣发展。  相似文献   

<正>本文原题为《Directions,Seasons,and Alterities:Notes on the Early History of Chinese Political Cosmology》,发表于英国《传统宇宙观研究会会刊》(The Journal of the Traditional Cosmology Society,Volume 29,2031,pp.25-58)。文章旨在通过探讨中国上古时期的政治宇宙观转型史来阐述文明宇宙论形成的历史概貌。作者认为,天圆地方的宇宙观并不像通常认为的那样,产生于公元前2世纪汉帝国时期,而是早已作为一种石器时代的宇宙观而在此之前很久就存在。在周代的时候,已经从一种王权宇宙观(政治和宗教上具有绝对主义和务实主义特质的商制)演变为一种文明宇宙观(政治上和宗教上具有联盟主义和礼教主义性质的周制)。这种古老的世界观图式,在战国时期(约公元前6世纪至公元前3世纪)又进一步衍生出各种关  相似文献   

赫哲萨满派系、种类、名称和职能   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文通过史料考证和实地调查,将过去赫哲族萨满分工的三类、四类、五类、六类、七类等说,规范为五类。同时,对赫哲萨满名称的不同称谓,按照国际音标标音统一了称谓。  相似文献   

民族习惯法是民族地区适用的民间法,内容丰富但形式上因民族而异,刑事习惯法占据重要内容.民族习惯法具有裁判、教育、调整价值,应当整合三种价值,传承民族习惯法之积极因素,构建新的民族法律文化,推进民族地区法治.  相似文献   

东盟新、马、泰、越等国经济的持续增长,社会面貌发生了巨大变化.其中的经验值得我们学习和借鉴.本文主要对在中国-东盟自由贸易区及泛北部湾区域经济合作的大背景下,环北部湾少数民族地区如何抓住机遇,借鉴新、马、泰、越经济发展的经验,促进自身的经济发展进行探讨.  相似文献   

本文系统探讨了近百年来韩国华侨社会的形成、变迁及特征,从政府对华侨的关注及政策的改进、中韩民间经济贸易关系的加速发展、韩国华侨扩大对外交流的努力、华侨学校的再兴等方面阐述了中、韩建交后韩国华侨社会的变化,指出中、韩两国人民的相互移居对两国的未来发展有着重要的影响。  相似文献   

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