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宋义霞 《唐都学刊》2008,24(3):43-46
儒学的"天人合一"以及由此而拓展和升华的生态伦理、价值取向,对于促进当代西安环境保护新的理念的建立与科学政策的制定意义深远.继承传统并开创环境保护的新途径,"以人为本"与"以自然为本"并重;建立环保伦理,要立法节约,惩治浪费,建立环保节约型政府,建立干部任用的环保指标机制;崇尚科学,因地制宜,保护各种资源,最好的环保是从人的心灵净化开始.  相似文献   

水资源供给的不确定性、跨区域性以及水资源供给与使用的外部性给世界城市的水资源和水源地保护与管理带来极大的挑战。纽约市为保障安全高效的水资源供给,就水源地开拓、水源地环境保护与水资源分配等问题与周边地区进行的区域协调,为化解区际"资源-环境-发展"利益冲突提供了借鉴。通过分析纽约市水资源管理与水源地保护中的区域协调策略,本文针对北京市的水资源战略管理和水源地保护提出相关政策建议。  相似文献   

NGO:环境保护运动中一支不可或缺的积极力量   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
赵素兰 《社科纵横》2007,22(7):44-46
NGO在西方环境保护运动中起了非常重要的作用,在环境保护运动中NGO是与政府、企业和公众联系的桥梁和纽带。NGO在中国环境保护运动中的积极作用,引起了国内外的广泛关注。本文主要介绍中国的NGO环境保护组织发展的基本情况和在环境保护中的作用和影响,以及目前存在的主要问题。  相似文献   

从环境与发展实际出发,当前广西北部湾经济区综合开发必须从环境资源和自然资源的开发利用与节约保护、环境污染防治与生态安全、自然与历史文化遗迹的利用与保护、资源利用与环境保护的市场化以及投融资机制等方面制定地方性的环境资源政策,以保证海湾环境资源与自然资源的综合开发利用的可持续性。  相似文献   

<正>由大连民族大学南文渊教授所著的学术专著《文化高原》一书最近由民族出版社出版。本书是教育部人文社会科学规划项目"青藏高原生态功能区保护与文化传承的论证"的最终研究成果。《文化高原》一书围绕青藏高原生态文明建设,从环境人类学的角度揭示了高原不同生境—文化区的形成、演变与类型特征,探讨当今生态环境保护与民族文化传承有机结合的合适途径,以期为高原生态文明建设提供最  相似文献   

环保,不仅是使用环保袋、节约能源与资源、关爱动植物……当我们把目光聚焦回自身,你的美丽也有"环保"埋单么?让肌肤将污染的影响减到最低,持久健康的美丽就能实现。  相似文献   

<正>"要坚持问题导向,强化责任担当,边督边改、立行立改,以问题整改的实际成效推动全省生态文明建设和环境保护工作。"辽宁省委书记、省人大常委会主任李希提出上述要求4月25日,中央第三环境保护督察组督察辽宁省工作动员会在沈阳召开。此次中央环境保护督察组进驻辽宁为期一个月,主要受理辽宁省环保方面的来信来电举报。自进驻之日起,近一个月来,连片烧烤店占道经营、污染空气,养猪场排放污染物,化工厂排放超标污水……数百起群众反映的环境保护问题得到纠正。  相似文献   

郑敏  董耀 《社科纵横》2005,20(4):124-125
可持续发展的目标与西部脆弱的生态环境,决定了西部开发中保护资源环境的重要性,西部环境保护涉及整个中华民族的生存和发展。西部大开发的战略目标能否实现,在很大程度上与生态环境的保护与建设密切相关,严惩生态环境犯罪是西部大开发内在和外在的要求,必须要加强刑法的协调与保护。  相似文献   

当今世界,在生态环境保护中,社区"自组织"发挥着越来越重要的作用。目前,国外生态环境保护中社区"自组织"的发展主要呈现以下态势:第一,社区"自组织"的作用和领域日益拓展;第二,传统社区知识与经验越来越被整合入现代环境管理之中;第三,社区不断参与和推动政府环境政策的制定;第四,社会资本日益成为社区生态环境保护的关键因素;第五,社区"自组织"在发达国家与发展中国家中发挥着不同的作用。  相似文献   

高秀梅 《社科纵横》2007,22(11):58-59
根据中国生态环境的现状,保护生态环境对于构建和谐社会意义重大,并就加强中国生态环境保护与建设方面进行了分析,提出了一些浅见。  相似文献   

By using a longitudinal data-set from the Korean Labor and Income Panel Study, the present study examines the poverty reduction effectiveness of public income transfers in South Korea from 1998 to 2011. Findings indicate that the average poverty rate fell from over 20% between 1998 and 2000, to 14% from 2001 to 2006, rose to 17% by 2008, and declined to 15% in 2011. However, the poverty-rate reduction effectiveness continuously increased from 5.5% in 1998 to 32.8% in 2011. The poverty-gap reduction effectiveness also improved sixfold from 6.8 to 39.6% over the same period.  相似文献   

郎菁 《唐都学刊》2010,26(3):83-87
根据陕西方志、《登科记考》和近年出版的有关状元研究专著等资料进行比对查考,历代陕西状元计有21人,包括现籍陕西或祖籍陕西的状元,但不含居地在陕的4位李氏宗室子弟。从总数看,陕西状元不比号称状元大省的江浙地区,但在唐代,可考的陕西状元数量是位列前茅的,且陕西状元或政绩卓著,或才华出众,大多史册有载,作为陕西人物中一个特殊的群体,值得进一步挖掘、整理和研究。  相似文献   

In Northern Ireland, most research on the impact upon children of living through the ‘troubles’ and in a divided society has assumed that children are from either the Catholic or Protestant community. There has been very little research with children from cross‐community families who have one parent from a Catholic background and one from a Protestant background. It is known, however, that these children are over‐represented in the public care system in Northern Ireland. The study reported in this paper addresses this gap in knowledge by exploring the experiences and views of children from cross‐community families who are in public care in Northern Ireland. The study has key messages for the development of services for looked after children from cross‐community families, if these are to be delivered in accordance with legislative duties in Northern Ireland and in an anti‐sectarian manner.  相似文献   

薛敏 《唐都学刊》2006,22(4):142-145
文学接受受文艺思潮影响甚大。当代,由于文艺政策的不同,引起创作和理论发生转换,由此导致近半个世纪的文学接受呈现出一种独特的景象即从接受动机来看,现实主义接受是当代文学接受的主潮;从期待视野来看,当代文学接受主潮的主题意蕴由宏大走向私人化;从文化传播来看,当代文学接受呈现出由封闭、一元、被动到开放、多元、主动。正是接受与创作主体的互动关系,推动着文学不断向前,从而使当代文学呈现出一种更加契合时代精神的、更加符合文学和人的内涵的新的面貌。  相似文献   

郜林涛 《唐都学刊》2005,21(3):9-13
大历江南诗人的个人经历比十才子更加坎坷。他们在佛教中寻求安慰便是很自然的事。对大历江南诗人影响最大的是天台宗,其次是南宗禅和北宗禅。只有了解大历江南诗人和佛教的关系,才能更好地评价他们的诗歌创作。  相似文献   

This study analysed the relationship between social support, financial independence, self-enhancement bias, and stress from cultural adaptation. For an empirical analysis, the data from 225 people displaced from North Korea were analysed. Our results suggest that social support has a positively significant effect on financial independence and self-enhancement bias; furthermore, financial independence has been shown to reduce stress from cultural adaptation. Therefore, social support reduces stress from cultural adaptation through financial independence. These results demonstrate that the social support of South Korea is very important for people displaced from North Korea in terms of their safely establishing settled living. In addition, considering the fact that the status of China is rising in international society, the results of the present study provide important insights into the provision of psychological stability to people displaced from North Korea.  相似文献   

罗瑾  任艳红 《唐都学刊》2004,20(5):158-160
新课程期待教师的教学行为实现从灌输到引导、从个体劳动到团体合作、从单一评价到多元评价。伴随着教学行为的变化,教师的角色也相应地从知识的传授者到知识体系的建构者、从课程的执行者到课程的研究开发者的转变;而角色期待得以实现的基础是教材的改革与创新;调整改革的心态,加大教师培训力度;转变政府职能,积极创造相应的条件。  相似文献   

This study aims to examine whether different educational systems will impose students with different perception on Chinese values. Cluster sampling method was used and 599 Chinese students from three national secondary schools (NSS) and two Chinese independent schools (CIS) in Malaysia were recruited. A questionnaire containing two sections namely background information and Chinese value scale developed by Chinese Culture Connection (1987) was distributed. The findings showed that the practice of Chinese cultural values indicated through the use of Chinese language in everyday life between respondents from NSS and CIS is about the same, but more respondents from CIS read or watch Chinese materials than those from NSS. Respondents from CIS and NSS viewed integrity and tolerance as the most important Chinese value. Respondents from NSS perceived Confucians ethos or human relationship as more important, whereas respondents from CIS chose loyalty to ideals and humanity. The findings suggested that the role of parents in the perseverance of Chinese culture and the influence of different school environment are equally important in determining the perception of Chinese values among secondary school students.  相似文献   

The lottery payoff procedure does not successfully induce risk-neutral bidding behavior in first-price, sealedbid auctions. This conclusion follows from both ordinary-least-squares estimation with natural data and leastabsolute-deviation estimation with transformed data from numerous experimental designs. Lottery payoffs do not succeed in inducing behavior predicted from standard expected utility theory assumptions or from assumed utility from winning and/or income thresholds. In contrast, first-price auction experiments with monetary payoffs yield results that are consistent with general models of bidding in the independent private values information environment.  相似文献   

王水雄 《社会》2005,25(3):187-206
在以往比较长的一段时间内,许多中国学者或理论工作者都比较喜欢进行概念上的争论。这种争论某种意义上颇类似于西方中世纪对宗教教义的不同理解引发的辩驳,它对于正本清源,明晰人们的认知,改变意识形态,形成一种共识,促进社会转型是有较大作用的。不过,这样的学术活动,其实对于学术的直接的建设性作用甚小。当前中国学术界,这种现象少了一些,学者们转而满足于对经验进行简要概括,以期形成一定的能够唤起读者共鸣的概念。这些概念往往能够引起一定的社会效应,然而,其学术意义同样不大,因为它们对于真正的学术累积作用甚小。众所周知的是:仅…  相似文献   

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