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In this lightning talk for the North Carolina Serials Conference, Lynnee Argabright describes the efforts of the ORCID team at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. In addition to discussing the team’s pop-up outreach planning and documentation, Argabright shares advice from the team’s experience on how to run an effective ORCID pop-up event to facilitate faculty ORCID registration.  相似文献   

Institutional growth at Old Dominion University and changes within its libraries over the past several years have left the Serials Unit feeling anything but crystal clear. In moving from a print to an electronic focus, the Serials Unit conducted a workflow analysis project. The analysis resulted in a report containing recommendations for reallocating responsibilities and documenting changes in staff skills and positions. This article, which grew out of a presentation at the 15th North Carolina Serials Conference “Crystal Clear? Today's Libraries, Tomorrow's Library Users,” describes the workflow analysis process and expands on how its recommendations have benefited the Serials Unit.  相似文献   


As a selector, have you ever wondered if the resource you requested was ordered? As an acquisitions staff member, are you struggling with keeping track of your order requests from various channels? As a manager, are you finding it challenging to monitor staff work? CORAL, an open source electronic resource management system, proved to be one solution to these concerns for North Carolina State University (NCSU) Libraries. This article discusses how to manage workflows in CORAL and outlines a NCSU initiative to evolve this tool through collaboration across departments and across the CORAL community.  相似文献   


Between 2018 and 2019, two librarians at the College of Charleston Libraries incorporated cloud-based technologies into their collection management workflows. The following paper was derived from a presentation they prepared for the 2020 North Carolina Serials Conference, which was to be held on March 27, 2020 in Chapel Hill, North Carolina but was canceled due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The paper highlights which cloud technologies they use and provides an overview of the literature that has been published on project management and cloud-based technologies in libraries. It includes an explanation of how they use each tool, and provides examples for setting up each tool in different scenarios so that other collection management librarians may implement them into their own routines. The paper ends with an exploration of the advantages and disadvantages of integrating these tools into collection management workflows. Although the librarians had not prepared to discuss the role these technologies may play when working remotely, they have both found them invaluable during this unprecedented time when many librarians are working from home.  相似文献   


This article summarizes a presentation given at the 2017 North Carolina Serials Conference by Judith Nagata. The speaker discussed how her library used vendor-supplied usage data and graphic representations of that data to make decisions about journals and journal packages.  相似文献   

Sarah Mueth 《Serials Review》2019,45(3):119-120

This article, based on a lightning talk held at the 2019 North Carolina Serials Conference, outlines strategies for starting a job after it’s been vacant for a period of time. The author details experiences from her first year and how she coped with the challenges this situation presented.  相似文献   

For the past thirty years libraries have made serials backfile decisions based on an understanding that microfilm is a more cost effective format than bound print journals. Yet with the rising cost of microfilm, is this still the case? In spring 2002, the collection development team leader at the Florida Gulf Coast University Library compared the costs of microfilm and bound print serial backfiles, and also how those two mediums compared with costs of a stable electronic backfile collection. The author presented the results in a poster session at the 17th annual conference of the North American Serials Interest Group in Williamsburg, Virginia, June 20–23, 2002, and then recalculated all statistics prior to publication in this article. Serials Review 2003; 29:282–286.  相似文献   

In connection with assessing how an ongoing development in fisheries management may change fishing activity, evaluation of Total Factor Productivity (TFP) change over a period, including efficiency, scale and technology changes, is an important tool. The Malmquist index, based on distance functions evaluated with Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA), is often employed to estimate TFP changes. DEA is generally gaining attention for evaluating efficiency and capacity in fisheries. One main criticism of DEA is that it does not have any statistical foundation, i.e. that it is not possible to make inference about DEA scores or related parameters. The bootstrap method for estimating confidence intervals of deterministic parameters can however be applied to estimate confidence intervals for DEA scores. This method is applied in the present paper for assessing TFP changes between 1987 and 1999 for the fleet of Danish seiners operating in the North Sea and the Skagerrak.  相似文献   

Tonia Graves 《Serials Review》2017,43(3-4):246-250

When Old Dominion University Libraries conducted the LibQUAL+ survey in 2015, results indicated a lack of satisfaction in effectively discovering and using our electronic resources. This article is based on a presentation from the 2017 North Carolina Serials Conference describing how Old Dominion University Libraries used data from the LibQUAL+ survey results to help our users connect more effectively with information resources, resulting in an improved user experience and an increased level of satisfaction.  相似文献   


At the 2017 North Carolina Serials Conference, keynote speaker Regina Romano Reynolds—Director, U.S. ISSN Center and Head, ISSN Section at the Library of Congress—explored how bibliographic transformation can connect users to good-quality content. Offering examples of current and potential serials management projects, Reynolds shared her vision for breaking down information silos, experimenting in the resource management space, and the need for visionary leadership.  相似文献   

基于南水北调中线工程经过的湖北省陨县、丹江口市和河南省淅川县的入户调查数据,分析了南水北调中线工程库区移民劳动力的流动状况,包括劳动力的流动模式、形态和方式、流动区域和产业特征、时代分布、年龄构成以及不外出的原因,并同中国农村劳动力流动的整体状况进行了比较,得到如下结论:接受调查的家庭由于地处农村,生育孩子多,除青壮年劳动力外出务工外,老人和孩子均在家,没有外出务工的占大多数;外出务工的绝大部分是青壮年劳动力;广东作为中国改革开放的前沿,吸引了大量的库区劳动力;南水北调中线工程库区居民的本土意识依然很浓厚;南水北调中线工程库区居民外出以从事体力劳动和非技能性劳动为主。根据上述结论,就南水北调中线工程移民安置问题提出了一些建议。  相似文献   

This presentation from the 23rd North Carolina Serials Conference discussed the Carolina Consortium's recent consortium-wide analysis of its big deal ejournal packages, with cost per use as the primary metric. This session addressed the pros and cons of cost-per-use (CPU) data and considered how consortia and individual schools should best utilize the data. Bernhardt discussed how the Carolina Consortium gathered and analyzed CPU data and the impact the examination had on determining whether individual schools cancelled, renewed, or joined big deals. Seven schools were identified as having big deals with CPU higher than desired. Of those seven, four schools chose to renew their deals, while three chose to cancel. Bucknall determined that while CPU is an important metric to analyze in making renewal and cancellation decisions, it is not the only factor.  相似文献   

The University Libraries (UL) of the University of North Carolina at Greensboro (UNCG) recently migrated to OCLC's WorldShare Management Services (WMS) and the full version of WorldCat Local (WCL). This resulted in significant changes to our display of periodicals (both print and electronic) in the public catalog and the Journal A–Z List. Serials are problematic in any migration, and ease of use by patrons was our primary concern. This article briefly reviews the migration process to WMS and WCL and describes how UNCG configured and populated the WorldCat Local knowledge base for user access to electronic (and print) journals.  相似文献   

Heidi Tebbe 《Serials Review》2019,45(3):103-104

For new collection managers, it may be intimidating to ask questions about processes that seem to be common knowledge for their more experienced colleagues. To help with this issue, the Collections & Research Strategy department at North Carolina State University Libraries uses a shared document where new collection managers can log questions as they arise. The questions are shared at regular Collections Interest Group meetings and often generate interesting discussions that librarians both new and experienced can benefit from. This case study will provide an overview of the structure of the document, how it is used, and the types of questions that get asked.  相似文献   

Presenting at the 2014 North Carolina Serials Conference, Ginny Boyer and Virginia Bacon of East Carolina University (ECU) discuss how the three libraries on campus—Joyner Library, the Music Library, and Laupus Health Sciences Library—created a brand and an accompanying web framework to transform previously disparate user experiences into a unified whole. They begin by explaining some of the roadblocks that historically had stopped collaboration and then outline what techniques and circumstances helped overcome these issues. Of these techniques, they devote the most attention to the creation and gradual adoption of an official ECU Libraries brand via the development of a logo and a consistent template for all web pages. Finally, they detail the future of this project, including plans for in-depth user assessment.  相似文献   


This article reports on an effort to better understand the discoverability of ebook collections at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (UNC-CH). Library staff analyzed titles in nine ebook packages across disciplines and conducted a two-pronged analysis of how discoverable titles in these collections were, both in Summon Discovery Service and the online catalog, and the quality of what could be discovered about the ebooks with these tools. This study revealed that discoverability of ebooks is not equal across collections, and some collections require more work to make them discoverable in Summon and the catalog. Finally, the majority of titles were discovered in Summon, but the catalog still seems to be a better discovery engine for these ebooks.  相似文献   

The North Carolina Serials Conference was very fortunate to have secured Rachel Frick for its keynote speaker for 2013. The conference was a homecoming for Frick, who is a graduate of the University of North Carolina MSLS program and is currently the Director of the Digital Library Federation Program for the Council on Library and Information Resources (CLIR), a think tank and research organization located in Washington, D.C. The Digital Library Federation (DLF) has been in existence since 1995, its target audiences being digital library practitioners and other interested parties who are on the front-lines of teaching and learning in this specialty. In her address entitled “Who, What, Where, Why, and How,” Frick discussed some of the major initiatives and issues currently occurring within and around librarianship, exploring the effect that these large scale initiatives can, and should, have at the local level. She can be reached at her Twitter feed, @rlfrick.  相似文献   

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