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家务分配及其公平性--上海市的经验研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
文章利用第二期上海妇女社会地位调查的1921个已婚男女样本资料,将个人的绝对和相对资源、生活经历、夫妻互动、性别文化规范和工作时间限制作为初始变量,将男女各自认同的自己承担家务的相对量作为中间变量,通过路径分析方法发现,家务分担的相对量与妻子的公平感认同呈最大负相关,并成为其他因素影响其公平感的中介,但与丈夫的公平感无显著相关。  相似文献   

为了解农村贫困地区妇女生活质量现状及其影响因素,随机抽取湖南农村贫困地区妇女540名作为研究对象,使用WHO生活质量简表(WHO-QOL-BREF)从生理、 心理、 社会支持和环境四个维度考察农村贫困地区妇女生活质量,同时采取自制一般问卷收集研究对象年龄、 文化程度、 经济收入等人口特征资料.在此基础上,构建二元Logit回归模型,考察社会支持变量和妇女人口特征对农村贫困地区妇女生活质量的影响.结果表明,农村贫困地区妇女生活质量低于全国常模,差异具有统计学意义;其中年龄、 文化程度、 夫妻关系、 是否有儿子、 家庭年人均收入以及获得的非正式、 正式支持等多个因素都对农村贫困地区妇女生活质量有影响.  相似文献   

亲情感对老年人生活满意度的影响   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
在现实生活中 ,亲情感对老年人的生活满意度有重要影响。家庭居住形式、老年人与亲人互动的精神生活中所体现的亲情感影响着老年人晚年生活的满意度。社会经济文化变迁对老年人亲情满足感会产生一些不利影响 ,社区服务、劳务储蓄等都可以使老年人感到心理充实、增加生活满意度  相似文献   

马琳琳  王晶 《人口学刊》2015,(1):103-112
本文依据联合国颁布的《消除对妇女一切形式歧视公约》中关于农村老年妇女权益保护的政策精神,通过问卷调查与统计分析,对吉林省农村老年人的婚姻家庭生活、经济生活、政治文化生活、家庭养老等方面进行性别差异分析,验证了农村存在老年女性化、农村老年女性贫困化、老年女性在政治参与和文化教育等方面低于老年男性等社会性差别,同时,对农村老年人的性别分工与性别角色进行女性主义理论思考,并为社会关注农村老年妇女和贯彻农村性别平等问题提出对策。  相似文献   

长江三角洲地区农村老人精神文化生活比较研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
彭亮  朱即明 《南方人口》2003,18(4):45-50
精神文化生活是老人幸福晚年的一个重要因素,但长期以来社会各界对老人的物质需求关注和投入较多,对老人的精神需求则重视不够。许多事例说明,对老人精神文化生活重视不够,可能导致严重的社会后果,本文根据在长江三角洲地区的抽样调查,分析了老人精神文化生活的现状、特点,并对存在的问题提出了一些对策。  相似文献   

人工流产手术是避孕失败给予终止妊娠的一项计划生育手术。人工流产手术会造成疼痛,并且有可能会引发一些并发症,如继发不孕、宫内感染、子宫穿孔等,对妇女身心健康不利,尤其对未生育者危害更大。接受人流术妇女的社会、心理因素较复杂,往往由于年龄、职业、文化程度、社会生活、家庭环境、传统习俗等文化因素的影响,造成心理或精神障碍。  相似文献   

对赫哲族妇女的婚姻、生育自主权的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
赫哲族妇女婚姻、生育自主权是赫哲族妇女社会地位的重要组成部分。依据对赫哲族主要集居地的详细调查数据,从文化程度与择偶方式、文化程度与初婚年龄、择偶方式与对目前婚姻的满意程度、赫哲族现有孩子的数量看妇女生育观的变化、文化程度与意愿孩子数、文化程度与现有孩子数、不同时期出生的赫哲族妇女的文化程度与生育孩子数、赫哲族妇女的生育决定权等八个方面进行了较具体的研究,得出赫哲族妇女已基本上具有了婚姻自主权,对目前的婚姻是较满意的,但部分还存在着早婚、早育问题,在选择生育孩子的数量上与丈夫协商的占有很高的比例,能够得到丈夫的尊重。  相似文献   

本文利用国家卫生和计划生育委员会组织的20122014年吉林省流动人口动态监测抽样调查相关数据,选取已婚育龄流动妇女,对其婚育状况及其影响因素进行研究,以期为流动人口的管理和服务提供参考。结果表明,吉林省已婚育龄流动妇女初婚所占比例较高,选择在流入地结婚和生育的妇女的初婚和初育年龄延迟,地理通婚圈不断扩展。有71.2%的流动妇女生育子女个数为1个。流动妇女中婚前怀孕比例较高,其主要的影响因素为文化程度和初婚年份。  相似文献   

流动妇女孕期保健状况及其影响因素   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文利用“厦门市开元区流动儿童健康与教育状况调研课题”的抽查结果 ,描述流动妇女的孕期保健状况 ,并对流入厦门的流动妇女以及常住妇女的孕期保健水平进行比较 ,在此基础上提出影响流动妇女孕期保健水平的理论假设。logistic回归分析结果表明 ,流动妇女或配偶的文化程度、流出地的城乡类型、家庭收入水平以及已生育的孩子数量是决定流动妇女孕期保健水平的最重要因素。文章还结合分析结果提出改善流动妇女孕期保健状况的几点建议  相似文献   

在致使妇女生育率下降的诸多因素中,对社会经济发展、文化水平提高等间接因素的研究,国内外已有不少论著。在我国,有关直接因素的定量研究报告较少,而且在现有资料中所反映的避孕、哺乳等直接因素对城乡妇女生育率的影响又有很大区别。本文研究重点在于明确调查地区影响妇女生育率的直接因  相似文献   

罗小锋 《西北人口》2012,33(2):36-40,44
本文以6个省1586户农户的问卷调查结果为依据,运用序数Logistic模型,探讨农村公共事业、农民个人特征、家庭特征对农民生活满意度的影响。结果表明,农村公共事业发展对农民生活满意度影响显著,其中农村卫生事业发展对农民生活满意度的影响最大,其次是农村教育事业发展,农村文化事业发展对农民生活满意度的影响最小。根据分析结果,本文提出了以下政策建议:在今后的农村公共事业发展中,政府应渐进增加农村公共事业支出比重,不断调整农村公共事业支出结构,并随时更新文化娱乐活动内容,以适应广大农民的精神需要。  相似文献   

利用贵阳市调查数据,对不同家庭结构中的老年人生活状况和生活满意度进行分析。文章假定:主干家庭中的老年人生活状况及满意度高于核心家庭,而核心家庭高于夫妇家庭和单身家庭。即:主干家庭>核心家庭>夫妇家庭>单身家庭(">"表示优于)。并从老年人对其生活状况(包括经济状况、生活照料、精神慰藉)和生活满意度的主观感受和评价来考察这一假定。结果发现:夫妇家庭中的老年人主观生活状况及满意度最高,单身老年人次之。新的次序变为:夫妇家庭>单身家庭>主干家庭>核心家庭。文章对此进行了解释。分析还发现,生活自由度可能是影响老年人主观生活评价的一个重要指标。  相似文献   

Using data from in-depth interviews with 24 community-dwelling women aged 52-90, this paper analyzes the remarriage experiences of older women in contrast to their first marital relationships. The women's accounts of their experiences in their first and later life marriages are examined in terms of the negotiation of power, resources, and domestic labor. While first marriages were frequently characterized by incompatibility, alcoholism, abuse, and infidelity, second marriages were viewed as the marriages the women wished they had had in the first place or as relationships that met their later life needs. The women's lived experiences are discussed in terms of the changing cultural norms pertaining to gender roles, marriage, and divorce.  相似文献   

The focus of this exploratory study is on reexamining the relationship between sex role attitudes and the employment status of married women in Korea, and exploring the nature and extent of women's sex role attitudes and employment status on their life satisfaction (marriage, family, work). Multicluster sampling was used to select 418 women from the city of Seoul. The Attitudes toward Women Scale (AWS) (Spence and Helmreich) was used to measure the concept of sex role attitudes. Life satisfaction was measured by 3 questions: ALLSAT, a general feeling; IGA for the general effect based on Osgood's semantic differential scales; and work status and voluntariness. Background characteristics are given. The results revealed that there was an independent relationship between sex role attitudes and employment status. Based on willingness to work groups (4), those who worked involuntarily had the most conservative sex role attitudes, and those involuntarily nonworking had the most liberal attitudes. When education background was controlled for, there were no significant differences between working and nonworking women and sex role attitudes. There was little relationship observed between sex role attitudes and overall satisfaction. When controlling for employment status, however, sex role attitudes and the relationship to work satisfaction was statistically significant among fulltime housewives, who had conservative attitudes. In fact, fulltime housewives reported greater satisfaction with their role as homemaker than those with liberal sex role attitudes. Women's attitudes and their actual roles has a greater influence on women's life satisfaction than sex role attitudes. Overall, working women are more satisfied with work and overall life than are nonworking women, when the mean satisfaction scored all 6 indicators are used in a 1 way analysis of variance. There were no significant differences in satisfaction with marriage or family life between working and nonworking women. When the intervening variable willingness to work is introduced, this plus employment status affects life satisfaction. The discrepancy between women's sex role attitudes and their work status produces the greatest dissatisfaction. The multiple regression of background variables affecting sex role attitudes shows that parent's encouragement for a woman to work has the strongest effect. Educational attainment has a positive effect on sex role attitudes, and among less well education has a negative effect and positive effect among those well educated, Husband's income is significantly higher than that for working women. Another model expressing reciprocal relations between marriage, family and work satisfaction was generated. Improvements are suggested for future research.  相似文献   

Women's fear of violence can impact negatively on their active participation in life. An ageing survey conducted with 2,620 Australian respondents aged 50 to 90 years examined aspects of work, learning, social, spiritual and emotional status, health, vision, home, life events, demographics, and asked an open-ended question about what being actively engaged in life meant. Ordinal regression was carried out on two dependent variables: wanting and needing to learn to discourage violence. Analyses found that as women's age increased, those on lower incomes were more likely than others to say they needed to learn how to discourage violence against them. This paper investigates the variables associated with the findings-transport, finances, news media, home safety, and reduced social interactions. Results highlight the importance of understanding women's fear in the context of personal and social issues, and the need to provide learning opportunities to improve safety and social engagement.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the influence of the economic, social, and cultural variables on life satisfaction in Asia and Europe. The second section sets a unifying theoretical framework for all three domains by defining life satisfaction as a function of aspirations and expectations which in turn are affected by micro- and macro-level variables. On the micro-level, economic capital is a resource for the actor. On the macro-level, societal economic capital improves the opportunity structure for the individual under certain conditions. Thus, economic capital on both levels positively affects the perceived chances of fulfilling aspirations. As long as the latter remain unchanged life satisfaction will increase. Social and cultural factors partially follow the same logic, as indicated by the terms social and cultural capital. Under a set of assumptions, the hypotheses derived are that personal and societal economic capital, national pride and national integration, religiosity, and societal religious integration, all positively affect the life satisfaction of the individual. A multi-level analysis of data from the European Values Study and the AsiaBarometer confirms the micro-level hypotheses. The economic macro-level indicators also display the theoretically expected positive effect on life satisfaction in the multivariate analysis of Asian and European data. By contrast, the direct cross-level effects of a society’s national integration and particularly of religion do not become significant in Europe, yet they are highly significant in Asia. This strong influence of the social and cultural context in Asia can be interpreted in two different ways.  相似文献   

A new measure of community well-being is developed based on the notion that community residents perceive the quality-of-life (QOL) impact of community services and conditions in various life domains (e.g., family, social, leisure, health, financial, cultural, consumer, work, spiritual, and environmental domains). These perceptions influence residents’ overall perception of community well-being, their commitment to the community, and their overall life satisfaction. Survey data were collected in the Flint area (Michigan, USA) in four waves (1978, 1990, 2001, and 2006). The data supported the nomological validity of the measure.  相似文献   

The aim of this investigation was to measure levels of ethnic or cultural background diversity, social cohesion and modern prejudice, and the impact of such diversity, cohesion and prejudice on the quality of life. Using a sample of 743 residents of Prince George, British Columbia, we identified diverse ethnic or cultural groups, and created several indexes of heterogeneous social networks and a measure of modern prejudice. Dividing the total sample into three roughly distinct groups containing, respectively, respondents self-reporting an ethnic or cultural background that was aboriginal, non-aboriginal visible minority or anything else, we discovered that all significant comparisons indicated that people with aboriginal backgrounds reported a generally lower quality of life than those in the other two groups. The quality of life scores of the other two groups were practically indistinguishable. Given the demographic structure of our sample, the revealed differences could not be attributed to differences in socio-economic classes. Members of the largest group of respondents tended to be most prejudiced and optimistic, people with aboriginal backgrounds tended to be least prejudiced and optimistic and people with visible minority backgrounds tended to be between the other two groups. Regressions revealed that a variety of ethnic/culture-related phenomena could only explain 8%, 9% and 10%, respectively, of the variation in scores for happiness, life satisfaction and satisfaction with the overall quality of life. When domain satisfaction scores were added to the set of predictors, we were able to explain 48%, 69% and 54%, respectively, of the variation in scores for happiness, life satisfaction and satisfaction with the overall quality of life. In the presence of the domain satisfaction scores, the scores on the ethnic/cultural related phenomena added only one percentage point of explanatory power for happiness and life satisfaction, and three percentage points for satisfaction with the overall quality of life. All things considered, then, it is fair to say that this project showed that ethnic or cultural background diversity, social cohesion and modern prejudice had relatively very little impact on the quality of life of our sample of respondents.  相似文献   

The article focuses on the relationship between life satisfaction and participation in “high culture” activities (attendance of opera, theater, classical concerts, and museums). The empirical basis is made up by four mail surveys of the adult population in three German cities. It is shown that life satisfaction is correlated with cultural participation and this also holds when the social background of the respondent—sex, age and education—is taken into consideration. However, when anomie and social contacts are brought into the analysis, the relationship diminishes. Life satisfaction is not result of the aesthetic experience that is tied up with cultural participation, but at best a result of the social involvement linked to the respective life style.  相似文献   

This paper examines the mediating effect of career engagement on the relationship between cognitive cultural intelligence (CQ) and life satisfaction among international migrant workers in Australia. It also examines the moderating effect of perceived social injustice on the cognitive CQ–career engagement relationship, as well as on the indirect cognitive CQ–life satisfaction relationship via career engagement. Using survey data from four hundred and sixty-two migrant workers in Australia, it was found that cognitive CQ was positively related to life satisfaction and that career engagement mediated this relationship. Social injustice moderated the impact of cognitive CQ on career engagement such that the impact was stronger among those perceiving a higher rather than a lower level of social injustice. Furthermore, the indirect effect of cognitive CQ on life satisfaction via career engagement was also stronger for those perceiving higher social injustice. These findings provide new insights regarding the antecedents of life satisfaction as well as reveal a vocationally relevant mechanism underlying the relationship between cognitive CQ and life satisfaction. The results inform potential practical strategies to enhance the career progression and life satisfaction of international migrant workers.  相似文献   

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