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A critical review of the current status of low-income women reveals how patriarchy, violence, and discrimination mitigates against their employment and contributes to their poverty. Myths that fuel prejudice against the poor have led to public policy and welfare legislation based on individualistic rather than structural assumptions about the causes of poverty. Research on the effects of welfare reform reinforces the conclusion that changes in social welfare and policy are necessary for income parity and improvement in the employment opportunities, access, and status of low-income women. A human-capital model and recommendations for macro-level changes in public policy and programming that address the systemic causes of women's poverty are presented.  相似文献   

The history of research on intimate partner violence is reviewed, with a special focus on how my own work in this area has evolved. The role of researcher values in the research process is highlighted. Some of the issues emerging from this review are the need for better measures of intimate partner violence, reasons why women's violence has been ignored by many researchers, and a discussion of the conditions under which women display violence. Policy implications of this research are discussed .  相似文献   

In this article, we propose that psychological goal functions, such as mental health, as well as income are important elements of social welfare. We examine the relationship between income, depression, social welfare (food stamps and Medicaid) and intimate partner violence, using a person-orientation in a sample from the United States. Data from four time points of a longitudinal study of intimate partner violence are analysed. Clusters of women are derived based on whether or not they received or did not receive food stamps and Medicaid at each of the four time periods. These clusters differ on income and intimate partner violence as well as the trajectory of depression. However, a series of linear models suggests that only intimate partner violence (not income and social welfare variables) predict the development and level of depression over time. The effects of the social welfare variables we examined seem to be domain specific and do not influence the mental health of women receiving these services.  相似文献   

This review of the social science literature examines correlates of homelessness. The review is supplemented by the voices of 12 low-income women who are temporarily housed or living in public housing. Homelessness for women is associated with teen pregnancy and parenting, domestic violence, working at minimum-wage jobs, and waiting lists of several years for subsidized housing. We conclude with a summary of women's experiences accessing government housing programs. Public policy recommendations regarding housing programs are made. Government housing programs are briefly described in an Appendix to the article.  相似文献   

This paper draws upon the findings of a study that looked at women's experiences of mothering in the context of co-occurrence of domestic violence and child abuse, and considers the issue of women's violence towards children – while acknowledging the fact that men are the main perpetrators of violence towards women and children in these families. The paper first explores the relationship between women's victimization and women's violence, and suggests that women's abuse of their children can be seen as a consequence of their own experiences of domestic violence. The findings nonetheless suggest that abused women have agency, and therefore have responsibilities when they chose to use violence towards their children. The paper also considers the feelings of guilt and blame that tend to arise in these circumstances. Implications for research, policy and practice are identified.  相似文献   

In response to contemporary understanding about the association between financial security and women's ability to escape domestic violence and homelessness, this paper reports on a small scale pilot study conducted with workers from generalist homelessness services and domestic violence‐supported accommodation services in South Australia on responding to women's requests for assistance to seek employment. Workers from both accommodation service types advised that approximately one third of women at their services asked for employment‐related assistance at the point of service intake or soon after. Although relatively few women received employment support following their requests, assistance was four times more likely at the generalist homelessness services than the domestic violence services. Agency priorities, philosophies and workers' assessments of women's capacity to engage in employment were cited as reasons for not responding to women's employment requests. Women who secured employment prior to service exit, whether helped to do so or not, were perceived as more confident with the prospect of supporting their families independently following exit and more able to secure suitable housing when compared to other women. Follow‐up and outreach visits indicated that women who worked had a stronger sense of financial security, housing stability and social connectedness, but that maintaining employment following service exit was difficult.  相似文献   

2001年4月,日本制定《防止来自配偶的暴力及保护被害者的法律》(简称《家暴防止法》),这是日本为解决家庭暴力问题而制定的专门法律,并于当年10月开始正式实施。为防止配偶的暴力以及保护受害者,《家暴防止法》创设保护命令制度并设置配偶暴力咨询援助中心。在这部法律的相关规定中,通过建立妇女保护设施、创办妇女咨询所和配备妇女咨询员,保护受害妇女,力争使受害妇女过上正常人的生活。日本通过立法、官方和民间机构合作形式解决家庭暴力受害妇女的做法,对我国解决家庭暴力受害妇女问题可以提供一些有益的启示。  相似文献   


The present study examined whether there was an association between microfinance participation (i.e. microentrepreneurship) and help-seeking social networks and employment and help-seeking social networks of women who experienced intimate partner violence (IPV) in Bangladesh. The study is a secondary analysis of a subsample of 805 women (24.1% of the representative sample) who experienced IPV from the 2007 Bangladesh Demographic and Health Survey (BDHS) between the ages of 16 and 49?years. Results indicate that among the subsample of 805 respondents, 29.3% sought help for IPV. Multivariate logistic regression revealed that women who were employed all year round were significantly more likely and microfinance participants were marginally more to seek help for IPV than women who were not engaged in income-generating activities. Implications are discussed.  相似文献   

Determinants of Women's Entry into Self–Employment   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Objective . Building on recent studies that have shown how employment– and family–related characteristics are uniquely intertwined in facilitating women's decisions to work for themselves, I examine the process of transitions into self–employment among white, African–American, and Hispanic women. Methods . This study analyzes data from the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth, a national probability sample of those born between 1957 and 1964, which allows me to apply a dynamic model for studying women's employment transitions. Results . Regardless of race or ethnicity, factors such as work experience and the presence of a spouse encourage women to become self–employed. At the same time, the distributions of these characteristics for African–American women, and to a lesser extent Latinas as well, significantly account for their slower entry into self–employment. The effect of children on women's entry into self–employment, which earlier studies often found to be positive, especially among whites, is mixed. Conclusions . These findings reveal significant racial/ethnic differences in the process of female self–employment and also call into question the view that self–employment allows working mothers to better combine their careers with family responsibilities than does wage/salary sector employment.  相似文献   

Surveys have shown that one in four women in the United States experiences intimate partner violence in her lifetime. Interpersonal violence has demonstrated negative effects on a victim's health and well-being. Yet research on interventions aimed at treating the psychosocial effects of this experience is limited. The purpose of the research reported here is to deepen our understanding of the impact of group-based interventions for treating this population. Specifically, this study looks at two different group models to determine their effectiveness in treating two widely recognized effects of intimate partner violence: increased depression and lowered self-esteem.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to explore women’s strategic responses to physical violence perpetrated by an intimate partner. Twenty women from a rural area of the Narshingdi district in the Dhaka division of Bangladesh who experienced physical violence at home participated in the study. Development of the interview protocol and data analysis were carried out by applying the consensual qualitative research (CQR) method. The results showed that several themes, such as women’s responses to intimate partner violence, arose from the data. First, coping strategies to pre‐violent events included three themes: (i) leaving the scene; (ii) trying to divert attention; and (iii) preparing to protest. Women’s strategic responses to violent events consisted of four themes: (i) leaving the scene; (ii) remaining silent or no giving response; (iii) seeking help from others; and (iv) protesting against the violence. Lastly, women’s strategic responses to post‐violent events consisted of three themes: (i) temporary abstinence; (ii) verbally abusive behavior to family members; and (iii) going to the parental home. Given the findings of this study, we conclude by suggesting that more work is needed to better understand effective strategies and to draw women to institutional services to prevent violence to a greater extent.  相似文献   

This study examines factors associated with suicidal ideation among women abused in intimate partner relationships. Data were collected from the case records of 95 women screened upon in‐person contact with admissions workers in a domestic violence shelter in one Midwestern state. Forty‐three percent of the women reported suicidal ideation as significantly associated with childhood sexual abuse, childhood physical abuse, and adulthood intimate partner abuse lasting fewer than 12 months in duration. The results have policy and practice implications for those interested in the mental health needs of women abused in childhood and adulthood. Implications for research are presented that more precisely identify how the effects of past and current traumatic experiences intersect and contribute to suicidal ideation among women abused in intimate relationships.  相似文献   

Sweden is famous for its high rates of female employment and fertility. This study uses longitudinal data from a nationwide Swedish company for 1983–1987 to address the role of the national parental leave program in facilitating women's combination of childbearing and paid work. In particular, we study how Swedish women used the options of paid parental leave (full time or part time), unpaid leave and reduced hours after childbirth. The flexibility and generosity of the program makes it possible for women to choose the combination of program usage and paid work that fits their family and work situation. We identify five distinctly different patterns of program usage (strategies) that are also found to differ in their determinants. For example, women who plan another child are more likely to stretch out their leave longer, and those older and more educated choose strategies that imply a quicker return to work.  相似文献   


The purpose of this study was to assess the relationship between attitudes towards intimate violence, knowledge about causality and preferred societal reaction to the phenomena among Israeli Arab social workers. One hundred thirty (130) Arab Israeli social workers were drawn randomly from the National Social Work registry and completed the “Attitudes of professionals towards intimate violence” questionnaire. SSA (Smallest Space Analysis) was performed. Findings show that most Arab Israeli social workers viewed the men as responsible for woman battering. The correlational structure of both attributed causality and perceived societal response to woman battering displays a continuum: at one end, causes of violence are attributed to men, while at the other end we find, in smaller proportion, items which tend to blame the woman. Those who blame men tend to favor a punitive response and those who blame the women or both spouses tend to see intimate violence as a private matter, which requires no intervention. Double axial partition of the SSA map confirmed our hypothesis. Implications for social work with minority groups are suggested.  相似文献   

This article explores the lives of two Andamanese women, both of whom the British called “Tospy.” The first part of the article takes an indigenous and gendered perspective on early British colonization of the Andamans in the 1860s, and through the experiences of a woman called Topsy stresses the sexual violence that underpinned colonial settlement as well as the British reliance on women as cultural interlocutors. Second, the article discusses colonial naming practices, and the employment of Andamanese women and men as nursemaids and household servants during the 1890s–1910s. Using an extraordinary murder case in which a woman known as Topsy-ayah was a central witness, it argues that both reveal something of the enduring associations and legacies of slavery, as well as the cultural influence of the Atlantic in the Bay of Bengal. In sum, these women's lives present a kaleidoscope view of colonization, gender, networks of Empire, labor, and domesticity in the Bay of Bengal.  相似文献   

Although women's status has improved remarkably in the 20th century in many societies, women continue to lack access to power and leadership compared with men. This issue reviews research and theory concerning women's leadership. The articles included in the issue provide evidence of bias in the evaluation of women, discuss effects of gender stereotypes on women's influence and leadership behaviors, and evaluate strategies for change. This introductory article provides a brief summary of changes in women's status and power in employment and education and the absence of change at the upper echelons of power in organizations. Also included is an outline of the contributions of the other articles in the issue.  相似文献   

通过对"第二期中国妇女社会地位调查"所获得的数据进行分析,本文认为在作为社会弱势群体的女性群体中,相比于城市女性,农村女性处于更加弱势的地位。本文认为城乡差异影响了女性就业的许多方面,诸如工作性质、工作单位类型、就业途径获得渠道等。  相似文献   

In this article we report on the research findings from our exploratory study examining connections between Australian responses to two important social issues: domestic violence and employment. Although international literature particularly from North America, comprehensively addresses the connections between domestic violence and employment, there is a paucity of Australian research on this topic. Intrigued by this as both practitioners and researchers, we sought to discover whether the problems, solutions and conclusions addressed internationally were relevant to an Australian context. The result was a unique contribution to Australian knowledge and practice where we demonstrate the applicability of some aspects of North American approaches to Australia and document innovative local practices in the field. In this article we argue for a more comprehensive approach in responses to the connections between domestic violence and employment as an alternative pathway out of poverty for women affected by domestic violence.  相似文献   

70-90% of Africans still live in rural areas, and 25-30% of rural households are headed by women. Standards of living in rural areas are lower than in urban areas. Rural African women's involvement in development is in its initial stages, and social development for women is likely to be slow. Increasing women's opportunities for education is a means of promoting social justice and fairness. Schools should offer courses of practical value for those not planning on higher education and special programs and career counseling for gifted girls. Women's organizations, African leaders, and other influential parties should aggressively create awareness about the oppressive aspects of traditional attitudes, beliefs, and views about women. Laws on ownership of property, inheritance, access to credit, and employment must be equitable and enforced. Consciousness-raising among rural women is an effective means of encouraging rural women to seek and assume new roles and for questioning unreasonable expectations and norms. Women's professional associations serve important functions and fulfill the need for role models. The quality of rural women's life is effectively improved through formulation of policies relevant to women's needs and problems and improve rural conditions. Women should have fair representation at local and national levels of government. Women's role in agriculture is likely to be enhanced through improved transportation systems, electricity supply, and introduction of intermediate technology. This assessment of rural African women's contributions to economic growth emphasizes women's involvement in farming and the informal sector and their lack of equal remuneration or low wages. Illiteracy places women in a disadvantaged position when competing for employment in the formal sector. Lack of access to credit and limits on credit are other obstacles in the informal sector. The reduced participation of rural women in the formal and informal sector is due to lack of economic power, limited educational opportunities, and policies that place industry in urban areas. Social development that reduces illiteracy and poverty should be encouraged.  相似文献   

Peacebuilding is frequently viewed in terms of post-conflict societal reconstruction without consideration of cultural context and gender. Using a feminist participatory methodology, this study investigated South African women's understandings of peacebuilding and how these are mediated by gender and context. Sixteen women engaged in dialogue over 2 days. Thematic analysis of the recorded dialogue provided insight into how the 16 South African women leaders understand their efforts to build a more peaceful society. The findings pointed to gender- and context-specific aspects of peacebuilding. Most of participants' peacebuilding activities occurred outside of the aegis of national governmental institutions and their peacebuilding priorities focused less upon structural rebuilding and more on processes, people, and relationships. One of the important priorities was the prevention of violence toward women. Whether these findings are gender-specific and contextually unique are topics for future research.  相似文献   

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