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DEAR EDITOR, I am a Nepalese woman and work in Hong Kong right now. Our organization, the Committee for Asian Women, is receiving your publication Women of China. Personally, however, I would like to get Beijing Review and Social  相似文献   

This paper reports an investigation of the hypothesis that the meaning of love is different for different people. Six distinct concepts of love were isolated by using Smallest Space Analysis procedure. Ideal types of the six different styles of loving were constructed, following the work of Lee. The clinical implications of the findings were discussed, and a procedure for the management of cases involving incongruous concepts of love was proposed.  相似文献   

We hypothesized that (a) when people share a meaningful story, as opposed to when they share information, they make their partner listen well, and (b) that narrative-induced listening is positively associated with speakers’ psychological safety and negatively associated with their social anxiety. In Study 1 (N = 45), we showed that a meaningful story is perceived much more as a narrative and higher in narrative quality than two types of informational-discourses (telling about daily routine and describing buildings). In Study 2 (N = 52), we randomly asked participants to either share a meaningful story or tell about their daily routine. The participants sharing a meaningful story reported that their interlocutor was a better listener, d = 0.61, 95% CI |0.32, 0.92|. In Study 3 (N = 42), we compared the effect of sharing a meaningful story to describing buildings, and replicated the results of Study 2, d = 1.10, 95% CI |0.61, 1.59|. Moreover, we found that the perceived listening, which was induced by the narrative, mediated the manipulation effects on psychological safety, and social anxiety. Thus, we concluded that when speakers share meaningful stories they make their partner listen well and consequently experience higher psychological safety and lower feelings of social anxiety.  相似文献   

Preliminaries to Preliminaries: "Can I Ask You a Question?"   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  

On July 28th, 1997, An Jinpeng, a senior high school student of grade three of Tianjin No. 1 Middle School, won a gold medal in the 38th International Mathematics Olympiad, held in Argentina. The following story by Zhang Youde is about how his mother brought him up.  相似文献   

This exploratory study examined whether social learning increases similarity in adolescent siblings’ behavior and neural patterns during risky decision making. Participants included 86 adolescents (43 sibling dyads; younger siblings: Mage = 12.2 years; 22 females; older siblings: Mage = 14.6 years; 20 females) who completed questionnaires, and a decision‐making task during an fMRI scan. Younger siblings became more similar to their older siblings’ risky decision making after observing their older sibling take risks). Younger siblings who reported greater modeling of their older sibling, and less differentiation from them, showed increased neural similarity to their older siblings in the ventromedial prefrontal cortex, and the right anterior insula and ventral striatum, respectively. These findings highlight siblings as salient social agents in how adolescents process risky decision making.  相似文献   

Nous examinons les attitudes des Canadiens entre 1965 et 1990 afin d'établir l'ampleur et l'orientation du changement d'attitudes devant des enjeux qui produisent généralement des différences d'opinions entre hommes et femmes. Nous observons de plus en plus d'écarts d'opinions entre les deux sexes en ce qui concerne la force et la violence, et la sécurité sociale, mais non le féminisme et l'égalité. Les plus grandes différences se trouvent chez les jeunes, les personnes ayant étudiéà l'université et les individus qui ont un emploi. De plus, les divergences d'opinions entre les deux sexes quant aux enjeux féministes surgissent lorsque ces variables sont contrôlées. Nous en concluons que l'évolution des différences d'opinions entre hommes et femmes est influencée par l'interaction entre le changement des rôles et la socialisation en raison du féminisme et nous suggérons que les jeunes, l'éducation et l'emploi contri-buent à la création d'une conscience commune chez les femmes. We examine Canadian attitudes between 1965 and 1990 to determine the magnitude and direction of attitudinal change on traditional gender gap producing issues. We discover growing differences in aggregate attitudes towards force and violence and social welfare, but not feminism and equality. The greatest gender gaps appear among young, university-educated, and employed people. Furthermore, gender gaps on feminist issues appear with controls for these variables. We conclude that changing gender gaps result from the interaction of role change and socialization by the women's movement and suggest that youth, education and paid employment combine to create a gender consciousness among women.  相似文献   

当西方误读中国之时,她挺身而出,在她面前没有文化的鸿沟、没有厚厚的坚冰.她的优雅、睿智、坚韧和干练,让鸿沟成了桥梁,让坚冰成为活水。傅莹,这位曾被外媒评价为“善于发挥智慧和魅力攻势的大使”,被任命为外交部副部长之后,再次吸引着公众的注意力。  相似文献   

I'M still young, but I've experienced a lot emotionally; I've been married twice and had extramarital affairs. Thinking back on the past, I was really a fool back then, continually mired in confusion. I had my first love affair about 10 years ago when I was a university student, and didn't know much about life.  相似文献   

Sociologist Mabel Agnes Elliott was elected the fourth president of the Society for the Study of Social Problems in 1956–1957 and was the first woman to hold this position. She was an anti-war activist, a feminist and a creative and diligent writer. Yet she experienced many challenges. The Federal Bureau of Investigation kept an active file on Elliott for approximately 30 years, she was the victim of discrimination by her male colleagues at the University of Kansas where she spent much of her career and Professor Robert E. L. Faris used many of the ideas from her Social Disorganization textbook without attribution. In spite of her research productivity her salary was frozen for 18 years. Once she began teaching women at Chatham College she found an institution that appreciated her many talents and rewarded her appropriately. Even so, in a male-dominated discipline, her contributions to criminology and social disorganization have been nearly forgotten.  相似文献   

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