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The communication of organizational values and their relation to employee outcomes is evaluated between two departments within a Health Care Organization. Organizational values that are congruent with employees' values have been shown to increase employee satisfaction, commitment, and performance outcomes. This article discusses how values are defined and different ways that values can be communicated to acquire improved organizational outcomes. Past research on values within organizations is reviewed.

Questions from the Organizational Culture Survey and the Communication Satisfaction Questionnaire are combined to measure employee satisfaction, morale, and perceived involvement in decision making. The organization provided data on employee absenteeism, turnover, and performance ratings. An analysis of the results indicates employees in departments that have clearly defined and communicated organizational values perceive they are more involved in the organization and more participatory in decision making. Implications of the results for organizations are detailed.  相似文献   

As the environment within which organizations act continues to change and becomes increasingly competitive, maintaining an organizational climate that supports change and encourages creativity is a key objective for organizational leaders. This article examines the relationship between leadership style (transformational, transactional, laissez‐faire) and members' perceptions of the psychological climate for organizational change readiness and psychological climate for organizational creativity. Results indicate that transformational leaders have a direct positive relationship with psychological climate for organizational change readiness and organizational creativity, while laissez‐faire leaders have a negative relationship.  相似文献   

The Organizational Niche   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Although the concept of niche has been extremely useful in sociological theory and research, some aspects of the concept have not been clearly developed. This article advances a theoretical reconstruction of the concept of niche, with special application to organizations. The proposed formal model unifies several active lines of sociological theory. It also extends the notion of the niche from the realm of behaviors to apply to the rules coding social identities and organizational forms. The reconstruction gives deeper insight into the niche of an organizational population as well as individual organizations. Finally, the model analyzes the (thus far) tacit assumption that niches are convex, examines the implications of convexity for commonly used measures of niche width, and provides a general sociological argument for the predominance of convex niches.  相似文献   

This paper develops the construct oforganizational hope as a methodological imperative forstudying and strengthening organizations. It calls onorganizational scholars and practitioners to move beyond the critical impulse by advancing texturedvocabularies of hope that affirm the best and mostpromising dimensions of social and organizational lifeand provide a moral image of the future to guidecollective action. This can be accomplished by defininghopeful research agendas and choosing methods of inquirythat explore and illuminate the hopes and aspirations ofa broad range of organizational members. After clarifying the concept of textured vocabulariesof hope, this paper undertakes a thorough analysis ofhope by tracing the construct throughout the Westernintellectual tradition, highlighting four of hope'senduring qualities, and offering a set of propositionsthat extends the implications of organizational hope toour task as scholars and practitioners.  相似文献   

Understanding the processes through which employees incorporate the organization’s identity into their own identity is critical to building positive employer-employee relationships. We draw primarily on organizational support theory to advance the argument that psychological contract breach is negatively related to organizational identification and positively related to organizational disidentification because it makes employees believe that their organizations do not value their contributions or care about their well-being (reduces perceived organizational support). Results from two studies generally provide support for our hypotheses: in Study 1, perceived organizational support fully mediated the relationship between psychological contract breach and organizational identification. In Study 2, Time 2 perceived organizational support fully mediated the relationship between Time 1 relational psychological contract breach (e.g., promises related to training, development, job security) and organizational identification, but not the relationship between transactional psychological contract breach (e.g., promises related to pay and work hours) and organizational identification. Time 2 perceived organizational support partially mediated the relationship between relational psychological contract breach and organizational disidentification, but not the relationship between transactional psychological contract breach and organizational disidentification. We conclude that organizations should be concerned with this erosion of the positive employer-employee relationship (organizational identification) and fostering of a negative employer-employee relationship (disidentification).  相似文献   

This study is a discussion of change strategies:the contextual aspects of change and the rhetoric ofchange. Change is analyzed along two dimensions: (1) thecontext of the change initiative in the organization, (2) the relations of the change project to theinstitutional environment. Four cases are used asexamples of inducing change in municipal services. Thefour cases are part of a national reform project. In Norway, municipalities are importantinstitutions both as arenas for political decisions butalso as decentralized instruments for distributing localservices. The main purpose of the reform project was to achieve better adjusted services throughmore interdisciplinary work and local responsibility.Change efforts may be forced on the organization, e.g.,by laws, instructions, and frame budgets or they may be triggered by different voluntarymechanisms. The idea of isomorphismdescribes a passive or incremental adaptation tosignals and from structure imposed by theenvironment. The idea of eruptive change implies enactmentand entrepreneurship in relation to the environmentbased on signals from within. The contexts for change atdifferent levels in the municipality are associated with different rhetorics. Context variablesdescribe the situation or background on which the changeinitiatives are interpreted by the institutional actors.The rhetoric of change is the symbolic expression which defines the change process.  相似文献   

The traditional formulation of symbols asbundles of meaning has supported manyfine-grained analyses of organizational culture.However, it tends to obscure deeper psychodynamicelements that are essential to shaping how culture forms,develops, and dies. This paper adapts the idea ofholding environment from Winnicott, Kegan,and others to sketch the potential contribution of such a psychodynamic perspective. An illustrativecase is presented to support the argument.  相似文献   

This study examines women's conceptualization of the pervasive construct of organizational justice. A comprehensive four factor model was used to represent organizational justice while outcome variables were the important employee attitudes of job satisfaction, organizational commitment and turnover intentions. Structural equation modelling was used to analyse responses from 301 male and 147 female respondents. Differences were found for procedural, interpersonal and informational justices. It would appear female and male employees have differing responses to perceptions of justice. Justice had a diffuse effect for males, but not for females. For men, interpersonal justice predicted an increase in organizational commitment while procedural justice predicted a decrease in turnover intentions. For female employees, informational justice was found to increase commitment and reduce turnover intentions. The study highlights the need for all justice factors to be considered and for sex differences to be considered in future justice research.  相似文献   

Some psychological theorists claim that the worker's level of intrinsic motivation or alienation stems from the meeting between universal drives and personality characteristics and the material attributes of job tasks. Social theorists—focusing on organizational socialization and cultural practices—emphasize the firm's capacity to manipulate the meaning of a task independent of its material qualities. This social construction of a task's meaning may shape the intrinsic rewards a worker associates with it. Little empirical evidence exists that clarifies the conditions under which the psychological or the social model holds, particularly the conditions under which socialization practices within the firm can shape the worker's level of intrinsic motivation associated with specific tasks. We argue that the intrinsic value associated with a task is determined by its centrality to and fit with the organization's normative social and technical structure. Based on a study of eighty-four staff members within a bureaucratic organization we found that workers perceived high levels of intrinsic value for tightly controlled and routine tasks when the firm's rationalized methods of organizing were seen as legitimate. This interaction operated independently of the direct (usually negative) influence of task control on intrinsic value. A contingency model of intrinsic motivation is proposed, taking into account both the material structure of a work task and its fit with the firm's social and technical structure. Here the perceived legitimacy of the organization's structure conditions whether tightly controlled and routine tasks are viewed as alienating or as intrinsically motivating.  相似文献   

VOLUNTAS: International Journal of Voluntary and Nonprofit Organizations - This study addresses a major challenge the nonprofit sector is facing: low organizational commitment from employees. In...  相似文献   

Current explanations undertheorize success across the broad stages of innovation, which include product invention, development, implementation, and success. While existing scholarship typically examines one, sometimes two, of these stages, innovation must be viewed more broadly with success resulting from the involvement of a wide range of actors including the firm, alliance partner, and overall network. In this article, I apply a network perspective to explain success across these stages. The argument I develop is that different types of networks are more relevant to certain stages of innovation. Network activity that increases from lower to higher levels of analysis is associated with success across the stages of innovation. Specifically, firm inventors influence product invention, successful product development and implementation are associated with dyadic‐level relationships between strategic alliance partners, and product success is impacted by a firm's central location in its entire network of strategic alliances. Results from regression models provide broad support for network approach advocated in this article.  相似文献   

Total Quality Management has been a driving force in Japanese business and industry for four decades and has demonstrated considerable success. U.S. corporations are now embracing the concept. There are significant organizational and cultural diferences between the two countries that must be taken into account however. Some of these differences are significant and will require flexibility and innovation on he part of U.S. firms if they are to realize the full benefit of TQM initiatives as has been the case with Japanese companies. There are also cultural differences that are so far removed from the U.S. experience that we may discover in a final analysis that the TQM model in the U.S. will not be the same as that developed by the Japanese.  相似文献   

This paper reviews the goal approach and the system resource approach to the study of organizational effectiveness. First, the goal approach is defended with respect to criticisms made by the users of the system resource approach. Next it is criticized for its failure to develop general measures of effectiveness. The system resource approach is then criticized because optimization is not measured, few general measures are used, and the basic rule of mutual exclusiveness is seriously violated. Finally, a general measure of effectiveness is suggested, based on Georgopoulos and Mann's (1962) study of community general hospitals.  相似文献   

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