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高素质的金融人才和管理人才日益成为银行业人才竞争的焦点,这就需要对员工所具有的潜力进行激励。知识工资是指当员工获得与工作相关的新知识和新技能,并做出提高工作绩效的行为时,企业对其给予的奖励。知识工资体系的设计要注意知识的广度和深度的问题。  相似文献   

略论知识价值与知识创新的动力   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文从理论与实践的角度对知识介入经济后的知识价值进行了新的阐述,并在阐明知识创新与知识价值的实现和知识经济发展的关系基础上,阐发了知识创新的前导性动力——理念;知识创新的保障性动力——体制;知识创新的主导性动力——人才等重要观点,从而为重新提升知识价值与认识知识创新的动力提供了价值基础与意义坐标。  相似文献   

林雁 《阅江学刊》2010,(2):128-136
社会进步赋予公众更多的休闲时间,也赋予休闲更多的知识内涵,进步的社会观念推动公众选择高雅的休闲,因此,休闲活动的知识化是社会进步的必然要求。随着科学技术的发展,教育与其他知识活动都趋向休闲化,提供知识服务的公共场所,也越来越休闲化,而且必定在科技高度发达的未来社会里能够做到真正休闲化,因此,知识活动的休闲化是科技发展的必然结果。人类文明的发展方向是全社会成员都享有高度的自由,都能全面发展,并处于高度和谐的社会关系中,这需要通过知识休闲去实现。知识休闲必将成为全社会都享有的生活形态,知识休闲的社会化是人类文明发展的必然方向。  相似文献   

知识流程外包业的界定及功能研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
知识流程外包是服务外包的高端部分.知识流程外包业是指以知识市场交换为前提,通过专业化知识生产,为其他个体和组织提供高知识附加值的公司和组织.知识流程外包业具有促进知识经济发展、支持新兴产业、培育国家创新能力、缩小技术水平差距、吸收和鼓励创新型人才发展、提升区域竞争活力等功能.对知识流程外包产业基本理论研究与界定具有重要的理论意义和现实迫切性.  相似文献   

“知识发展战略”是应对知识经济挑战的产物,它正在成为企业、区域乃至国家发展战略的普遍选择。本文提出,知识发展战略是以知识为基础的发展战略;知识发展战略的本质在于“知识创新”;知识发展战略的核心是人才战略;知识发展战略的主要内容是“学习”和创建“学习型组织”。文章最后对我国实施知识发展战略的基本问题进行了初步的探讨。  相似文献   

廖建厦 《创新》2007,1(4):57-60
乡土知识教育对提高大学生文化素质和培养爱国主义精神有重要的作用。切实开展乡土知识教学,不仅可以开拓视野、丰富学生知识,还可以激发学生学习的兴趣,强化学生"爱我家乡"的情感,提高为地方服务的能力,对建设和谐广西有着重要的人才战略意义。  相似文献   

知识经济是未来社会经济发展的主要经济形态 ,它不仅代表着经济发展的趋向 ,而且能够将知识与经济紧密结合 ,从而对人才素质提出了新的要求 ,要求人才必须具备知识创新的能力、终身学习的能力、运用知识的能力 ,以及道德自律的能力。  相似文献   

知识作为企业竟争优势的根本来源,它在跨国公司内部母公司与海外子公司之间的有效转移,将是跨国公司在日益激烈的全球竞争中立于不败之地的关健所在.从20世纪90年代以来,跨国公司内部的知识转移成为战略管理、跨国公司管理、知识管理和能力管理研究领城共同关注的热点问题.跨国公司内部知识转移的理论研究可以归纳为跨国公司存在机制学派、跨国公司内部知识转移的行为学派、跨国公司内部知识转移的影响因素学派、跨国公司内部知识转移的工具学派四大理论学派.每一理论学派分别从不同的角度对跨国公司内部知识转移的存在原因、知识转移过程、知识转移影响机制和促进知识转移的工具等方面进行了研究.跨国公司内部知识转移理论对中国政府和企业有效应对跨国公司的全球知识转移行为,以及中国企业在跨国经营中有效管理全球知识转移均有重要的借鉴意义.  相似文献   

许培春 《社科纵横》2012,(7):131-132
新时期社会进入知识经济时代,随着网络时代、数字图书馆的建立,使图书馆资料中心的职能由以图书馆为中心,转变为以读者用户为中心;由文献服务为中心转变为以信息服务为中心;由信息服务为中心最终转变为以知识服务为中心。因此新时期图书文献的管理也就自然而然地过渡到知识管理的层面。由于新的技术环境和服务模式的变化改变了图书馆的传统角色,对图书馆员提出了更高的要求,因此培养和造就一大批知识丰富、才能全面的复合型人才就显得尤为重要。  相似文献   

新型工业化进程中知识员工管理的思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
陈庆玲 《社科纵横》2009,24(1):43-44
长期以来,由于受多种因素的影响,新疆人才大量流失,人才管理声誉不佳,“孔雀东南飞”的现象一直没有得到很好的遏制。新疆新型工业化战略的提出和实施丰富了西部大开发的内容,传统的以开发自然资源为经济发展依赖途径的做法正被开发和提升智力因素所替代。本文拟从知识员工的特征入手,分析新疆新型工业化进程中知识员工管理存在的问题。并就知识员工管理改善做粗浅探讨。  相似文献   

同工业经济一样 ,知识经济也存在区域发展不平衡问题。我国不同地区之间社会经济发展水平存在的极大差异 ,决定了知识经济必须从少数发达大城市起步 ,北京在这方面更具优势。论文从北京经济发展水平、知识产业规模、科研和教育实力、区域创新能力和人才资源等方面 ,对北京发展知识经济的有利条件进行了全面分析。指出 ,北京率先进入知识经济时代 ,既是北京自身发展的内在要求 ,也是国家整体知识经济发展战略的需要 ,是北京应当和可以肩负的重大历史责任  相似文献   

The early twentieth century has been regarded as a crucial period in the development of planning in Britain during which the key elements of the modern profession were put in place. At the time, planners represented their practice as a progressive answer to the environmental legacies of the Victorian era, capable of contributing decisively to the social and political reform of British society. Existing histories dealing with the subject uniformly locate planning within a historical trajectory that emphasizes its links with philanthropic experiment, reformism and the growth of the welfare state. This article scrutinizes such key propositions in order to show some of the ways that planning can be located within an alternative historical trajectory in which questions of orderliness, expert knowledge and government emerge to take priority. It examines the presence of rivalry among early professionals, the methodological commitment to civic surveying and the way planners sought to make use of the interconnections between space and social life to wield power over the environment and the private lives of urban dwellers.  相似文献   

Influenced by its historical beginnings, the production and modelling of knowledge in social work has become a small but diverse field. Ten key models exploring the nature of knowledge and its production in social work are reviewed against significant ideas from the interdisciplinary knowledge production literature beyond social work. In so doing, the place of holistic approaches to modelling the knowledge production process within social work and the human services is highlighted. It is argued that despite the number of models that attempt to describe the knowledge production process, there is scope for a more comprehensive, holistic, complex approach to modelling knowledge production in social work and the human services.  相似文献   

刘静  罗佐宪 《唐都学刊》2004,20(6):95-98
西部地区作为一个重要区域,其产业结构的优化,不仅是西部地区各方面(经济、社会、资源与环境)协调发展的前提条件,更是全国产业结构优化的有机组成部分,是促进整个国民经济协调发展、各民族共同繁荣进步的重要保证。解放后,在不同的历史时期,由于国际国内诸多方面因素的影响,西部地区在全国产业结构总体布局中充当的角色也在不断地发生着变化,但其发展变化的轨迹并不是按照比较优势、规模经济和区域分工原则来运行的。  相似文献   

Traditionally, developmental psychology has been characterized by two approaches, one predominantly social and the other, cognitive. Despite this separatism, develop-mentalists have expressed the need for a better understanding of how these two facets of the person interact - a need for a better account of development within the person as a whole. However, such an integration has been difficult given the incompatibility of underlying assumptions guiding these two areas of inquiry. James Mark Baldwin's integration of social and cognitive development into one theory highlights the utility of historical analyses for further progress in the field. In this paper, Baldwin's dialectical theory of personal growth is placed in historical context, highlighting similarities and differences between his approach and that taken by Piaget, and the legacy of his theory in current theory and research. The importance of self, the development of knowledge in the context of social relationships and the function of imitation are emphasized.  相似文献   

关于中国人口老龄化的理论思考   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
人口老龄化是人类社会发展的历史必然,而中国人口老龄化进程的特殊性在于中国的加速老龄化是自觉的历史选择。对中国人口老龄化有诸多隐忧无可厚非,但中国应对老龄化也存在后发优势。社会经济的发展、科技的进步、平均寿命的延长使得中国可以克服应对老龄化的悲观思维。为此,我们需要更新发展观念,重新认识老年人价值,调动全社会的积极性,制定应对老龄化的战略。  相似文献   

Natural materialism, humanistic materialism and historical materialism are the three historical forms of materialism. The “material” in historical materialism is a social thing which is “perceptible and imperceptible by the senses” and connotes social relations; and the “history” in historical materialism is the realm in which contradictions between man and nature and between man and society are able to unfold, so historical materialism is “actually a critical view of the world” that inherently contains dialectics in a “rational form.” The formulation of historical materialism opened a new path for the development of materialism and even philosophy as a whole. In the course of its critique of capitalist society, which unfolds with capital as a core category, historical materialism sublates abstract existence and discovers real social existence, thus putting an end to metaphysics, which is grounded in abstract ontology.  相似文献   

Psychoanalysis: Its Image and Its Public is a perfect illustration of Tarde's claim that ‘beautiful’ should be reserved for ideas that lead to a discovery of more ideas and to an invention that we can judge as fruitful for the future. The article examines the influence of the book in geographical, historical and scientific contexts and traces the development and diffusion of the theory of social representations throughout four periods. The article highlights the difference between the first edition in 1961, and the second one in 1976, and it examines the development of Moscovici's ideas over time. The first edition of Psychoanalysis, based on the criticism of sociology of knowledge, underlines common sense as a new object of study, attempting to capture complex social phenomena. It shows common sense as a legitimate object of study that interweaves social, cultural and individual dimensions in the constitution of social reality. The 1976 edition emphasises that language and communication and its role in the theory of social knowledge. The book has had manifold impact on new areas of study. An overview of international research in social representations shows how this work has inspired scholars all over the world, has lead to creating Schools of research and to innovative proposals not only in terms of domains that have been studied but also in terms of theoretical models and methodological concerns.  相似文献   

文化的辩证法及社会的文化规范   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
胡存之 《求是学刊》2001,28(3):27-32
马克思关于人的辩证发展三阶段理论确立了文化发展的三种基本形态 :群体性文化、个体性文化、类主体性文化 ,三种文化形态规定了三种基本的社会类型 :农业社会、工业社会、知识社会 ,与三种社会类型相对应的经济形态是 :农业经济、工业经济、知识经济。其中人是根本 ,而社会却直接地与文化紧密联系。当前中国的社会转型有三重文化背景 :个体性文化是主体文化背景 ,类主体性文化是前瞻性文化背景 ,群体性文化是历史性文化背景。中国社会的发展必须与三重文化的本质规范相统一。  相似文献   

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