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张彦 《现代交际》2014,(10):79-80
政务微博是政府践行信息公开和开展微博问政的又一个信息平台,是运用网络技术处理政务的活动,是网络问政的一种表现形式。在实践过程中,政务微博发展呈现出"虚热"和"作秀"现象以及发展不平衡、专业化运营能力薄弱、内容失范,缺乏互动和反馈、信息发布技巧欠缺等问题,需要推进基础建设、加强制度保证、转变运作理念、提高服务意识、改进技巧、加强专业运营能力、融合媒体资源,强化媒体联动来实现政务微博的健康发展。  相似文献   

随着互联网技术的日新月异,微博作为一种新型社交网络平台,其影响力进一步扩大,中国的网络传媒已进入微博时代。微博的发展给政府危机公关与社会创新管理带来新的挑战和机会。本文在介绍微博与政府危机公关概念基础上,分析了微博时代下政府危机公关面临的挑战,并提出了各种对策。  相似文献   

以邯郸市为例,通过分析得出,政务微博在内容上仍然是以政府宣传为主导,而且存在更新不及时、与网民沟通频率低等问题,但同时也可以看出政务微博具有主动性和原创性的特点。[1]因此,笔者认为政府应建立一个有效的政绩考核机制,把政务微博纳入政绩考核的一部分,同时也应充分利用好新媒体的特性来营造畅通有效的社会传播机制。  相似文献   

上海政务微博影响力调查   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
张志安  贾佳 《科学发展》2011,(9):107-112
当前微博在越来越多的公共事件中发挥着设置议题、快速传播、社会动员等社会功能,“微博问政”渐成热点,政府机构和官员也相继开设微博,将其作为信息发布的渠道、为民服务的平台、了解民意的手段和官民互动的空间。鉴此通过相关社会调查,整体把握上海政务微博的基本现状和主要特点,探讨其可能存在的问题,并提出相关对策,以促进上海政务微博的健康发展。  相似文献   

政务微博的出现丰富了政治文化传播的方式,推动着政治社会化的进程,但网络社会的复杂性也给政务微博的建设提出了新的挑战。文章以政务微博为例,着眼于政治文化传播的新途径及其建设问题,在阐述政务微博的功能、特点及发展趋势的基础上,研究政务微博在政治文化传播中存在的问题,最后提出引导政务微博良性运行的对策和建议。  相似文献   

随着微博等新媒体的发展,网络新媒体意见领袖在公共事件中的影响力不断加大,对青年群体的影响更加广泛、深刻,对政府的危机公关提出了更多挑战。我国政府在应对网络新媒体意见领袖方面,大致上先后经历了放任不管、积极参与和规范秩序三个阶段。以微博意见领袖为例对几种有代表性的政府应对方式的研究认为,政府在公共事件中应对意见领袖时,必须要求各级官员更新思想观念,确立有针对性的领导体系,建立微博舆情的分析机制、引导机制和管理机制,并完善相关法律法规。  相似文献   

有人说,2011年是“政务微博”元年。这一年“政务微博”发展迅猛,根据腾讯微博官方统计,目前共有万余个政务机构以及公务员开通微博,遍布34个省级行政区划。其中,副厅及以上级别的机构和官员微博达266个,而在新浪微博,年初已通过实名认证的官员微博就已达1300个。无可质疑,我们正步入“微官”时代,官员们与普通网民一起,通过撬动微博这个微小杠杆,以无可阻挡之势改变了2011年的中国。  相似文献   

随着微博的兴起和发展,政府微博在我国方兴未艾,本文主要论述了政府微博的概念及其特征,并在此基础上提出了政府微博的功能。  相似文献   

微博影响力是衡量—个账号每天在微博江湖中影响力大小的数字,它可以通过您的发微博情况、被评论、转发的情况以及活跃粉丝的数量来综合评定一个账号的影响力大小。微博影响力推出后,粉丝将不再是评价微博的唯—标准。  相似文献   

2018年,江西省政府办公厅发布了进一步完善政务服务机制、提升政务服务效能的通知,提出"五型政府建设,强化各级政府服务能力和水平"的口号。为了响应省政府的号召,高安市亲清办积极推进了"最多跑一次"改革,从政务服务机制、并联审批范围、权力清单、监督问责、"互联网+政务服务"等方面具体入手,进一步规范政府和企业的交往合作,探索政府与企业合理交往的新路径,从而构建了亲而又清的肩并肩政商关系。  相似文献   

新型城镇化建设的融资需求已引起各方主体的高度重视,探索推出市政债券是其中一个重要举措。为此,当前应加快立法,加强法制建设,健全法律法规体系,完善相关法律制度;规范地方政府举债行为,强化对地方政府举债的市场约束,构建多元化的城镇化建设融资体系,建立可持续的城镇化建设融资机制;严格执行财经纪律,构建地方政府的财政信用,强化地方财政预算约束,提高地方财政预算执行的透明度;完善信用风险管理制度,加强信用风险管理,有效防范和控制市政债券的信用风险;制定市政债券投资的税收优惠政策,增强对投资者的吸引力,发展壮大投资者队伍。  相似文献   

名微博具有"裂变式"的传播路径、"去层级"的互动交流、"导向性"的名人舆论场等特点。利用浙江微博平台展开的舆情调查,着重了解名微博的舆论领域、舆论关注度、舆情态度、重要关注点、影响人群结构、舆情触发及传播机制等情况。名微博舆情传播的"涵化效应"推动了青年参与社会舆论,名微博舆情导向的"集聚效应"引导青年扩宽人际圈,名微博言论植入的"微博营销"引导青年改变消费观念。因此,从政府、用户、运营商3个角度完善体制机制、制度保驾护航,加强微博引导,完善平台管理,从而规范对青年的影响。  相似文献   

The affordance of microblogging services has made them an ideal tool for communicating risk and crisis. However, research on social media and risk communication is still in its infancy. This study, following the uses and gratifications framework, attempts to give some insight into the way micro-bloggers communicate about risk by investigating food safety communications on the microblogging service in China. A content analysis was conducted on 6186 microblog posts relating to 12 recent food safety incidents in China. A series of bivariate chi-square tests was conducted to test the association between micro-bloggers and gratifications. The results indicate that different types of micro-bloggers gratify different needs. Compared to other types of micro-bloggers, the general public tends to use microblogging to express opinions on food safety incidents, regulation and/or policy, rather than simply disseminating information; members of the public enjoy fewer multimedia affordances in their microblog posting but express more negative feelings. Although we anticipate growth in the use of social media in environmental health communication, caution is still needed: communication in China still follows a traditional top-down pattern.  相似文献   

Poor air quality has been affecting the Chinese people for many years due to the country’s speedy industrialization and urbanization. However, very few initiatives had been taken by civil society until 2011. The air pollution campaign between October 2011 and March 2012 initiated on a Chinese microblogging website, mobilized millions of citizens and effected policy change. It is often seen as a milestone in the chronology of public participation in China. Using process tracing, participant observations, framing analysis and in-depth interviews, the article analyses this campaign by revealing its major actors and frames mobilizing issue entrepreneurs and environmental publics. Our analysis generates two findings: first, microblogging platforms can greatly expand the networks of Chinese environmental activists by involving public figures and governmental agencies; second, the frame which links air pollution to health and appreciates governmental efforts is critical to the success of civic participation in China’s environmental governance.  相似文献   

The interactions between government, institutions, and Internet companies have gained attention in the research on the globalization of China’s Internet. However, few studies have been conducted at the company level, and the knowledge about the roles of government and institutions remains limited. Drawing on institutional theory, this empirical study explored the roles and mechanisms of government involvement and the institutional environment in the internationalization of Chinese Internet companies. The results indicated that government involvement could improve these companies’ degree of international breadth through both state ownership and governmental affiliation. However, the results showed that state ownership had a restraining function on their degree of international depth. In the context of institutional transition in China, these effects could vary according to whether Internet companies operate in good or poor institutional environments. By revealing these relationships, this study contributes to both the theoretical and the empirical understanding of governmental influence and institutional roots in the globalization of China’s Internet.  相似文献   

"微时代"是以微博等为传播媒介,以短小便捷作为文化传播特征的时代。社会主义核心价值体系是社会主义意识形态的本质体现,是全党全国各族人民团结奋斗的共同思想基础。构建面向青年群体的社会主义核心价值体系的传播路径,对于加强青年群体的社会主义核心价值体系教育、增强社会主义意识形态在青年群体中的吸引力和认同感具有十分重要的意义。  相似文献   

Since the 1990s, China has witnessed a rapid rise in urban contention, which has become increasingly apparent. This study proposes a co-empowerment model regarding the relationship between the Chinese media and contentious politics. It compares two recent cases of urban contention. On the one hand, protestors leverage media exposure to arouse public attention, organize action, and adjust their actions according to the information revealed by the media; on the other hand, the media are empowered to exploit the limited space in news coverage, protect their professional integrity, enhance their credibility, and develop close ties with the civil society. This mutually strengthening process is the most important feature of the co-empowerment model. The co-empowerment model influences the trajectories of contention and facilitates greater media autonomy in an authoritarian regime. This study's contribution is a thematic analysis of the co-empowering relationship between media and urban contention in illiberal states.  相似文献   

顾巧明 《科学发展》2013,(10):28-33
发行地方政府债券是地方政府筹措资金比较规范的途径,应逐步放开地方政府发债限制,引入市场化融资机制,允许符合条件的省级政府发行一定规模的地方债券。首先由财政部制定地方发行债券总规模控制指标,再由全国性信用评级机构评级后发行。允许地方政府发行债券,可以将贷款风险转化为显性的可控制的政府债务风险。通过债券发行等形式筹资建设的项目,往往具有相对较高的透明度以及相对较严格的自我约束;通过市场的监督机制,可以更有效地避免地方政府负债的非理性扩张。  相似文献   

当前出租车问题上争论的实质是:如何确定政府和市场的关系,也就是说在出租车发展和管理中如何确定政府的责任和市场的作用,以及在政府把经营权通过招标方式让渡给企业后,企业与司机之间如何进行权、责、利的安排。这实际上是中国改革过程中基本问题和方向性问题在出租车行业的具体反映,进一步说,在基本公共服务的方向和定位明确之后,如何完善我国准公共服务的管理体制改革就提上了议程。  相似文献   

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