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朱伟奇 《唐都学刊》2006,22(4):122-125
在西欧中世纪社会,贵族社会的价值观念是当时社会价值体系的核心部分,不仅对当时社会其他阶层的价值观念具有辐射影响作用,而且对近代资产阶级的价值观念也具有不可低估的影响作用。中世纪贵族把比武视为其事业和必须履行的责任;比武揭示了中世纪贵族对荣誉、英勇、慷慨品质追求的价值观念。  相似文献   

在文学价值观念的历史演变过程中,社会物质生活的变化在其中留下了深深的印迹,社会心理和社会文化结构在其中显现为某种同构形式。文学价值观念并不是某种单一的意识,它是一个多维度的综合性体系。其中各种层次的因素在结构上的不同比例、不同排列决定着整个文学价值观念体系的性质和变化。一种文学价值观念,当它为文学活动主体所掌握时,它也就掌握了文学活动主体,并引导他去进行文学创作或完成文学接受、文学批评活动,并对社会心理、社会文化产生巨大的反作用。  相似文献   

角色理论通过对角色行为改变和及其原因的研究,解释人类社会行为的改变。在角色理论分析的视野中,医院志愿者属于自致角色、规定性角色、表现性角色,从而决定了其规范性、无偿性、非功利性特征。在角色采择和角色扮演过程中,个人只有具备相应的认知能力和自知能力,并衍生成为合格的角色技能,持有正确的角色期待,方能顺利完成医院志愿者角色行为。为防止和纠正志愿者对于自身归属医方还是患方产生困惑、不了解志愿服务内容、对志愿服务产生负担思想、作出不称职行为等角色失调情况,可通过正确定位医院志愿者角色、清晰明确医院志愿者角色行为标准、合理安排志愿服务日程、及时疏导志愿者负面情绪、建立医院志愿者激励机制、提升志愿者自我价值认知等途径以完善医院志愿者角色塑造,充分发挥角色功效。  相似文献   

医务社会工作是体现医院人文服务的重要途径。以个案、小组、社区、义工等服务形式为主体的医务社会工作关注患者的心理情绪困扰,着重解决患者因疾病引起的各类心理与社会问题,实现真正意义上的"全人关怀"。构建医院人文服务体系是当前医院服务改革的方向,应把握医务社会工作的特点和医院人文服务体系的发展方向,发挥医务社会工作在构建医院人文服务体系中的重要作用。  相似文献   

民国时期,我国医院社会工作以北京协和医院为起点,逐渐发展到其他西方教会所办医院、民间慈善医院和政府公立医院,且在精神病防治领域也有所建树。早期医院社会工作者专业素质要求较高,在运用个案工作方法为病人提供综合“社会治疗”方面取得明显成效。随着国立医院社会服务部的成立,社会部主持编写相关著述,国民政府开始在医院社会工作中扮演重要角色。  相似文献   

医院的文化建设是医院管理永恒的主题,也是医院的“管理之魂”.作为与人民群众切身利益息息相关的民政医院,近年来,四川省乐山市精神病医院将以病人为中心的医院文化建设作为推进医院健康和谐发展的切入点,充分发挥医院文化建设在医院管理中的导向作用,不断积淀文化底蕴,丰富文化内涵,增加医院凝聚力,激励员工,提高素质,提高服务质量,树立起民政医院良好的社会形象,建立起了富有独特内涵和深厚底蕴的医院文化环境.  相似文献   

加强医院会计监督职能的探讨   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
会计监督在医院的经营服务和发展过程中起着决定性的而不是被动地挑毛病反映问题,是围绕医院的不断发展变化,着眼于提高医院的管理水平,使会计监督成为医院生存发展的内在动力要求和完成医院规划目标的重要措施。医院会计监督的目的是通过对医院会计行为的监督,保证会计信息质量,保证医院的经济活动合规合法,保证医院经济健康和可持续发展。  相似文献   

社会福利:中国社会的建构与福利制度创新路向   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
社会福利是社会科学研究与社会政策分析 核心概念之一。由于世界各国政治制度、经济 发展、社会结构和文化价值观念千差万别,在 社会福利观念上会形成不同社会理解。社会 福利观念反映现实福利制度安排,说明特定 时空处境下福利文化基本特征。本文首次将 中国社会对社会福利的社会建构概括为六种 取向,并分析中国社会福利制度的创新路向。  相似文献   

我国医疗服务行业进入市场经济以来,特别是加入WTO后,国有医院体制改革进入了攻坚阶段,即国有医院产权制度改革阶段。本文对北京市国有医院产权制度改革的目标、任务和其保障条件等进行了深入的探讨,旨在提醒北京市国有医院的管理者在医院产权制度改革的大潮中保持清醒的头脑,坚定信念,睿智操盘,使改革在政府的监管下健康有序地进行,最终实现建立现代医院制度的目标。  相似文献   

爱心护理工程是对高龄老人的特殊关怀的公益性事业.松堂关怀医院作为爱心护理工程的基地,他为高龄老人的个体生命创造的幸福感受、营造的社会沃母环境、社会伦理关怀和姑息医疗对高龄老人生命的尊重,体现出该工程的促进社会进步的人文价值.  相似文献   

In 2003, the Community Care (Delayed Discharges etc.) Act introduced charges for social services departments unable to discharge patients from hospital within agreed timescales. As details of this reimbursement policy have begun to emerge, it has become apparent that the new system may also be extended to mental health services. In response, this narrative review of the literature on delayed hospital discharges and mental health reports findings from 12 studies, which raise important and timely concerns about the feasibility of reimbursement. Although a significant number of people experience delayed discharges from acute psychiatric services, the task of defining delayed discharges is complex and subjective, dependent on the professional background and seniority of the person making the judgement. Reasons behind delayed discharges are also multi‐factorial in nature and cannot be attributed to social services departments alone.  相似文献   

闫洁  吴威威 《唐都学刊》2011,27(5):29-33
企业道德责任与企业社会责任既有区别也有联系。企业是与"利益相关者"携手的经济组织,也是因社会契约缔结而成的法人组织,又是自由意志和行为选择的伦理主体。要进行企业道德责任建设,首先要完善企业责任机制,强化基本道德责任,建立义利共生的伦理决策机制,制定制度化的道德责任规范,强化全方位的责任监督机制。其次要提升企业道德人格,践行积极道德责任,以提升管理者的道德责任感,培养以责任为核心的企业文化。  相似文献   

由于监督责任的缺位,导致一家没有注册过的“欧典”企业竟然公开通过虚假宣传和欺诈行为严重损害公众利益“。欧典事件”说明,监督责任的缺位是导致企业违法和政府失职的主要原因,其最终结果是政府公信力的破坏和公众利益的损害。因此,进一步通过建立健全包括公民责任和政府责任这两大责任体系的监督责任制度以确保公共利益的维护和实现就显得尤为迫切和必要。  相似文献   

Facilitating older service users’ requirements for accessto or re-engagement in social networks following hospital dischargeis recognized in social care analysis and policy as criticallyimportant. This is because of the associated benefits for restoringphysical health and psychological well-being. However, it tendsto be a neglected dimension of current social care/intermediatecare. Our paper draws on a qualitative study of voluntary sectorhospital aftercare social rehabilitation projects in five UKlocalities, which focused on addressing this issue. Throughexamining older service users’ feedback and experience,our study confirms the health benefits of social care facilitatingaccess to social networks at this crucial juncture. By providingsensitive interpersonal interaction, advocacy and ‘educational’assistance, social care workers supported older service users’re-engagement in a variety of networks. These included friendship,recreational and family groups, health care treatment programmesand locality based contacts and organizations. As a result,material, interpersonal and health care resources were accessed,which contributed to restoring and sustaining physical healthand psychological well-being. The process of such social carealso emerged as critical. This included ensuring that objectivesreflected service users’ priorities; integrating ‘low-level’home care; offering befriending; and challenging the pre-settime frame of intermediate care.  相似文献   


This paper discusses the initiation of an infant preschool child psychiatric consultation service in a tertiary level paediatric hospital, where there had been no service such as this in the past ten years. The case presented illustrates the complex nature of both feeding disorders in infants and the cases seen in this tertiary level institution. It also describes a parallel process: The mother who was uninvolved with her infant and the hospital that was indifferent to the child psychiatric-consultation service development process. An understanding of the psychodynamic aspects of the child, the mother, and the interactions between the medical team and the child psychiatrist were crucial to the success of the treatment. This psychodynamic understanding is also essential to the development of a continuing working relationship between the child psychiatric-consultation liaison service and the hospital.  相似文献   

皮湘林 《社会工作》2012,(12):14-17
社会工作机构的出现是中国社会工作职业化的一个发展,它为社会提供专业社会服务,也为多数的社会工作者提供就业岗位、工作机会、成长空间。社会工作机构独特的公益性质、伦理使命和伦理精神使得公共责任成为社会工作机构中的一个核心问题。社会工作机构公共责任的实现,是一个以制度规范为保障的内外部监督机制完成的他律过程,更是一个由他律走向由内在伦理精神驱动的自律过程。所以,需要建构多元共治的社会工作机构的责任体系。  相似文献   

This qualitative study analyzed the experience of community-based organizations (CBOs) implementing and sustaining the Bridge Model of Transitional Care, a social work-based health service intervention for reducing hospital readmissions. We conducted semi-structured interviews with clinical supervisors from 13 CBOs that received Bridge Model training between 2012 and 2015. CBOs faced significant challenges implementing and sustaining transitional care programs, particularly related to building effective and sustainable partnerships with hospitals. Additional barriers to program implementation and sustainability included financial barriers and staff turnover. Facilitators to implementation and sustainability included organizational champions, organizational culture, and value of evidence. Recommendations for CBOs to implement health service interventions include gaining early buy-in from hospital partners, creating a contractual arrangement with the hospital partner, understanding changes in health-care payment models, diversifying funding sources, developing an evaluation plan, and nurturing organizational champions.  相似文献   

This article is based on my study of rationality and language games in social work. The study focuses on the actors of social welfare and health care. Included are the heads and social workers of public welfare and health care agencies and institutions, officials of voluntary organizations, and activists in social change-oriented action groups. The objects of this study also differ with respect of their official status, area of responsibility, and position at work. The study tries to increase the understanding of the basic rationalities which are guiding social work as part of the daily routines, and of how the actors articulate and legitimate themselves, one another and the others, i.e. clients etc. The empirical data were collected using questionnaries. The study shows that organizational affiliation and area of concern do not bring about a systematic variation in the views of the respondents. The results then indicate the existence of a specific culture, a code of social work. The actors legitimate themselves according to system rationality. The system is considered to be outside the immediate scene of social work practice, which is articulated according to life-world premises. In client-centered social work, the external controlling and administrating system rationality threatens life-world aspects by neglecting social work as a process based on involvement, dialogue and change.  相似文献   

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