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大多数领导者的领导能力萌芽于青少年早期阶段。在当代一些西方国家,领导力被视为个体能力培养中的核心部分;在中国实际的少先队工作中,也包含着许多领导力早期培养的因素。领导力旱期发展是领导理论自身发展的要求.也是个体心理发展连续性的要求,同时体现着终身发展趋势。在领导力发展的影响因素上,领导力特质理论强调先天因素的重要性,而领导行为理论和情境理论则强调环境对领导力发展的作用。家庭对领导力的发展具有重要影响,家庭环境影响领导力特质发展,性别、出生顺序影响领导行为,亲子关系和领导力发展具有相关性。  相似文献   

目前,学术界虽然对大学生领导力还没有完全统一的定义,但是在对价值观对大学生领导力作用上的认识上却十分一致。价值观被视为大学生领导力发展的核心。价值观之所以重要至此,是因为领导过程是一个影响别人的过程,领导者比其追随者更有权力,因此要对他们影响追随者的方式承担巨大的道义责任。领导者在建立组织的伦理氛围中扮演了关键角色,这也要求他们能特别敏锐地察觉他们所推崇的价值观和理念。所以价值观是大学生领导力发展关键的部分,在大学生领导力的发展中起到统领作用,有抱负的领导者需要发展伦理思考能力、批判性分析道德的能力、整合不同价值观传统的能力、沟通能力和与下属建立信任的能力。  相似文献   

任明明  吕邈  王璇 《现代妇女》2013,(11):204-204
领导力概念模型将领导力内涵分为五大维度:知识信息维度;态度、意志与欲望维度;决策、推理与批判性维度:口头语书面表达维度;内部沟通与人际交流维度。领导力教育应以五个维度为抓手,作为发展完善着的领导力教育课程的第一步。  相似文献   

大学生领导力教育是高等教育的重要使命,是社会变革的现实需要,是当代大学生发展的理性诉求。大学生领导力教育要对领导力进行合理的诠释,避免“早期领导力教育的盲点”.避免大学生领导力教育过程中“贴标签”现象的产生。领导力教育并非易事,它不仅关涉领导理论,也关涉教育实践,同时还要求领导力研究者与教育者的有效结合。  相似文献   

世界各国的经验表明,高校开展大学生领导力教育有利于大学生更好地适应未来不断变化发展的现代社会。近些年,我国也开始关注大学生领导力教育问题,但在发展大学生领导力教育过程中存在定位有失偏颇、理解不够全面、教育资源的开发与利用不足等三大瓶颈。为此,对大学生领导力教育进行恰当定位,从大学生成长成才的角度出发开展领导力教育。探索大学生领导力教育长效机制显得十分紧迫和必要。  相似文献   

文茂伟 《科学发展》2009,(1):95-100
在全球一流组织中,当前已经流行和可能更广泛流行的领导教育和组织领导力方法包括:360度反馈、个人成长项目、执行官教导、指导、工作任务指派、建立关系网络和行动学习等。本文对照发展型经历三要素(评估、挑战和支持)要求,评析这些方法优势与局限,它们在促进组织的人力资本、社会资本和组织资本增进方面的作用。  相似文献   

提高高校学生干部领导力教育的针对性和有效性,应当着力于把握当前中国高校学生干部的领导力水平。对1238名高校学生干部的抽样调查发现,中国高校学生干部的情绪智力领导力总体处于中等水平,且存在不同类别高校、学科、学历、年级、性别等方面的差异。因此,相比"211"高校,普通高校更应加强学生干部领导力的培养;在开展高校学生干部领导力教育的过程中,应考虑大学生的学科差异、性别差异等因素;大学生干部领导力教育应加强情境认知能力的环境觉知和团队洞察方面的内容;加快研究适合中国高校大学生领导力教育的理论和评估工具,以更好地指导大学生领导力教育的实践。  相似文献   

大学生领导力是大学生为实现特定目标而表现出来的一种能力,它是大学生综合素质的体现。大学生领导力的开发有助于大学生的人格发展、非专业素质的培养和健康生活方式的养成。综合国内外相关研究文献,从大学生领导力的缘起、概念内涵、结构测量、前因变量和结果变量等方面,对大学生领导力的研究现状进行了梳理,掌握领导力的理论内涵和实践价值。未来大学生领导力的研究应关注文化差异性,完善研究工具和方法,更加深入地探讨大学生领导力的内涵与影响机制。  相似文献   

当代,领导学发展迅速。而领导发展研究的重要突破,则是对领导者发展和领导力发展区别的分析研究。将此拓展至教育领域中,即从培养领导者到发展领导力,教育也正逐渐进行着良性转型。领导者发展与领导力发展是两种理论视角,从教育视角出发应自上而下,从教师团队到受教育集体,都应做到彻底转型。  相似文献   

校长教学领导力是校长的多元领导力之一,是实现校长专业化必备的领导力。但是,目前我国中小学校长还存在教学领导理念缺失或理解偏差,教学领导实践沦为表面形式,校长专业知识欠缺,教育教学评价不科学等现实问题。针对这些问题,分别从校长理念、教学实践、自身专业知识和改进教学评价机制的角度提出相应的提升策略,以期为提升中小学校长教学领导力提供借鉴。  相似文献   

This article argues that leadership development is a process of seduction. Drawing on some stories of leadership development from my experience as participant, observer and teacher I show the ways in which certain sorts of highly valued leadership teaching contain seductive elements, including sweeping audiences off their feet and, in some contexts, forestalling critique about the content that is offered. The article also considers the extent to which seduction is a gendered performance. I conclude that, while gender and power are defining elements and constraints in how seductive pedagogical relations are constructed, there are opportunities for experimentation and display that potentially subvert gendered stereotypes. Seeing the seduction in leadership can help us understand leadership and leadership teaching better, and can open the way to doing it differently — to experimentation and innovation.  相似文献   


This exploratory study assesses factors related to leadership development for African American adolescents participating in a community service program designed to develop young African American leaders (N = 345). Psychometric characteristics of self-reported levels of leadership are explored to determine similarities and differences between gender groups. A multivariate analysis of socioeconomic factors, levels of self-esteem, school grades, and social activities as predictors of leadership development produced mixed findings. The results suggest that higher levels of global and academic self-esteem are related to leadership characteristics in female respondents, but not males. On the other hand, the impact of program participation on leadership was only significant in the area of personal relationship skills as a form of leadership for males. Findings from this investigation point out the need for research on leadership development dynamics among African American children and adolescents.  相似文献   

This article examines the effects of gender on the leadership of bilateral development aid agencies, particularly their official development assistance (ODA) allocations toward gender‐related programming. Drawing on earlier research on gendered leadership, the article tests the hypothesis that female director generals (DGs) and ministers responsible for aid agencies will allocate more ODA than their male counterparts toward gender programming. This existing literature on gendered leadership is divided: some scholars argue that women and men have distinct leadership styles on account of their gender, while others argue that the only distinguishing factor is the institutional context in which they lead. Drawing on data collected on aid flows and agency leadership within the major Western aid donors of the Organisation for Economic Co‐operation and Development (OECD) Development Assistance Committee (DAC) over the period from 1995 through 2009, we use pooled time series analysis to examine the effects of gendered leadership on aid allocation. Our analysis reveals a tendency for female DGs and ministers to focus ODA on gender‐mainstreaming programs, while male DGs focus ODA on gender‐focused programs. We argue that these divergent priorities reflect the women's desire to reform gendered power structures within their respective aid agencies, and the men's desire to maintain existing gender power structures from which they benefit.  相似文献   

This paper illustrates the value of the analyst’s awareness of the importance of her voice with its various intonations in the telephone treatment of a patient with early infant/mother attachment patterns of disregulation. The authors describe the significance of a particular kind of pervasive verbal intrusion by the patient’s mother and how through the use of voice pattern, tone, and rhythm in an extended period of telephone therapy, the patient was able to solidify a more secure attachment. Finally, the authors demonstrate how the verbal music in the analyst/patient and the mother/child dyads enhances self and interactive regulation.
Dorienne Sorter (Corresponding author)Email:

Kristin Miscall Brown, LCSW   graduated from PPSC’s training program in psychoanalysis in November 2007. She maintains a private practice in psychotherapy and psychoanalysis in New York City. Dorienne Sorter, PhD, LCSW   is co-chair, faculty, and supervisor at IPSS. Dr. Sorter is also a member of the Council of the International Association of Psychoanalytic Self Psychology. She is the co-author of Forms of Intersubjectivity in Infant Research and Adult Treatment, and faculty member and supervisor at PPSC.  相似文献   

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