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翁绍华  冯智勇 《现代妇女》2013,(12):115-116
加强横向科研经费管理,提高资金使用效益,是高校科技事业持续、健康发展的基本保证。文章结合实际工作,阐述了当前高校科研经费支出管理的现状及存在的主要问题,提出强化横向科研经费管理的对策建议。  相似文献   

随着国家对科研经费的投入增加,高校的科研经费管理的现状十分堪忧,如何管理好科研经费已经成为一个十分重要的问题。本文针对高校科研经费管理问题进行了分析,并展开了深入的探讨,依据高校科研经费管理现存的问题提出了经费管理制度上相关的建议和改进措施。  相似文献   

高峰 《职业时空》2014,(12):105-107
科研经费管理是高校内部控制的重要组成部分。针对高校科研经费预算管理中存在的问题进行分析,提出了应该在做好预算管理的同时规范配套的科研经费预算管理制度,以提高高校科研经费的管理水平。  相似文献   

王谷香 《职业》2016,(3):147-148
精细化管理是一种以程序化、标准化、数据化和信息化为手段的现代管理方式,它符合高职院校的改革要求,反映了科研经费业务运作规律,提升了科研管理水平,培育了高职院校科研核心竞争力.本文提出,高职院校科研经费精细化管理要做好四个方面工作:规范化推进精细化、系统化完善精细化、数据化实现精细化、信息化保障精细化.  相似文献   

田静 《现代交际》2014,(6):45-45
随着市场经济体制的日趋完善,高校科研管理工作在取得巨大成就的同时也面临着诸如管理体制僵化、项目管理落后、管理理念片面、科研经费混乱等问题,解决这些问题是更好开展高校科研工作的前提和基础,在我国高校科研管理工作中有着重要影响。  相似文献   

饶毅和施公一两位教授最近撰文指出,“在当下,为了获得重大项目,一个公开的秘密是:做好的研究不如与官员和他们赏识的专家拉关系重要。”他们直言不讳地抓住了当下科研体制的问题,就是政府垄断了资源的配置权,不只是科研经费,而且同样也包括社会地位、医疗、子女教育等机会资源。以前中国没研究经费,那个时候说之所以没法得到诺贝尔奖、没法有科技发明,是因为中国没钱。  相似文献   

创世界一流大学,别订时间表。 ——对于国内不断高涨的创建世界一流大学的呼声,北京大学教授陈平原指出,中国大学不是“办在中国”,而是“长在中国”。大学是否“世界一流”,除了可见的数字(科研经费、获奖数目、名家大师、校园面积、师生比例等)外,还得看其对本国社会进程的影响和贡献。就目前中国大学的现状而言,我们首先要明白自己所处的历史舞台,寻找适合自己发展的道路,而不是忙着制订进入“世界一流”的时间表。  相似文献   

魏群 《职业》2017,(22)
随着我国高等教育的发展和对科研经费投入的加大,高校对低值易耗品的需求不断增加.加强低值易耗品管理,合理降低教育运行成本,对践行节约型校园理念、实现高校可持续发展具有重要现实意义,规范和完善高校低值易耗品管理势在必行. 一、 高校低值易耗品概述 1.高校低值易耗品的特点和分类 高校低值易耗品涉及范围广泛,具有价值低、种类多、型号杂、使用周期短等特点.按其用途可分为三大类:教科研类,包括教科研用实验实训专用耗材及教学仪器零配件等;行政办公类,指通用类日常办公用品及耗材;后勤服务类,包括各类房屋设施、水电气维修、绿化、保洁类耗材、配件等.  相似文献   

"我们有没有允许十年磨一剑的发展环境?现实情况是两年不达标就下岗了,连生存都困难。"职称评定、岗位考核、科研经费申报、学术成果发表、生活负担、上升空间……目前高校中,几乎所有青年教师在谈到面临的问题和压力时,都会一口气说出这些项中的几项甚至是全部。  相似文献   

金怡 《职业》2011,(11):26-27
高职是我国高等教育的重要组成部分,是开展科学研究的一支重要力量。高职的科研工作,对于科技创新、科技成果转化与产业化以及对于各类学生的培养、提高办学水平、促进学校发展,有着非常重要的意义。近年来,随着改革开放与科学事业的发展,高职承担的科研项目和筹措的科研经费均呈现大幅增长趋势,  相似文献   

Funding relationships in nonprofit management are increasingly defined by a philosophy of rational management, characterized by measurement of outputs and benchmarking, which represents an audit culture system (Burnley, Matthews, & McKenzie, 2005). There is concern that these approaches are constantly undermining the mission of community service nonprofit organizations (Darcy, 2002). In this research, we analyzed the management of funding relationships by examining dynamics within a nonprofit funding relationship in New Zealand. Through focus groups we explored the relationship between 17 representatives from nonprofit organizations and four Board members of a funding Trust. The management of this funding relationship was characterized by an appreciation of the diverse nature of nonprofit organizations, a balance between trust and control, and communication. We suggest that elements of these dynamics could be incorporated into nonprofit funding relationships in order to challenge an over-reliance on audit culture systems, and to re-establish relationships characterized by interaction between nonprofit organizations and their funders. Finally, we call for future research in this area.  相似文献   

Theory-based logic models are commonly developed as part of requirements for grant funding. As a tool to communicate complex social programs, theory based logic models are an effective visual communication. However, after initial development, theory based logic models are often abandoned and remain in their initial form despite changes in the program process. This paper examines the potential benefits of committing time and resources to revising the initial theory driven logic model and developing detailed logic models that describe key activities to accurately reflect the program and assist in effective program management. The authors use a funded special education teacher preparation program to exemplify the utility of drill down logic models. The paper concludes with lessons learned from the iterative revision process and suggests how the process can lead to more flexible and calibrated program management.  相似文献   

While U.S. national policies have been developed to support evidence-based (EB) lifestyle programs for older adults, there has been limited research to determine the extent to which these programs actually reach local communities. This study sought to identify factors that impact the implementation of EB physical activity, nutrition, and chronic disease management programs at regional (Area Agencies on Aging [AAAs]) and community levels (senior Centers [SCs]). Interviews were conducted with directors of four AAAs and 12 SCs to understand their perspectives on EB program implementation. Narratives revealed differences between AAAs and SCs regarding knowledge about EB programs and reasons to promote and adopt these programs. The only agreement occurred when discussing concerns about funding and program inflexibility. Substantial gaps exist between how EB lifestyle programs are promoted and implemented at the regional and community levels.  相似文献   


The question of this paper is: what factors explain the decisions of state governments to fund research on science and technology? The theoretical problem underlying the research question is patronage in the classical sense, that is, the support by one person or group for the activities of another person or group. Three models of explanation are proposed: “budget incrementalism,” a “rational” model, and a power model. The models are evaluated with information from a case study of a state government program in Michigan. The rational model best explains the state's selection of some proposals out of all the proposals submitted by each state university for funding. The power model best explains the overall allocation of program funds among Michigan's public universities. The budget incrementalism model helps explain the considerable stability from year to year in funding both for the entire program and for each university's share.  相似文献   

Given a tendency to higher third-party funding, the mechanisms of distribution of research money become more and more relevant for individual academic careers as well as for scientific institutions at large. This article focuses on an empirical test of hypotheses on the impact of universities’ size and reputation on the chances of grant approval. Using multivariate analysis of register data provided by the German Research Foundation (DFG) for all applications for single grants from 1992–2004, individual chances of grant approval as well as success rates in departmental grant acquisition are estimated. The analyses detect neither strong context effects on individual chances of grant approval nor a clear tendency towards a higher concentration of research funding on fewer universities. Only scientists working in West German universities with a long standing tradition have a slightly better chance to get research funding. At the level of university departments, higher personnel resources translate into a higher number of applications and approvals only for very large institutions. Regarding funding of single grants, there is no trend of a growing inequality among the universities. Finally, these results are discussed with a specific reference to the recently launched “Initiative for Excellence” – a program designed in order to foster high level research in Germany – and are contrasted to some arguments of Richard Münch.  相似文献   

The successful implementation by a large public university health service of a satellite clinic involves a number of processes and funding issues. The authors discuss the development of such a program at a small community college in Appalachia. The first 4 years' experience in operating the satellite clinic created a number of valuable management lessons that they believe could assist others with similar goals for extending their services.  相似文献   

This article presents the design and implementation of a network intervention to foster scientific collaboration at a research university, and describes an experimental framework for rigorous evaluation of the intervention’s impact. Based on social network analysis of publication and grant data, an innovative type of research funding program was developed as a form of alteration of the university’s collaboration network. The intervention consisted in identifying research communities in the network and creating a new collaborative relation between pairs of unconnected researchers in selected communities. The new collaboration was created to maximally increase the overall cohesion of the target research community. In order to evaluate the impact of the program, we designed a randomized experiment with treatment and control communities based on the Rubin Causal Model approach. The paper describes the intervention design, reports findings from the program implementation, and discusses the statistical framework for future evaluation of the intervention.  相似文献   

Program fidelity to initial design is a critical measure in implementation research and often considered an important element of program success. This approach assumes that a program's initial design is immune to the influence of external forces and is based entirely on sound evidence, theory, and practice. Using a permanent supportive housing program for domestic violence victims as a case study, this research examines how external influences may affect program theory and design and evaluates whether such influences are perceived as opportunities or barriers by program administrators. Findings, based on document review, stakeholder interviews, and focus groups, reveal that funding and physical site characteristics, and to a lesser degree, community support and professional standards, were important external influences. Both opportunities and barriers affected program design, but these effects differed in timing and degree.  相似文献   

The purpose of this article is to address the gap between evaluation research, and the practice of capacity building with nonprofits. This study describes a 5-year capacity building initiative with grassroots organizations including a longitudinal evaluation of the implementation and outcomes achieved. Formative processes yielded many lessons that were used to improve the capacity building model of services. The results show that the majority of groups met a priori expectations for participation success. Organizational staff valued technology, consultants, and program funding the most. Increases were found in board membership and perceptions of visibility of the organization were enhanced. Executive directors reported greater awareness of needs and improved management knowledge. These small organizations fill many unmet needs and more capacity building evaluation studies are needed to understand the mechanisms that support their efforts and the impact on their sustainability.  相似文献   

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