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In this article, I argue that understanding authorship requires that we grapple with the plurality of distinct accounts of scientific authorship. As a result, we should be careful in how we identify and quantify unethical practices such as ghostwriting. Judgements about who should be able to decide who is an author raise interesting questions about the autonomy of scientific practices.  相似文献   

The Wakefield Shepherds' Pageant has been one of the most discussed of medieval dramas and deservedly so. Edmund Taft's fresh and insightful essay provides a provocative view o f the play as popular drama, produced by the middle-class and largely for the middle class. The popular appeal of this drama rests in the technique of dramatic surprise, used so effectively by the Wakefield Master to focus on such contemporary social and moral issues as oppression of shepherds, farmers and hired hands, unfeeling masters, unwanted children and marriages of contract only. The shepherds' play, with its powerful spiritual message of love and charity, reflects not only the Church which directed the drama but also the contemporary world of those medieval burghers who produced it.  相似文献   

姜华 《社科纵横》2005,20(1):145-146
女性传播是人类传播的二元因子之一。中国历史上的女性传播曾几经沉浮。本文力争通过对十一届三中全会后女性传播史的勾勒 ,把握其传播意识的演变 ,并对其历史作用和社会发展意义做出评价。  相似文献   


Gareth Stedman Jones, Languages of Class: Studies in English Working‐Class History, 1832–1982 (1983), viii +260 (Cambridge University Press, £22.50, paperback £6.95).  相似文献   

Data from the 1926 Census of Religious Bodies are utilized to explore the 1926 North Carolina religious economy. State, regional and county variations in religious adherence are estimated and analyzed, and religious primacy groups are identified. In 1926 Baptists were the denominational primacy group, and Southern Baptists were the primacy religious group for the state, but neither group dominated the North Carolina religious marketplace. Regional-level religious pluralism and denominational primacy data provide support for the Stark, Finke and Iannaccone religious pluralism hypothesis, but county-level data fail to provide support. Further evaluation of the association among religious primacy, religious pluralism and local market penetration is warranted since support for the religious pluralism proposition appears to vary by the unit of analysis employed.  相似文献   

In the early 1990s, pension reforms leading to substantial changes in the organization and financing of old age security were undertaken in Argentina, Colombia and Peru. Implemented ten years after the pioneer reforms in Chile, they have taken advantage of the experiences and lessons of the Chilean case; at the same time, the second-generation reforms clearly demonstrate the restrictions policy makers are being faced with in a democratic political context. This paper examines the recent pension reform experiences in Latin America and discusses their implications for a modified concept of old age security.  相似文献   

In the new development strategy currently shaping Latin America, alternative social policy models have emerged. This article argues that far from being rival alternatives, each of these models considers the wide differences among countries. The region is emerging from a century of transformation – from a traditional agrarian economy to an urban industrial one – in which countries have taken diverse historical paths. Some have almost completed this transformation, others are taking early steps, and the vast majority are living through it. State‐led transition has followed two successive development strategies. From the 1920s up to the 1980s, state developmentalism has mostly successfully assumed the twin challenges of economic and social progress. In the last two decades of the century, Latin American states adopted the policies of the Washington Consensus, which emphasized the importance of business in the framework of globalization and benefited the affluent few. However, an unambiguous shift in direction has been taking place in Latin America since the 1997 economic crisis. This article suggests that a new developmental welfare state model seems to be in the making. How will it evolve over the wider space of an increasingly integrated Latin America?  相似文献   

20 0 2年 3月 ,美国宣布援引 2 0 1条款对钢材进口实施保障措施。一向要求别人遵守WTO规则的美国这次是否违反WTO规则 ,再次成为学术界关注的焦点 ,也是刚刚加入WTO的中国国内的一个社会热点。通过对法理和案例的分析 ,本文认为美国保障条款的法律条文基本与WTO相吻合 ,但是实施保障措施的实际操作在四个方面违反了WTO规则。作者认为 ,这一事件也给中国带来了一系列重要启示。  相似文献   

The relationship between democracy and press pluralism is assessed in seven countries: China, Colombia, Egypt, Germany, India, Lithuania, and Russia. The term “pluralism” is defined as the extent to which diverse and competing views appear in the content of the mainstream press on a given news topic. Content analysis of 2,172 articles from the 10 largest newspapers in each country, published in the first months after the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks, is used to evaluate the level of press pluralism. The main indicator of democracy is based on data from the Freedom House organization, though other democracy indexes are considered. Previous studies have offered conflicting views on the relationship between democracy and press pluralism. Although this study finds mixed results, the general tendency, which is based on 10 major news issues surrounding the events of 9/11, supports the perspective that democracy is not always positively associated with press pluralism. Much of the debate over 9/11 in countries ranked as highly democratic was less pluralistic than in countries with weaker democratic institutions.  相似文献   

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