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性心理是指人在性方面的心理现象。是人的心理中重要而特殊的心理状况。它与个体的性成熟、性观念密切相关。由于人的生活状况、社会状况、心理状况各异,因而,人的性心理有着千差万别的表现。发展健康的性心理,对完善人格,具有正常的感情和理性,有着十分重要的意义。一个人从婴幼儿到青春期的性心理发展遵循一定的规律,本文将对青春期性心理的表现特点、发展规律、成熟标志展开论述,与同行们共同探讨。青春期性心理的表现特点性心理发展,一方面受性生理发育的制约,它是性心理发展的生物基础。另一方面又  相似文献   

青年期是人生的关键时期,是人生理发育成熟和心理结构形成的时期。如果生理机制与心理机制运行障碍,就会产生心理疾病,因此,青年期也是心理疾病发病的高峰期。心理和人格是不可分割的整体,心理障碍发展到一定程度,导致各种异常人格和异常行为,青年期又是异常行为的多发期。在现代化进程小,处于边际时期的青年心理态  相似文献   

随着我国返乡农民工人数的不断增多,该群体的社会适应问题也越发引人关注。运用毕生发展理论将返乡农民工的毕生发展分为青春期、青年期、中年期三个阶段并进一步分析发现,返乡农民工的社会适应是一个从个人角色到家庭角色再到社区角色不断递进的适应过程,返乡农民工毕生发展阶段的青春期主要为个人角色适应时期、青年期主要为家庭角色适应时期、中年期主要为社区角色适应时期。解决返乡农民工的社会适应问题应当兼顾环境的改善和个体不同发展阶段的需要。  相似文献   

青年期的界定是一个动态的过程,比较历史数据与青年期的心理特征,当代青年期在时间上有“前伸后延”的趋势,而大学生青年期的后延尤为明显。影响大学生青年期后延的主要因素是高等教育自身内部的因素,而大学生青年期后延对大学生自身的消极影响是最直接的。要改变这一现状的措施是多方面的,其中特别重要的是要认识到大学生青年心理成熟对大学生青年健康成长的重要性。  相似文献   

明确和掌握青少年的思想薄弱期,是做好青少年思想政治工作的前提和基础。青少年在整个思想发展过程中,他们的思想意识,由于受着自身的生理、心理、知识、品德和外部环境的影响,在整个思想链条上形成明显的四个薄弱环节。即:四个思想薄弱期:一、少年期少年期是儿童期向青年期过渡时期,年龄一般是指11~12岁至14~15岁,相当于初中教育阶段。造成少年思想薄弱的主要原因是:1、少年期是青少年生理质变期。这个时期,少年在生理方面发生了本质的变化,身体迅速成长,自我意识增强,第二性征和性  相似文献   

对中职生而言,青年期是其个性发展和人格成熟的重要时期,要面临许多发展方面的问题。在这个群体中,后进生更加需要得到关注,才能与其他同学一样实现全面和谐的发展。本文主要站在班主任的角度,通过给予精神关怀,学校、家庭和社会三方协调,以及引导后进生树立人生目标共同促进他们的成长。  相似文献   

一、青年研究的崭新起点生活在今天的每一个人,如果要从少年走向成人、从家庭走向社会,必须在体力、智能和心理上经受更长时间的教育和训练,方能完成成长期的社会化,从而适应现代文明。因此,作为人的社会化、现代化中的重要一环——青年期在向两极延伸,青年期的种种社会现象格外引人注目。正如联合国教科文组织在1986年国际青年年所发表的《社论》中所揭示的:“青年问题是现代社会特有的问题”。青年问题之所以受到国际性的重视,首先是20世纪以来,世界青年状况发生了急剧变化,青年在世界人口中的比例越来越大,逐  相似文献   

本文从人的生理、年龄发展来区分艺术教育的几个时期,然后从青年期的年龄及生理发展特点来阐述青年期的艺术教育的特点。从传统艺术、当代艺术、名家创作过程、艺术个性探讨青年期的应注意的几个问题。  相似文献   

一、社区在当代青年生活中的重要作用青年工作的对象是青年,这是毫无疑问的事情。但是,当代青年的特点是什么?有什么特殊的要求?他们在人生发展的历程中有何自身解决不了的困难,需要青年组织为他们提供必要的社会服务?对于这一连串的问题,我们必须有个基本的把握,否则,青年工作就会走入误区。随着工业的发展和都市化,社会结构相应产生变化,继而为城市人在心理和社会发展上带来“青年期”的特征。这些特征与生理成长过程交织在一起,为青年带来发展过程中很多的人生课题。最近,我们在对青年的一个调查中发现,他们的特殊需求表现在以下三个不同  相似文献   

青少年在中学阶段,性生理、心理的急剧变化,是发育、成熟的一个重要方面,也是他们最有可能面临困惑的领域.这使得学校的性教育,在青少年的成长过程中,具有着特殊意义和无可替代的作用.但青少年性教育,并不仅仅是知识的掌握,还应该包括健康性心理的塑造、正确性观念的确立、与异性和谐相处能力的培养以及安全行为模式的获得.  相似文献   


This paper argues that the models underlying the conceptualization of social work functions affect the costs of integrating policy issues into practice, and, therefore, the probability that social justice goals will be pursued. An inclusive approach to policy design is seen as lowering those costs. The nature of the costs and how they vary between the models is discussed.  相似文献   

This study evaluated 99 baccalaureate social work students' reactions to simulation kits that replicated visual impairments common with the aging process. Through qualitative research methods, students' preconceived notions and reported incidents of ageism were assessed in light of their reactions to increased understanding of visual changes. The outcome was greater self-awareness and critical reflection of ageism and discrimination. Students reported enhanced awareness of personal, social, and professional implications. This research supports previous data which suggest that increased exposure to activities that simulate the disabilities and experiences of oppression in older adults provide an opportunity to reduce ageism.  相似文献   

The authors of this article examine several controversial U.S. monuments and offer teachers a rationale, resources, and suggested activities for incorporating these historical monuments into classroom instruction. The authors discuss why controversial issues should be discussed in the social studies classroom through the critical examination of national monuments. We argue that discussing key social issues through the analysis of contentious monuments will not only provide students with a more complete picture of history but also allow them to develop critical twenty-first-century skills such as visual literacy and understanding multiple perspectives. The focus is to provide secondary social studies teachers with an alternative approach to examining historical monuments and controversial issues through the analysis of contemporary and historical debates regarding the nature of commemoration on the United States’ landscape. A brief rationale for the inclusion of monuments and controversial issues into the social studies curriculum is provided, as well as examples of provocative historic monuments, example activities to teach these monuments, and suggested resources to further examine this topic.  相似文献   

Research indicates that most American citizens know little about Islam and, specifically, the major differences between Sunni Muslims and Shiite Muslims and why this matters to the United States. Although the two major Islamic factions share many common core beliefs and practices, there are some significant religious and political differences dating back to the disagreement over the succession of leadership in the Muslim community after the Prophet Muhammad died in 632. Indeed, sectarianism has played a pivotal role in the turbulent geopolitics of the Middle East for centuries. Islam must be studied for its contributions and role in world history. Therefore, it is crucial that social studies educators teach not only the core beliefs, rituals, and history of Islam but the differences between Sunni and Shiite Muslims. This knowledge is vital if Americans are to make prudent decisions regarding support for specific foreign policy positions and decisions regarding Islam and Muslim countries. This article describes and explains the differences between Sunni and Shiite Muslims and discusses the implications for the United States and social studies education. Finally, the article shows how Islam can be implemented in the NCSS C3 Framework.  相似文献   

What role does social media play in social movements and political unrest? Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and Google have all been cited as important components in social revolutions, including those in Tunisia, Egypt, Iceland, Spain, and the global Occupy movement. This essay explores social science claims about the relationship between social networking and social movements. It examines research done on the relationship between social networking, the promotion of activism, and the offline participation in the streets. Can the technology of social networking help activists to achieve their goals? If so, is it just one of many tools they may use, or is the technology so powerful that the right use will actually tip the scales in favor of the social movement? This scholarship divides into optimistic, pessimistic, and ambivalent approaches, turning on an oft‐repeated question: will the revolution be tweeted?  相似文献   

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