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朱雅明 《职业》2013,(17):125-126
数学是机电类专业学生学习专业课的基础。本文结合实际教学经验,通过数学与专业知识相结合法、数学建模教学法、学生讨论法、反思教学法等来培养学生数学思维能力,希望能增强学生的数学意识,给广大中职数学教师一点建议和参考。  相似文献   

将数学建模思想融入到大学数学课堂教学当中,是提高大学数学课堂效率,激发学生学习数学并应用数学解决实际问题的一个重要、有效途径.它对培养学生的创新意识,提高学生的综合素质将有很大的帮助.本文从实际出发,结合自己的教学经验,在数学建模课程改革和建设方面提出了一些有益的建议.  相似文献   

数学建模是利用数学方法解决实际问题的一种实践,是把数学知识与客现实际问题联系起来的纽带.培养学生数学建模能力,鼓励学生参加数学建模的实践活动,可增强学生数学意识,提高数学应用等各方面的综合能力,为培养创新型人才作出贡献.  相似文献   

颜筱红  苏坚  梁东颖 《职业时空》2012,(11):100-101
数学建模是一种创造性活动,是培养学生创新素质的重要载体。将数学建模教学与数学教学改革、人才培养相结合,通过创新理念、建立平台、优化内容,强化实践、建立机制等手段,加强数学建模教学,以推进大学生创新素质教育。  相似文献   

张大林 《职业时空》2009,5(10):113-114
基于数学建模在学生数学应用能力培养中的作用,针对当前民族地区高师院校高等数学教学中存在的一些问题,提出了以应用性为主线的高等数学教学改革的措施。  相似文献   

本文主要研究数学建模课程对培养高职学生创新精神的作用,通过数学建模构建学生应用数学意识,提高用数学思维思考、表达、分析和就解决生活中复杂的实际问题,进而增强学生的创新能力。  相似文献   

吉海洋 《职业》2023,(22):19-21
本文分析中职数学教学培养学生核心素养的必要性,并从数学运算、逻辑推理、直观想象、数学建模、数据分析、数学抽象等方面,总结在中职数学教学中培养学生学科素养的策略。紧紧围绕中职数学学科的课程性质与任务目标,使学生在学习中逐渐形成适合个人与社会发展所需要的基本数学能力,能够从数学角度观察世界并解决问题,实现个人综合数学素养的提升与发展。  相似文献   

数学应用意识的培养与提高是数学教学的迫切需求,在数学教学中,始终都应注重学生应用意识的培养与研究。那么,在教学中应如何培养学生的数学应用能力呢?本文就此问题加以分析阐述。  相似文献   

随着信息技术的不断发展,大学生作为新时期下国家发展主要动力,在对其数学课堂教学的过程当中,需要融合新型技术, 再加上数学建模内容,这样才能对他们的学习、生活以及工作都有着促进作用,但需要注意的是只有大学生拥有了建模的意识他们才 能在一定程度上提高自身的各方面能力。因此,大学数学教育工作者就要着重于如何培养学生的建模意识展开分析和研究。本文先阐 述了大学数学建模意识和当前阶段大学数学课程的实际教学情况以及培养大学数学建模的重要性,然后又对大学数学课程中培养学生 建模意识的方式展开讨论,并且提出了个人的见解。  相似文献   

随着新课改的大力实施,要求教师在小学数学教学中围绕学生展开教学,根据学生的数学学习能力优化创新性问题设计,结合教学任务,采用合理的提问方式讲解知识点,促使学生在探索问题中学会对知识点进行消化和迁移,增强学生的数学综合素养。主要对小学数学教学中优化创新性问题设计的策略进行浅析。  相似文献   

As a participant in the development of mathematical sociology over the past several decades, the author undertakes a personal and historical review of the field. A special effort is made to link early innovations and interests to recent developments. The paper deals successively with (a) the origins of mathematical sociology and its early achievements, (b) the cognitive interests and values of mathematical sociologists in relation to ideas associated with the founders of sociology, (c) the scope of mathematical contributions in terms of the general components of human action and society, and (d) the problematic specialty status of mathematical sociology. The paper concludes with some thoughts on the future of mathematical sociology.  相似文献   

本文以数学模型考察历史进程,特别以逻辑严密、论证充分的空间方程来描述丝绸之路随时间发展的动态。历史数据表明,随着时代变迁,被称为丝绸之路的贸易路线的位置有着很大的变化。引起这些变化的原因众多——人口波动、经济走势、疾病与战争——所有这些都决定着丝绸之路在不同时代的地理位置及其兴衰。通过数学模拟预测丝绸之路在每个时代的位置,有助于甄别出决定其波动的最主要因素,以及判断这些因素在何时何地表现得最为突出。本文考察了Jeremy Bentley(1993)所作的假设,他认为丝绸之路繁荣最重要的原因之一是亚欧大陆上庞大帝国得以发展。由于散装货物和知名商品的供求增加,这些帝国鼓励商品交换,通过修建道路及相关基础设施来促进贸易,给广大地区带来了安定的环境。模型将这些进程纳入其中,证明丝绸之路活动的波动是由庞大帝国的兴衰所引发的,如罗马、帕提亚、蒙古以及中国的汉朝和唐朝。而陆上丝路的最终衰落可能是由于欧洲航海业的兴起而导致的,因为航海贸易的增加,是以牺牲亚欧陆路贸易为代价的。  相似文献   

The chief attraction of mathematics is its beauty. It is customary, nonetheless, to catalog the usefulness of mathematics. Accordingly, this paper shows how aspects of three quite different sociological problems—assortative mating and the rise of gender inequality, the sense of justice, and economic and political upheavals and societal transformations—have an identical underlying mathematical structure. Thus, progress in understanding the three sets of phenomena is linked; any new result obtained for one problem will shed light on the other two.  相似文献   

This paper explores the culture in which academic economists work, and tries to show how an appreciation of this culture makes their work more understandable and valuable to mainstream sociology. Economists are not interested in representing reality, but in constructing models that simplify reality to isolate mechanisms that account for observed phenomena. Economists have a distinctive epistemic culture, sustained by the discourse through which they talk and think about their work. This discourse mediates the relationship between the mathematical models they devise and the economic phenomena to which they apply. This study reveals economists' culture based on in-depth interviews with academic economists and an ethnographic study of economic departments in Israel.
Yuval YonayEmail:

In Macao, the VIP gaming revenue accounts for over two thirds of the total gaming revenue. Since the VIP gaming market is highly competitive, several incentives such as rebates are used to attract the VIP players. There are two commonly used rebate systems in the VIP gaming market: rebate on buy-in and rebate on actual loss. The analysis of rebate on buy-in is relatively easy. However, the analysis of rebate on actual loss is more complicated, which involves the Unit Normal Linear Loss Integral. Using empirical data, MacDonald derived a simple approximation formula for computing the rebate rate on actual loss. In this paper, we use mathematical analysis to derive more accurate approximation formulas for computing the rebate rate on actual loss. Some practical examples are given to compare the accuracies of these formulas. We also discuss how these two rebate systems affect the fluctuations of the results.  相似文献   

Mathematical models have great potentialities as regards their utility in different disciplines of medicine and health. This paper attempts to elucidate their uses in the field. A brief mention of some models has also been made. Mathematical models are useful in epidemiologic research, planning and evaluation of preventive and control programmes, clinical trials, measurement of health, cost-benefit analysis, diagnosis of patients and in maximizing effectiveness of operations aimed at attaining specified goals within existing resources.  相似文献   

Radius is parameter to circles. Mathematical modeling contributes best to sociological theory through parameterizing. Parameters form a seam linking quantitative and qualitative panels of theory. All social construction comes through feedback, and modeling its outcomes requires use of parameters.  相似文献   

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