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改革开放后,1984年启动的"上海经济发展战略研究"、1994年前后进行的"迈向21世纪的上海"等战略大讨论和研究,对引领上海城市发展发挥了重大作用。尽管背景不同、问题不同,研究的侧重点也有所不同,但历次战略大讨论的战略定位和目标趋向是一以贯之、一脉相承的;而研究的方法、理论和特色则是不断推陈出新、不断接近国际化范式。上海的城市发展思路在群策群力的讨论和研究中,逐步得到明晰、完善和升华。回顾总结历次战略大讨论,无论从理论上还是实践上,对于当前上海未来30年发展战略研究都具有重要的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

面向未来30年的上海发展战略研究,具有十分重大的现实意义,有利于在全球及我国大调整、大变革、大变局中把握上海城市发展的趋势和前景,充分认识上海在我国成为全球主要角色以及世界政治经济大格局中的功能定位,使上海未来发展更加体现国家战略的需要。上海城市发展战略研究将以"十八大"提出的两个100年的宏伟目标为立足点,按照中央要求上海当好改革开放排头兵和科学发展先行者的精神,科学把握世界形势发展变化及主流趋势,从国家战略高度谋划上海发展战略定位,根据"五位一体"科学发展的要求勾勒上海城市发展前景,为上海中长期发展提供指引。  相似文献   

从总体看,全球经济复苏在不同程度上出现较为明显的分化.以美国为代表的西方发达国家正在日益失去世界经济的领导地位,而以中国为代表的新兴经济体逐渐赶上发达国家,推动了世界经济重心的转移.基于历史性分析和现有政治、经济、社会变量的综合考虑,全球治理结构的根本性变革可能发生在2030-2050年之间.未来30年上海发展的外部环境将更加复杂,上海迈向全球城市应秉持全面开放战略、全面创新战略、全球治理战略、绿色发展战略以及人民币国际主币化战略等.  相似文献   

上海城市发展与战略研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
改革开放的上海获得了举世瞩目的巨大发展,城市综合竞争力和国际竞争力不断得到提升,城市发展定位在经历了7次修订,城市发展的可能性边界不断得到拓展。而在上海1978年以来的每一次关键跃升背后,始终有着战略研究与规划的先期铺垫与有力支撑。上海的一轮一轮战略研究,囊括了党和国家领导部门、上海党政机关、科研机构和高等学府、国际国内专家、乃至上海社会各阶层的智慧,战略研究的眼界不断提升、领域不断扩展、方法不断更新、内容不断深化。重视战略研究、依托战略研究、运用战略研究,已然成为上海持续提升城市发展定位、准确把握发展方向的重要"基因"。  相似文献   

健康城市是当前世界各国应对城市化健康问题和追求可持续发展的重要途径。本文系统梳理健康城市的概念内涵及其演变发展,基于世界不同地区健康城市的典型案例,分析全球健康城市的建设特色和实践历程,并从发展理念、组织架构、参与主体和实施策略等方面对未来全球健康城市的发展进行趋势分析。最后,结合中国健康城市建设的实际,从统筹建设、规划设计和保障机制等方面提出推进"健康中国2030"战略的对策建议。  相似文献   

骆金龙 《科学发展》2014,(8):104-112
随着全球化、信息化、网络化深入发展,城市发展也面临新的机遇和挑战,城市(包括城市圈区域)在国家和地区发展中的地位进一步凸显,国际大都市竞合格局发生了深刻变化.面对新的发展形势,处于不同发展阶段、具备不同要素条件的国际大都市纷纷开展中长期发展战略规划研究,对城市未来20~30年的发展愿景、目标、定位、思路、任务、举措等进行再思考和新规划.伦敦、东京、纽约等国际大都市战略规划的编制背景、规划宗旨、愿景目标、战略思路、主要议题、战略任务和规划内容框架、流程方法等,为上海更好地谋划转型发展提供了有价值的国际范例参考.  相似文献   

马梅 《科学发展》2009,(4):63-69
1999年上海城市规划提出城市发展战略从600平方公里向6000平方公里扩展,上海"十一五"规划确定了郊区近期发展3大新城、远期发展为9大新城的目标。但是至今为止,中心城区"一城独大"的现象依然存在。郊区新城建设尚未上升到上海城市核心战略的高度,新城城市功能形成缓慢,上海"四个中心"建设缺乏有效率的空间结构支撑。世博会以后,上海将面临城市发展速度减缓、全球经济下行周期压力增大的环境。加快推进上海郊区新城建设,促进城市空间结构调整,是上海寻求后世博会发展"治本之策"的重要途径。本文从国际大都市郊区新城经验、上海郊区新城发展历程和目前存在的问题和瓶颈、发展思路和对策建议等几方面给予了深入解答。  相似文献   

未来30年上海应该是世界性、综合性的全球城市。城市未来发展愿景的战略研究,要有一定的依据和维度。展望未来30年上海城市发展愿景的依据,应该有以下几个方面:世界城市发展趋势、国际环境变化、国内环境变化、国家战略和上海自身条件。确定上海城市发展愿景应该从以下几个维度考虑:城市类型、城市属性、城市功能、城市空间和城市形态。  相似文献   

史晓琛 《科学发展》2014,(7):107-109
随着城市化进程的不断推进,城市有机疏散理论越来越引起人们的反思。弹性城市理论认为,高密度的城市其实更为集约、更具弹性。面向未来30年,人们对环境的适应能力以及生产技术水平、科学技术水平、生态修复水平和城市管理水平等都将不断提高,从而推动空间承载能力不断提高,城市空间规划理念应着眼于高密度发展和限制性发展相结合。为配合集约型城市空间规划战略,上海应以生态为出发点和落脚点进行空间规划,弱化小城镇的集聚发展,高起点定位未来新城发展。  相似文献   

陈恭 《科学发展》2014,(11):105-112
开展面向未来30年上海城市发展愿景研究,首先应分析研究展望上海城市发展愿景的依据、维度及其约束条件。中国未来的经济发展水平、未来融入全球化的程度,以及未来中国在世界经济和全球治理中的地位和作用,甚至包括国内区域发展格局和中央对上海的战略定位,都将对上海未来的发展产生重大影响。从中国国内的现实情况来看,长三角城市群已经初具全球城市区域的形态,未来很有可能以上海为核心城市构成全球城市网络型大都会。同时,上海城市发展应超越经济的量的增长,着眼于代表国家竞争全球文明的话语权。上海作为东西方文明交汇点上的城市,更强调文明的传播与交融,更关注本土文明的世界贡献,因而更可能获得世界的接受和认可。  相似文献   

开埠之初就被定位为“自由港”的香港,是“以港兴市”的典型例子,港口的发展为香港经济的起飞和就业作出了巨大的贡献;而香港的产业发展以及与内地的区域合作,又促进了港口的繁荣,并使得香港成为国际航运中心。但目前,在金融海啸、珠三角产业转型、内地港口蓬勃发展等因素的影响下,香港港口的发展前景不容乐观。本文在回顾香港港口与城市发展关系的基础上,深入探讨了香港港口业务增长放缓的原因,并提出着力发展航运服务业,是香港航运中心转型升级、提高香港城市竞争力的重要方向。  相似文献   

加强内地高校大学生对港澳区情教育消弭两地文化壁垒,舒缓心理认知偏见,促进两地高校交流与合作,理应成为我国国情教育的题中之义。截至目前,内地高校尚未系统将港澳区情教育纳入我国国情教育范畴,这不仅反映出我国国情教育的滞后性,并由此带来一系列问题。该文就此问题对高校开展港澳区情教育的价值体认和策略进行了探讨。  相似文献   


The University of Hong Kong collaborated with the Fudan University in Shanghai to offer a Master of Social Service Management (MSSM) part-time degree for students in Shanghai. While most courses of the program were taught by instructors sent from Hong Kong and other overseas countries on weekends and holidays, the “Information and Communication Technology in Social Service Organizations” course was offered online and supplemented by several face-to-face sessions. Instructors in Texas and Hong Kong collaborated and offered the course to the students in Shanghai. Teaching and learning online was a completely new experience for the students. Technical, social, cultural, and linguistic issues arose throughout the four months during which the course was offered. This paper shares the teaching experience and reflection of the instructors as well as the learning outcome and evaluation of the students.  相似文献   

The discourses of localism have been redefining the political spectrum, cultural practices, and identity politics of Hong Kong. A growing body of literature considers how China’s domination has fueled the rise of localism in Hong Kong. Drawing on the content and textual analyses of news media and other empirical evidence, this article scrutinizes the opportunity structure in post-handover Hong Kong to show that it facilitates the formation of localist discourses. It situates the localism of Hong Kong as the response to the social changes and China’s encroachment on the city in the post-handover years. Specifically, it focuses on the emergence of progressive localism prior to the recent deterioration of the China–Hong Kong relationship, the radicalization of social movements, and the continuing effects of critical post-handover events in Hong Kong. The study re-conceptualizes the localism of Hong Kong from the central–peripheral tension arising from China’s hegemony to the dynamic discursive formation of an evolving post-colonial city.  相似文献   

In 1997, Hong Kong changes from a British colony to a Special Administrative Region (SAR) of China. While officially it has been agreed that the status change should not alter the economic or social conditions in the territory substantially, many people believe that residents' lives will be considerably affected. Hong Kong society has always been highly mobile and fluid in terms of migration, and it is only very recently that over half of the population have been born in the tenitory Many elderly people in Hong Kong were bom elsewhere and many Hong Kong families are fragmented, with members living in China, elsewhere in the Asia-Pacific region, North America, Australia, and Britain. The potential impact of 1997 on the lives and conditions of elderly residents is only now forming a focus of concern. This article considers what may happen in the closing years of this century and early next when the SAR emerges. There is already growing popular belief that, for financial and social reasons, some elderly people are going back to China for their retirement. However, evidence from a survey of 419 noninstitutionalized respondents found relatively few expressing a desire or willingness to retire to China. This article concludes with a discussion of why this may be so. A major reason may be that, with the increasing ease of visits between Hong Kong and China, Hong Kong elderly people might feel more comfortable with alternately living in China and Hong Kong instead of taking the bold decision of permanently living in China.  相似文献   

香港与新加坡及相关区域经济整合研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
改革开放30年来,随着广东经济层次的提高和对外经贸合作的升级,粤港、粤新之间传统的经贸合作模式难以继续维系。基于全球化和区域经济整合理论,本文在剖析粤、港、新经济发展和格局演变的基础上,提出了新时期粤港、粤新差异化经济整合模式、整合机制及主体内容,并进一步阐述广东在粤港新经贸合作中的优势及发展策略。  相似文献   

Underneath a veneer of racial harmony and acceptance, racial discrimination is widespread at many different levels of life in Hong Kong, the so-called ‘global city’. For decades, some minority communities have lived with subtle but institutionalized and cultural discrimination permeating their existence. In recent years, social exclusion has been one of the important themes in policy debates in Hong Kong. It is increasingly recognized that there is a close relation between ‘ethnicity’ and ‘social exclusion’. According to our research on the life situation of the South Asian minority in Hong Kong, experiences of exclusion are common. This paper focuses on investigating dress as a form of cultural exclusion among Pakistani women in Hong Kong and how mainstream society constrains the bodies of its members through dress.  相似文献   

Definitions of child abuse are culturally driven. Hong Kong, with a predominantly Chinese population, has managed to eradicate much of the societal abuse that children suffer elsewhere in Asia. Professional and government attention has now shifted to child abuse and neglect within the family. The paper, based on interviews with key professionals. analysis of policy documents and practice records examines traditional Chinese parent-child relationships. the status of parental authority and corporal punishment and changes in contemporary Hong Kong family life. It goes on to outline the development of responses to child abuse in Hong Kong, some of the dilemmas that professionals face in defining abuse and areas for future research.  相似文献   

This study examines the formation of Hong Kong identity and its cultural articulation in Chinese identity in the post-handover years. Surveys of Hong Kong identity conducted between 1996 and 2016 demonstrate a set of interlinked yet contradictory findings: (i) the coexistence of both cultural pride in and resistance to cultural icons that represent the Chinese state; (ii) weakening correlations between China and Hong Kong regarding cultural affiliation; and (iii) the growing significance of cultural resistance to China by people who love Hong Kong. The survey results indicate the prevalence of an ambivalent identity in post-handover Hong Kong with regard to the coexistence of opposing attitudes toward Chinese identity. These results provide evidence of the complex cultural bonding between China and Hong Kong in the development of the China–Hong Kong relationship since the handover in 1997.  相似文献   

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