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上海国际文化大都市建设仍存在一些基础性、结构性的问题有待解决.在文化生产领域,文化投入和文化管理、文化设施和文化品牌等方面需要进一步改善;在文化生活领域,文化多样性和文化活力、文化参与和文化教育需要进一步加强;在文化生态领域,民族气质和地方特色,文化产业政策制定的科学性、有效性、针对性和执行效率方面需要进一步强化和规范.  相似文献   

“十二五”是上海城市转型发展的关键时期,上海迫切需要以新的理念和新的思路加快国际文化大都市建设。文化建设的内容主要包括社会主义核心价值体系、公共文化服务体系、文化及创意产业体系等。在此基础上,上海应积极营造有利于文化发展的综合环境,并提出构建国际文化大都市的具体目标和重点任务。  相似文献   

乡村文化的发展与振兴是乡村振兴战略的灵魂所在,应充分认识乡村文化振兴的价值意蕴。乡村文化振兴是乡村振兴的题中应有之意,是消除农民精神贫困的必然要求,也是推动城乡文化平衡发展的有力举措。一些地区乡村文化发展生动力不足的,公共文化设施建设滞后,人民文化生活空心化现象严重;因此,要针对现实问题创新解决措施:鼓励发展具有本土特色的文化创意设计,注重乡村公共文化设施建设,传承并创造性发展乡村优秀文化,可保障乡村文化建设有效实施,全面推进乡村振兴。  相似文献   

“十二五”期间,上海在促进文化消费、发展文化产业,建设国际文化大都市方面做出许多努力和有益尝试.面向“十三五”,上海文化消费仍有巨大提升空间:一是加强公共文化服务,向国际文化大都市标准靠拢;二是进一步雅动文化体制改革,推动文化产业发展;三是加强国际旅游强市建设,注重上海形象的塑造;四是加快城市文化消费空间打造;五是注重文化消费主体的阶层化特征,培育健康向上消费理念.  相似文献   

纽约、伦敦、巴黎等国际大都市皆重视发挥文化在提升城市软实力中的作用,以文化赋能城市发展。对标顶级国际大都市,上海的城市软实力仍存在较大的提升空间,应深入践行人民城市重要理念,以提升文化软实力为重要抓手,将上海打造成令人心生向往、近悦远来的社会主义国际文化大都市。  相似文献   

近年来,我国很多城市在追求"国际化大都市"的热潮中,对国际大都市要追求什么的认识存在着一些片面的、错误的认识:一是每年一度的城市竞争力排序,把城市"硬实力"作为城市的"核心竞争力";二是对国际大都市文化建设的认识,还缺乏"文化精神"的意识,缺乏对"文化精神"境界的追求。国际大都市应追求什么?国际大都市的核心竞争力是什么?本文认为,文化精神是国际大都市的吸引力、凝聚力和发展的"软实力",文化精神是国际大都市的核心竞争力。  相似文献   

物质的世界每天在发生着变化,作为文化传播等意识形态的存在也无时不刻改变。培养具有国际意识、通晓国际规则,能够在国际市场上竞争并取得成功的国际人才,是一项国家战略;为中华优秀文化传承和经济转型升级奠定国际人才基础,是当前高校教育改革和发展面临的一个突出问题。如何提高人才培养质量,培养国际通用型人才涉及包括教学目标、教学方式、课程选择、师资力量、质量评价等各个方面,特别是文化传播领域的国际人才培养,更应先行一步,勇于探索、积极实践。  相似文献   

彭劲松  柯昌波 《城市》2016,(6):36-43
打造国际著名旅游目的地,提升重庆旅游国际化服务功能,有利于促进重庆国家级中心城市建设.通过构建综合指数分析得出,重庆打造国际著名旅游目的地具有一定的条件基础,也存在着差距和不足.笔者提出打造高知名度会展节庆活动体系、完善高尚友好的旅游服务设施、完善高效快捷的旅游进入设施和加强城市文化形象营销传播等对策,以促进重庆国际著名旅游目的地建设.  相似文献   

沙特阿拉伯王国于今年1月23~28日在首都利雅得隆重举行建国百周年庆典.应沙特百年庆典秘书处的邀请,笔者有幸与其他8位国内高校和社会科学院的学者赴沙特出席了这次庆典活动.庆典活动的内容非常丰富,除举办规模盛大的国际学术讨论会外,还安排了许多访问活动,如参观历史遗迹、文化设施、文  相似文献   

边庆良  肖煜  张萌 《城市》2012,(11):65-68
党的十七届六中全会提出"坚持中国特色社会主义文化发展道路,深化文化体制改革,推动社会主义文化大发展大繁荣"的战略方针以来,越来越多的城市开始注重城市文化品位的建设。文化设施作为宣传地方文化、民族文化、都市文化的关键场所,越来越引起地方领导的重视,文化设施建设的步伐也在不断的加快。北京、上海、天津、广州、深圳等一些特大城市,为提升城市的文化品位,相继建成了一批大型标志性文化设  相似文献   

文化是一个城市的竞争力和软实力的重要决定性因素,而文化多样性对于城市尤其是国际化大都市的持续发展来说意义重大,是国际化大都市持续发展的活力源泉和魅力体现。在比较和借鉴伦敦、纽约、香港等大都市的多样性文化战略的基础上,重点分析上海自身的文化优势、不足和潜力,求索方案和建议,以打造上海作为国际文化大都市的发展战略,同时前瞻性地反思在发展文化多样性中应注意的平衡关系。  相似文献   

何雪松 《科学发展》2016,(12):112-118
为了形成一个具有弹性的、可持续发展的全球城市社会架构,迈向2050年的上海需要在社会治理、社会政策与文化融合等方面作出前瞻性的战略思考.而"活力、仁爱、包容、和谐"将成为迈向2050年的上海的全球城市愿景.上海作为一个全球城市,其社会治理架构的核心要素应是开放、流动、多元、参与,这是文化融合与社会和谐的出发点.  相似文献   

上海对外文化贸易持续发展,实现了贸易顺差,但对外文化贸易总量仍然较少,对外文化贸易结构性矛盾仍很突出,存在着贸易范围不够广、产品特色不明显、企业经营限制多等问题。上海自贸试验区在文化服务开放上的改革方案也呈现出"摸着石头过河"多于"顶层设计"、经济考量多于文化开放战略考量的问题。因此,上海只有扩大文化开放水平,支持文化企业到境外开拓市场,引进有利于我国文化发展的人才、技术、经营管理经验,抓住"自贸区"机遇,制定上海自贸试验区文化服务进一步扩大开放的路线图,才能真正提高文化繁荣程度,增强文化自信,更好地保障我国的文化安全。  相似文献   

赵继敏 《城市观察》2011,(5):118-123
随着时代的变迁,经济社会的发展,世界城市的概念和评价标准有所变化。早期世界城市是指世界的政治、商业和文化中心。20世纪60年代以后,随着跨国公司的崛起和新国际劳动分工的确立,世界城市是指跨国公司总部聚集地和全球金融中心。21世纪之后,随着文化经济的崛起和人们对消费在城市经济中的重要性的再认识,世界城市有了新的内涵,正在从单纯的经济中心,转变为集聚科技、文化、娱乐、教育和医疗等多种高端才人的中心。北京建设世界城市不仅仅是发展金融业和总部经济,而是要从多方面入手,建设富有活力、利于创新、适宜居住的现代化国际都市。  相似文献   


The island of Bali has been inextricably bound up with the tourism industry. This article examines the dynamic Balinese cultural identity and its ever changing relationship with tourism in the age of globalism through the analysis of a case study: the construction of the Garuda Wisnu Kencana Cultural Park (between 1993–2018), containing an enormous statue of the Hindu God Wisnu mounting the magical bird Garuda. The park and statue can be seen as a new cultural landmark for the Indonesian nation and for the Balinese tourism industry. However, the case study of the park also shows how Bali has changed its role within the Indonesian archipelago since the fall of the Suharto regime in 1998 while dealing with new challenges of global tourism. Representations of a Balinese cultural identity have evolved from national, top-down level constructions of ‘cultural tourism’ into a global tourist destination through hosting international events at the park.  相似文献   

This article, which is part of a broader attempt to construct a ‘Baedeker’ to IR's cultural journey, contributes to the contested debated on the (ir)relevance of cultural diversity to the study of international relations by providing a picture of where we come from, of where we are now situated and of some of the suggestions as to where we should be going in order not to get lost in this almost uncharted landscape. The first main section discusses why questions pertaining to cultural diversity traditionally have held a surprisingly marginal position within IR and shows how IR before the Cultural Turn was more ‘culture-blind’ than ‘cultureblank’. The second main section turns attention to IR during the Cultural Turn and examines how two influential bids for a culturalist alternative have been better at posing good questions than providing attractive answers, placing IR's cultural journey in a ‘blind-blinded stalemate’. Against this background, the last main section asks where the cultural journey should head after the Cultural Turn and identifies and evaluates four different suggestions for ‘routes’ to proceed by. While they may be at variance when it comes to the specific direction suggested, they all represent attempts to set a course between the culture-blind Scylla and the culture-blinded Charybdis, and indicate in this way that it would be premature to let the problems associated with the Cultural Turn lead to an expulsion of questions relating to cultural diversity from the IR agenda.  相似文献   

Cultural competence has long been valued in home visitation, with a special focus on adapting home visiting programs to maximize their effects on specific cultures and populations. Critics advocate that traditional cultural competence training focusing on individual, professional skills-building should be replaced by cultural humility approaches that focus on humble engagement of participants. Little is known about how home visiting programs serving broadly diverse populations experience cultural competence and/or cultural humility efforts and initiatives on the ground. Interviews approximately 90−120 min in length were conducted with 34 home visiting program administrators in a large Midwestern state. Interviews were audio-recorded, transcribed, coded thematically, and subjected to content analysis. Two themes were identified from interviews. Respondents emphasized that: 1) cultural competency training was required by home visiting program models, so cultural competency questions were always addressed in home visitation, especially in training for new home visitors; and 2) cultural competence also included many aspects of cultural humility, commitment to continuous self-evaluation and self-reflection on cultural encounters that identified cultural knowledge gaps and sought more information. Respondents did not see cultural competency and cultural humility as oppositional and saw both concepts as important for engaging participants in home visitation.  相似文献   

Supportive housing schemes were historically aimed to provide group accommodation for older adults. With the aging of residents, facilities were required to enable them to receive care services in order to allow them to age in place. Thus, different countries and different facilities developed different models of housing with care, reflecting cultural and policy diversities. Despite all of the different models, there are many commonalities among the supportive housing schemes across countries. These include provision of dwelling units and care services provided by either the facility or by external agencies. The aims of this article are threefold: to describe the historical development of the ever-evolving supportive care housing phenomena; to point at variations in models of housing and care within the international context; and to present a new Israeli model that enables residents to privately hire live-in care workers to meet their care needs. This is a unique model in the international context that has not been reported before. The article describes the main ideas of the new model and discusses the challenges that it raises and pinpoints the unresolved issues associated with the presence of live-in care workers employed by residents of sheltered housing that should be addressed.  相似文献   

We examine the effects of immigrants and cultural distance on US state-level exports, placing emphasis on the extent to which immigrants may offset the influence of cultural distance with respect to the initiation and intensification of exports. Our findings suggest that greater cultural differences between the US and immigrants’ home countries reduce both the likelihood that exporting occurs and, when exporting is taking place, the level of exports. Immigrants are found to exert pro-export effects that offset, at least partially, the trade-inhibiting effects of cultural distance. The estimated effects of both cultural distance and immigrants are found to be greater when the level of exports is examined as compared to when the likelihood that exporting occurs is considered; however, significant variation in the export-initiation and intensification effects of immigrants and cultural distance is reported across states.  相似文献   

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