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王克忠 《科学发展》2016,(2):106-112
在深化我国养老保险制度改革方面,应建立健全全国统一的城乡居民基本养老保险制度;建立健全个人账户制度,发展企业年金和职业年金,发挥商业保险的补充作用;适当降低费率,渐进式延迟退休年龄,实行多缴多得的原则;增加财政对社会保障的投入,通过立法建立社会保障基金;强化社会建设,做好以社保卡为核心的信息共享的居民档案.  相似文献   

刘济萍 《职业》2011,(30):127-128
兵团职工基本养老保险制度从1986年起经过20多年的运行和发展,企业职工基本养老保险从师级统筹发展到兵团级统筹,其中缴费基数直接关系着企业及个人的切身利益。由于劳动制度改革和工资分配制度的改革不断深入,企业用工形式多样化,职工收入形式多样化,给缴费基数确认的准确性、真实性造成了一定的困难,导致在征缴管理上存在着少缴、漏缴基本养老保险金现象。主要表现在缴费基数申报不实上。  相似文献   

国务院作出《关于完善企业职工基本养老保险制度的决定》针对企业职工基本养老保险制度还存在个人账户没有做实、计发办法不尽合理、覆盖范围不够广泛等问题,国务院于2005年12月3日下发了《关于完善企业职工基本养老保险制度的决定》(国发[2005]38号)。现将主要内容摘录如下:一、完善企业职工基本养老保险制度的主要任务是:确保基本养老金按时足额发放,保障离退休人员基本生活;逐步做实个人账户,完善社会统筹与个人账户相结合的基本制度;统一城镇个体工商户和灵活就业人员参保缴费政策,扩大覆盖范围;改革基本养老金计发办法,建立参保缴费的…  相似文献   

正四大因素影响你到手养老金养老保险新政策出炉后,很多地方已经不允许农村居民一次性补缴社保了,养老保险未缴满15年的应及早补缴,以免退休后不能领取养老金。那么,哪些因素会影响你拿到手的养老金呢?上年度社会职工平均工资:主要影响的是基础养老金。一般情况下,经济发展水平高的地方,社会职工平均工资就高,基础养老金水平和退休  相似文献   

当前,我国的养老保险已经实现了制度上的全覆盖,但不同人群待遇差别较大。这种差别是如何形成的,怎样才能弥合?随着改革开放的逐步推进,从1985年起(少数地区从1984年起),各地纷纷开展了重建养老保险社会统筹制度的试点。1991年,国务院颁布了《关于企业职工养老保险制度改革的决定》,在全国建立养老保险社会统筹制度。由此,逐步形成了养老金的“双轨制”。  相似文献   

1月下旬,人力资源和社会保障部(下称"人社部")新闻发言人尹成基在接受国内有关媒体采访时称,国务院要求5个试点省份今年正式启动事业单位养老金改革。尹成基表示,为了实现企业与机关事业单位之间制度能够衔接,事业单位养老保险制度改革与企业基本一致。改革背景:财政不堪重负此次中央下决心推动事业单位养老保险制度的改革,其中一个重  相似文献   

中国城镇职工养老保险制度的改革取得了重大成就,为退休人员提供了基本生活保障。但是随着改革的不断深化,其社会统筹制度计发方式中存在的问题不断显现且影响日益加深。本文提出现有计发方式中存在的5个显著问题,包括确定计发工资基数的年限量度过短、最低缴费年限过低、缴费年限工资比重同一化、计发工资与缴费工资差异显著和养老金待遇调整机制不合理。本文在借鉴国际经验的基础上,对优化计发方式、实现社会统筹制度可持续发展提出了政策建议。  相似文献   

据悉,山西省将扩大基本养老保险覆盖面,建立企业退休人员基本养老金正常调整机制,实现城镇居民养老保险和新型农村社会养老保险制度全覆盖。  相似文献   

海林 《老年世界》2011,(22):28-28
美国是世界上建立养老保险制度较早的国家之一。早在20世纪30年代,美国政府便认识到多支柱的养老保障体系对于保持社会稳定的作用,并使用立法手段规定雇主要为其雇员建立私营退休金制度。与此同时,积极发展和鼓励个人养老储蓄,作为基本养老保险的补充,为雇主养老金和个人账户的发展做了有效的引导。  相似文献   

由于俄罗斯严重的人口危机和老龄化发展趋势,养老金问题与养老保险制度改革问题已经成为俄罗斯经济、社会改革的难点和重点,同时也是俄罗斯政府多年来一直花大力气想加以解决的问题,但是这一过程中却并非一帆风顺、始如人意。普京上台后便开始推行一系列改革,其中首先进行的是养老金改革和税制改革。  相似文献   

Based on a field study conducted in August 1993 by the author, this article discusses the experimental program of old-age insurance in rural areas of China. The achievements made so far, the feasibility of old-age insurance in rural areas, and the problems encountered by the program are discussed. Policy recommendations regarding maintenance of the value of the premium, legislation, management of the program, and continuation of the family support system are proposed. It is emphasized that China urgently needs to establish a universal old-age insurance program and other social support services for the elderly. This would be ain to building a new Great Wall to help solve the serious problems of againg, reverse the trend to a high male-to-female sex ratio at birth, and further reduce fertility levels in less developed areas.  相似文献   

Based on a field study conducted in August 1993 by the author, this article discusses the experimental program of old-age insurance in rural areas of China. The achievements made so far, the feasibility of old-age insurance in rural areas, and the problems encountered by the program are discussed. Policy recommendations regarding maintenance of the value of the premium, legislation, management of the program, and continuation of the family support system are proposed. It is emphasized that China urgently needs to establish a universal old-age insurance program and other social support services for the elderly. This would be akin to building a new Great Wall to help solve the serious problems of aging, reverse the trend of a high male-to-female sex ratio at birth, and further reduce fertility levels in less developed rural areas.  相似文献   

养老保险双轨制所带来的生存保障利益分配不公、制度衔接不畅、财政负担过重等问题已不再能够满足市场经济发展与老龄化进程加快背景下事业单位职工需求。长远来看,借鉴国外养老保险相关制度设计,建立以统账结合模式为主,辅之以职业年金设立是消解事业单位养老保险立法困境的最优路径选择。  相似文献   

李雪  陈元刚 《科学发展》2010,(12):71-84
实现基本养老保险全国统筹是我国养老保险制度的内在要求,也是我国养老保障体制改革的发展方向和必然趋势。在目前各区域差异明显和业已形成的地方利已主义行为,已严重阻碍了基本养老保险统筹层次的提高。本文针对各区域间差距的情况,设计出基本养老金计发方案,以减少基本养老保险实现全国统筹的障碍与阻力;针对各主体利益行为,设计出“统帐全分,分开管理”的基本养老保险全国统筹模式,以划清中央与地方的权利与责任范围;针对各种方案实施阻力大小,给出最优方案选择。以期为我国基本养老保险尽快实现全国统筹提供对策参考。  相似文献   

The 2001 pension reform act (“Riester reform”) has recast old-age security in Germany by placing more emphasis on private provisions. The new policy draws on markets and competitive structures in social welfare, as done earlier in long-term care and in public utilities. In the social welfare sector in Germany, such privatisation mostly goes hand in hand with a far-reaching “social” regulation of markets. Old-age pensions are the most recent case in point. For the first time, financial markets figure as welfare markets. This is done in the politically most sensitive sector of the German welfare state, old-age security. In theoretical terms, we interpret the change as a structural transformation of German “social capitalism”. Empirically, we investigate the structure of the new welfare market and the attitudes of the providers, based on a survey of all providers of private pensions in Germany. The findings include: (1) Markets can produce the welfare good “income security in old-age” only by way of a complex arrangement of three markets – financial markets, pension markets and markets for financial consultancy services. (2) The pension reform of 2001 has given rise to a new welfare market: an old-age pension market as a distinct sub sector of the wider market for financial investment and saving. The pension market constitutes a new field of business, with new actors, new products and new arenas of competition. The new market is created and shaped by politics. (3) The new private pension market combines market principles with welfare state principles. The providers conceive of their business as contributing to social security, and they recognise that the state sustains and structures the market.  相似文献   

李志明 《社会学研究》2012,(4):221-240,246
伴随着现代社会保障制度的改革与发展,社会保险权的发展轨迹也愈加清晰:从德国《1881年帝国诏书》中面向劳工阶级的"书面性"权利,到美国1935年《社会保障法案》中"较为丰满"的法定权利,再到1942年《贝弗里奇报告》描画的国民普享式社会权利,并经受住了20世纪70年代末以来"新保守主义及其政策导向的考验",经历了从工业公民资格到社会公民资格的螺旋式演进。在这个过程中,社会保险制度呈现出的全民化、福利化和私营化趋向,已经、正在、未来必将继续影响社会保险权的发展。  相似文献   

The basic concept of social security is not new in India. Traditionally, a sort of moral economy existed to provide security to older destitute and other vulnerable groups in society. However, gradually, traditional support systems are disappearing, and state-based social security systems have come into existence. Under standardized economic security policies, government is covering retirement benefits for those in the organized sector; economic security benefits for those in the unorganized sector; and old-age pension for rural elderly. These are contributory as well as non-contributory programs. Besides life insurance approaches, savings-linked insurance and Annapurna (food security) are other important programs. However, in terms of coverage, program quality and effectiveness have been largely criticized by social security experts, suggesting immediate reforms to old-age programs.  相似文献   

The aging population of Japan is causing serious concern among social policymakers. The most urgent issue is to find a way to pay for the health and social care of the frail elderly. After universal coverage of pension and health insurance was achieved, but just before the economic growth rate was considerably slowed, in part, because of the oil crisis, the Japanese government more than doubled pension benefits and made medical care for the elderly free. Since the early 1980s, the government has tried hard to cut and control these benefits, only with moderate success. With a consumption tax rate of only 5%, rather than the proposed 7%, the government is now considering establishing a new health and social care insurance scheme for the elderly to finance the increasing cost of their care.  相似文献   

The aging population of Japan is causing serious concern among social policymakers. The most urgent issue is to find a way to pay for the health and social care of the frail elderly. After universal coverage of pension and health insurance was achieved, but just before the economic growth rate was considerably slowed, in part, because of the oil crisis, the Japanese government more than doubled pension benefits and made medical care for the elderly free. Since the early 1980s, the government has tried hard to cut and control these benefits, only with moderate success. With a consumption tax rate of only 5%, rather than the proposed 7%, the government is now considering establishing a new health and social care insurance scheme for the elderly to finance the increasing cost of their care.  相似文献   

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